Information Completion

In Guert's impression, Sister Rou must be a stunning beauty, but now she is stunned.

In the gray robe, the beautiful figure is looming, but the face is ordinary and abnormal, but the accidental expression between the eyebrows and eyes has a special charm.

Sister Rou saw his astonishment, smiled slightly, and said, "Are you disappointed?"

Guert suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, and hurriedly said: "No, I just don't know why I came here?" As he said, he turned his head, and it seemed that Yong Lisi, who was following behind, hadn't come in.

Sister Rou knew who he was looking at, and explained with a smile: "Although she is not a bad person, she pushed too hard on the Guangming class some time ago. Let me take this opportunity to teach her a lesson. Lest she think that there is really no one in the high class."

Guerte knew that Sister Rou deliberately cut off Yong Liansi's footsteps. On the one hand, it was because of the reason she said, and on the other hand, it might also be related to the conversation that was about to start, so he asked directly: "Sister Rou will I called here, I don't know why?"

Sister Rou seemed to be thinking about what to say, she pondered for a moment, and said, "It's like this. What you got from Lu Zongqi back then was actually another thing, not the supreme treasure that the outside world believed."

Guert suddenly said: "No wonder why no one came to ask me later, did they all know that they made a mistake?"

Sister Rou nodded and said: "Yes, anyone who dares to take this thing will have no good results, so no one dared to touch it in the end." The voice paused, and said: "This thing is related to the ghost channel."

Guert was startled, and lost his voice: "The way to salvation?"

Sister Rou was surprised, and said, "How do you know?"

Guert recalled that Yiyi had told him about the history of the Underworld, and said vaguely: "I've heard it mentioned before." Then he asked: "What does this thing have to do with the Road to Salvation?"

Sister Rou didn't ask any further questions, and replied: "You may already know that the last time the high-level channel was blocked at a huge cost, and that time was actually just an accident. According to the original inference, the problem with the channel should have happened at this time. Yes, so we have already prepared.

"Many years ago, the three most powerful high-ranking adults in the high-ranking class made different preparations for the arrival of the Underworld. Lu Zongqi is one of them, and what you get is that he spent more than half of it. The preparation done by the energy."

Only then did Guert understand why a high-ranking man as strong as Lu Zongqi would die in the hands of Yong Liansi. It turned out that his strength had been exhausted by that thing.

Sister Rou said: "If you want to save the comprehension world from fire and water, and resist the invasion of the ghost world, these three preparations are indispensable, so I asked Feng Qi to call you here."

Gurte nodded and said, "In that case, I'll give the things to you."

As she said that, she was about to take out the things she got from Lu Zongqi. Sister Rou suddenly waved her hand and said, "No one knows what the three of them are planning, and neither can we. Since Lu Zongqi wants you Give it to Lord Miu Mushi, then you can just hand it over to him!"

Guert said in amazement: "But Master Mu is in retreat. Master Zhi Ruoyan said so when I came last time."

Sister Rou said: "It is indeed in retreat, but I can let you see him." After finishing speaking, she grabbed Guert's hand and said, "Close your eyes."

Only then did Guert realize that Sister Rou's hands were extremely smooth, and he couldn't help but feel agitated, but he also knew not to be presumptuous, so he hurriedly restrained his mind, and immediately closed his eyes after saying hello.

As soon as he closed it, he suddenly felt a wave of power coming from Sister Rou's hand. He was hesitating whether to resist, but suddenly his eyes lit up, the surroundings were all white, and an old man with gray beard was looking at him with a smile in front of him.

He had already forgotten that his eyes were still closed at this time, looked the old man's eyes up and down, was inexplicably surprised, and said: "Are you Master Miu Mushi?"

The old man smiled and said, "It's the old man who kept you waiting."

Guert didn't expect to be so ordinary as the supreme leader of Guangming, so he was a little dumbfounded and speechless.

Mu Mushi smiled and said, "I heard that Lu Lao Si asked you to bring me something."

Guert nodded hurriedly and said: "Yes, yes, Lord Lu Zongqi entrusted it to me before he died, and this is it." Then, with a flash in his hand, he took the small box that had been sealed for a long time come out.

Mu Mushi took the box and opened it, his smiling expression froze slightly, but then he returned to normal, and said, "Well, he really sent it. He did a good job."

Then, the box was closed, and the pupils were slightly closed, as if thinking about something.

Guert himself had opened the box and looked at it, so he knew that it should be an egg with a brown shell. At that time, he had studied the function of this egg, but in the end he found nothing. Now the thing has finally been handed over to the person who should be handed over.

He was thinking of a reason to leave, when Miu Mushi suddenly said, "You seem to have a sense of Leng Yanqiu on your body."

Guert was taken aback, and finally began to realize the power of this high-ranking and supreme person of light. Few people knew about Leng Yanqiu's magical weapon, and it was even more impossible for him to know. The only possibility was that he really It was induced, and he couldn't help but answer: "How do you know?"

Miu Muzhi laughed loudly and said, "Lao Leng once practiced with me, of course I can sense his aura. You must have obtained the artifact he left in the human world, right?"

Gurte nodded, and Mu Muzhi suddenly said: "But according to my understanding of Lao Leng, what you get from the artifact must not be complete. His habit is to drag and tear, and he can only pull out a complete one at the end. of."

Guert was stunned and said in a daze, "It seems that I don't know anything other than a little power, including everything in the cultivation world."

Mumu made a noise, and said: "He cut off the information chain on purpose, how about this, since you came all the way, I can't let you go back empty-handed, I will help you complete the information chain, so that you can Finish inheriting what Leng Yanqiu left behind."

Guert nodded blankly, and Mu Mushi said: "There is one more thing I need to ask you for help."

Guert was taken aback, he really couldn't think of a person of Mu Mushi's level, what else would he need to help with. Can't help saying: "What?"

Mu Mushi opened the box, took out the egg, and said, "I'll deal with this later, bring it to Zhi Ruoyan for me."

Guert said in amazement: "Can't you just hand it over to him?"

Mu Muzhi said in a deep voice: "I'm still in seclusion, and my part has not been completed yet, so I must hurry up."

Guert knew that Miu Mushi must be one of the three, Lu Zongqi and Miu Mushi, who would be the third person?

He didn't speak for a long time, Mu Muzhi suddenly smiled and said: "Don't worry, even if you don't do me this favor, I will complete the information chain that Leng Yanqiu left for you."

Guert was suddenly embarrassed, and hurriedly said: "No, it's just that Mr. Zhi Ruoyan has been missing all the time, and I don't know where to find him."

Miu Mushi said: "I'll tell you the location." Then, he raised his palms and said, "Turn around, I'll help you complete it."

Guert turned around without hesitation. He knew that if Mu Mushi wanted to kill himself, he would not need to spend so much talking. Just as the thought flashed through him, he felt that two big palms had already been printed on his back.

Then he felt a strange and incomparable force passing through his body, his body couldn't help shaking violently, and the power all over his body began to surge.

After an unknown amount of time, the surging power finally stopped.

All the pores on Guert's body were open, and his whole body was comfortable. He felt that there was something more in his heart, but it still seemed to be the same as before.

He turned around, Mu Mushi seemed a little surprised and said: "You seem to have more than just the feeling of Lao Leng in your body, do you know ﹃The Way of Backward Slope ﹄?"

Guert shook his head blankly and said, "I haven't heard of it."

Miu Mushi murmured: "This is strange."

Guert suddenly remembered Pujie, and hurriedly said: "By the way, there was another artifact named Pujie among the artifacts left by Mr. Leng Yanqiu. He seems to be practicing something."

He didn't dare to directly name Xingtian Dafa, because he had heard from Bodhisattva that Xingtian Dafa is actually a kind of heaven-defying Dafa, and he wondered whether the supreme being of the luminous level of Mimu Consciousness would be disgusted.

Miu Mushi clapped his hands together and said, "That's right, Xingtian Dafa is the most classic way of going against the slope." Then he frowned and said, "This is a very dangerous kind of Dafa. He cultivates in his body, how could you agree?"

Guert smiled bitterly: "It's beyond me, I can't understand what he said."

Miu Mushi smiled and said, "I've also heard about Bo Jie. He is Lao Leng's deadly enemy. Lao Leng is really good at torturing people, and he actually sealed him in the divine weapon."

The voice paused, and said: "But it should be fine now, your information chain has been completed, you should know some things about Bodhisattva left in your body by Lao Leng, and there should be a way to track them."

As soon as Guert thought about it, a stream of information flooded his mind. He knew that, as Mu Muzhi said, the chain of information Leng Yanqiu had left for him was intact.

Mu Muzhi continued: "Wait for me a little while, I'll deal with this."

After finishing speaking, he put his hands together in front of his chest, put the box in his big hand, and handed the box to Guert after a while, saying, "Okay, give it to Zhi Ruoyan for me immediately."

Gurte nodded, and said, "Where is Lord Zhi Ruoyan now?"

Miu Mushi said: "He's in the dark area. I'll let Xiaorou tell you the exact location." After speaking, the figure disappeared, and the person disappeared.

Guert also felt his eyes go dark, and Sister Rou's soft voice came from beside his ears, saying, "Open your eyes."

It was only then that Guert remembered that he had kept his eyes closed all the time, and quickly opened them. In front of him was still the cave just now, and Sister Rou who was looking at him with a smile.

Before he could speak, Sister Rou said, "Master Miu Mushi has already told me, let me tell you how to go to the dark realm and find Master Zhi Ruoyan."

Guert nodded, and Sister Rou smiled and said, "Before I tell you, let's let her in." While speaking, the person flashed out at high speed.

Guert hurriedly followed behind, the "she" here must be talking about Yong Liansi, he went for a while just now, I don't know what trouble Yong Liansi has suffered.

Outside the cave, Yong Liansi gasped and glared at Sister Rou, and Guert came out after him, and he couldn't help being slightly surprised to see Yong Liansi like this.

In his memory, except for the fact that she was so exhausted when she entered the high-level area alone last time, she was calm and relaxed the rest of the time.

Sister Rou smiled and said, "Okay, we've finished talking, you don't have to work so hard."

Yong Lisi glared at Guert, and said, "Is that how you treat your servant?"

Guert spread his hands and said helplessly, "I'm not in charge here. Are you okay?"

Yong Liansi snorted coquettishly, and said, "I won't be exhausted from this battle."

Saying that, he also looked at Sister Rou provocatively.

Sister Rou didn't care, and said, "Okay, let me tell you how to get to the dark realm."

Then, pointing to the road outside the cave, he said: "When you came in just now, you took the road on the right. Now you turn back and take the road on the left. Go all the way to the end, and you will see a strong knot. Realm, the dark realm is just behind the strongest barrier. The road may be more dangerous, you have to be careful."

Guert was surprised: "Can that enchantment be opened? Otherwise, wouldn't we be able to get in?"

Sister Rou shook her head and said: "With our ability, we can't open it, but you can go and see it when the time comes. If you can meet Master Zhi Ruoyan before reaching the barrier, you can give this box to him immediately. Wait before the enchantment, he will come out and get it by himself."

Guert was still full of doubts in his heart, and said, "Where is that place over there? Why do you need an enchantment to block there?"

Sister Rou said: "You will know when you go. Be careful on the road, and don't act rashly when you encounter strange creatures. Dodge if you can."

Guert's heart skipped a beat. Does this statement mean that he will meet people from the Underworld? Zhi Ruoyan and the others should be busy blocking the passage. Could it be that this dark area is where the passage is located?

Thinking of this, he looked at Yong Liansi and said, "Are you still following me? If not, you can go back now."

Yong Liansi frowned and said, "What is the dark realm? Why have I never heard of it from the Holy Master?"

Sister Rou smiled and said, "That's an area that even Zhan Tian can't touch. If you want to go with Guert, I can't guarantee any accidents."

Yong Liansi smiled proudly and said, "I don't need any guarantees, even if he dies, it won't be my turn."

Sister Rou said indifferently: "That's good, you go."

Guert knew that Sister Rou was actually provoking Yong Liansi, and when he heard Yong Liansi's promise, he knew that she had to go, so Guert didn't say anything more, and walked back along the path pointed out by Sister Rou .

After walking for a while, Yong Liansi finally said, "What are you doing there?"

Guert said: "Give the things to Master Zhi Ruoyan."

Yong Liansi said impatiently: "I know that. I mean, what are you doing over there? Are all the high-ranking Guangming people hiding there?"

Guert finally understood Sister Rou's intention to let Yong Liansi go there together. On the one hand, she wanted to find a helper for herself. On the other hand, it probably implied that she wanted to let Yong Liansi know what Gao Jie was doing. , Immediately said: "It's not hiding, it's fighting."

Yong Liansi said in astonishment: "Fight? What are you fighting for?"

Guert raised his eyebrows and said: "A group of people who are stronger than you and more destructive to the cultivation world."

Yong Liansi calmed down now, and said, "Who is it? The high-ranking ones are indeed in great trouble."

Guert said: "Have you heard of the Underworld?"

Yong Liansi lost his voice and said, "Could it be that they are calling?"

Guert asked in surprise: "Have you heard of it?"

Yong Liansi looked strange, and said: "No, the time seems to be wrong." Seeing Guerte's strange expression, he said again: "I heard an elder mention it."

It was only then that Guert remembered that he seemed to have always regarded Yong Liansi as a single person. Imagine that Zhan Tian had been sealed for many years, Yong Liansi could not be alone, and the famous sword Changge in her hand should be Not from Battle Sky either.

elder? Who would that be...

Yong Liansi finally understood completely now, and said: "It turns out that the ghost world is invading the cultivation world. As high-ranking members of the light class, we have to be busy dealing with it, and we are forced to let our dark class act recklessly below. At the entrance of the high-level area, there is no time to stand out, it seems that the situation is not very good, huh?"

Guert also thought that the box could have been given to Zhi Ruoyan, but there must be a reason why Zhi Ruoyan refused to accept it.

But now Mu Muzhi was forced to come out to meet him, and then let him show the box to Zhi Ruoyan, there must be a change ahead, which made them have to use this trick in advance.

The two walked back to the fork, and Guert stopped and said, "You still have a chance to go back now."

Yong Liansi smiled and said: "When did you ever see a servant running with his master on his back? Others can't, and I, Yong Liansi, can't." After speaking, he took the initiative to walk towards the left road.

Guert had no choice but to follow him. The reason why he insisted on wanting Yong Liansi to leave was mainly because he had a bad premonition in his heart.

Especially when Sister Rou mentioned the enchantment, he felt that it might be the last line of defense set up by Gao Jie. If that line of defense was also breached, it meant that people from the Underworld Demon Realm had arrived in the Realm of Cultivation.

The two set foot on the road, the road ahead was still the same as before, they were used to it, but when they went further down, it was a bit different, a lot of aquatic plants suddenly appeared on the yellow ground.

And there are no longer two people alone on the road, it seems that there is always someone following from afar. But the two of them kept Sister Rou's order in mind, and tried not to cause trouble if they could.

Going forward, the aquatic plants are getting more and more luxuriant, except that the sky and the earth are still the same gray color, everything else is much better than before, and the strange spirits that have been appearing sporadically have also begun to appear on the side of the road in batches. Except for a few extremely vicious ones occasionally, everything else is fine.

While walking, Yong Liansi suddenly let out a snort and said, "What do you think is that?"

Guert looked in the direction of her finger, and his heart was shocked. It turned out that there was a small village far away from the road they were walking, separated by many ghosts, so they couldn't get close, but with their eyesight, It can be seen that it is an inhabited village.

The two looked at each other, both feeling incredible, what kind of area is this place? There is actually a village?

Yong Liansi looked into the distance and said, "I suspect that there should be a layer of enchantment shield outside that village. Otherwise, there is no reason for those strange spirits not to go there."

Guert said: "Who lives there?" If there were not several batches of ghosts in the middle, they would have rushed over to look.

Yong Liansi shook his head and said: "I can't see clearly, maybe they moved here, or maybe they lived here before."

Surprised, Guert thought of a possibility, but quickly denied it. After all, this area still belongs to the cultivation world, and it is impossible for the ghost world to openly establish a village here.