Happy VIP

Happy day.

The sky was dark, and Guert suddenly remembered the happy day promised by Fayol when it cleared up. This place has always been dim in my impression, and it seems that it has never been clear.

I really don't know when this so-called sunny day will be?

He quickly rushed into the city of mortals, and entered the familiar house, which was empty.

He was about to go out, when suddenly the door was pushed open, and a strong man walked in front. He was a little surprised when he saw Guert, and Guert was also a little bit wrong, but after seeing the strong man, Hong Yi immediately understood, and said calmly: "The red clothes good."

Hong Yi's originally elated face froze suddenly, and then said blushingly, "You...why are you here?"

Guert asked, "Have Hao Se and the others been here?"

Hong Yi was stunned, and said, "They were here last month, but they left later."

Guert nodded and said, "Where's your sister?"

Hong Yi said: "Still in Huanxi City."

Guert went out, and Hongyi chased after him, shouting: "Don't go!"

Guert turned around in astonishment, only to see the red dress blushing, and said, "Just, the one just now was just for cultivation..."

Guert smiled faintly and said: "I wish you a fruitful cultivation as soon as possible. I still have something to do and I have to go." After speaking, he tapped his toes, and the person flew away.

He is completely disgusted with these now, except for a few women, the rest are all innocent.

Guert's figure was fast, and he finally arrived at the main city of Huanxi. When he arrived, he saw a long queue at the door. Only then did he remember that Hong Qing took them in last time, and he had to go through a series of checks to go in by himself.

He put on Uncle Bland's face and brazenly lined up in the middle.

After a long time, it was finally his turn. The man at the door gave him an arrogant look and said, "Who is it? What are you doing here? When are you going to leave?"

Before Guert could answer, a veiled woman next to the man suddenly exclaimed, "Wait! You are..."

Both Guert and the man looked at the woman in astonishment, only to see that she looked at Guert carefully up and down, and said respectfully: "You have the VIP logo of the Palace of Joy, please come in!"

Gurt looked down at himself, but he didn't see any difference. He remembered that Fayol had touched him with a cold breath before. Could it be that that left a mark on himself? And this time the Nine Arts Gathering was held on Happy Day, it might be the same as the high-level authorization, and it also gave myself an authorization.

Thoughts swirled in his mind, without showing his face, he nodded and said, "Thank you!" After finishing speaking, he walked in amidst the stunned people around him.

The veiled woman followed and said, "My lord, do I need to take you into the Palace of Huanxi?"

Guert was taken aback, and quickly waved his hands and said, "No, I'll turn around by myself, go get busy!"

The woman nodded respectfully and backed away.

Guert ignored the gazes of the people around him, and went straight to the place where Hongqing lived last time. Before he arrived, he found a commotion in the direction of the Palace of Joy.

Just as he was about to ignore it and go straight in to find someone, he suddenly saw a familiar figure flashing out in front of him, galloping towards the Palace of Huanxi, who seemed to be Hong Qing.

Guert was stunned, not daring to be negligent, and hurriedly followed Hongqing. Everyone on the street looked at the two of them strangely, and there were also some troublemakers who rushed over to watch the excitement.

In front of the palace of joy.

Everyone was forming a circle, looking inside, Hongqing had already slipped in, Guert followed behind, and suddenly found that there seemed to be a lot more people in Huanxi City. Before, there were basically no idlers here, but now there is a crowd A lot of people. Could something happen recently?

As soon as he walked in, there was a soft shout from inside. Guert pushed away the crowd, and was shocked. It turned out that Situ Tang was inside, surrounded by two or three guards from the Palace of Huanxi, and the three of them were fighting together. Hong Qing next to her seemed very anxious, wanting to step forward but hesitated very much.

Guert knew that Hongqing had grown up here after all, so he didn't dare to resist the Palace of Joy, but he was different.

With a flash of his figure, the person has already passed by, with a flick of his hand, he slapped out with a burst of vigor, and then he kicked towards the crotch of the person next to him. Just as the two were about to block, they suddenly seemed to see something. They all backed away, looking at Guert in astonishment.

Guert patted Situ Tang, and saw that his internal organs seemed to be a little bruised. He probably had fought inside before, but he didn't see Hao Se at this time, so he was probably trapped inside.

With a turn of the Tianjue Heart Sutra, Situ Tang's injuries have recovered.

Situ Tang looked at Guert's Uncle Brand's face in astonishment just now, but as soon as he came into contact with the Tianjue Heart Sutra, he knew that this person was Guert. After all, apart from the magic of the Tianjue Heart Sutra, other None of the treatments had this effect.

Just as Situ Tang was about to speak excitedly, Gurt held him down, shook his head, then turned to the two and said, "What are you still standing for?"

The onlookers originally thought there was a good show to watch, but someone dared to rescue the people that Huanxi Palace wanted to arrest on the site of Huanxitian, and they were not polite to the people in Huanxi Palace. What was even more strange was that there were not many people in Huanxi Palace say what.

The two guards quickly knelt down and said respectfully, "Please come in."

Situ Tang looked at Guert in astonishment, Guert patted him with a smile, and said, "Come in with me!" After speaking, he turned around and walked in with style.

Although Situ Tang behind couldn't understand what happened, he also puffed up his chest and walked in with Guert.

Guert walked and looked around. Most of the scenery here was familiar. After all, he had entered and exited several times, but it was the first time he walked in so dignifiedly.

As soon as I entered, I heard the commotion inside, and a loud voice was yelling, saying: "You crazy women, I, Hao Se, came and acted rightly, what do I need... I... Woohoo!" At the end of the sentence, there was no sound, obviously his mouth was blocked.

Guert laughed secretly in his heart, Hao Se is really fearless, maybe he and Situ Tang sneaked in to steal things and were caught alive, but they are still talking nonsense, if I were the master, I would have to gag him!

The two who led Guert in walked to the entrance of the hall, and suddenly shouted loudly: "My lord is here."

The people inside suddenly fell silent, only Hao Se's whining sound remained.

Guert went in and saw Hao Se was tied up by a rope hanging in the air, and there were ten warriors standing five on each side, but in the center of the hall was a veiled woman sitting there, and there were several maids dressed up beside her. people.

Guert swept his eyes and found no one he knew, and Yan Yun was not among them, which meant that the woman in the middle was not Feng Luoshang.

The veiled woman looked at Guerte in astonishment, hurried down, and said respectfully: "Welcome, my lord, I don't know why you are here?"

Guert looked at Hao Se who was still hanging above, and said, "Put it down."

The woman was startled, but she didn't seem to dare to disobey, she made a gesture, and the warriors on both sides immediately put Hao Se down.

Hao Se came to see Guert, his face froze, and then he was at a loss. Of course he knew Guert's face, but he didn't know when Guert had the power to influence the palace of joy?

Guert said with a serious face: "What mistake did he make?"

The woman hurriedly replied: "He broke into the Tower of Huanxi with another person and was caught straight, so we were ordered to arrest him and ask him to explain the purpose of sneaking in."

Gurte nodded and said, "I see, I want to take this person away."

The woman was stunned, and said: "This is a repeat offender of our Huanxi Palace, and he hasn't been interrogated yet..."

Guert rolled his eyes and said, "Aren't you allowed to take it away?"

The woman hesitated for a moment, and said: "Although the mark on your body is the level of the master of this palace, we should do everything you tell us, but I still want to ask the higher-ups for instructions first."

Guert frowned, and said, "It's good to know my level, so why bother? I'll take him away." After speaking, he made a gesture to leave.

The woman was extremely anxious, she wanted to stop but she didn't seem to dare to stop, suddenly she seemed to have heard something, and said respectfully: "I have been instructed, you can take the person away."

Now it's Guert's turn to be stunned. Is this mark so powerful? How could even such a felon who broke into the Tower of Huanxi without permission be released at will?

But since it is allowed to leave, of course you are welcome, Guerte nodded, and walked out with the two of them swaggeringly.

They had just left the main hall, and a stunning beauty in a red dress and a red veil walked out from a side door at the back of the hall, followed by Yan Yun, who Guert hadn't seen just now.

Only Yan Yun said in astonishment: "Why did you let them go?"

This stunning beauty smiled slightly on her pretty face behind the veil, and said: "In this world, there are always some wonderful things. If I don't look for him, he will come to my door..."

Yan Yun was dumbfounded, but in the blink of an eye, the red skirt fluttered, and the person had already gone back.

"Stinky boy! How did you get involved with the people from their Happy Palace?"

Guert sat on the chair, his face changed back to its original appearance, this time he didn't shy away from Situ Tang any more, seeing the two people's surprised and inexplicable expressions, he didn't change his expression at all, just stretched his waist, and said: "You guys What are you hiding here for? Where is my Yiyi?"

Hao Se stared at him, and said: "It's not all your fault, it's nothing to mess with Tian Xiaogu, who came to connect us that day, and Yiyi was gone when she woke up."

Guert sighed, knowing that Yiyi saved them and then left. He should have gone to practice by himself, and said: "I have already wiped out their free branch."

Hao Se clapped his hands and laughed loudly: "Good job, it's best for us to wash Tianxiao Valley directly!"

Situ Tang looked at Guerte in astonishment, and said, "Tianxiao Valley is an amazing place, how dare you..."

Guert glared at them, and said: "I have spread this news everywhere in Liberty Day, and I expected you to come to me, but after waiting for a long time, I thought you two guys must have come here. Fortunately, I arrived in time, otherwise someone would be..."

As he spoke, he made a movement of wiping his neck with his hands.

Hao Se didn't feel embarrassed, and said: "Hey, what do you know, I call it sacrificing yourself to protect others. By the way, what is your relationship with the people in Huanxi Palace? How do you feel that they dare not deny you whatever you say? ?"

Guert sighed helplessly, and said: "I have been waiting for you for three days in Liberty Day, but you didn't come, another person came..." Then he told about the meeting with Fayol.

Hao Se and Situ Tang were stunned after hearing Guert's description. Hao Se frowned and said, "The one that Fayol gave you is what the people in Huanxi Palace said, the palace lord-level VIP seal?"

Gu Erte nodded and said with a wry smile: "If my guess is right, it is probably not just the Palace of Joy, as long as it is from the Nine Arts, any faction will treat me as a VIP. This should be a rule among the Nine Arts."

Hao Se chuckled and said, "Why don't we go into the Palace of Huanxi together?"

Guert glared at him, and said: "Do you really want to die? It's not like you don't know the characters in the Palace of Joy, but you dare to barge in like this. Let's get out of here as soon as possible!"

Hao Se patted Situ Tang and said, "Hey, we have this good brother, we can sneak in directly, there will definitely be rewards!"

Guert knew in his heart that Hao Se probably asked about the specific location of the secret passage, but now King Ming's fundamental curse is on him, and there is no need to go in and wade through this muddy water, but it is difficult to explain, after all, this thing has too much to do with it, especially And those two monsters, if they knew that they were on their bodies, the three of them together might not be able to withstand being hacked at once.

Thinking in his heart, he said, "Then why are you still hanging in mid-air?"

Situ Tang said awkwardly: "I'm sorry, it's been too long, and they made some changes later, so they were discovered as soon as they entered."

Hao Se chuckled, and said: "So I reacted in time, and simply went out of the secret passage, and swaggered in, so that others would not find out the secret of the secret passage."

Guert said: "So you were hung on it..."

Hao Se said angrily: "Brat, are you willing to go or not?"

Guert was about to refuse, when suddenly a voice came from outside, saying, " Brother Gu is here?"

Guert knew it was Ye Jiyan as soon as he heard it, and almost forgot to ask her how she was doing just now, but since Hao Se didn't specifically mention it, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Reunited after a long absence, he smiled and said, "What did Jiyan do?"

Ye Jiyan dragged Hongqing behind, and said: "I just came back after I went out for a turn, and I happened to see Hongqing's sister standing at the door and dared not come in, so I dragged here together. What are you doing? Are you in a meeting? Why don't you let me go?" Sister Hongqing, come in?"

Guert shrugged: "I just arrived, don't ask me, ask them."

Hao Se and Situ Tang looked embarrassed, as if they couldn't say anything.

Ye Jiyan didn't care, pulled Guert over and said, " Brother Gu , come quickly, I have news about Sister Yan to pass on to you."

Hao Se was stunned, and said: "Hey, when did you meet Yiyi?"

Ye Jiyan made a face at him, and said: "When I woke up, I found this in my arms, but because I told Brother Gu , I didn't say anything!"

Hao Se stared angrily.

Guert took a note from Ye Jiyan, six characters were written in dark red characters, and said: "Leave temporarily, don't read it, Yiyi."

He knew that it was left by Yiyi when she left in a hurry. Could this dark red blood be the blood left by Yiyi?

With this thought in Gurt's mind, he suddenly became nervous. Is Yiyi injured?

Ye Jiyan snickered and said, "I checked it, and the dark red color is the color of the nearby soil at that time. You can see that the strokes are very thin. It should be written by Sister Yan with her fingernails dipped in the soil, not anything else... Hehe !"

Guert took a closer look and found that it was indeed the case. He was relieved, but at the same time he found that Ye Jiyan was not like the little girl on the outside. Sometimes he was very careful and looked at her appreciatively.

Ye Jiyan grinned, and said: " Brother Gu is concerned about it, and he will be chaotic!" After a pause, he said: "That's right, when I came in, I saw you guys talking about whether to go or not? Where are you going?"

It was only then that Guert realized that Hao Se and Situ Tang sneaked into the Palace of Huanxi secretly, but now the whole city knew about it, and there was nothing to hide. He said, "They want me to go to the Palace of Huanxi together!"

Ye Jiyan clapped his hands and said happily, "Isn't that great? Let's go, let's go together!"

Guert's heart moved, he looked at Hao Se, and suddenly said: "Are you still holding on to hope?"

Hao Se shook his head in frustration, and said, "To be honest, it's really difficult, but..."

Guert chuckled and said, "Why not... fish in troubled waters?"

Hao Se's eyes lit up, but then he murmured twice and said, "Don't come to me if you have any problems..."

Ye Jiyan and Hong Qing next to each other were confused, only Situ Tang seemed to know what they were talking about, but he was obviously struggling.

Guert coughed twice, and said, "Jiyan, we are not here to play, and the Palace of Joy is not just for people to enter."

Ye Jiyan asked curiously: "Then what are you going to do?"

Guert looked at Ye Jiyan's small face, and slowly said: "Jiyan, you are from the Ye family, I don't know if you have heard of something called the root mantra of the Five Great Ming Kings..."

Ye Jiyan's small face suddenly turned pale, and her tender body trembled, but then she lowered her head, and after a while, when she raised her head, the expression on her small face was still a little abnormal, and said: "I have heard of it, but that Things have long since disappeared."

Guert chuckled, and said, "Didn't you see that someone is desperately trying to break in? That thing is inside!"

While he was speaking, his eyes moved around, looking at everyone's expressions, Ye Jiyan's surprise was needless to say, but Hong Qing's face was unusually calm.

This made him a little suspicious.

It should be normal for Hongqing to be surprised at this time, but she pretended to be calm like this, which seems a little wrong. After all, this is still the territory of Huanxitian. The women in Furong, they seem to have had conflicts over who entered the palace of joy...

Hao Se clapped his hands suddenly, and said: "Yes, that thing is indeed inside, I originally wanted to take it quietly, but after all, Huanxi Palace is different from other places, and it is not something we can reach, so... After a pause, he said, "Jiyan, why don't you ask your family? How about our cooperation?"