Wrath of the Devil

The two continued to walk forward, the road ahead was no longer as clear as before, and many strange spirits had already run on the road, they did not dare to kill randomly, for fear that if they killed one, they would provoke a group, so they made a special detour around Walking, greatly affected the speed of the two.

After walking for a while, they saw the village again, and this time the village was much closer to them. When they saw the smoke rising from every house, they had to start wondering if it was just an illusion.

But when they saw the people walking on the village street, they were stunned again.

The clothes of these people are completely different from the cultivation world and the human world that they are familiar with. Their hair is covered with turbans, combed in buns, and they are dressed in extremely ancient cloth clothes, styles that they have never seen before.

The two could no longer hold back their curiosity, and began to approach the village.

When they were about a few hundred meters away, Gu and Yong realized that they could not go any further. They stepped back a few steps and checked carefully, only to find that there was an extremely weird figure drawn on the ground not far ahead.

The power that appears around this figure divides the space into two parts. So even though the two could see the village in front of them, they couldn't move any further.

Guert knew that this should be the village that the Netherworld moved to. This area seemed to have been gradually infiltrated by the Netherworld. It was no wonder that Sister Rou reminded them just now that if they encountered strange creatures, they should hide as soon as they could.

They continued to move forward, but this time they didn't see the village anymore, and the original aquatic plants gradually faded away, the surrounding area became more and more desolate, and the ghosts gradually became rare.

However, other creatures seem to have appeared. Although their bodies are much smaller than the ghosts, their hideous appearance and blue scales on the outside make people shudder when viewed from a distance.

But fortunately, these creatures seem to have no interest in Gu and Yong. They just stroll around leisurely, and occasionally hunt some strange spirits in groups of twos and threes.

Looking at it, Guert suddenly remembered a creature he had heard before, and asked, "Are these demon spirits?"

Yong Liansi frowned deeply, and said: "It should be, they saw us a few times just now, and they were about to charge, but they retreated."

Guert took a deep breath, both of them would rather confront the vicious people from the underworld, and they would dodge these demon spirits as long as they could. , I can't think of any other good way. Immediately said: "Maybe they are not interested in us. Let's go!"

Yong Liansi also seemed to be a little disgusted with these monsters, frowning and nodding, the two quickly passed by, but this road was particularly difficult to walk. It is a demon spirit.

Looking at the strange creatures all over the mountains and plains, Yong Liansi frowned and said: "What do high-ranking people eat? How can they bring in so many demon spirits? If they are put in the realm of self-cultivation, it will be a mess."

At this time, Guert began to admire a person in his heart——Yi Qingke, the thousand-year-old successor of the Fushou clan.

Thinking about this journey, if there is Yi Qing around, not only will it not be a hindrance, but it will become a kind of help. Even if there is a war with the ghost world, if I can really use these demon spirits and other spirits for me , that is equivalent to adding an extremely powerful army.

No wonder Gao Jie has always attached great importance to Yi Qingke.

But now that Yi Qing is not around, Guert had no choice but to walk forward bravely, followed by Yong Liansi.

A strange thing happened suddenly. Just as Guert was walking forward gradually, those demon spirits who were crowded together consciously fanned to the two sides to make way. The two looked at each other, both extremely surprised , Yong Lian thought: "Is there anything on you?"

Guert shook his head and said, "You have?"

Yong Liansi also shook his head and said, "No."

A flash of inspiration flashed in Guert's mind, and he said, "Could it be this?" After speaking, he raised the box in his hand, Yong Liansi nodded and said, "Maybe."

Guert moved the box to the left, and sure enough, the demon spirit on the left stepped back a little, and said, "It looks like this is it."

Yong Lian thought: "What's in it?"

Guert had already opened it and said, "It's an egg. I don't know what it is."

Yong Liansi nodded thoughtfully, then looked around, showing a disgusted look, and said: "Let's get out of here first."

Guert knew that the girl had some natural fear of these monsters, so he quickly rushed forward. The road was finally much quieter, the demon spirits dispersed, and the road gradually became clear.

Finally, he felt a strong breath of power in front of him, looked up, and said, "The front seems to be here."

Yong Lian looked into the distance thoughtfully, and said, "It should be."

Sure enough, the two walked forward for a while, and saw a blue light emerging in front of them, knowing that they had reached the end of the land.

The two slowed down unconsciously, the road came to an end, and an abyss appeared ahead.

Yong Liansi looked at him and said, "You want to dance again?"

Guert looked at the blue light constantly shooting out of the abyss, and said, "Otherwise?"

Before Yong Liansi could speak, suddenly a strange light flashed from the bottom of the abyss, and then a violent vibration came, and the two hurriedly took a few steps back.

I saw the gravel cracking, the edge where I was standing just now had cracked, and a distorted crack appeared on the ground.

The two looked at each other, knowing that something must have happened below, Guert held Yong Liansi's hand, and was about to jump down, when suddenly a very stiff voice came, saying: "Don't move!"

The voice was extremely strange, and the two turned their heads to look, only to see a young man staring at them with wide-eyed eyes, his brown skin was similar to the color of the earth here.

Barefoot and barefoot, with some hay wrapped around his neck, he looks like he came out of a deep mountain forest, but there is a curious look in his bright eyes.

Guert let go of Yong Liansi's hand and said, "Who are you?"

The man said, "Who are you? I've never seen you before!" with a vigilant look on his face.

Yong Lian thought: "We are all passing by, may I ask who you are?"

The man looked at Yong Liansi, his eyes suddenly lit up, his face softened a little, and he said: "The road here is blocked, you have made a mistake. Go back quickly!"

Yong Liansi smiled slightly and said, "Really? Can you tell us where this place is?"

The man looked at Guert again and said, "This is where I was born. Where did you come from? Where are you going?"

Guert glanced at Yong Liansi, and said: "We got lost at the fork in front of the road just now, and then we saw a strange light coming from here, so we ran here."

The man suddenly took a few steps forward, looked at the abyss behind them, and said with a slightly changed expression: "Here it is again."

Yong Liansi asked in surprise: "What do you mean here again?"

The man pointed to the crack and said, "Here. I've lived so long, it cracks almost every once in a while. At first I thought it was an earthquake, but later I realized that the devil got angry."

Guert said in amazement: "The devil is angry? Why?"

The man said: "This is what the elder grandpa said. In the past, there were mountains and rivers here, and the environment was very good, but later there were many demons. They changed this place, and then the gods came, drove away the demons, and helped us build a good place." Village, but shortly after that, the valley here often has such earthquakes, and each time it appears, it will disappear after a period of time.

"I happened to be nearby just now, so I ran over as soon as I heard the sound. I didn't expect to run into you."

Guert thought to himself that this god should be a high-ranking one, and the demon who was driven away should be a member of the Underworld, and he said in surprise: "The villages we passed just now, are you living there?"

The man shook his head and said: "No, we live in the mountains, there is no one here." Then, looking at him strangely, he said: "Where did you see the village? There are monsters everywhere here, no one can live there." ."

Guert looked at Yong Liansi, and Yong Liansi was also full of astonishment. The young man in front of him didn't seem to be lying, so what did they see?

Yong Liansi suddenly said: "Can you take us to where you live? I want to ask your elder grandpa about the gods and demons ."

The man stared at Yong Liansi fiercely, he seemed to be hesitating, but at the same time he seemed a little bit reluctant.

Yong Liansi observed the words and expressions, and naturally understood in his heart. Before the man could reply, he continued: "If you don't want to, then let's go?"

With that said, he wanted to go back.

The man hurriedly said, "Okay, okay, I'll take you there."

Yong Liansi smiled sweetly and said, "You're so good, what's your name?"

The man's face suddenly turned red, and he said, "My name is Gree. How about you?"

Yong Liansi rolled her eyes and said, "My surname is Te , and my name is T'ergu ."

Gree, a silly kid, showed a look of intoxication on his face, and said, "What a nice name."

Guert looked at it and smiled wryly in his heart. It's nice to call his name upside down. It seems that this beauty trick works everywhere.

Several people said that they were about to pass, Gree led the way, Yong Lisi winked at Guerte from behind, and followed. Although Guerte didn't know Yong Liansi's intentions, seeing her passing, he had no choice but to follow.

Along the way, Yong Liansi was chatting and laughing with Gree in front, but Gree was obviously an inexperienced young man, and he had already revealed all the truth while asking and answering.

It turned out that they were actually a family from the human world, they used to live in the Qiyun Continent, and then the mainland changed, and they began to migrate.

During the migration process, there was a hurricane, and when people woke up, they were already here, and they have lived here ever since.

Guert observed all the way, and found that this young man had a good cultivation. He didn't seem to care much about it. He often jumped tens of meters. Fortunately, the two of them could keep up.

The road here turns back according to the original road. After walking for a while, it began to turn east. There was no obvious fork in the road, so the two of them didn't go there at first. At this time, they followed Gree. Then they found a valley, turned into it, and finally saw a village.

In the eyes of Gu and Yong, this village is so primitive that it cannot be more primitive. The small stone houses built against the valley, but let Guert see a few fields in the middle of the valley, and someone is farming on them. After he left the human world, he saw someone farming for the first time.

And according to the inference of Gree's cultivation just now, he should have already reached the realm of a cultivator.

I don't know why I still have to farm?

The population in the village was not prosperous, but when Gree shouted, dozens of people came out of the house, and they were very surprised to see Gu and Yong.

Many people even shouted: "Heavenly God!" There were also some people who spoke vaguely in a language they could not understand at all.

Gree was busy explaining that these two people were not gods, they just went the wrong way, and wanted to come over to get to know each other. Finally, except for a few curious children who stayed nearby, everyone else dispersed and went to their own business.

Yong Liansi walked up to Gree and whispered a few words, Gree looked at Yong Liansi's silly nod, Gurt began to feel a little unbearable, Yong Liansi used Gree like this for some unknown reason.

Yong Liansi suddenly waved to him, and then walked towards the village with Gree. Gurt hurried to follow.

The further you walked inside, the more lush the surrounding branches and leaves became. After walking for a while, Gree suddenly turned his head and said, "Grandpa Elder is inside."

In front of him was the tallest towering tree in the valley. Guert was wondering what kind of joke Gree was making, but Gree had already stepped forward.

With a wave of his hand, Guert saw that there was actually a tree hole in the tall and straight old tree, and the dense branches and leaves hung down, forming a natural door.

There are simple decorations in the tree hole, an old man is sitting in the middle, his eyes are closed, the wrinkles on his face are tangled together, and he can't even see his facial features clearly.

Although he was just sitting, he could still feel that he was unusually tall, with long hands and long feet.

There were two middle-aged men standing next to the old man. Seeing Gree, one of them shouted: "Gree, what are you messing around with? The elder is resting ..." Before he could finish speaking, he suddenly saw Guert and Yong standing behind Gree. Liansi, couldn't help being stunned, and forgot to continue.

Gree shouted: "Grandpa, there are guests!"

The old man's body trembled slightly, and he said: "Geli, you are here." As he spoke, his eyes opened slightly, they first fell on Gree, then turned back, and saw Yong Liansi.

He looked at Guerte standing at the end without any expression, and suddenly his body shook violently, his eyes flashed, the facial features on his face suddenly "stretched", and he shouted: "God!"

Everyone was shocked, and the two middle-aged men next to him also fell to their knees with a plop.

Gurt was a little confused, Gree hurriedly yelled and explained: "No, Grandpa, I met them outside just now, not gods."

The elder's face darkened, and he said: "I said that the god is the god, Gree, don't be rude to the god!" After speaking, his huge body stood up, and he knelt down facing Guert.

Gree was so stupid now, his grandfather knelt down, how dare he not kneel down, he quickly knelt down too in fright.

The elder knelt on the ground, raised his hands high, and said, "God, do you have any instructions for your people?"

Now it was obvious that the god the elder was talking about was Guert.

Yong Liansi looked at Guert in astonishment, Guert shook his head inexplicably, expressing that he didn't know what was going on.

With a light cough, he said, "Elder, I'm not a god, I'm just a tourist passing by here."

The elder raised his head and looked at Guert again, suddenly trembling all over his body, he said: "God, are you going to abandon the people who believe in you? God, a catastrophe is coming, please protect us!" Then he put his hands on the ground , The whole body fell down, and the head was stuck to the ground.

Guert looked at Yong Liansi helplessly, and Yong Liansi suddenly asked: "Does the god you have seen look the same as him?"

The elder raised his head, glared at Yong Liansi angrily, and said, "Of course it's the same, God, how could I remember it wrong?" After a pause, he turned to Guert and bowed down again: "God, please bless us!"

The two middle-aged men and Gree in the back shouted together with the elder this time: "God, please bless us!"

Guert was stunned, did he look the same as himself? Then only the mother has Qingsi, why did she come here? And it must have been a long time.

He coughed lightly and said, "Elder, how long has it been since I came here last time, do you still remember?"

The elder trembled all over, probably because he saw that the god was finally willing to talk to him, and said excitedly: "God, since you left last time, I am the only one left here who is still struggling, and I hope to see you again , here is different from the human world, there is no special calculation method for time, but according to my aging deduction, at least twenty years have passed."

Guert thought to himself: If it's only been twenty years, then maybe my mother really came here, but after thinking about it again, even if it's a hundred years, who can tell clearly, here, the time is not fixed.

Slowing down his voice, he said, "Elder, please raise your head and look at me carefully. Am I the god you know?"

The elder raised his head according to his words, stared at Gurt carefully up and down, and said with certainty: "Yes, you are that god!"

Guert was completely dumbfounded. Although he was very similar to his mother, after all, there were still some slight differences in appearance between a man and a woman. It seemed that this elder was really old, and he might have misremembered. But these are not the main things now, he asked: "Tell me, what happened under the abyss over there?"

The elder questioned: "Isn't that the god you set up?" The implication is obviously that you made something yourself, why did you come to ask me again.

Guert said unhurriedly: "I only know the previous situation. Just now I heard Gree say the devil's wrath. What's going on?"

The elder said: "There have been frequent earthquakes over the past few years, and there are also various lights shooting out. It should be that the demons that were driven out before have reappeared. The demons are angry and they are hitting the valley."

Guert frowned: "Aside from earthquakes, what else?"

The elder said urgently: "More strange creatures have appeared without warning, and have already affected our normal life. We rely on the protective measures left by the gods to resist many times, but I am afraid that we will not be able to resist in the end."

Guert looked at Yong Liansi and said, "Is it a demon spirit?"

The elder said in surprise: "God knows? I don't know if those are demon spirits, but they are very powerful. Not only are they powerful, but they are also poisonous. Many people in our village have been injured."

Guert said: "Did they come by themselves, or was someone instructing them behind their backs?"

The elder said: "Every time I send people to track the whereabouts of these monsters, they disappear, so I don't know the details."

Guert looked at the people kneeling next to him, thought for a while, and said, "Take me to see those injured people."