Assassination of the Underworld Demon

Guert sat comfortably in the meeting room behind the Tianjue Temple.

According to the division of the nine arts, each art has its own city, and it has its own palace in the main city, but after all, there is too little time, so far only the main city and a few small cities have been built. It is located in the Tianjue Palace located in the east of the main city.

There is a courtyard outside the master bedroom, which is divided into three entrances, about a dozen rooms, and further ahead is the Tianjue Conference Hall.

In front of the hall is the Tianjue Hall, but because there is only Guert alone, it is empty everywhere, far inferior to the style of other Eight Arts, but Guert thinks it is quite leisurely, and he can think about some things quietly.

And after all, this is the central main city of Jiuyi. Although the arrogance mentioned just now is overwhelming, if Hong Tianlai and others really come to the door, he will still have to run away, and it will be much safer here.

If Jiuyi agrees to the alliance, then the remaining question is the high-ranking Guangming. Whether they are willing to form an alliance with the dark-ranking and Jiuyi is really a question.

Guert stood up, walked back and forth several times, looked around, and thought to himself: If I knew it was so easy, I should have called Hao Se and the others together.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside. Guert didn't take it seriously. He was still here, waiting for someone to come to him, but he didn't know who it was.

The footsteps gradually approached, passed the main hall, and then went further into the meeting room where Gurt was. Hearing the footsteps, Gurt unconsciously looked up.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps suddenly disappeared, Guert was taken aback, and then only felt a cold wind behind his head, and an unrivaled energy had hit him.

Guert was shocked, he yelled out, he fell forward, and rolled towards the door of the hall. His original intention was to remind the people who were coming at the door with his voice, but when he rolled over, he thought Wouldn't that person also want to kill himself?

His heart felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, it was suddenly icy cold, especially since the voiceless spirit blade was not by his side, his hands quickly formed a seal, neither hitting back nor rushing forward, he pressed down fiercely with both hands.

With a loud sound of "Peng", a big hole suddenly appeared on the ground, but Gurt flew up with this force.

There was a violent explosion below. Although Guert was in the air, he was also lifted up by this air current, and he was secretly speechless. If he was still below, he probably would have choked on himself.

He didn't have time to look more, he pressed his palms upwards, and a big hole was opened in the conical roof of the hall, and dust and flying stones fell straight down. He didn't care about these, and the whole person just rushed out .

The cool wind was blowing from behind, Guert didn't turn his head, he struck out a lotus seal, and then he moved sideways, dodged to the side, panting heavily, talking about the series of actions just now long, but it's actually done in just a few seconds.

This is also Guert's experience of escaping for such a long time. Once attacked, he will never hesitate.

At this time, a black figure flew out of the hole, his eyes were full of astonishment, obviously he did not expect that Gurt could avoid the fatal blow just now.

Guert looked at the black figure, and saw that he was covered in black clothes, with only two eyes exposed, about the same height as himself, with a scabbard on his back, and the long sword was in his hand.

Guert asked in surprise: "Who are you? How did you get in?"

The man in black didn't say a word, his figure fluttered, and the man had already rushed over, swinging his long sword, and the sword energy was overflowing.

Guert has fought against Yong Liansi many times, so he is very familiar with the changes in sword energy.

But this time, for some reason, the sword energy of the man in black always made him feel a little shuddering, erratic and changeable, obviously hitting the left, but in a blink of an eye it turned to the right again.

Guert didn't have a spirit blade, so he just fought with a pair of fleshy palms. The three commonly used seals had already been used by him in rotation. The surprise in the eyes of the man in black gradually disappeared, replaced by coldness. Killing intent, he finally snorted coldly and said, "Die!"

The sword energy suddenly stopped in mid-air, and then the man in black disappeared.

Guert was startled, and a strange feeling flowed through his heart, and he couldn't help but plunged down. At this moment, his head felt cold, and a bunch of black hair fell from the air.

He was shocked in his heart, knowing that the sword just cut across the top of his head, if he hadn't lowered himself, the corpse would have been separated at this time. shoot away.

With a whimper, the palm gesture hit the air again, and the figure of the man reappeared in front of him, with a swipe of the sword shadow, several sword lights struck.

Guert gritted his teeth, the power of the mantra in his body kept flowing, his body abruptly moved back a few meters, and when he looked up, the figure of the man disappeared.

He finally understood why he had such a strange feeling just now, such a weird moving speed and attack angle were almost exactly the same as those of the magic feather.

Guert knew that he was the one who shouldn't be flustered at this time. With his palms closed, the power of the mantra combined with the seal of the inner binding, his figure could not stop spinning, and all the surrounding forces gathered, even the man's sword Even Qi seemed unable to resist the suction.

No matter where the sword energy comes from, it will be naturally absorbed by the inner binding seal formed by Guert's palms, so that Guert no longer has to worry about where the opponent will come out.

At this time, a few loud shouts came from a distance, saying: "Who dares to steal into the main city!"

Several figures in a row rushed towards this side, and Guert's sharp turning figure continued. The man in black knew that he would not be able to take advantage of it before he figured out a solution.

Guert retracted his palms, resisting the nausea in his heart, turned the seal from the inner seal to the outer seal, and patted the man in black who was going away.

There were three Jiuyi people rushing over there in the distance, and saw the sword light of the man in black flashing out, his figure flashed, and a sword light appeared in front of the three of them at the same time, and when the sword light passed by, the man in black also It has passed by and disappeared into the sky.

There were a few more shouts in the distance, and then Tian Po and Ye Ji appeared, and within a short while, four people had arrived in the Tianjue Hall, namely Tian Po, Ye Ji, Fayol and Yan Fei.

They were shocked when they saw His Highness Tianjue made a big hole, and saw that Gurte's hair was messed up, and it was obvious that a section of hair had been cut off from the top of his head.

Guert smiled bitterly: "It should be someone from the Underworld, very powerful!"

In fact, he didn't need to say how powerful it was, the appearance of the three Jiuyi people just now had already explained it. They obviously went head-on, but in the end they didn't even see the figure clearly, and that person had disappeared.

Tian Po, Ye Ji and others were nearby. When they heard the voice, they only saw a faint shadow in the sky, which showed how fast this person was.

When Guert returned to the Tianjue meeting room, he saw the big hole made by his handprint on the ground and a deep hole blown out next to it. Tianpo, Yeji and Yanfei who were following behind were all speechless.

Guert frowned and said, "Which of you can see that this deep pit was created purely by strength, or did you have some tools?"

Ye Ji knelt down and took a closer look, then at Tian Po, and said, "What do you think?"

On Tian Po's handsome face, there was a look of hesitation, and he said: "It should have been hit by strength, there is a strong remnant of power around here, but this level of power explosion, it is impossible to just such a piece." Saying, Surprised eyes looked at Guert.

Guert didn't feel any power left, but he was also very surprised, saying: "It took only about a second from the time he appeared to attack me to the explosion, and he probably didn't have time to gather energy."

Everyone was stunned, and Guert told them about the strange footsteps at the beginning, and finally said: "I'm sure that the footsteps at the beginning were someone coming, but"

Yan Fei said in astonishment: "This is possible if it is teleportation, he can lock your position by sensing your breath, and then teleport from the front to the back of you.

But this is purely theoretical, because in the process of moving, it is impossible for him not to reveal a little bit of breath. This kind of breath, unless it is several levels behind, can definitely be sensed. "

The three of them all knew that Guert would never be that much worse than that person, otherwise he would not have survived just now, but the fact is in front of his eyes.

Suddenly Guert smiled: "There is another possibility."

The three looked at him thoughtfully, and Gurt pointed to the outside and said, "There are two people coming, one of them is using the sound of footsteps outside to attract my attention, and the other is lurking aside, waiting for an opportunity to act."

Yan Fei shook his head and laughed loudly: "That's impossible, if it's two people, as long as they go together, how can you live?"

Halfway through speaking, he seemed to think of something, and suddenly stopped.

Guert laughed secretly in his heart, this Yan Fei is really rough, the reason why the other person didn't show up was of course because he was one of the Nine Arts, if he showed up and couldn't kill him, wouldn't he be revealing his identity?

If that person can't find a chance to kill him, then the person at the door can also pretend to come to talk to him.

Thinking in his heart, he glanced at Yeji and Tianpo who were beside him. These two people obviously guessed what Guert meant one step ahead of time, and neither said a word.

Guert thought to himself: Tian Po and Ye Ji were the fastest to come, but the suspicions of the other eight arts are still equal, the traitor may deliberately not show up, no one can say for sure.

Seeing that Yan Fei's face became more and more ugly, Guert knew that the fat man must have thought of it, so he couldn't help laughing and said: "Okay, I'm just joking, but this time it's my fate, now at least let us know In the future, you should be more careful about the two abilities of the demon world."

Just as he was talking, footsteps came from outside, Long Tiancheng, Yan Xue, Leng Wuxin, Li Xiangyang, and Gu Yazi all rushed over one after another. Guert recounted the process just now, and everyone turned pale with shock.

Fayol said angrily: "It seems that the defense of Jiuyi Dao needs to be strengthened, and people from the underworld have sneaked in without knowing it."

Guert shook his head and said: "You don't need to work hard, these people are very powerful, if you really want to sneak in, it's not something ordinary people can guard against."

As he spoke, he stroked the strange hairstyle on his head, and said, "Look, I almost got my head chopped off, everyone should be careful."

Everyone has seen Guert's hair, and they can all imagine the dangerous situation at that time.

Suddenly Yan Xue said: "You need to repair it here, and there is no one there. Why don't you come to our Huanxi Palace to rest for a while, we have a lot of people there, not just anyone can sneak in."

Gould nodded.

He didn't want to leave so quickly. He knew that if he escaped by chance this time, he would definitely annoy the Underworld. He wanted to see what tricks they had.

So Guerte followed Yan Xue to the familiar City of Huanxi, and when he was about to enter the Palace of Huanxi, he suddenly remembered Feng Luoshang. Back then, he and Hao Se were suspected of lying to her. Won't withdraw old accounts?

Yan Xue arranged him in the farthest courtyard of the Huanxi Palace, away from the Huanxi Tower where Feng Luoshang was, and Guert breathed a sigh of relief.

He just sat down to take a breather and take a good rest, but suddenly there was a sound of footsteps outside, Guert was startled, and quickly stood up, the footsteps approached, and when he turned around, it was Feng Luo in a red dress skirts.

Guert patted his chest, heaved a sigh of relief, and sat down, but then his heart tightened again.

Seeing his strange expression, Feng Luoshang couldn't help laughing and said: "What are you afraid of? I won't eat you again."

Guert hurriedly said: "I was scared just now."

Feng Luoshang had already heard about Guert's attack, and looking at his messy hairstyle, he snickered and said, "You are really lucky, you can escape like this."

Guert looked at her, only to realize that Feng Luoshang was taking off the veil that had been covering his face, and he couldn't help being stunned. Although Hao Se had already learned from the side that Feng Luoshang was a peerless beauty, when he When I saw the real person, I still couldn't help but feel a shock in my heart, and finally understood why everyone who met her would never forget her.

The oiran, Feng Luoshang, gives people the feeling of being passionate, but Feng Luoshang himself is extraordinarily cold, even though he is smiling at the moment on his beautiful face, Guert still can't stop the coldness in his heart However, the occasional thawing between the eyebrows and eyes seems to make people come from the severe winter to the warm spring, and the heart is surprisingly comfortable, and the heart can't stop swaying.

"What are you looking at?"

Feng Luoshang glared at him.

Guert suddenly fell into the ice cellar again, trembling all over, and hurriedly said: "No, I won't watch it."

Seeing his appearance, Feng Luoshang laughed and said, "Is it that exaggerated?"

Guert couldn't help but glanced at her again, and said, "I finally know why so many men are fascinated after seeing it."

Feng Luoshang smiled sweetly and said, "Are you too?"

Feng Luoshang smiled, and Guerte felt like a spring breeze, feeling comfortable all over, and couldn't help sighing: "Women are really wonderful."

Feng Luoshang put on a serious face, and said: "I haven't settled with you yet, Huanxi Palace has been tossed so badly by you, how should you be responsible?"

Guert shivered again, so he turned his eyes away and said with a smile: "I didn't know it would be so serious, and I've been with Huanxi Palace all the time, haven't I?"

Feng Luoshang snorted coldly and said: "Do you think you can forgive you by doing this?"

Guert only felt that the temperature around him seemed to have dropped several degrees, and he sighed in his heart at the amazing "charm" of this woman, and said: "I'll let you tell me about it, anyway, my current nest has also been stabbed. "

Feng Luoshang snorted coquettishly, and said: "I heard that you proposed to establish a big alliance, isn't it some kind of trick?"

Guert hurriedly shook his head and said, "Of course not, I'm doing this for everyone's benefit."

Feng Luoshang pondered for a moment, then suddenly sighed, and said, "Actually, why are you so tired? According to my opinion, we shouldn't join this Nine Arts Alliance."

Guert knew that this beauty was not interested in fighting, but when he thought of her practice of joy, he couldn't help but feel a strange feeling. He coughed dryly and said, "Sometimes you can't do whatever you want."

Feng Luoshang's eyes drifted away, and he smiled and said: "So what? Seeing that you have been very popular recently, do you like this kind of life very much?"

Guert was stunned, all kinds of thoughts were thrown up, and he smiled bitterly: "Miss! You think everyone is like you, and the journey is smooth. I have always been hunted and killed everywhere. You can't let me sit and wait for death, right?" ?"

A smile appeared on Feng Luoshang's stunning and cold face, and said: "Who told you that my journey was smooth?" After a pause, he said: "Forget it, I won't tell you these things, but if you are still interested in practicing If you are happy, I can teach you."

Guert was startled, and suddenly remembered that Yiyi had told him before that he could train his mind through the way of joy.

At that time, it was to deal with Yong Liansi, but the root mantra of King Ming who appeared later saved him, so even if he didn't practice the way of joy, he still relied on luck to defeat Yong Liansi, but if he really wants to achieve something, he must be calm. To have a "pure heart".

Relying on the power of mantra and Tianjue Xin, he seems to have enough ability, he was stunned for a while, and said: "Thank you, but I don't think I don't need it for the time being."

There was undisguised disappointment in Feng Luoshang's eyes, she turned around and said, "Okay then, you have a good rest, I'm going back."

Seeing her turn and leave, Guert couldn't help but wonder in his heart when he saw her graceful figure gradually receding, could it be that she came to find him just to find him to cultivate the way of happiness?

When he thought of the process of practicing the Dao of Huanxi, he couldn't help but feel agitated, and then he was shocked again. If he practiced the Dao of Huanxi with such a beautiful woman, the chance of sinking into the sea of desire would be a little higher.

After thinking in a daze for a while, he recalled the danger just now.

Especially when he found out that he didn't have the spirit blade, when he met such a master of the same level, the three seal deeds were not enough at all, but he couldn't refer to the most powerful Central Fudo Mingwang Root Mantra.

Guert couldn't help thinking silently: Yiyi, Yiyi, if you can hear my response, please come back to me quickly, I need you.

Just as he was thinking, an ink flute suddenly appeared in his hand, which was left to him by Yan Yiyi back then, and when it suddenly appeared, could it be that Yiyi was reminding him of something?

Guert suddenly fell into a daze, staring blankly at the ink flute.