Battle Demon Spirit

The elder yelled "God bless" again and got up.

The huge body lowered its head and walked outside. Gree and the guards of the two elders followed, followed by Gurt.

When the elder walked out, the people in the whole village were alarmed. Wherever he passed, everyone bowed down.

But seeing the respectful appearance of the elders towards Guert, and bowing down to Guert, walking all the way, made Guert very uncomfortable.

Finally, a group of people came to a simple stone house. There were two people guarding the door. When they saw the elder coming, they knelt down to greet him.

The elder waved his hand, stood at the door, and said, "God, this is it."

Gurt nodded and walked inside, only to see eight people lying in the stone house, with some ointment applied to their bodies. The stench of wounds mixed with a strange smell of herbs formed an incomparably weird smell.

Yong Liansi couldn't help covering her nose and took a few steps back.

Gurt stepped forward and held the hand of the first person. The wound was wrapped in medicinal herbs, but the stench continued, and the person was in a semi-comatose state.

Guert's Heavenly Jue Heart Sutra was activated, and the strength was revealed. The injured person suffered heavy trauma. What's even more strange is that the toxins in the body are very rare.

The toxin was slowly flowing towards the heart veins. Guert knew that it should be the effect of the herbs they used. He tried to expose the Tianjue Heart Sutra to the toxin. After several times in a row, the Tianjue Heart Sutra finally entered the toxin.

Guert was shocked in his heart, he had never had such a powerful poison, and it took so long for the Heart Sutra of Heaven's Jue, and the poison he had been poisoned in the past was almost broken in a blink of an eye.

Fortunately, although this poison is weird, it can be broken at last.

Sure enough, once the Heart Sutra of Heaven Jue entered the toxin, it immediately cleared away, and the toxin was slowly dissolved. Once the toxin is untied, it will be easier for the Tianjue Heart Sutra to deal with trauma.

After a while, the man let out a muffled snort and woke up.

The people watching were taken aback. Even Gree, who was originally skeptical, began to worship Guert as a god from the bottom of his heart.

The elder exclaimed even more, and said: "God, you really didn't abandon your people. I have seen your miraculous healing skills before, and I didn't expect to see it again today."

Guert was stunned for a moment, could it be that his mother also practiced the Heart Sutra of Heaven's Judgment like himself?

While thinking, he looked at all the remaining seven people.

With the first experience, this toxin can be easily broken by the Heart Sutra of Heavenly Jue, so the remaining seven people have also been healed with ease.

It didn't take much time, and the eight injured people had all been healed. Others in the village heard that the god was coming, and they all ran to the door to watch. Seeing this scene, they all firmly believed that Guert was the god.

So when Guert came out of the house sweating profusely, all the people in the village had already kneeled in the village, and almost every open space was full of people kneeling.

Kneeling is no longer popular in the human world, but in this ancient village, it seems that only kneeling can express the respect in the heart.

Guert said at a loss: "Get up quickly. Why are there so many people... Hey... Get up, get up!"

Although he has always been good at pretending to be calm, seeing so many people kneeling on the ground now makes him a bit unbearable.

Yong Liansi looked at this scene from behind, as if she had already seen the strangeness, but the light in her eyes was always staring at Guert, as if she wanted to see more of his secrets from his back.

The elder fell on the ground and shouted: "God, please drive away the demons and save your people!"

Nearly a hundred people followed the elder and shouted at the same time: "God, please drive away the demons and save your people!"

Guert said helplessly: "I really want to help you, but I don't know where the devil is. I still have urgent matters to leave. Can I help you when I return?"

The elder trembled and shouted: "God, please save us!" Nearly a hundred people behind him echoed again: "God, please save us."

Guert explained a few more reasons for leaving, but these people just lay on the ground and refused to get up, Guert looked helplessly at Yong Liansi.

Yong Liansi shook her head with a smirk, obviously she was happier to see Guert embarrassed.

Just when Guert was so angry that he couldn't help it, suddenly there was a scream from the entrance of the village, and several people were rushing over here and there, obviously something happened.

Everyone turned their heads, only to see one of them mumbled something, the elder over there suddenly stood up and shouted: "God, the devil is here, the devil is here!"

Guert was taken aback. Could it be that people from the underworld directly attacked? He looked at Yong Liansi behind him, Yong Liansi's face was cloudy and uncertain, obviously also considering the current situation.

Guert turned his head to look at the kneeling crowd again, and said, "I'll go and have a look." As soon as the words fell, the figure swooped up, and the person appeared a hundred meters away, and after a few flashes, the person reached the valley entrance .

Yong Liansi, who was behind, no longer hesitated, followed closely, and the elders and others also followed.

Guert, who arrived at the entrance of the valley, discovered that probably because of the opening of defenses in the valley, a layer of blue enchantment suddenly appeared at the door, which should be the protective measures left by the gods in their mouths.

And where is the enemy?

He looked around, only then did he see a few monsters slowly crawling over in the distance, and then appeared one after another, all kinds of monsters he had seen on the road just now, and all kinds of monsters that he had never seen before appeared.

And different from what he saw on the road, these demon spirits were actually lined up neatly and headed here.

If it is said that they formed it spontaneously, it will really make Guert reconsider whether the IQ of the demon spirit is much higher than that of the foreign spirit.

If not, who is the manipulator behind this? Why didn't they go to the high ranks, but came to attack this ancient small village?

Yong Liansi had already caught up, looking at the crowd of demon spirits in front of him, he was also stunned, and said: "How could this be? Could it be that people from the Underworld Demon Realm manipulate demon spirits?"

Guert thought of Yi Qingke in his heart, if this descendant of the Fushou clan was here, these attacks could be defeated without attack, and the opponent in front of him obviously had such a talent.

The elders behind also came over, saw the demon spirit, and shouted: "God, they are the slaves of the devil, the slaves of the devil!"

At this time, all the assembled demon spirits gathered outside the blue barrier, flicking their tails, biting their horns, and attacking with all kinds of attacks.

All I could hear was the non-stop thumping sound outside the barrier.

The elder said in a trembling voice: "God, the enchantment you left behind can no longer stop the servants of the devil. The devil is about to invade the village."

Guert looked at the blue enchantment silently, knowing that it would not last long, but he had always lacked knowledge of enchantment making, so he turned to look at Yong Liansi.

Yong Liansi knew what he meant, shook his head, and said helplessly: "The energy here is unstable, and the enchantment is difficult to stabilize. This enchantment is already a miracle..."

Guert's scalp began to tingle. He had fought several ghosts in the world of ghosts. The ghosts of each department have their own strengths, and this demon spirit must be the same.

Moreover, the demon spirits also have all kinds of toxin attacks. I have the protection of the Heart Sutra and the inner alchemy that protects the spirits, so I don't need to worry about it, but other people may not be so lucky.

Especially here is not a few, but a few groups.

Now he can only hope for the power of that box, and turned his head and said, "This place can last for a while, so don't move here."

As he said that, he swept his body forward and had already rushed out of the barrier.

Outside the barrier, a large number of demon spirits were still rushing towards the barrier. They didn't respond when they saw Guert appearing, and they were still attacking the barrier.

Guert stopped in the sky, took out the box, fearing that the power was not enough, he simply opened it, only to find that there was a crack on the egg.

This box has been kept in a sealed container for a long time, so it should not be damaged in any way, and it should have appeared when it was processed by Mu Mu. Does this mean that there is still life in this egg, which is about to be conceived?

He was still thinking about it, when suddenly there was a scream from below, and a gust of wind came!

He was startled, lifted his body, a black shadow swept across the soles of his feet, his feet went numb, he almost shook the box in his hand, and quickly closed it, before he had time to observe, another black shadow flew up , this time the target is obvious, not him, but the box in his hand.

Guert hurriedly put the box back into the seal, and at the same time took out the voiceless spirit blade. As soon as the spirit blade was released, the Tianjue Heart Meridian naturally circulated, the blade light soared, and the cold air instantly frightened people.

The black shadow that was originally sweeping towards the box in Guert's hand was naturally the Spirit Blade.

The two phases intersected, and Guert only felt his hands sink, and the black shadow was cut in two, and a large puddle of stinky liquid was sprayed on him, and there was a roar.

Only now did he have time to look down, and saw that all the demon spirits that were still attacking the barrier just now were attacking him.

What was cut off just now was a demon spirit with four thick and long tentacles, and now one was cut off, and its bloody mouth was roaring loudly.

Several other demon spirits below were also shooting at Guert quickly, and he quickly pulled up his figure to avoid the violent attacks of the demon spirits.

Fortunately, among these demon spirits, only the monster with four tentacles was able to attack from a long distance, and the others couldn't reach it, so he finally took a breath.

Smelling the fishy smell on his body, he knew that it must be highly poisonous, but he was not afraid of any toxin at all.

Now it's all right, all the demon spirits stopped attacking the enchantment, and they all yelled at Guert who was high in the sky on the ground. The attack distance, and then the body quickly panned and flew outwards, and the demon spirits below also flew outwards with him.

He was overjoyed, knowing that this trick worked, temporarily distracting the demon spirit would allow all the people in the village to move away, without having to stay here.

It's not too far from Desolate Valley, as long as you inform Sister Rou, you should be able to give them a place to live.

Just thinking about it, suddenly a huge black shadow rushed down above his head. Guert had been focusing on the bottom and didn't pay attention to the sky at all, so he was caught right at this time, and there was a burning pain in his shoulders. A huge force pressed down on him, and he fell down involuntarily.

He was terrified, he didn't know well, there were several groups of demon spirits staring at him, if he fell down, he would probably be eaten up, no matter how powerful his Heavenly Heart Sutra was, it would be too late to save him.

He pressed down with both hands and wanted to fly again. The four-tentacled demon spirit who had been cut off by Guert just now had already tied him with the remaining three tentacles at the same time.

A huge force forcibly pulled him down. There was a burning pain on his body, and he had no time to react, and he lost feeling in his two calves.

When Guerte was about to close his eyes and wait to die, a white light flashed, and the four-tentacled demon spirit howled miserably, and three tentacles were cut off from it at the same time. Being pulled by someone, he jumped up again.

Yong Liansi's voice came and said, "Is your leg okay?"

Guert took a breath, and the heart meridian of Tianjue flowed quickly, and the blood in the calf immediately became active. Except for a little numbness, the calf has returned to normal, and said: "It's okay."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a scream in front of him, and Guert looked up.

I saw a strange bird next to it, with a blood-red head and black feathers all over its body. Its wings were more than ten meters long, with golden eyes and iron beak, and its claws were like a pair of iron hooks.

Guert knew that it must have been this pair of claws like iron hooks that kicked him down just now. The strength is so heavy, this must be one of the demon spirits. Such a shape flies without any movement, and the speed is amazing Hurry up, or I won't be unaware of it beforehand.

At this time, Yong Liansi let out a soft scold, and his figure had already been swept away, only to see the cold light flashing continuously, and the long song that had been pulled out just now directly slashed at the huge strange bird.

The strange bird probably knew that Chang Ge was not easy to touch head-on, so with a flick of its wings, it actually swiped across it, and kicked Yong Liansi's head with its two claws.

With such a large body, the giant bird was naturally not as dexterous as Yong Liansi when it moved. Yong Liansi swayed, avoided the attack, and turned behind the giant bird.

Yong Liansi's true ability was fully demonstrated this time, Chang Ge drew an incomparably beautiful arc in the air without seeing anyone.

The giant bird howled miserably, its huge wings fluttered non-stop, its feathers fell straight down, and blood sprayed to both sides.

Guert smelled the stench in the air, and he knew that this monster was just like the others, and its blood was highly poisonous, so he hurriedly shouted: "Be careful of the toxin in the blood!"

At the same time, the spiritual blade in his hand pierced into the Heart Sutra of Heaven's Jue, and the light of the blade shot up sharply, stabbing mercilessly at the giant bird struggling in the air.

This time he directly took the head of the giant bird, the blood-red part on the head.

The giant bird screamed miserably, and the blade light passed through the blood-red area, and a cloud of purple liquid burst out. With previous experience and the longer blade light, Guert successfully avoided it.

The purple liquid fell down and landed on the demon spirits on the ground, and there was a sudden howl of misery, and all the demon spirits that were touched by the purple liquid rolled towards both sides like crazy.

Originally, the formation of the demon spirits was a bit messy because of chasing Guert, but now it's completely messed up! These large crawling monsters seem to have forgotten that they were companions just now, and the demon spirits that rolled towards the two sides bounced away the other demon spirits that could bounce off, and began to bite the ones that could not bounce off. A spectacle began to be staged, and the earth They seemed to be shaking.

I don't know how long it took, even the villagers who were hiding behind the barrier and didn't dare to show up, couldn't help the howling, and ran out to watch. Finally, everything was over, and the group of demon spirits were dying except for a few serious injuries. Except, all others perish.

Everyone stared blankly at this scene.

Finally, the elder was the first to react. He suddenly lay down on the ground, prostrated himself to the stunned Guert in the air, and said, "God, your people thank you for your salvation, God lives forever!"

When the other residents heard the elder's cry, they also sincerely bowed down. If it was a coincidence that the seriously injured villagers were rescued just now, then this scene now is a miracle, and it was the young man in front of them who created this miracle. Bowing down, shouting, expressing the joy and reverence in my heart.

"God, did not abandon us, we will always be your people!"

After being awakened by the elder, Guert immediately reacted, turned around and saw that Yong Liansi was hanging in the air at the same height as him.

He flew over, and was about to ask Yong Liansi if she had been poisoned, when he noticed a strange blushing on her face, he was startled, and quickly grabbed her, and poured the Tianjue Heart Sutra into it.

After going through the Heart Sutra of Tianjue, he didn't find any toxins. He looked up at Yong Liansi, who was also looking at Guert with a strange expression, and said, "What are you doing?"

Knowing that Yong Liansi was fine, Guert breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I saw that your face was flushed, and I thought you were also poisoned."

Yong Liansi touched his face strangely, and said: "Really? Why didn't I feel it? Maybe it's because I used too much force just now. What's going on here?"

Guert only knew that it was related to the purple liquid on the head of the strange bird, but now the body of the giant bird had already fallen and was torn to pieces by the melee demon spirits. The purple liquid could not be traced, and no one knew what happened. .

He told Yong Liansi the process of stabbing the top of the giant bird just now, Yong Liansi looked curious and said, "It's amazing!"

Guert remembered the life-saving grace just now, and said, "Thank you just now."

Yong Liansi waved his hand and said: "Although you can't be assigned casually by you, it's okay to protect you. This is the duty of the servant."

It was only then that Guert remembered that he was still the master of Yong Liansi, but he didn't expect that he was not as good as a follower, especially the killing move just now was so fierce, he couldn't believe that he had defeated her.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help thinking of the Root Mantra of King Ming that he hadn't finished cultivating. Among them, the root mantra of the middle Fudo King that can cause the most direct damage has not yet been read.

But Yong Liansi followed her so much every day, she really couldn't spare time to practice.

Still thinking, Yong Liansi suddenly pushed him and said, "They are calling you."

Guert was already tired of listening to the god of heaven, so he deliberately ignored the voice over there. Only then did he turn his attention back when he heard it, and returned to the ground.

I saw the elder was waiting eagerly, saying: "God, the slave of the devil is dead, I'm afraid the devil is coming."

Only then did Guert think of this key question, pondered for a while, and said, "Yes, although I have no problem myself, I'm afraid you can't bear it."

The old man kept nodding, and said: "Exactly! So I think..."

Said with a look of embarrassment.

Gurt was very happy in his heart, and thought to himself: It is best for you to take the initiative to evacuate, so that I don't have to embarrass the face of the gods and let you escape.

With feigned surprise on his face, he said, "Is there anything the elder can't say?"

The elder was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "No, no, it was the last self-protection move left by the gods back then. I have always been ashamed to use it, but if the gods promise us to use it again, then I will announce the use of the last move Recruited."