Desolation Valley

Dream Palace.

Although Feng Qi had tried his best to avoid the impact of Yong Liansi's arrival, the core second-tier high-ranking members still got the news and came to accuse Feng Qi together, among which the dead wood was the most bitter.

Because of the collusion with the family forces in the high-level area, Yong Liansi broke into the high-level area and broke through the barriers. Yong Liansi greeted him, and the dark-level soldiers surrounded the high-level area for a month. This is the first time in the history of the cultivation world. once.

All the actions of these dark ranks in the past made Feng Qi's behavior of indulging Yong Liansi into the high-ranking area indeed very debatable.

But luckily Feng Qi is usually very popular, so he didn't explain much, he just said: "Prepare immediately, let Xiao Gu and Yong Liansi go straight to Midietian."

This time it caused even more uproar.

Everyone knows that there must be a problem with the higher level. At this time, allowing Yong Liansi to enter the high level area, which is second only to Midietian, the highest level, is simply crazy!

Feng Qi received Sister Rou's order in secret, so it's hard for him to explain.

Even if the reason why Guert entered the high-level area was explained, the decision to let Yong Liansi enter the high-level area with Guert could not be explained, so he simply did not explain anything.

Feng Qi was about to execute the compulsory order, when suddenly a soft voice sounded: "Who has any objection to my words?" Although it was soft, it contained undeniable majesty.

Everyone was stunned, and looked towards the source of the sound, only to see a figure in gray robe appearing above the main hall, the gray robe moved automatically without wind, highlighting the beautiful figure of this person.

Feng Qi hastened to pay homage: "Feng Qi pays respects to Sister Rou!"

Everyone else was shocked, knowing that this person was the most mysterious high-level person in the high-level area, Sister Rou, and besides Meng Jingxue, another woman in the high-level area.

Sister Rou said softly: "Fengqi, you have done a good job recently, the high-level people need Guert, so immediately bring Guert to me."

Only then did everyone realize that it was just a phantom, not a real existence.

Feng Qi lowered his head. One of the main force against Feng Qi just now, Dead Tree couldn't help but said: "That's all for Guerte, do high-ranking adults also need the secret rank of Yong Liansi?"

Although Sister Rou in the hall is just an image, she is no different from a real person. Hearing what the dead wood said, she glanced at the dead wood and said: "The dark and bright ranks are both part of the cultivation world, but the bright and dark ranks are dominant. The status is different, and the vicissitudes of life have changed over time, so what's the tension?"

The dead wood was cold at the first sight of her. Although he was upset, he didn't dare to speak, and just stared at the image.

Sister Rou suddenly "brought out" a smile, and said: "If you really want Yong Liansi to let go and kill, the sum here is not enough. Why make things difficult for others? Let her come up together, and I will come and see her."

Everyone felt that the mystery was unusual. In fact, Sister Rou in the hall was not real, and she couldn't see her face, but this made everyone seem to see that extremely beautiful smile with their own eyes. Just as they were about to look up, the hall had already It was empty, and the illusory image of Sister Rou disappeared.

Miditian is also the area that Guert is most familiar with in the high-level area.

The first time he escaped from the high-level cemetery, he came here, met Zhi Ruoyan, reunited with Yan Yiyi, etc., all happened here.

Guert walked on the familiar path, feeling lost, Yiyi's disappearance seemed to give him a different feeling.

The ecstasy of defeating Yong Lisi has long been forgotten, and he knows that his overall strength is still not as good as Yong Lisi. The crowd has been following these days, and he didn't even have the chance to practice the root mantra. He knew that if there was another decisive battle right now, he would definitely lose.

However, winning or losing seems to be no longer important. Yiyi's departure made him feel more and more heavy in the past few days, as if his life was suddenly cut off.

Is that past a real existence, or a boring imagination?

If Yiyi appears again, no matter what happens this time, she will never be allowed to leave alone again.

Guert secretly made this decision in his heart.

It's just that even he doesn't know if he still has such a chance...

Just then, a cry interrupted his train of thought.

He looked up, and a familiar figure passed by. Guert saw the person clearly and said, "It's you, long time no see."

The person who came was Zimei, whom Guerte had known in Miditian before. When she saw Guert followed by a man in Tsing Yi, she couldn't help but said in amazement: "Didn't you come alone this time? Who is this person?" ?"

That day in the City of Tempering where Zhan Tian went out, Yong Liansi had met Zi Mei before. At this moment, Yong Liansi raised her head, showing her beautiful face, and said with a smile, "Long time no see."

Zi Mei was startled, and shouted: "So it's you who broke in here!" Then she put on a posture ready to fight.

Guert waved his hand and said: "Xiao Mei, don't be like this, she is now my follower, that is, a follower, and will not harm this place."

Zi Mei was startled, then snorted coldly: "Liar! You must have been kidnapped by her, wait for me to call someone!"

As he said that, he was about to run back, Guerte was afraid that she would make a big fuss, so with a flash of his figure, he stopped with his hand, and appeared behind Zimei, bumping into Zimei's figure who was about to start.

Zi Mei blushed and stepped back, but her surprise was obviously greater than her shame, and she said, "Why are you so fast!"

Guert knew why she was shy. When he stretched out his hand to stop someone, he happened to touch Zimei's tall breasts wrapped in white clothes. Before seeing Zimei walking, he was tempted, but now he was very calm and shook his head. Said: "You don't need to call someone, this is agreed by Sister Rou."

Zi Mei looked at him, a more surprised look flashed in her eyes, she was startled for a moment before saying: "Sister Rou is not here."

Guert said: "Teacher Feng Qi asked us to go to a place called Desolate Valley to find her."

Zi Mei let out a cry, and said: "So it's there, then come with me."

The two followed Zimei and saw many white-clothed warriors along the way, many of them knew Guert, and they all nodded their greetings, Guert also responded one by one, knowing that it was the last time Yong Liansi led the dark steps I knew it when I was in the high-level area. And they probably never imagined that the person following behind them was Yong Liansi.

Changes in the world are really unpredictable.

Suddenly Yong Liansi who was behind said in a low voice: "Be careful, that little girl is not very satisfied with your reaction."

Guert looked back in amazement, and said, "What's not satisfied?"

Yong Liansi lowered her head and snickered, "Think about it yourself."

During this journey, Guert wanted to ask Yong Liansi many times why he concealed it for him, but he thought that if he asked, wouldn't it mean that he had admitted it?

So they refrained from asking, and the two of them only occasionally chatted about what they had seen and heard along the way, and they didn't talk much at other times.

Gurt wanted to ask again, but Zi Mei, who had already left them some distance ahead, suddenly called out, "Come in!"

Guert flew away, only to see a turn, and the scenery in front of him changed drastically.

Just now, there were still green trees and rippling water, but in a blink of an eye, it suddenly became a desolation, with loess connected to the gray sky, not far from the ground were bones, and there were many crawling ghosts in the distance.

Guert was extremely amazed, he never thought that such a place existed in Midietian, a high-level area!

Zi Mei said: "Going straight from here is the Desolate Valley."

Guert said in surprise: "Why is it so strange here? A foreign spirit?"

Zi Mei shook her head and said: "I have never been there, Sister Rou strictly forbids us to go forward, you go there yourself!"

Guerte nodded, and was about to move forward when Zimei called him suddenly, and when he turned around, Zimei's expression became more charming than ever before, and said, "Be careful."

Guert was stunned, he knew what Yong Liansi said in his heart, and knew that Zi Mei was indeed possessed of extremely high charm. It was so easy to be tempted at that time, he smiled slightly and said: "Thank you." After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked forward without any regrets.

Yong Liansi followed closely, and said with a snicker: "This girl is amazingly charming, I didn't expect that your concentration is also terrifying."

Guert smiled wryly in his heart, and responded lightly, without saying much.

Yong Liansi looked at Guert strangely, and said, "You talk less and less now."

Guert snorted, and said casually, "I'm nervous."

Yong Liansi asked in surprise, "Why are you nervous?"

Guert turned his head and glanced at her, and said, "Are you not nervous when you see Mu Muzhi?"

Yong Liansi chuckled and said, "Why am I nervous? He is a big shot, why would he care about a little girl like me?"

Guert knew in his heart that this was indeed the case, but he still wanted to scare her, saying: "He let you in here, maybe he just wanted to kill you directly, lest you make trouble down there!"

Yong Liansi shrugged, with an indifferent look on his face, and said: "If you die, you will die, what's the big deal, the Holy Lord will avenge me."

Having said that, it reminded Guert of Zhan Tian.

The master of the dark ranks seemed to have made no movements since he left the high-ranking area, and he didn't know anything about it. He pretended to ask casually, "What is your great holy master busy with now?"

Yong Liansi didn't answer him, her eyes widened, she stared ahead, and at the same time pulled Laguerte's sleeve.

Guert turned his head in a daze, and then widened his eyes. It turned out that there was a void in the distance ahead, and the road under his feet had ended more than a hundred meters ahead.

The two looked at each other, speeded up at the same time, and rushed forward. Most of the ghosts saw that they both avoided, so the speed of the two was very fast.

The strange thing is that according to the visual distance just now, it is already empty now, but it is still in the environment just now. After flying for a while, Yong Liansi finally let out a cry of surprise, and almost at the same time, the two hurriedly stopped.

There was nothingness ahead.

The feet of the two were standing on the edge of the cliff, and half a step further down they would fall into the void.

Although the two of them would not fall, they both broke out in a cold sweat.

There was a vast blackness ahead, and it was completely impossible to see where the opposite cliff was, nor did I know where it was under the cliff.

Yong Liansi thought for a moment and then said: "If you are allowed to fly forward, how long will it take?"

Guert shook his head and said: "I don't know. This place seems to be a bit different from the cultivation world outside. My flying ability has been greatly weakened. Besides, it's dark in front of me, and I don't know the direction to fly. I guess we can go around for a while." Stupid." After a pause, he said, "Are you asking us to jump off?"

Yong Liansi said with a smile that was not a smile: "Then you jump down and try."

Of course Guert couldn't jump, so he walked back and forth a few steps, looked around, shook his head and said, "There is no other way!" Then, he walked up to Yong Liansi, stretched out his hand, and said, "Come on!"

Yong Liansi was startled, and stretched out his hand unconsciously. Guert grasped Yong Liansi's little hand, and then jumped down the cliff.

Yong Liansi was startled, and shouted: "Are you crazy?"

He wanted to pull his hand away and fly again, but once he jumped out, his body would be extremely heavy. Guert held onto her tightly again, and the two of them disappeared into the vast void with a whimper.

The cliffs are like blades, the pines are tall and straight, and the white clouds are like belts, surrounding them.

On the small path in the mountain, a commoner woman was hurrying forward, and finally, under the cover of the steep mountain peak, several wooden houses suddenly appeared.

As soon as the woman reached the door, her body softened and she spit out a mouthful of shocking blood.

One of the wooden houses was suddenly opened, and a man rushed out. Seeing the woman lying by the door, he screamed, picked her up, and rushed into the house.

in the dark.

"What's the matter with her?" one asked.

After a long silence, an old voice said: "The situation is not very good, but it is also very strange."

"Why is it strange? What is it strange?" The voice before asked eagerly.

"Her mentality can remove any power that hurts her, and she can also wander between various forces. I really don't know why she was so seriously injured?"

"what do you mean?"

"...Her injury seems to have been done on purpose."

"Then let her recuperate here. She once said that she didn't want to stay here, and wanted to set foot in the four worlds and travel the world. Now at the last moment of her serious injury, she is still holding on to come back here, which proves that she still wants to go home !"

"hope so."

After a long time, a light cough came out, and the light jumped, and finally the place was no longer dark.

A man was standing beside the bed with two other women. The man was very heroic, and his face was extremely anxious at this moment. Among the two women behind him, one was tall and the other was a little petite, but both had extremely concerned expressions on their faces.

Lying on the bed was the woman who fell at the door just now. Her pale complexion made her beautiful face, which was so overwhelmingly beautiful, make people feel distressed. Her black hair brushed over her jade neck and hung on her chest, making her skin paler.

The man said eagerly: "Yiyi, are you awake?"

This woman is Yan Yiyi who hastily left Guert's side.

Yan Yiyi opened her big bright eyes, her black and white pupils turned twice, and her eyes fell on the man and the two women behind her, swept slowly, and then became dazed.

The slightly petite woman behind shouted: "Yiyi? Is your injury healed?"

Amidst the concerned greetings, Yan Yiyi finally spoke, her face as white as jade was full of bewilderment.

"who are you?"

The three of them froze, and before they could speak, Yan Yiyi said the second sentence.

"Where is this place?"

"Where is this place?"

Yong Liansi looked around, took a breath, and asked.

Guert was also looking at everything in front of him, and at the same time, he felt a chill in his heart, and said, "I don't know."

A hundred meters in front of the two of them, there was almost a pile of bones, and there were bones along the way, some with strange spirits, and of course more of them were human.

Yong Liansi looked up and said, "Could it be that these people all fell to their deaths here?"

Guert shook his head and said, "No, no one can fall to death here. Remember the first time we met? That was the result of my leap from the spirit world."

Yong Liansi pondered for a while, and said, "So, this is another place?"

Guert shook his head and said, "I don't know."

The two walked forward, trying their best to avoid the white bones at first, but there were more and more as they got to the back, they simply flew up half a meter, and flew over a piece of white bones.

After an unknown amount of time, Yong Liansi suddenly called out: "Look ahead."

Guert looked far away and saw a stone tablet inserted on a mound in front of him. The surrounding area seemed to have been cleaned up, and there were very few bones.

The two of them landed on the mound, and saw four big characters written crookedly on the stone tablet: "Desolate Valley".

"Ah, so this is the Desolate Valley." Yong Liansi said in surprise.

Guert glanced, and saw that there was a mound of soil not far away, and there was also a stone tablet on the mound, but it was facing away from this side, so he hurriedly swept away and went around to the front of the stone tablet. This time he was dumbfounded. The text turned out to be something he had never seen before.

Yong Liansi also followed and shook his head blankly, not knowing this kind of writing.

Both of them felt strange. The current written characters are all developed on the basis of the ancient languages of the human world. There may be differences in accents, but the characters have not changed over the years. Even if there are some changes, they can probably be recognized. out, and the text in front of them is twisted left and right, which is not a language they understand at all.

Since Guert knew the purpose of coming this time, he could probably guess that this might be the text of the underworld, but guessing is guessing after all, he couldn't be sure, and the two continued to walk forward.

As we went forward, the number of bones that could be seen everywhere began to decrease, and the road became a little rough.

At the fork in the road, Yong Liansi looked at the two roads in completely different directions and asked, "Which way are we going?"

Guert was also at a loss, and suddenly a voice came over, saying, "Is Guert here?"

The voice is soft, it is sister Rou's.

Guert hurriedly shouted: "Exactly."

Sister Rou said: "then come in quickly, come on, go to the road on your right."

With the guidance, the road is easy to go, and there are several forks along the way, but Sister Rou will make a sound in time.

Finally, the two came to a cave, and Sister Rou's voice came out clearly from inside, saying, "Come in!"

Guert walked in and said, "Is Master Mushi here?"

Sister Rou smiled lightly: "No, you are here to see me. As for Mr. Mu, you can see him anytime after seeing me."

Guert followed the voice, turned a few corners, and finally saw Sister Rou.