Advance and Retreat Together

Yong Liansi said: "He is now in the city of Huanxi." After a pause, he said: "This is beyond your control. The purpose of the emissary is to expand the influence. Now you are that big tree, and everyone wants to climb it." It's so famous!"

Guert knew that Yong Liansi was making fun of himself. With the supernatural strength of the fairy envoy, there was no need to climb up on him, but he was not in the mood to refute, saying: "Just now I asked Fayol to leave, listen to Fayol. The tone is extremely reluctant, I guess there will be some reason to keep myself in a while!"

Yong Liansi said noncommittally: "Everyone can have excuses, it depends on whether they can scare people."

Sure enough, after a while, Fayol sent someone to inform that the sky had arrived.

Guert got up quickly and went to the conference hall on the third floor. Sure enough, all the other six people were present, and a tall and straight bald head stood in the middle.

Just looking at that person's profile, I was immediately attracted by his handsome appearance.

Guert was shocked in his heart. After studying the real world for so long, this man is the most beautiful man except Zhan Tian. However, unlike Zhan Tian's domineering, this man exudes a handsome temperament, especially the smile on the corner of his mouth. , making people feel more personable.

If they met outside, even if Guert was killed, he would not believe that this person is actually the cliff master of Tianyuan Cliff.

Ye Ji was talking, and he said with a smile: "Brother Tian Po is really as handsome as before, he really deserves to be the number one handsome man in the Nine Arts."

As soon as Guerte entered the conference hall, all of his gazes came together at once. Tian Po, who was greeting Yeji, also turned his head away and looked at Guert with a flash of light in his eyes.

Guert hurriedly apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm late."

Fayol smiled and said, "It's not too late, it's not too late, Tianpo has just arrived."

As he said that, he pointed to Guerte at Tianpo, and said, "This is one of you three, Guert, the new generation successor of Tianjue Valley, is this the first time you have met?"

Tian Po's voice was very soft, and said: "Yes, Gu Gu Master, I was not strict with my subordinates a while ago, please bear with me."

Guert already had a countermeasure in his mind, looked at Joel, and said: "Let the past matter pass by, what matters is the future, Tianjue Valley has a small population, and it will definitely not be able to withstand a second such shock."

After a pause, he looked around at everyone, and said again: "Everyone knows that Tianjue Valley is also known as the Valley of Physicians. Most of the healers in the cultivation world come from here. I think half of the reason why the Dark Order attacked Tianjue Valley was This is it.

"Currently, healers really don't see much effect, but once a large-scale war breaks out, the role of healers will be very prominent.

"So, no matter what time it is, we must ensure the safety of the healer. Last time, I beheaded you in a fit of anger. It was because of this. I don't want any forces to invade Tianjue Valley again."

Everyone couldn't help but nodded, agreeing with Guert's words.

Now that most duels are one-on-one, everyone will have their own self-preservation skills, so the healer is optional.

But once a large-scale war breaks out, the fast healing and superb medical skills of the healers will make one of them have the fastest regeneration power.

Tian Po looked at Guerte in surprise, and said happily: " What Gu Guzhu said is true, if there is any need in Tianjue Valley in the future, I promise to be the first to arrive at Tianyuanya."

Guert smiled and said, "Thank you, Lord Sky Cliff."

Several other people also expressed their willingness to help Tianjuegu, and Guert thanked them one by one.

Everyone sat down, and Fayol said: "Okay, except for Leng Wu's unexpected failure, the other members of Nine Arts have all arrived. As the convener of this generation of Nine Arts, I want to talk about the details of this Nine Arts gathering first." main issue."

Everyone didn't show any expression, they all looked at Fayol, waiting for his next words.

Fayol continued: "According to the information I have collected, the high-ranking is currently busy dealing with the underworld, so he is particularly conniving with the dark-ranking, and has not expressed anything until the gate of the high-ranking area."

He said, looking around at everyone, and said: "According to the strength of the dark rank, it is definitely not a problem to break through the high-rank area without a high-rank guard , but at this time they all retreated. It is said that this is the master of the dark rank. The order of Zhan Tianxia."

Gu Yazi seemed to be hearing this for the first time, and shouted: "Is this Zhan Tian afraid of high-level prestige? How can he retreat halfway through the fight?"

Fayol shook his head and said with a smile: "Brother Gu probably seldom leaves Tianxiao Valley, so he doesn't know much about Zhantian. This son is from the light rank, and is the disciple of the first person in the high rank at present, but he met the dark rank again. Yong Renda, under Yong Renda's instructions, joined the dark ranks and became the master of the dark ranks. Decades ago, there was a frenzy in the cultivation world, and finally angered the high ranks. The three high ranks shot at the same time and sealed the he."

Guert listened and thought to himself: This is the first time I heard the name of Yong Renda, and his surname is also Yong. Does it have anything to do with Yong Liansi?

Fayol suddenly looked at Guert, and said: "This time the dark order attacked the light order's leader, Yong Liansi, who has a lot to do with Yong Renda."

He said, smiled, and said: "Although Yong Liansi is not very old, he has become the second dark step to enter the practice of death calamity after Zhan Tian. You can win Yong Liansi, which shows that you are also dead." For your age, Jie Xiuwei is really unbelievable."

Everyone swiped and turned their attention to Guert again, but this time everyone's eyes revealed more, which was unbelievable.

Fayol continued: "Let's not change the topic, Zhan Tian let the dark rank retreat, and gave the light rank more time. The high rank, who had been hesitant, finally decided to fight against the underworld. It's a pity that so far No news yet."

Saying that, intentionally or unintentionally, he glanced at Guert again.

Some careful people also followed Fayol and set their sights on Guert, especially since everyone knew that he had just come down from the high-level area.

Fayol said: "The light class is busy dealing with it, and the dark class is waiting and watching. This is the current situation in the cultivation world."

Li Xiangyang asked in surprise: "What does this have to do with us? Our Jiuyi just needs to remain independent."

Fayol smiled and said: "Of course, the purpose of the establishment of Jiuyi is to establish an independent force outside the two camps. It has been good for so many years."

After a short pause, he said again: "However, the situation is changing, and Jiuyi naturally needs to make some adjustments."

Yan Fei's chubby body moved a bit, and asked curiously, "How to adjust?"

Fayol didn't answer him, looked at Gu Yazi and Li Xiangyang, and said: "Both of you are in Tianxiao Valley, while Santian is in Zuoyoutian, and Yikong and Wuzhan are in the space interlayer. The Palace of Huanxi is in the Heaven of Huanxi, although our Nine Arts are an alliance, we have been scattered all over the place, this may have been nothing in the past, but it will be extremely unfavorable in the future."

Everyone showed contemplative expressions, thinking about what Fayol said.

Fayol continued: "Whether it's the battle between light and darkness within the cultivation world, or the battle between the cultivation world and the underworld, it is impossible for them to ignore such a powerful alliance as the Nine Arts. The main reason why they haven't done anything yet is It's that they don't want to make extra troubles.

"But the internal disintegration of Jiuyi has never stopped. For example, between Tianyuan and Tianjue, and between Tianxiaogu and Guguzhu , intentionally or unintentionally, they are all destroying our alliance."

Fayol looked at the crowd and continued: "So, what we urgently need to do is to make us a real alliance, an alliance that can support and rely on each other!"

Li Xiangyang couldn't help but asked, "What exactly do you mean?"

Fayol finally said: "We want to screw Jiuyi together. On the same day and in the same place, people from the sect can flow freely. Once someone comes to attack, Jiuyi will concentrate on attacking together!"

Many of the crowd had already guessed what Fayol meant, and Gurt also thought of this, but what he thought more about was the deep meaning behind Fayol's proposal.

First of all, this proposal is not harmful to all Nine Arts. This time, Huanxi Gong Li Renzhu fell, and it can be seen that the forces in the cultivation world are too complicated. Nine Arts, as one of the alliances, need to be integrated in order to survive. .

But is that all?

Yan Fei suddenly clapped his hands and said, "I agree! I'm already too stuffy to stay in the mezzanine of the space. Our Jiuyi is so powerful, why don't we find a separate sky and establish our own world? Someone Come, as long as you abide by the rules, we will welcome them, and if you don't, we will kick them out!"

Gu Yazi, Li Xiangyang and the others also nodded. Although they have a high status in Tianxiao Valley, after all, it is someone else's territory. It would be even better if they could have their own place!

Fayol turned his attention to Yeji, Tianpo and Guert.

Gurt first took the initiative: "I also agree. The integration of forces is more conducive to our unity, and it is easier to communicate, which can reduce many unnecessary misunderstandings."

As he spoke, he looked at Gu Yazi and the others, and they all nodded.

Ye Ji looked at it with a smile, and said, "I agree too, but I want to know where I plan to move to?"

Fayol smiled and said: "From the perspective of convenience, it is naturally better to move to Zuo Youtian." After a pause, he said: "However, Zuo Youtian is the transfer point between the upper and lower realms of the cultivation world. If it causes commotion in the cultivation world, it will be inconsistent with our purpose."

Everyone nodded, but a common question floated up in everyone's minds. Practitioners lived in almost every level of the cultivation world. No matter which level of heaven the Nine Arts were to move to, the first question was how to deal with these practitioners. And whether the senior level in the comprehension world agrees?

Guert also thought of this, and thought to himself: This, I don't know if it is a provocation to the high order?

Sure enough, Yan Xue frowned and said: "It's a good idea to move together, but there are practitioners from the cultivation world living in every floor. If we move, what should they do? Do we want us to learn from the dark steps and clean them out?" First floor?"

Because Huanxi Palace had an agreement with high-ranking officials not to interfere with each other, it was particularly sensitive in this regard, although with the continuous advance of defecting high-ranking officials, the meaning of this agreement is not as great as before.

Fayol smiled and said: "When the war comes, the cultivators will choose to survive in a timely manner. If they are willing to abide by our rules, we will not hinder them anywhere." After a pause, he said: "What do you think? how?"

Guert also wanted to hear other people's opinions, and when he swept his eyes, he suddenly found that most people had their eyes on Long Tiancheng, even Fayol. He couldn't help being curious, this What kind of identity is Long Tiancheng among the Nine Arts?

Long Tiancheng really spoke.

He coughed lightly, and said: "Fayol's proposal is very good, not only to protect ourselves, but also to help some practitioners, once a war breaks out, the high-ranking people don't have the extra energy to take care of too many practitioners.

"Our alliance can shelter some practitioners, but one thing to remember is that we are independent from the two camps. We have no enemies, but we cannot be bullied by any other forces."

After what he said, Fayol seemed to have settled down, and then there was an overwhelming agreement, and Gurt was caught in it, and of course he didn't have any opinions.

Yan Xue seemed to have some opinions, but she hesitated to speak, while the other strange person was Tian Po, who didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, just nodded or smiled at the right time.

Since then, the Nine Arts Gathering has set the theme, and Long Tiancheng seldom speaks, just quietly listening to everyone's speech, but every time when everyone is arguing, it is he who sets the direction with one sentence.

The curiosity in Guert's heart is getting stronger and stronger. The No War faction is a name he has never heard of, and he knows the details of Long Tiancheng even more, and Long Tiancheng has always been very low-key.

Guert felt more and more that the world of cultivation is so big that there are all kinds of experts.

City of joy.

Since the fall of the Liren Pillar, there has been unprecedented panic in Huanxi City. Some people fled for fear of being involved, while others rushed in, hoping to witness this rare event.

However, after a few days of adjustments, the senior leaders headed by Soros did not come again, and the Palace of Joy also came forward to adjust the layout of the city to stabilize people's hearts, and the city gradually restored its previous tranquility.

Guert slipped out of the Palace of Huanxi on a rare occasion, and besides his follower Yong Liansi, there was another follower behind him. It is said that Yan Xue was worried and sent a special guard. Guert couldn't refuse, so he had to accept it. .

Fortunately, that person is also relatively honest, hardly speaks, just leads the way and walks with him.

Guert wandered around the city a few times, and began to signal Yong Liansi with his eyes.

Yong Liansi had already helped him find out the residences of Hao Se and the others, so she took the lead and led the way.

This is a very remote place in the city.

Before Guert went in, he heard Hao Se's loud voice shouting in the yard: "You say, if we hide here, will the angels find us?"

Guert laughed wildly in his heart, kicked open the courtyard door, and said, "As for your wretched aura, let alone a fairy messenger, even a child on the road can feel it from a hundred thousand miles away."

The people inside were obviously dumbfounded. After a while, Hao Se was the first to realize, and shouted: "Stinky boy!"

Guert laughed and looked around the courtyard, only to see that besides Hao Se, there were Situ Tang, Ye Jiyan and a boy he didn't know standing beside him.

At this time, Situ Tang and Ye Jiyan had already called out at the same time.

"Little Gu!"

" Brother Gu !"

Guert greeted one by one, looked at the boy who was staring blankly at him, and said, "Who is this?"

Hao Se smiled triumphantly, and said: "This is the disciple I just accepted, named Xin Feng, who can be regarded as the newest force in our family."

Guert was stunned, and looked Xin Feng up and down. Seeing that he was young and looked a little weak on the surface, he couldn't help but chuckled: "Xin Feng, right? Be careful..."

Before he finished speaking, Xin Feng yelled and said excitedly: " are Guert?"

Guert was taken aback by him, and said, "What's wrong?"

Xin Feng jumped up, danced and said, "Idol, you are my idol! I am so happy to meet Guert!"

Everyone couldn't help laughing and laughing, Hao Se couldn't hold back anymore, he grabbed Xin Feng and said, "What are you talking about, what kind of idol does this kid have, he's almost vomiting!"

Although Xin Feng didn't dare to offend his master, he looked at the idol and said boldly: "He is a legendary saint with a benevolent heart, he can save people! He even defeated Yong Liansi!"

After hearing the last sentence, Guert involuntarily turned his eyes to Yong Liansi who was standing at the door. Yong Liansi didn't seem to care, just smiled faintly and looked at them.

Ye Jiyan's eyes were sharp, she saw Yong Liansi first, she was startled at first, but she didn't make a sound, hid aside and laughed.

Situ Tang beside her saw Ye Jiyan's eyes and laughed.

Only Hao Se over there didn't pay attention, he put all his energy on Xin Feng, and was trying to "set things right" to protect this apprentice from Guert's poison.

And Xin Feng is also a dead-headed person, he kept calling Guert's great achievements, and talked about how domineering and arrogant the dark order is in the cultivation world, but in the end he was taken care of by Guert.

Guert watched Yong Liansi's face gradually change, knowing that it should not be too much, and looking over there, Ye Jiyan and Situ Tang were already laughing so hard, they stared at them first, then coughed lightly and said : "I said Hao Se, it's fine if your apprentice has bad eyesight, don't you realize it?"

Hao Se has always been very good at this, especially when he saw Ye Jiyan and Situ Tang laughing non-stop, he knew something was wrong, his small eyes rolled around, he looked around, and suddenly saw Yong Liansi leaning against the door, wow He cried out suddenly, and said, "You...why are you here?"

Yong Liansi took off his hat, and his long brown hair spread out like a waterfall. He smiled slightly and said, "Let me come and see the good apprentice you have educated!"

At this time, Hao Se showed his duty as a master. He stood in front of Xin Feng and said, "What do you want to do? Children don't know how to speak!"

Xin Feng was also taken aback, hiding behind Hao Se, looking at this beautiful woman, completely unaware of what happened.

Guert walked up to Hao Se, patted him twice, motioned him to relax, and then said to Xin Feng, "Do you think this sister is beautiful?"

Xin Feng nodded blankly and said, "Pretty!"

Guert continued: "Have you never seen such a beautiful sister?"

As he spoke, he looked at Ye Jiyan next to him.

Ye Jiyan snorted coquettishly, Xin Feng was honest, nodded blankly and said: "Yes."

Guert patted him on the shoulder and said, "Your life is saved." Then he turned to Yong Liansi, and said, "Slave, what do you think of this child?"

Although Yong Liansi would not do anything to Xin Feng, she was planning to give him some trouble, but now that he sincerely praised her beauty, she suddenly lost her temper.

She glared at Guert beautifully, and said, "You have more ideas!"

Seeing the conversation between the two, everyone was dumbfounded and speechless. This is why Jiuyi and his gang have been unable to guess Yong Liansi's real identity.

Who would have thought that Guerte, who has been fighting against the dark steps, would accept Yong Lisi as his follower? Even people who have seen Yong Liansi would not dare to admit it when they saw it again, they just thought they were crazy.

Guert waved his hand and said, "Come on, let's go in and talk, don't just stand there." Then he said to the guards outside the door, "Stay guard at the door, don't let boring people come in and harass you."

The man looked at Hao Se and the others, and nodded. His mission was to be Gurt's guide in the city. Now that he has arrived at the place Gurt wants to go, he just needs to take Gurt back. .

Only then did Hao Se and the others realize that there were other people outside, and probably realized that it was inconvenient to speak, so they all walked into the room.