Sacred Relic Fragments

The man was startled, and said, "I am, who are you?"

Although Guert was a little sure, he was still surprised. Hades was an envoy of the high-ranking subordinates to get Lu Zongqi's relics in Freedom, and he had a fierce battle with Yong Lisi at that time. It was rumored that Hades was a fake, and now it seems to be true.

If it is true, then Hades should not be ignorant of Guert and Yong Liansi at this time, after all, they have met before.

Yong Liansi had already forgotten it, but when Guerte mentioned it, she realized that this blood-stained person was really Hades, and it should be the real Hades, that is, Feng Qi's mentor.

Guert hurriedly replied respectfully: "I am Guert, a student of Teacher Feng Qi, and I have long admired the name of Lord Hades."

Hades was startled, looked at Guert in surprise, and said, "It's you, why are you here? Did something happen in the high-end area?"

Guert hurriedly said: "No, everything in the high-level area is normal. It was Mr. Mu Mushi who asked Mr. Fengqi to find me, and asked me to bring something to Mr. Zhi Ruoyan."

Hades suddenly seemed to think of something, and murmured in his mouth: "That's right, that's right, that thing is with you. Where's the old fool?"

Guert replied: "Master Miu Mushi met with me and then retreated again." Then he took out the box and said, "This is what he asked me to give to Master Zhi Ruoyan."

Just as Hades was about to take it, Yong Liansi suddenly said: "It's for Zhi Ruoyan, not Hades, be careful..."

Hades paused in the air, looked at Yong Liansi, and said, "Who are you? You speak so rudely!"

Yong Liansi smiled slightly and said, "I'm not from your Guangming class, why should I be so polite to you? What's more, I'm right."

Hades withdrew his hand, frowned and said, "Isn't it the light class, is it the dark class? Who are you?"

A smile flickered across Yong Liansi's lips, and said: "I am a member of the dark rank, Yong Liansi. I fought with your double once."

Hades' pupils shrank, and said in a deep voice, "So you are Yong Liansi? Why are you here?"

Yong Liansi slapped Guert with her petite chin, and said, "I am his follower now, so of course I followed him."

Hades looked at Gurt, obviously completely confused.

Guert was also very helpless, it was too complicated to explain clearly, he immediately said: "This is very complicated, but in short, she is harmless to us now. Where is Mrs. Zhi Ruoyan?"

Hades looked at Yong Liansi again, hesitated to speak, and finally said: "Wait a minute." After speaking, the figure flashed, and the person had disappeared, obviously returning to the other side of the enchantment .

Guert glanced at Yong Liansi, and said: "You are so courageous, even high-ranking officials dare to contradict you!"

Yong Liansi curled her lips in disdain, and said: "I don't know who wins and who loses. I have nothing to be afraid of! I just remind you, since people asked to hand it over to Zhi Ruoyan, not any high-ranking person, You have to accurately fulfill other people's requirements. Don't be so eager to get rid of the responsibility."

Guert thought the same, he was indeed a little impatient, and said with a little sigh: "There is no way, that's what people who are afraid of death are like."

Yong Liansi suddenly pursed her lips and smiled, knowing the meaning of Guert's words, and before she could speak, the power of the enchantment fluctuated again, and a blue light shot out, and it was Zhi Ruoyan who came out this time.

However, Gurt was shocked. In his impression, Zhi Ruoyan was handsome, but he was not as embarrassed as he is now. There are several holes in the wide robe, the hair is a little blackened, and the wound on his body is bleeding continuously. .

As soon as he appeared, he stared at Guert and said, "Where is the thing?"

Guert hurriedly passed the box over, Zhi Ruoyan's face was filled with joy, and after receiving it, he turned around and wanted to go back, Guert hurriedly held him back.

Before Zhi Ruoyan asked why, Guerte's Heart Sutra of Heaven's Judgment had already been exported, and it flowed through Zhi Ruoyan's body as fast as he could.

It was discovered that besides various minor wounds on the meridians, there was actually the strange toxin that was discovered from the villagers just now. Because of the previous foundation, this toxin was also eliminated by him in a blink of an eye.

Zhi Ruoyan cheered up, and said, "I actually forgot your Heaven's End Heart Sutra."

Guert let go of his hand and said, "Master Zhi Ruoyan, are you fighting against the demon spirits of the Underworld? How come there is that strange toxin?"

Zhi Ruoyan paused and said, "Not exactly."

Guert was stunned, and thought to himself: Yes, yes, no, no, how come one is not completely right?

Zhi Ruoyan seemed to understand his doubts, and sighed: "This time the Nether Demon Realm really exceeded our expectations, now we can only hope that this thing will be useful!"

Guert was shocked. Although he thought that this thing would help them, he didn't expect it to be their last straw. He couldn't help but wonder what the Underworld did to make the high-ranking people unexpected Woolen cloth?

At this moment, Zhi Ruoyan seemed to see Yong Liansi, smiled, and said as if greeting an old friend: "Ah, you are here too."

Yong Liansi has been watching coldly from the side. This Zhi Ruoyan doesn't seem to have a high-level demeanor at all, but her words and actions give people a special feeling, so she dare not be too presumptuous. , was also taken aback, and said in a daze: "You know me?"

Zhi Ruoyan smiled and said, "Of course I do. You can be regarded as the first one in a hundred years to put the Guangming class in such a mess."

After a pause, he turned his head to Guert and said, "You can go back, it's not suitable for you to go in there."

Guert was startled and said, "Then you?"

Zhi Ruo said: "We will stay here to block it."

He said with a smile, "Don't worry, young man, although we are old, we are still somewhat useful, and it is far from the end of the mountain. Let's go back!"

Of course Guert did not dare to doubt the strength of Zhi Ruoyan and others, but seeing that they were all wounded, he had to doubt it, and said, "These toxins?"

Zhi Ruoyan waved his hand and said, "It's okay, we just don't have time to clean it up, so we'll suppress it for now! They won't be easy either!"

Speaking of this, a strange light flashed in his eyes, probably remembering the situation inside, he waved his hand and said, "I'm going in!" After speaking, he disappeared without waiting for Guert's reaction.

Guert stared blankly at the figure that disappeared in front of the barrier, then at Yong Liansi, and said, "What do you think?"

Yong Liansi pondered for a while, and said: "It doesn't look like Gao Jie is about to lose, but what are they busy with?"

Guert only felt that there were some mysterious things in the beginning, but now they became more and more mysterious.

Do you follow Zhi Ruoyan's order and leave here, or continue to wait here?

Yong Liansi was also thinking about it, and the two looked at each other, Guerte decided to leave first, and said: "Let's go, go and move the elders and the others away from here. We can't help much, so let's help what we can."

Yong Liansi didn't seem to have any opinion, she turned her eyes to the barrier, nodded slightly, and followed Guert.

Although the two left, they both knew that this place would soon become the most important battlefield in the entire cultivation world.

Just a few steps away, the question arises, how should they go back?

The two tried to fly upwards, but when they reached the top, they unexpectedly found that the cliff here was not in the same position as they were just now.

The two looked at each other in surprise, and Yong Lian thought: "Maybe this is another space-time vortex, just like when we came to Desolation Valley."

Gurt knew what she meant, but the question was, how do they get back now? The village over there is still waiting for him, the "God", to go back and save them.

Although helpless, this is the only way in front of me, and I can only go like this.

As they walked forward, the cliff here was as quiet as the one below. Not only could no one be seen, even the strange spirits and demon spirits were gone.

The two flew at an extremely fast speed, this time the road was not too long, they faced a cliff again, and there was no other way around.

Guert said: "Do you want us to jump down again?"

Yong Liansi shrugged and said, "Besides this, do you have any better ideas?"

Gurt didn't even shake his head, and just jumped straight down, who knows where he jumped this time!

The wind was whistling in his ears, and after he passed through the darkness, his eyes lit up, he was dumbfounded, the surrounding scenery was very familiar, it was the place where they jumped before, even the cracks caused by the earthquake were still there.

Yong Liansi's crisp laughter sounded, and said: "It seems that we are lucky to come back again."

Guert walked back with her and said, "It's strange, we obviously jumped from this side, why did we jump down from below and come back here instead?"

Yong Liansi glanced at him, and said: "I really don't know how your body is cultivated, don't use the concepts of ﹃up﹄ or ﹃down﹄ between spaces, they don't exist, space It is space.

"The world of self-cultivation itself is composed of an irregular space. Except for the eleven-story sky below, which has been fixed by various methods through generations of high-level, these places above are not fixed, and there are still mysteries. a lot of."

Guert seems to understand, but he just remembered the fixed point of space mentioned by Yiyi before. The reason seems to be the same. The process of jumping off the cliff several times is actually the process of walking through the space channel. passage between spaces.

They returned to the gate of the village.

As soon as they entered, they realized that something was wrong, Taniguchi was fluctuating in a mess of power.

Looking at each other, Yong Liansi suddenly said: "The barrier has been broken."

Guert's heart tightened, and he rushed into the village.

There was a chill atmosphere in the village, the cultivated land was dug out, the simple huts were smashed into a mess, the doors of every house were smashed, and the valley was in chaos.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, his body quickly expanded, and he flew towards the towering tree.

The big tree seemed to be standing still on the surface, but Guert felt that there must be a change in it. As soon as he lifted the branches and leaves blocking the tree hole, he saw the familiar figure of the elder sitting in the middle.

He let out a cry of surprise, and before he could speak, he saw a deep hole in the elder's throat, blood was gurgling out from it, the person was already dead, but for some reason, his body was still sitting upright.

Guert's face darkened, anger ignited in his heart, and the cold light in his eyes flashed again, staring at the fatal blow in his throat.

Yong Liansi suddenly said: "The elder's cultivation base is probably a second-level cultivator. This blow was straightforward, and he didn't even have time to struggle, and it didn't use a weapon, it was just piercing through with pure energy. It can be seen that the cultivation base of the murderer is at least a second-level cultivation base." Level 5 or above, good at Qi Jin."

Guert swiped upwards, the light door was still open, something bad flashed in his heart, he had already closed the light door when he left, how could it open again now?

He swept into the light door, and the two black doors had been opened, one was where Xi Qingsi put his things, and the other door led to the underground, for the villagers to avoid disasters. He quickly rushed into the door, and as soon as he entered, a strong smell of blood came out.

Through the long corridor came a hall, this is the place where the villagers hide, but now the ground is full of corpses, blood is continuously flowing from everyone, flowing to the low-lying place, gathering, and then flowing to the entrance of the corridor .

He rushed in with a snarl, hoping that there would be some survivors, as long as he had a breath, his holy qi, the number one healing spirit in the cultivation world, could play a role and save people.

But he was disappointed, almost everyone had a deep hole in the throat, and all of them were killed by one blow.

When he saw Gree's body, this straightforward young man died in the same way, but there was a bit more unwillingness in his eyes, after all, he was still young.

Guert only felt that the blood all over his body was icy cold, and the terrifying murderous aura began to release out uncontrollably. He shouted angrily: "These demons!"

As he said that, his body unfolded, and he was about to rush out to find the perpetrator.

Yong Liansi's cold voice suddenly resounded: "They all just died, they probably haven't left yet!"

Guert's jerky figure stopped quickly, and just as he turned his head to ask Yong Liansi about the specific situation, at this moment, a bright light flashed from the entrance of the corridor and shot straight at Guert.

Guert was caught off guard and backed away. Although he was suffocated, he knew he couldn't be careless at this time. The spirit blade appeared, and the Tianjue Heart Meridian pierced.


An incomparably crisp sound shook the entire ground.

Guert only felt a numbness in his mouth, and the spirit blade was almost knocked out of his hand, and then he only felt a gust of cold wind in his ears, as if he had the strength of his palm.

He thought of the deep blood hole on the corpse he saw just now, and his heart trembled, the King Ming's mantra in his body began to operate automatically, and the retreating body changed to the front vertical in an unimaginable way, and the cold wind blew away.

Guert returned to the entrance of the corridor, turned around, and his heart was full of shock.

This person obviously attacked him at the entrance of the corridor, but he did not expect to dodge behind him when the weapons of the two sides collided. If it wasn't for King Ming's fundamental curse, he probably would have become a corpse in this hall.

The man was dressed in black, with pale skin and a delicate face. It was unbelievable that all of this would be done by him. This man was also looking at Guert in surprise, obviously not understanding what he just said. That's an unconventional strength exercise.

The actions of the two of them were as fast as lightning just now, and Yong Liansi didn't even have a chance to intervene. Their first round of contact was over. At this moment, she looked at this person and said, "You did all of this?"

The man didn't even look at Yong Liansi, his eyes were fixed on Guerte, his thin lips were tightly pressed together, a red glow suddenly flashed in his eyes, and then they widened and grew bigger, until finally, his pair of black eyes seemed to be divided into two groups. The fire was burning, and the black eyes turned into red eyes.

Guert shuddered all over, only feeling an incomparably powerful spiritual will hit his heart directly, but his mind was guarded by the Heart Sutra of Heaven, and the mantra of King Ming was guarding it.

Just looking at each other for a while, the man's eyes returned to normal, and he said in a very stiff voice: "Who are you?"

A cold light flashed in Guert's eyes, and he said, "Who are you? Did you kill these people?"

The man looked at it, glanced at Yong Liansi, and said: "Yes, they deserve to die for stealing holy objects!"

Guert said angrily: "What holy object? They are just ordinary villagers, and you are so cruel!"

The man said indifferently: "If you die, you will die. Why are you so excited? Have you seen the holy object? If you have, tell me."

Guert stared at the man, and said: "Dead is indeed dead, but living is not so easy, you have to pay the price!"

The man seemed a little surprised, looked at Guert, and said, "You want to kill me?"

Guert puffed up his chest and said, "Of course, blood debt will be paid with blood!"

The man snorted and said, "It's okay, I want to kill you too, but the exercises on your body are very strange and worth studying. That's why I let you go just now."

After a pause, he said impatiently again: "Have you seen the sacred object?"

Yong Liansi saw Guert jumping with anger, fearing that the two of them would start a fight if he opened his mouth again, so he hurriedly said, "What exactly does the sacred object you are talking about look like?"

The man looked at Yong Liansi, and said: "Actually, it was just a piece of a holy object, which fell on these lowly people. I was too lazy to do it at the time, so I just sent some captive gadgets. dead, wait..."

He looked at Guert again, and said, "These lowly fellows are incapable of harming my gadgets, could it be that you did it?"

Guert knew that the gadgets he was talking about were demon spirits, he curled his lips in disdain, and said, "Aren't they just some beasts, I just slashed them twice with a knife and they all died."

There was a cold light in the man's eyes, and he said: "You will regret saying this."

Guert pretended to be relaxed and said: "Come on, you sneaked up on me just now, and you have the nerve to say let me go!" After a pause, he said: "Don't forget, there are two of us, it is too much to kill you!" Easy."

The man sneered and said, "You can come and try."

As she said that, she turned her eyes to look at Yong Liansi, and then her eyes turned red, and her black eyes turned red again.

Yong Liansi's long brown hair fluttered, seemingly unaware of it.

Guert was afraid that she would suffer, so he was about to walk towards her when she chuckled and said, "In this case, let me try your brilliant trick first!" Chang Ge pulled out, the man had already rushed up, and a ball of sword light also firmly covered the man.