
Guert flashed into the battle circle, pulled his hands, and pulled Julie and the other person out. Then, he stretched out his fingers and tapped each of Siying, and the four of them groaned , stopped the body that was spinning at high speed, and stared at the front with wide eyes, apparently still not understanding what happened.

Guert showed his figure and said with a smile: "My bodyguards, why did you come here to play..."

The four shadows shouted in surprise at the same time, and said in unison: "Guert!"

Guert turned to look at He Fu's injury, and didn't care about the seven pairs of astonished eyes. While inputting He Fu's Heart Sutra, he said, "Why? Is it so strange to see me?"

The shrill voice from the Four Shadows sounded again alone, saying, "No, no, it's really a surprise that you can show up. Miss Yong will be very happy!"

Guert put away the Heart Sutra of Heaven Jue, stood up, walked towards the person whom he didn't know the nearest, and said as he walked, "Really? Sister Yong misses me so much... Hey! Don't you want to be treated?"

The first half of the sentence was naturally addressed to Siying, and the second half of the sentence was addressed to the Guangming class except for He Fu and Julie. Seeing that Guerte was going to treat him, he took the initiative to move away from him. Obviously he didn't want Gurt to treat him.

The man snorted coldly and said: "As a cultivator of the Guangming rank, I will never accept the treatment of wanted criminals!"

Guert shrugged and said, "Whatever you want!" He stood up and walked towards Julie, but he looked at him carefully as he walked, obviously such a rigid person is really rare.

Walking to Julie's side, Julie's eyes were full of excitement, and she said, "It's great that you're still alive!"

Guert had already sensed that this cultivator seemed to be full of some kind of special emotion towards him, and he didn't want to provoke him, so he smiled lightly and said, "Thank you!"

As he spoke, he lightly patted her shoulder with his hand, and his Qi quickly passed over her meridians, knowing that she was fine except for expending too much energy, so he didn't say much, stood up and turned his head to Dark Step Four. Ying said: "What? Seeing me here, do you still want to do something?"

An embarrassing expression appeared on the face of Dark Step Siying, and the spokesperson of Siying said: "No, I want to ask if you have anything to say to Ms. Yong? We are afraid that Ms. Yong will ask..."

Guert snorted, thought for a while, and said, "Tell her that the war agreement continues, and the conditions remain the same." After a pause, he said again: "By the way, I have to thank her and tell her that I owe her A favor."

Dark Step Four Shadows nodded happily, bowed respectfully, and flew away.

Guert didn't quite understand why Four Shadows respected him so much.

In fact, he didn't know that his many performances had already won him respect from many aspects, especially his stronger strength each time, and his wanton and bold style of acting, so that more and more practitioners began to pay attention to him.

After all, this is an era where the strong are respected.

Guert turned his head to look at He Fu and the others and said, "Okay, go back and inform Feng Qi that the general attack of the dark order is about to start, let him get ready!"

He Fu nodded, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Aren't you going to defend against the dark attack with us?"

The old-fashioned Guangming-level cultivator immediately snorted coldly, obviously expressing dissatisfaction with He Fu's behavior.

Julie beamed, obviously hoping that Gourd would agree.

A smile emerged from the corner of Guert's mouth, and he said, "Do you want me to finish the fight for you again, and then be caught by you? I, the most wanted criminal of the Guangming class, do not make trouble for your Guangming class at this time, and I am worthy of you!"

After finishing speaking, his body swept away, and the person had disappeared, leaving the three of them staring blankly, obviously recalling the scene of shooting the moon sky.

Guert flew all the way, passing many resting places of dark steps, but he didn't intend to have more contact with them, but just followed the route he had recorded towards Sheyuetian.

His mind was full of ups and downs, and there was a question that was always pressed in his heart, but he never asked it. That is, since Feng Qi is the supreme commander of the Guangming rank at this time, doesn't he even cancel his authority as the most wanted criminal?

It seemed that he personally issued the arrest warrant for the wanted criminal.

This is completely inconsistent with his behavior of defending himself back then.

I don't know if Feng Qi at this time is still the Feng Qi I met back then in the human world...

Because of this, he was even more afraid to ask clearly in person.

Guert sighed secretly in his heart, forget it, let them fight, the light class is not that weak.

At the entrance of the Congealing Sky Passage in front, there are all black clothes of dark steps, densely covering the entire area. He just passed through with a headache, when suddenly the people in black clothes below started to flow like a tide, and automatically dodged to both sides , make way.

Guert smiled slightly, knowing that this must have been arranged by Yong Liansi, he waved his hand, unfolded his figure, and swept past, his figure passed through the passage area with lightning, and disappeared at the entrance of the passage in an instant.

In the distance, Yong Liansi was watching Guerte's disappearing back with a smile, and there were five people standing behind him, besides Yue Zongren, Yan Buqing, and Lei Yu, there were two other people.

Yan Buqing was puzzled and said: "Why did you let him go instead of solving him here? He caused us a lot of trouble!"

Yong Liansi looked at him and said: "Even in the dark steps, have you ever seen a second person who can absorb the breath of the black dragon you summoned and then emit it?"

Yan Buqing hurriedly shook her head and said no.

Yong Liansi turned his eyes to the distance, his eyes were long and quiet, and said: "I am looking forward to when his dark talent will be triggered..."

On Freedom Day, the news that Guert was seriously injured and disappeared on the Moon Shooting Day has already spread here.

In the recent period of time, Guert has become the center of the topic without hesitation, and everyone is thinking about him.

The funnel on the wanton state is still hanging, but the falling of the sand has become extremely slow, which is obviously done by Yong Liansi on purpose.

Two months ago, Tianxiaogu launched a big attack on a certain place in Freedom, and no one knew the result.

But this attack happened at the same time as the attack on Gurt on Shooting Moon Sky, and Tianxiaogu rarely sent people to take action. This attack by Free Sky must also have something to do with Gurt. Everyone still remembers Gurt There is a family of wretched men behind the special, so the rumors all believe that Tianxiaogu wants to completely eradicate this family.

As soon as Guert entered Freedom, he immediately came to their secret stronghold.

The house here was already dilapidated, and there were obvious signs of fighting on the ground. He hurriedly put on Uncle Brand's face, and started to inquire. Sure enough, Tianxiaogu also launched an attack here.

With a dark hatred in his heart, he flew directly from the street and plundered the underground base of Tianxiao Valley outside the state. Situ Tang once said that there was already an underground base here when it was established. Tianxiao Valley should not be so simple. abandoned.

They skimmed to the grove, but before they entered, there were shouts from inside.

Guert snorted coldly, knowing that they had arranged guards here, and with a flash of soft light dance, he had already entered the forest, circled behind the two guards, clapped his palms, and directly entered the Heart Sutra of Heaven's End, cutting off their power. Meridians. The two fell to the ground with a "puff", unable to move.

Guert looked around and saw that there were no other people, so he stepped on one of them and said coldly: "I'll ask, you answer, whoever answers quickly and more will live."

Both of them thought they had seen a ghost at first, but when they saw someone flying over, they disappeared in the blink of an eye, but they fell to the ground. At this moment, they heard Guert speak, and then they knew that they had really encountered a master, and they were busy. Tremblingly, he said, "Excuse me."

"Are you from Tianxiao Valley?"

The two shouted almost simultaneously: "Yes!"

"How many people are there?"

The two looked at each other, and one said: "Ten."

The other person took a step back and quickly added: "There were fifteen more yesterday, and five of them went back today."

Guert nodded in satisfaction and asked, "Are you the one who caught Guert?"

The two were startled, but neither spoke.

With a touch of Guert's hand, one of the meridians of the two of them was cut off again, and they said sharply at the same time: "Answer honestly!"

The two groaned in pain, and one of them finally said, "No...no!"

The other person hurriedly followed suit.

Goult continued: "Tell me about your attack on Liberty Day that day!"

The two didn't dare to hesitate any longer this time, you told me the situation at that time.

It was only then that Guert realized that Tianxiao Valley was divided into two groups at the time, and they listed Guert as a special person, so they sent Tianxiao lore to deal with it, and the rest of them came to Liberty Sky together to destroy them The stronghold, fought against Hao Se, Situ Tang and Ye Jiyan.

But the strange thing is that they can't remember the following things clearly. They only know the next memory, that is, all the people in that room have disappeared, and they have no choice but to come back dejected.

Guert knew that Yan Yiyi must have made the move.

Yiyi didn't want anyone to remember her, so she used the "Forgetting Heart Art" to erase their memories, but where are they now?

Seeing that Guerte hadn't spoken for a long time, the two hurriedly begged for mercy. Guert snorted coldly, retracted his foot, and flicked his hand.

Although Guert killed the people in Tianxiaogu without hesitation, he couldn't help being shocked when he saw his life disappear so easily. He knew that if this Heart Sutra of Heaven's End was used to kill people, it might be worse than his voiceless spirit blade. fast! Moreover, there is no blood at all, and people who don't know how to do it may not even be able to see the cause of death.

He turned around and walked towards the big tree. Guards were sent here, it must be because the passage here has not been repaired, but even if it is repaired, Guert will shake it away again!

Sure enough, the passage in the woods opened again with just a flick of a finger, and he slid down the slide.

Before it landed, he heard a startled cry, he knew that Tianxiaogu had indeed strengthened the guard here.

However, he is not the same Guert who came last time. He snorted coldly, clasped his fingers lightly, and his figure flashed. Penetrating everywhere, destroying the meridian center of the entire person, almost killing him with one blow.

The people in the passage heard the cries here, and rushed over one after another.

These people have all been trained and know Guert, and one of them shouted: "Guert! You still have the guts to come... ah!"

Guert is most annoyed by this kind of talkative person. Before he finished speaking, he stepped forward for a while. The four or five people behind saw this scene, and they were all terrified. No one knew how the person in front died. !

Guert thought of the assassination of Tianxiao Zheshou against him, and they alarmed Yan Yiyi's retreat, and his stomach was full of anger, his body flashed with lightning, and almost every time he took a shot, someone fell down.

Finally, after killing nine people in a row, only one person remained.

The man had already collapsed on the ground like a pile of mud, his face was full of fear, his eyes widened, and he shouted: "Devil, devil! You are a devil!"

Guert looked at him coldly, and said: "Go back and tell you Valley Masters that those who provoke me will end badly! Today we will destroy your place, and next time we will destroy Tianxiao Valley! Hmph!"

After speaking, he turned around and left.

A shocking news immediately spread in Liberty Sky—Guert returned, and immediately after he came back, he used thunderous means to destroy the branch of Tianxiao Valley in Liberty Sky.

According to the rumors, Guert's cultivation base is portrayed superbly, especially the finger skills used in the free sky branch of Shatianxiaogu, which has been specially named "Luanqiuzhi".

Gould once again made a name for himself.

As time passed, Gurt became more and more anxious.

He took the initiative to release this news, obviously to let Hao Se and others know that he has returned, so that they can come to contact.

Three days have passed, and the bright and dark ranks fought again in Ningxu Tian, but there is still no news from Hao Se and the others.

This is so abnormal.

Guert was squatting in the teahouse of Free Day in the form of Brand, listening to the rumors from all sides, at this moment, he suddenly heard a person say: "Do you remember the oiran Feng Luoshang who came last time? I heard that she is going to come to our Freedom Day again recently, it's very lively now!"

All the people nearby joined in the fun and laughed, apparently discussing who could kiss Fangze, but it had another effect in Guert's ears.

He stood up and walked out of the teahouse, cursing himself for being stupid enough.

The news from Freedom Day can be said to spread in all directions, and the only place that can block the news from Freedom Day in experience is Huanxitian, where the control is very strict, and people who are not from the Tao of Huanxi are generally not allowed to enter, so all kinds of news are also strictly controlled However, if Hao Se and the others are hiding in Huanxitian, it is indeed unlikely that they will know their news.

But what are they doing there?

Could it be to enter the Palace of Joy and steal the root mantra of King Ming?

Thinking of this thing being on him at this moment, he couldn't help but secretly distressed, why didn't he have a single word of the Fudo Myoki mantra that he needed most?

He got up, and was about to go to Huanxitian immediately. The streets of Wanwanzhou were still crowded with people, and Gurt didn't feel uncomfortable being crowded inside. On the contrary, he felt extremely safe.

At this moment, an old man suddenly appeared in front of him, with a gray beard and hair, a spacious robe, and a fairy-like appearance. Although his body was short, no one felt it. A small piece of open space was given up on the crowded street.

Guert also felt strange, when did this old man come out? Unexpectedly, there was no sense at all, even if the distance in the crowd was only a few meters at this time, he still couldn't feel any power fluctuations on his body.

He knew that the old man was not easy to mess with, and was about to walk by, when suddenly the old man turned his head and his eyes were fixed on him.

Guert was shocked all over, only feeling a powerful force lock himself, he knew that the old man should be coming for him.

Sure enough, the old man spoke up and said, "Guert..."

The people around didn't seem to hear anything, they were still curiously looking at the old man and Guert who was staring at him.

Guert sighed secretly, knowing that there was no point in concealing it. When his blue mark encountered a super-level expert, he could see through it at a glance, so he pretended to be relaxed and said, "Who are you?"

The old man frowned slightly, with a light beard, and said, "Do you know what big mistake you made?"

Guert was secretly startled, the tone of this person seemed to be different from those who came to trouble him, thought carefully about his recent actions, and thought to himself: Could it be that he knew that he had the King Ming Root Curse hidden on him?

He then shook his head to express his ignorance.

The old man said: "Tianxiao Valley, do you know where Tianxiao Valley is?"

Guert understood in his heart, raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you from Tianxiaogu?"

The old man shook his head and said, "My name is Fayol, and I am the chief law enforcement officer of the Nine Arts Joint Law Enforcement Supervision Committee."

Guert was stunned, and said: "Jiuyi? Could it be that Tianxiaogu is also from Jiuyi?"

Fayol shook his head again, and said, "No, Tianxiao Valley is not Jiuyi, but three of the Nine Arts are in Tianxiao Valley."

Guert snorted coldly and said, "They were the ones who provoked me first. If it wasn't for them, how could I have been injured so badly?"

Fayol looked at him, his deep blue eyes shot infinite brilliance, and said: "They didn't touch you first, they just captured your people, but they didn't do anything, but you..."

Guert was stunned, and suddenly understood why the owner of Tianxiao Valley didn't directly touch him, this insidious guy!

Fayol continued: "In Tianjue Valley, you killed the first governor of Tianyuanya, Du Youqiu, which is also a crime."

Guert curled his lips and said: "I didn't kill this, it was Tianjue's hand, and I was only responsible for carrying it out. That man killed so many disciples of Tianjuegu, so letting him die is still cheap for him."

Fayol took a deep look at him with blue eyes, nodded and said: "So now, on behalf of Jiuyi, I formally invite you to attend the Jiuyi party as a representative of Tianjue Valley . One hundred and sixty years after being qualified to participate in the conference, I am honored to participate again, I hope you can participate on time and cherish it."

Guert was stunned, no wonder Uncle Leng was so excited when he saw that he had inherited Tianjue Xin, and it was no wonder Du Youchou was so presumptuous towards Tianjuegu. It turned out that Tianjuegu had been disqualified from participating in the conference for 160 years. If you are not qualified to participate in the meeting, you are naturally not qualified to speak, so you can only let others bully you!

Immediately, he said with a sigh of relief: "Okay, I must participate."

Fayol sighed and said, "Be prepared, there won't be too many people supporting you."

Guert was taken aback, knowing that this Nine Arts Party might not be good for him.

The old man's figure flashed, and when people arrived in front of him, a gust of icy flames rushed in. Gurt was startled, Tianjue's heart moved, he protected his chest, and then he was about to slap it away, the icy cold The breath has already wiped the body, quickly integrated into the body, and then disappeared.

Guert shouted in amazement: "You..."

Fayol had disappeared in front of him, and the surrounding area was still full of excitement. Almost no one noticed what he and Fayol had just done.

The last words left by Fayol still rang in Guert's ear, saying: "When the happy day clears up, at the Palace of Huanxi, there will be a hundred-year gathering of the Nine Arts, and Guert, on behalf of Tianjuegu, has accepted the invitation. Please attend on time."

After the lingering sound was over, the surrounding noises flooded into Guert's ears, as if he had just re-entered this world at this moment.

He clenched his fists tightly, and it was finally time to face Jiuyi directly. This mysterious alliance outside the realm of cultivation, held a party at this moment. Could there be any other purpose?