Purple Star Valley of Love

Guert was really surprised this time, and said, "What kind of trick?"

The elder said in astonishment: "Could it be that the gods have forgotten? Back then, you told us that if the devil opened the barrier, we should all hide underground, so as to avoid the final killing, and return until everything calms down."

Guert thought to himself: So they were hiding underground, but why did my mother, oh no, the gods in the past take care of them like this?

And wouldn't it be easier to transfer them directly to the realm of comprehension or the realm of the human world?

He was full of doubts in his heart, and he knew there must be a reason for it, otherwise it would be impossible to expend so much effort.

The elder said: "We have always followed the instructions of the gods. Not only have we stored a large amount of food underground, but we have also opened up new exits to facilitate access to various places."

Gurte nodded and said: "You guys have done a good job, so don't hesitate, act quickly!"

Hearing Guert's words, the elder seemed to have taken a reassurance, nodded his head heavily, and said, "Follow the instructions of the gods!" After speaking, he led the villagers who had just come out to watch the excitement and ran back to the village.

Yong Liansi wobbled over from the side, and said, "When did you tell them that?"

Guert shrugged and said, "Maybe I came here in a dream, and they took it seriously when I said something in my sleep!"

Yong Liansi burst out laughing, and said, "Why are you so unserious all of a sudden!"

Guert said sternly: "At the moment of the war, of course you have to relax. Don't be so rigid, relax, so that you can play well!"

Yong Liansi enlarged the smile on her face to the maximum and said, "Then, my dear master, what instructions are you going to give me now?"

Guert still had a serious face and said: "Follow me, don't run around." After speaking, he quickly swept into the valley.

Yong Liansi snickered and followed Guert closely, saying, "When shall we go over there?"

Guert said: "There is an abyss there, if there are groups of demon spirits instead of barriers, wouldn't we be courting death if we jumped down like this?

"Anyway, Lord Miu Mushi doesn't need us to go in. Our task is to wait for Zhi Ruoyan outside and give him the things. We haven't met Zhi Ruoyan yet, so let's find a sure way first."

Yong Liansi was right when he heard it, so he didn't say any more.

When Guert entered the valley, he saw that the villagers had already formed a long queue, and each of them carried a box in their hands. They probably had already prepared it, and the beginning of the line was just under the towering tree where he went to meet the elder.

That tree hole seems to be the entrance to the ground.

Guert thought to himself, no wonder the elder has been sitting there, thinking about whether to use the last trick left by the god.

Although they were holding things in their hands, all the villagers dropped their things and knelt down reverently when they saw Guert approaching. Guert hurriedly waved his hand to say no.

He walked through the line and pulled the elder aside, wondering why the spirits were so eager to attack here first.

This valley is not big, and the things are very simple, there is really no need to attack, there must be something terrible hidden in it, otherwise the demon spirits—to be exact, the underworld people of the underworld, there is no need to make such a big move.

He considered his words for a while, and said, "Elder, I want to know why the devil wants to attack here?"

The elder looked at Guert in surprise, and said, "I don't know, there is nothing valuable in the village, but..."

As he spoke, he looked at Guert, as if he was about to say something.

Guert said: "Just say it."

The elder said: "I suspect that it is the things left by you, the gods, that caused them to attack." After a pause, he suddenly said anxiously: "But you can continue to put these things here, we are willing to help you keep them!"

Guert knew that the reason must be here, so he said: "Take me to see what the god left."

The elder fell to his knees and said, "We never dared to forget the instructions we gave to the gods. It was the gods who saved us, and we are willing to die for the gods."

Goult smiled and said: "Don't be nervous, I just went to see, you guys are doing a good job."

Only then did the elder get up, and lead Guert to walk into the tree hole. The design of this road is very interesting. Although it is underground, it turns out to go up first.

The inside of this towering tree is completely hollowed out. Although a winding walkway is narrow inside the tree, it is still very stable to walk on.

Guert followed the elder to the top of the big tree, and finally saw a light door here. Guert knew that this should be left by the god, and he didn't know where it could lead.

After he jumped in, he found that this was a slide. According to the calculation of the distance, he should have reached the ground. Finally, the elder stopped, and Guert hurriedly floated up for fear of bumping into him.

The elder said: "There are two entrances here, one is our entrance to the underground, and the other is the things you placed here, the gods. Since you put the things in yourself, I haven't even opened the door. "

Gurt gradually got used to the darkness here, and he could see clearly that there were two black doors in front of him, one of which was open, and a long corridor inside, which should lead to a deeper underground, for them to save their lives. , and a black door next to it is tightly closed, which should be the place where the gods store things.

The elder bowed and stood outside, at this time Yong Liansi also came down, Guerte just opened the door, Yong Liansi was about to follow in, the elder suddenly blocked the door, said: "The god left an order back then, Only he can enter here, and no one else, no matter who they are, is allowed to enter."

Guert turned his head and said, "You wait for me outside."

Yong Liansi took two steps out indifferently, and Guerte walked in. The elder's tall body blocked the door, even if someone walked to the door, they couldn't see clearly what was inside.

Guert inside the door is in a completely different mood. This god - most likely is his mother, what will be left behind?

And she once took care of the elders, only she can come here to open it again, and now she comes in under the false name, is it against her mother's wish?

Facing something that might be left by his mother, he suppressed the excitement in his heart and continued to walk in. Like the door next to it, this is also a long corridor.

He went all the way to a small room where on a table stood a wooden box bordered with purple.

When he opened it, he almost cried out in shock. There was a small dark green flute in the center of the box, which was exactly the same shape and size as what Yan Yiyi had given, except that the color was slightly emerald green.

In addition to the familiar flute, there was a piece of red debris next to it, the surrounding shape was extremely irregular, and it seemed that it had been smashed from somewhere.

And under these two things, there is a piece of paper with handwriting on it.

Gurt's breathing stopped for no reason, then took a deep breath, and pulled out the piece of paper directly from below, and saw that it read: "My child, if you can enter here, it means that I can't let you escape. ﹃Yuan Yudi﹄ come to ﹃Purple Star Love Valley﹄ find me, I will wait for you."

Guert's heart was beating fast. After reading the text, he abruptly pulled his eyes away from the paper, looked up for a few seconds, and then dared to look at the signature: "Xiqing Siliu".

Guert only felt that it exploded with a bang in his mind. It was really left by his mother!

He hurriedly saw the word "child" at the beginning of the letter again. Did she know that she would come?

But according to the time, even if the god was the mother that day, it couldn't have happened in the past twenty years. Could it be that this was left by the mother before she met her father?

Could it be that the last time the ghost invaded, the mother also participated in it and helped the high order?

There are too many questions that need to be answered by the mother, but she left the flute and wanted to go to the Purple Star Love Valley to find her, which meant that she agreed to meet her.

The beautiful and gentle smiling face of his mother suddenly appeared in Guert's mind. From childhood to adulthood, as long as he made a request, his mother never refused.

It was this kind of caring approach that was close to doting that made Guert feel a strong contrast later. Although his father said that his mother refused to let his father save him, he still felt unreliable deep down in his heart.

But... where is this Purple Star Valley of Love?

He turned the paper over and looked at it. There was no map or anything to explain the location. He scratched his head involuntarily. What should we do?

Did mother forget? Or deliberately not to say?

At this moment, he suddenly lost his voice, read the letter again, and then looked at the Yuan Yudi, and then took out the ink-colored flute that Yan Yiyi had left for him from the seal.

Exactly the same except for the color! Yiyi also said that she is from the Upper Realm, so could this Xiaodi be the authorized sign to enter the "Upper Realm"?

Guert's mind was shaken, remembering that when he asked Yiyi what was the use of this, Yiyi didn't say anything, it seemed that he didn't say anything on purpose, and he didn't seem to want to say more.

Could it be that he knew she would leave one day, so he left a token, hoping to find her by himself? But why not make it clear that this is a token that can go to her?

He was dazed for a while, then regained his thoughts, turned his gaze to the red shard next to him, picked it up and looked at it carefully.

The shard tentacles are cool and cool, although the shape is extremely irregular, but the bright crimson seems to flow in it. At this glance, it is clear that it is not Fanpin, but Gurt himself does not know where it will fall from.

He solemnly put the things away, put away the whole box, and carefully looked around, for fear of missing something. After finally confirming that there were no omissions, he walked out of the room in an uncomfortable mood.

The elders outside were still dutifully blocking the door. When they saw Guert coming out, they quickly stepped aside, while Yong Liansi stood with his hands behind his back, with a calm expression on his face. No one knew what was going on in her heart.

Guert said to the elder: "These are indeed my things, thank you for helping me keep them."

The elder said anxiously: "God, you saved us, these are trivial."

Guert knew that the villagers, including the elders, had firmly believed that they were gods, and in fact the gods they were talking about were their mothers.

Without further explanation, he smiled slightly and said, "I'll leave after you've moved. I'll come back to see you when I finish my work. If the devil still invades, I'll help you move to a safer place."

The elder was very grateful, and he didn't want Guert to leave, but he was afraid of delaying the work of the gods, so after stammering a few words, he couldn't say anything more.

The three went out again and watched the villagers walk into the underground passage one by one. Finally, everything was arranged properly. Guert bid them farewell and left the ancient village with Yong Liansi.

This tossing took a lot of time, but it was extremely worthwhile for Guert, and he was extremely lucky. He never dreamed that there would be a message from his mother here.

When the two walked out of the village, they found strangely that the corpses of those demon spirits had disappeared, and even the blood on the ground seemed to have been wiped clean without leaving any traces. If the two of them hadn't killed the demon spirits with their own hands just now, You will definitely doubt whether your memory is wrong.

Guert said: "Who moves so fast? He actually cleaned this place without any traces."

Yong Liansi shook his head and said, "I suspect that it wasn't someone who came to clean it up, but that the demon spirit itself left no trace after death."

Guert's heart skipped a beat. From Yong Liansi's words, he thought that people in the Nether Demon Realm seemed to be able to be resurrected, so could it be that these demon spirits have all returned to the Nether Demon Realm?

If so, wouldn't the underworld be an undead race?

He knew it shouldn't be that simple, and there must be something more complicated, but he didn't know it yet.

Knowing that they couldn't research anything, they simply walked towards the abyss along the way they came. The ground was trembling along the way. It was obvious that the earthquake just now was still going on, that is, the " devil's wrath" that the elder said was still going on. with.

Finally, they returned to the abyss.

There were a few more cracks in the ground where there was only one crack just now, but the trembling still continued to pass up from below.

Guert pondered for a moment and said, "You wait for me up there, I'll go down and have a look."

Yong Liansi shook his head and said: "No way! The servant will naturally follow to the end, I will go wherever you go."

Guert sighed secretly, and said, "Then be careful!"

Yong Liansi raised her eyebrows and said coldly: "Don't forget who saved you just now."

Guert was speechless immediately, and glanced down, only to see the abyss with no end in sight, and no one knew what would happen.

He took a deep breath and said, "Let's go!" After speaking, he jumped up high, and then fell down.

Guert was startled, there seemed to be a strong suction down there, his current fall was completely out of his control, and the surroundings gradually turned into darkness, even Yong Liansi didn't know where he was, and his eyes widened , secretly praying in my heart.

Finally, as if a gust of wind had blown by, he felt dizzy for a while. When he woke up, his body was still falling, but there was light around him, and unlike the forced fall just now, he could control his body freely.

For a moment, he slowed down the speed of his rapid fall in the air, and took time to look around. This is indeed the bottom of the cliff, and the cliff next to it is like a blade. In the distance, blue light is constantly flashing.

Guert controlled his figure, and he landed firmly on the ground.

Suddenly there was a gust of wind in the air, he looked up, and saw Yong Liansi standing on the cliff next to him, his body that was falling rapidly turned into a horizontal plane and flew forward.

Guerte waved to her, Yong Liansi fell down, and said as soon as he landed: "I saw it. Over there, the enchantment." He said, pointing his hand towards the place where the blue light shot out.

Guerte nodded in agreement, and then the two quickly fled towards that side. The road was very quiet, not only the demon spirits could not be seen, but even the normal birds and beasts were gone, the surrounding was lifeless, and there was an uncomfortable feeling The hearts of the two were surging.

That place seemed very close, but it took a long time to arrive at the speed of the two of them.

This is a huge enchantment layer, about hundreds of meters long, and there is no end to it. Standing under this enchantment, the two of them feel that the world seems to be cut in half by this enchantment.

Yong Liansi swept up, looked up and down at the barrier, and exclaimed: "What a strong barrier."

Guert looked at Yong Liansi in astonishment, Yong Liansi pondered for a while, and said: "I know why there are frequent earthquakes up there."

After a pause, she pointed to the barrier, and said, "This, the force is too strong. The interior of the earth's crust is squeezed by this force, and there are abnormal movements, so the reaction is continuous small earthquakes."

Gurt was dumbfounded when he heard this. This enchantment can actually move the earth's crust and cause earthquakes. How strong is this power?

Yong Liansi continued: "With our strength, we will definitely not be able to get in here. We should just wait here."

Guert nodded silently, and began to sigh in his heart, this power seemed to never end, and he had already made rapid progress, but only after seeing King Ming's fundamental curse, he realized that he was still a beginner who didn't understand anything, and today he saw After arriving at this enchantment, he seemed to have become a weak boy again, unable to shake even a ten thousandth of it.

Yong Liansi didn't know that he had so many emotions, and asked, "Could it be the entrance to the Underworld?"

Guert replied: "It should be. This enchantment may also be used by high-ranking people to temporarily resist the invasion of the ghost world after the passageway is breached."

Yong Liansi said thoughtfully: "So, those demon spirits should have been here a long time ago."

Guert was stunned, it's not that he hadn't thought about this question, but what he had been paying attention to was "how did the demon spirit get in" instead of "whether the demon spirit was here all the time".

The two questions seem to be different aspects, but in fact they are related to the time when the ghost world entered the cultivation world. Those villages and these demon spirits indicate that the invasion of the ghost world has already begun, but the high-level control them within a certain range.

So what is the high-level purpose?

The two were silent like this, and finally a force in the barrier began to surge, and the blue light flourished. The two had a sense and looked at the same time, and a person suddenly appeared from the barrier.

Guert was startled, this person was not the Zhi Ruoyan he was waiting for, but another high-level person he had seen before.

The man was very tall, the purple robe was covered with blood, and the hair on his face was matted, but his voice was very loud. Looking at the two of them, he asked, "Who are you?"

Guert replied: "I am here to look for Master Zhi Ruoyan at the order of Lord Miu Mushi."

The man's eyes lit up and he called out, "Did he ask you to bring anything?"

Guert didn't answer him, looked at him, and suddenly said: "Excuse me, are you Lord Hades?"