It's hard to know what will happen

Gurt found a comfortable recliner and sat down, and said, "What have you been doing lately? Why did you come here?"

Hao Se glared at him, and said: "It's not because of you, we heard that Huanxitian's Lirenzhu fell down, and you are probably coming, so I came here quickly to find you, but you didn't move at all."

Guert remembered that he was taken into the Palace of Joy when he arrived here that day, and he had no chance to escape until today, so not many people knew that he was here, and said bitterly: "It's not easy for me, isn't it Did you sneak out? By the way, has the fairy envoy looked for you?"

As soon as Hao Se heard Guert mentioning this, he suddenly got excited and shouted: "It's your fault too! We only heard the news when we were in Huanxi. I wanted to go back to Liberty Day directly, but none of them agreed. I I had no choice but to stay."

Guert remembered the words he heard at the door just now, he laughed, and said: "What are you afraid of? Let the angels find us right away, and they won't think we are valuable. They just want to hide so that they can't find us." That's good. Anyway, they are the ones who are in a hurry, not us."

Hao Se was stunned, and said: "Why are they the ones who are so anxious? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for our family. The family roster has not added a new family name for more than a hundred years. We will be the number one in a hundred years!"

Guert couldn't express Yong Liansi's deduction, so he laughed and said, "What are you afraid of? Don't you know where this news came from?"

Hao Se was stunned and said, "A high-level area."

Guert clapped his hands and said, "That's it. The news from the high-level area is called official news, so the so-called inspection is just going through the motions. The purpose is publicity, publicity!"

Hao Se became even more confused, including other people who couldn't understand what Guert said, and asked one after another: "What is the promotion?"

Guert knew that the explanation was not clear, so he said vaguely: "Promote our greatness! By the way, is there any news about me outside recently?"

Hao Se knew he was changing the subject, but after all there were so many people, it was hard to ask too many questions. Before he could speak, Xin Feng said excitedly: "Yes! Say you... woo..."

Hao Se hurriedly covered his mouth and said, "It's nothing, it's nothing, it's just some gossip."

Knowing that he was probably talking about how he defeated Yong Liansi again, Guert chuckled in his heart, regardless of whether Yong Liansi was suspected of letting him down at the time, the fact is that he defeated her in front of tens of thousands of people.

It's no wonder that things are talked about by so many people.

Yong Liansi suddenly brushed her long hair and said with a smile: "But it's okay, I'm not that stingy."

Guert waved his hand and said, "It doesn't mean much to say these things. The focus now is what to do next."

Hao Se was stunned for a moment, and said, "What's the next step? Of course we're waiting for the emissary to come and assess."

Guert shook his head and said, "No, no, how all join Tianjue Valley?"

Hao Se was startled, and said: "Why?"

Only Yong Liansi who was present understood Guert's intentions, as long as he joined Tianjue Valley, he would be equivalent to entering the Nine Arts Alliance. From the current point of view, this place is the safest place.

Guert was considering whether to explain, Ye Jiyan had already asked: " Brother Gu , what kind of meeting are you having here?"

Guert suddenly remembered the Ye family behind Ye Jiyan, and smiled: "Jiyan, go back and tell your father that knowing the current affairs is the best strategy. I believe that the Ye family is one of the components of the high-end district. There should be some news."

Ye Jiyan nodded and didn't say much, Guerte knew that her little head must have started to turn, smiled slightly, and said: "Hao Se, A Tang, you follow me, the world of comprehension will fall into a period of turmoil among."

Hao Se's expression tightened, and he said, "What do you mean? Could it be that someone is going to attack?" As he spoke, he couldn't help but look at Yong Liansi, who acted as if he had nothing to do with him.

Guert hummed and said, "Is there any movement in the high-level area?"

Hao Se was stunned, and said: "No, except for announcing that we will enter the family roster for investigation, there is no other movement."

Guert thought to himself, it has been a while since he left the high-level area, could it be that the high-level people have blocked the attack? But if it's really that simple, high-level people shouldn't have to spend so much effort.

Could it be that the things I brought with me worked? But looking at the situation on the other side of the desolate valley, the partial invasion of the ghost world has already begun, but for some reason, it just stopped there and did not expand further.

Just when he was hesitating whether to explain further, there was a sudden noise outside, followed by the sound of hurried footsteps.

Everyone looked at the door, only to see the guards who accompanied Guert just now turned pale in shock, and shouted: " Gu Valley Master, Gu Valley Master, it's not good, Huanxi Palace has been attacked!"

Guert and Yong Liansi looked at each other, and they flew up at the same time and flew towards the Palace of Huanxi. Everyone else followed behind.

Huanxi City was crowded with people, some people ran towards the direction of Huanxi Palace, while others ran in the opposite direction.

Guert and the others took off directly to the Palace of Joy, and before reaching the Palace of Joy, they found a raging fire in front of them, and it was the Palace of Joy that was burned.

Guert was surprised. Could it be that seven of the nine members of the Nine Arts School were in charge, and the Huanxi Palace was also attacked?

The shock in Yong Liansi's eyes could not be concealed, and he said, "Be careful, the power ahead is the strongest I have ever seen."

Guert's heart tightened even more. What made Yong Liansi make such an evaluation, could it be that the high-ranking defector dispatched the final force?

High in the sky, the two parties are confronting each other.

One side is naturally the seven leaders of the Nine Arts headed by Long Tiancheng and Fayol, and the other side is a very strange high-ranking person. There are five people in total, and Soros is not among them.

The people below are busy fighting the fire, while the two parties above are extremely quiet.

Guert came in a hurry, and the people on both sides turned their eyes. Many of the high-ranking people stared at Guert sharply.

Guert naturally stood on Jiuyi's side, looking at these high-ranking people, he suddenly felt a familiar feeling in his heart. Yong Liansi also followed him, hiding at the back and watching.

After a while, Yan Xue couldn't bear it any longer, and snorted coldly: "A dignified high-ranking officer, actually set fire to my Huanxi Palace with such indecent tricks!"

One of the five high-ranking people on the opposite side laughed loudly, and said: "Soldiers never tire of deceit, not to mention that we are just burning the Pagoda of Joy, I believe everyone can come out with their skills."

Guert was startled, looked down, and sure enough, it was the Tower of Huanxi, the symbol of the Palace of Huanxi, who fell into the sea of flames. These high-level buildings are really strange. First they destroyed the Liren Column, and now they destroyed the Tower of Huanxi.

Here, Fayol said coldly: "Don't you know that Jiuyi is gathering here? The high-ranking and us are not invading each other. If you break the agreement today, don't blame us for being merciless."

The person who spoke before continued to laugh, and said: "Who wants to show mercy to you? If you know the current affairs, hand over the root mantra of King Ming. We are all capable of total destruction!"

Guert's mind was shocked, and he shouted: "You are Qin Shang!"

The faces of the five high-ranking people on the opposite side changed color at the same time. Even the few people who hadn't responded since they appeared until now showed strange expressions. The eyes of the five people shot at Guert at the same time.

Guert only felt that the scenes in his mind kept rolling, staring at the five people opposite him, and said: "Farewell, Qin Shang, illusion." His eyes moved to a short man next to him, and said: "Light Department Fudo Hua." Then moved to another person, said: "Feng is Luo Qin." Then he glanced at the two people next to him, with a shocked expression on his face, and said: "Jiang Rongge, Miu Zixian."

The expressions of these five people can no longer be described as pale, they are completely shocked and unbelievable, staring at Guert like a sharp knife.

Qin Shangbie first asked: "Who are you?"

Fu Duohua suddenly said: "He is Guert." After a pause, he said to Guert: "How do you know us?"

Now it was the turn of Jiuyi's people to be surprised. They didn't know any of these people, and only when Guert reported their names did a few of them feel familiar, but they didn't expect that what Guert said was completely correct.

Guert smiled bitterly, knowing in his heart that his information chain should be completed, so he also had an impression of the people Leng Yanqiu knew before.

He pointed to his head and said, "I don't know either. When I saw you, the names naturally popped up."

Saying this, not to mention the five high-ranking people who didn't believe it, even everyone on Jiuyi's side didn't believe it either.

Guert understands that there are not many people who know that he owns Leng Yanqiu's artifact, so it's normal not to believe it, but he can't explain his phenomenon, and was thinking about what to say, when Jiang Rongge suddenly said: "You guys Did you feel anything in him?"

Among the other four people, only Miao Zixian nodded slightly, and said, "So you felt it too, it seems like someone we are familiar with."

Suddenly Jiang Rongge flew up, and a charming force shot out from his eyes, staring at Guert, and said: "Old friend, let me know who you are!"

Guert only felt that he couldn't hide anything under that look, and he was terrified, but Tianjue Heart Sutra and King Ming's Mantra helped him stabilize his mind, but after a little panic at first, he looked at him with clear eyes. with him.

Jiang Rongge was startled, dissipated the power of charm, and sighed: "I didn't expect my charm to be ineffective for you. Could it be that I am really old?"

Another scene jumped out of Guert's mind. It was the scene of Jiang Rongge's eyes shining and flying straight to the sky. Guert knew that this should also be left by Leng Yanqiu.

Miao Zixian next to him suddenly said: "I know who it is!"

Jiang Rongge looked at him suspiciously, and Yao Zixian said: "It's Leng Yanqiu. He and the old man were good friends at the beginning, so I have met him a few times. The familiar feeling should belong to him."

All five of them had heard that Leng Yanqiu had left the artifact, but no one knew how Leng Yanqiu would leave images of them.

Jiang Rongge looked at Guert and said, "So that's the case, otherwise it would really scare people to death."

Everyone in Jiuyi also understood that Guert must have the information left by Leng Yanqiu, and they were all relieved. At the same time, they also had a reasonable explanation for why Guert had such a cultivation level at such a young age. This is the most rare experience.

Little did he know that this was just obtained by Guert, not from the very beginning, and he didn't bother to explain, saying: "You guys used to be high-ranking, why are you getting more and more back now, doing some things like burning, killing and looting. "

If this was said by other people from Jiuyi, these five people would definitely sneer at it, but now it comes from Guert's mouth, and with the previous impression, it looks like Leng Yanqiu is teaching these juniors a lesson.

The five people were a little embarrassed, Jiang Rongge said: "Our purpose is very simple, to get back what was originally a high-level thing."

Yan Xue said in a deep voice: "I have already explained many times that things are not in the Palace of Joy. You keep pressing us again and again, do you really think we have no one?"

Miao Zixian said: "No, of course we know that Huanxi Palace is not easy to mess with, but our situation is not good, so we have no choice but to do this. The things are not with you, so please ask Lingtu Feng Luoshang to inform Fu Su's whereabouts." . This is our only chance."

Everyone was shocked, this was the first time Gao Jie revealed that they could do nothing, could there be someone more powerful persecuting them?

Only then did Guert recall that he hadn't seen Feng Luoshang until now.

Yan Xue said coldly: "You can solve your troubles by yourself. From today onwards, the mutual non-intrusion agreement between Huanxi Palace and high-ranking officials is officially invalidated. We will deal heavy blows to all those who violate Huanxi Palace. Those who are serious will be killed." After a pause, he said, "You guys belong to the shoot-to-kill category."

Guert was surprised. If Huanxi Palace, whose overall strength ranks second in the Nine Arts, has a falling out with the high-ranking ones, it will definitely not be a good thing for the cultivation world. The Nine Arts Alliance will be officially established soon, which will further affect the cultivation world. I don't know what the dark steps are thinking now?

His gaze involuntarily swept to Yong Liansi who was hiding behind, and Yong Liansi's eyes flashed with excitement, as if he was thinking about something.

The five high-level seniors were silent, Jiang Rongge said: "Then see if you have this ability!"

Fayol suddenly said: "If you choose to show up at the Nine Arts Gathering, it is tantamount to provoking our Nine Arts. Today, I will let you high-ranking people see the power of Nine Arts!"

Those five people were originally high-ranking members, of course they understand the strength of Nine Arts, especially the people in front of them are the leaders of Nine Arts, they dare not be careless, everyone is putting on airs, and the battle between the two factions is imminent .

At this moment, an anxious but crisp voice shouted in the distance: "Wait!"

Everyone turned their heads, a beautiful figure flew up, Yan Xue said in surprise: "Luo Chang!"

Only then did everyone know that this beautiful woman covered with a light veil was actually Feng Luoshang.

The five high-ranking members raised their spirits even more. They knew that things were definitely not in the Palace of Joy.

But Fusu did appear here, and now only by finding Fusu, it is possible to further know the whereabouts of King Ming's Root Mantra.

Feng Luoshang stood firm, her breasts heaved up and down, obviously she came here in a hurry, she looked at the high-ranking people and said: "I know Fusu's whereabouts."

Miao Zixian said urgently: "Then please speak quickly!"

Feng Luoshang said: "She was locked up by one of you."

Everyone was stunned, Qin Shangbie even shouted: "Impossible!"

Feng Luoshang said slightly: "Is there anything impossible about what I saw with my own eyes? That man is tall and thin, wearing golden clothes, think about it for yourself."

The five people were shocked at the same time and looked at each other. Jiang Rongge said: "Okay! We understand, thank you Miss Feng!"

As they said that, the five of them were about to leave in a hurry, when Feng Luoshang suddenly said, "Slow down! You burned the Pagoda of Huanxi, how will the debt be settled?"

Jiang Rongge looked at Miao Zixian, and said helplessly: "There is no way. We have to do this. Originally, we planned to massacre Huanxi City without talking about it. Now that we know, we need to investigate."

Having said that, let alone the people in the Palace of Joy, even Guert felt that these high-ranking people were too domineering.

That Gu Yazi snorted even more, and said: "I didn't expect that after many years, the high level is much more horizontal than before." At the same time as he spoke, his figure flashed, and the person flew past.

The shadow of the palm suddenly appeared, but those five people didn't even look at it, they waved their palms at the same time, the combined attack of the five high-levels, no matter how powerful Gu Yazi was, it would be difficult for Gu Yazi to beat him, so he slipped back with an angry face. Said: "I didn't expect that the Guangming class, which has always prided itself on being bright, has started to use crowd tactics!"

Jiang Rongge's face remained unchanged, and said: "The situation is forcing us, we only care about the result, as for the means, we don't care anymore."

Fayol suddenly clapped his hands and said, "Okay! Now that this is the case, we Jiuyi are not afraid of being laughed at by others. You can choose one-on-one, or nine-on-five."

Jiang Rongge glanced at Qin Shangbie, and said, "Sorry, we don't know how to choose either!" As soon as the voice fell, the person flew out, and the others followed suit.

Everyone knew that they were going to leave, relying on the nearest of them except Guert, the other four Yan Xue, Fayol, Gu Yazi, and Li Xiangyang shot at the same time.

Qin Shangbie suddenly yelled and said: "Come here, all!" After speaking, his figure suddenly appeared, and seven or eight other figures of Qin Shang appeared in the air out of thin air, blocking in front of these four people.

The four of them palmed swiftly and fiercely. They knew that this was Qin Shangbie's illusion technique. They were about to split the figure, but suddenly the figure disappeared again, and then there were only five black spots in the distance, including Qin Shangbie. Man, has flown far away.

Guert was dumbfounded as he watched from the sidelines, this is more than twice as powerful as Feng Qi's phantom system, all those phantom figures are entities, but in the end they are all phantoms, I really don't know how Qin Shangbie did it arrived.

He glanced back to this side again. Although the faces of the people were unwilling, there was nothing to do. After all, none of the high-ranking people was easy to deal with, not to mention that they insisted on running away, and it was even more difficult to stop them.

Yan Xue glanced at Feng Luoshang and said, "Why are you back again? Is what you said true or false?"

Feng Luoshang replied: "It's true, I saw it with my own eyes."

Long Tiancheng suddenly said: "Go back, at this stage it is not appropriate to confront the high-level head-on, this account will be remembered first."

Yan Fei suddenly said: "Wait, someone used space to move!"

Everyone was stunned, and looked farther away, only to see a few black spots reappeared in the direction where the five high-levels disappeared just now, this time it was no longer just five people, there were three more people, a golden figure, and Beside him are two black and white shadows with extremely strange shapes.

Looking at it, Guert gasped in his heart.

That golden figure seemed to be the one who stopped them at the gate of the high-level area last time and asked Yong Liansi something, and the two people beside him, after Guert saw it clearly, were even more scared out of their wits.

They are Lu Zongsheng and Fu Su who escaped from the high-level cemetery!

Just flew away and flew back, did they already know something from Lu and Fu?

Gould's breathing began to come short.