Invasion of Demon Spirits

free day.

After Guert moved to Huanxi Palace, nothing happened. Jiuyi not only strengthened the defense, but also blocked all ordinary practitioners who tried to enter.

After staying for a few days, Guert knew that Jiuyi still needed to think about it, so he stopped wasting time and made a decision. After all, the idea of the big league has not been discussed with the high-level and dark-level.

When he returned to Freedom Sky from Huanxitian, he was suddenly stunned. There was no one at the entrance of Freedom Sky, which was usually crowded with people. He instinctively felt that there seemed to be something wrong, so he rushed into Freedom Sky.

wanton state.

Guert stared blankly at the street, there was no one there, he pinched himself hard, it hurt a lot, it wasn't a dream, how could this happen? What about people?

Where did everyone go?

He raised his figure quickly, and swept over the sky of the entire Wantan State. Finally, he saw a lot of people gathered in a far corner.

He quickly flashed over, and suddenly there was a stench in front of him. Guert immediately understood what happened here. He didn't have a weapon in his hand, but he didn't care too much. Opposite the group of people, there is a monster wagging its tail.

It was the conical armor that was born on the monster, and it was not something ordinary practitioners could deal with.

When Guert saw this, he didn't dare to touch it with his hands easily. He patted it from the air, and slapped it fiercely on the monster. The monster raised its head slightly, and turned its two small yellow eyes. Six meters of tail has been swung in the past.

Guert was taken aback, and jumped up high. The conical barbs were all over his body, and there were naturally ones on his tail. He knew that this kind of demon spirits were usually poisonous. Although he was not afraid, he still didn't want to touch it. good.

Suddenly, the crowd over there let out a scream, and Guert was startled when he saw it. It turned out that the monster didn't hit Guert with its tail, so it took advantage of the momentum and swung towards the dozens of people crowded in the corner. Naturally, they howled in misery.

Guert stretched out his palms, and slashed at the monster's back from the air. Although the monster had barbed armor, it still suffered from pain. With an angry howl, it twisted its elongated head and bit Guert.

Guert's purpose was to attract the monster to his side, deliberately lowered his figure, beat and ran away, and at the same time gestured to those people to tell them to run quickly, but those people seemed to be petrified , I didn't even know how to run, and all of them shrank there blankly and looked at this place.

Guert was anxious, and was almost swept by the monster's tail several times. The surrounding houses and streets had already been destroyed, and dust was flying everywhere. Wherever the monster went, almost everything was razed to ruins.

Guert didn't have a weapon in his hand, and his palm strength couldn't completely penetrate the monster's armor. Although it hurt her a lot, it couldn't kill her. Instead, it angered the demon spirit more and more. The dust all over the sky made Guert Walt couldn't see the red weakness on the demon spirit's head at all.

Just when he was at his wit's end, a soft scold came from the side, saying, "Brother, take the sword!"

Guert heard Xiaoyou's voice, he lifted his spirits, looked towards the source of the sound, took the long sword, the sword trembled, and suddenly countless sword lights flashed out, hitting the monster's back, the monster Immediately screamed, the tail flicked to both sides, and the group of people huddled in the corner screamed again.

Guert hurriedly shouted: "Xiaoyou, go and take them away!"

Yeyou responded, and a few figures flashed in the dust.

Guert yelled loudly to attract the monster's attention. At the same time, he swung the long sword, his figure dropped suddenly, and landed beside the monster, and the sword plunged in fiercely.

With a click, this sword is not an ordinary sword, it penetrates the armor all the way to the hilt.

Guert's heart was cold, and he pulled it out forcefully, but he didn't move. Unexpectedly, the monster's tail had already been swung, and at the same time, the front head was also tilted, and it opened its bloody mouth and bit it fiercely.

The power of Guert's mantra was activated, Tianjuexin calmed down the flustered mind, Tianjuexin poured into the long sword fiercely, twisted the long sword, and the long giant tail was thrown, Guert's figure flew up, borrowing With the power of the flying, the long sword sliced upwards.

With a loud bang, the monster's body was cut open from the middle by Guert's sword, and green blood sprayed upwards.

Guert knew that blood was poisonous, so he shouted, "Be careful!"

He also hastily raised his Qi Qi Mask to block the blood of these demon spirits, but it was too late, the green blood stained his body, and a hot feeling suddenly appeared all over his body, at this moment, the monster below suddenly let out a cry With a huge roar, the long flat mouth flew up and bit Gurt.

Guert was startled, and retreated back and forth, but it was too late, the huge mouth bumped into the cover, and then fell down again.

Guert knew that it was the backlash from the monster's severed body before it died, and he broke into a cold sweat from fright.

The place on his body that was stained with green blood still felt like it was being burned. He fell slowly, stood on the ground, and swayed slightly. The venom seems to be a traumatic injury, not as easy to deal with as an internal injury.

Guert's mind flicked through the demon spirit's venom he had encountered before, knowing that this poison should be possessed by the demon spirit, he calmed down, and the Tianjue Heart Meridian slowly circulated and wrapped it outward.

At this moment, Ye You from afar had already flown over, seeing Guert covered in green liquid, he screamed in fright, and said, "Brother...Brother, are you alright?"

Guert waved his hand and said: "Don't come here, the blood of the demon spirit has a very powerful toxin!"

At this moment, there were continuous screams from the other side, Guerte was in a state of confusion, Tianjue's heart turned, the mark on his forehead suddenly glowed with light, and then a burst of blue light radiated from his whole body After shooting, there was a burst of sneering sound from his body.

After a while, Guert finally returned to normal, his eyes opened again, the green venom on his body had all disappeared, and there was a faint blue light on his skin.

Guert was pleasantly surprised. This should be the effect of the Tianjue Heart Sutra. Unexpectedly, the Heart Sutra, which has always been invisible and cool, can also reveal blue light.

As he thought about it, he swept his eyes aside, and saw that besides Ye You, Qin Luo, Xiao Yan, Ru Shangfeng, and Yu Yunbo who had spoken rudely to Guert last time were standing beside them. They all stared at him with inexplicable astonishment.

Guert knew that the abnormal situation just now had frightened them, but the screams were still lingering at this moment, and he couldn't help saying: "What are you doing here? This green liquid is poisonous, tell everyone to get out of the way!"

Those people came to their senses and acted quickly. Under Guert's command, they carried the four people who had encountered the venom to the side, and brought all the remaining thirty people over.

Seeing their pain, Guert knew that this thing was more severe than the most severe torture for ordinary cultivators, so he didn't hesitate anymore, and pressed his palm on the place contaminated by the venom.

The light flashed, as if the venom-contaminated area had been cleaned, the burn marks disappeared completely, and the wounded man seemed to have been poured over his head by a basin of clear spring, and he returned to normal as soon as he shivered.

Everyone around watched blankly as Guert used this method to restore all four of them in a moment.

They are all ordinary cultivators who live in Liberty Heaven. They naturally know enough about Guert's gossip. They know that he has the most amazing healing holy energy in the cultivation world, the Heart Sutra of Heaven's End, but no one has seen him use it. .

As soon as he used it at this time, the influence suddenly changed. The name of Guert's saint has been widely spread since this moment.

Although Gurt himself didn't care, his supporters began to increase because of this time, and his reputation began to increase.

Seeing that the four of them were all healed, Guert finally breathed a sigh of relief, turned to Ye You and said, "What's going on here? Where are the people in the whole city?"

Ye You hurriedly explained: "The demon spirit entered the free sky, so most of the people ran away, and the high-level also asked everyone to hide and not to come into direct contact with the demon spirit."

Guert pointed at the crowd and said, "Then them?"

Ye You said: "Because the news is sequential, there are still many left in the city. I..." After a pause, he pointed to Qin Luo, Xiao Yan, Ru Shangfeng, and Yu Yunbo, and said, "We are all Come to help them! Fortunately, there is a big brother! We don't know how powerful this venom is!"

Guert handed the long sword back to her, and said, "Then are the other places all right?"

Qin Luo suddenly said: "In addition to Wanton State, Pingjie Mansion and Desire City also have different degrees of invasion, but..." Looking around, he said: "There should be many demon spirits, but now I only see this , I don't know where the rest went."

Guert was stunned for a while, and said: "Then you all evacuate to a safe place first." After a pause, he said: "Didn't the high-level send someone?"

As soon as the words fell, a clear voice said, "Xiao Gu."

Guert looked back in astonishment, only to see Feng Qi in green clothes standing at the door, he looked around, heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "Fortunately you are here, I am still late."

Guert can ignore Gao Jie, but Feng Qi has saved his life after all, so he hurriedly walked over and said, "Teacher Feng Qi."

Seeing him, Feng Qi felt a lot of emotion, and said: "Xiao Gu, you have grown up again."

Although the people behind him have never seen Feng Qi, they all know that this is Feng Qi, the second-rank leader of the Guangming rank in the entire cultivation world when the senior rank was not there some time ago when he heard Guert's address.

Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps outside, everyone looked back and saw three teams, about twenty white-clothed warriors running over, Feng Qi explained: "Master Zhi Ruoyan asked me to bring this." High-ranking warrior."

Guert said: "There is the corpse of the demon spirit over there, take a piece back to the high-level, and ask them to hand it to Qizhitian, to see if there is any way to resist it, and their venom is highly poisonous, so the best Be careful."

Feng Qi nodded, beckoning the warriors to take all these people to a safe place, Ru Shangfeng and Yu Yunbo didn't dare to talk to Guert much, so they took this opportunity to lead everyone with Feng Qi.

Guert smiled at Yeyou and the others and said, "Hao Se, where are Jiyan and the others?"

Yeyou shouted: "They are all back to the high-end area. Has the eldest brother met my father?"

Guert wondered in his heart, he just asked them to find a place to hide at first, and when he came back, why did he suddenly go back to the high-level area?

Especially Ye Jiyan, who is not afraid of anything at all, how could he obediently return to the high-level area?

He replied in his mouth: "Your father is fine, don't worry. Teacher Feng Qi is here now, and nothing will happen to the demon spirit. I will go to another place. I don't know if they have been harassed there."

Ye You was startled, and said, "Where is Big Brother going?"

Qin Luo and Xiao Yan who were next to him had witnessed all kinds of miracles of Guert just now, and now they have treated him like an idol, and now they heard that he was going to leave, so they all watched carefully.

Guert looked at them, suddenly smiled and said: "Qing Ritian, dark steps."


When Guert walked in, he couldn't believe it. This place seemed to be the second free day, full of people. When he came last time, it was just a simple free market. Now a city has been built. There are two dark-rank warriors standing at the gate of the city, but they are completely unrestricted, and all the people coming and going are people.

Guert suddenly understood why there are so many people. There are dark steps as the backstage, so the security and order are better than those in Liberty Sky. Naturally, all the people gathered here, and Liberty Sky was invaded by demon spirits. The originally most unstable dark stage Qingsuntian has become a paradise instead.

Guert huddled in the crowd, covering his face as before, and was about to go through the city to find Yong Liansi, when suddenly someone waved to him not far away.

Guert looked around and saw that standing in the crowd, waving his little hands, turned out to be Ruoyi who told him the location of the outside world last time. He was dressed in a long lavender dress, which was beautiful and refined.

Guert looked at it but couldn't help being startled. Could it be that Yong Liansi guessed that he was coming, so he sent someone to pick him up?

Walking over, Ruoyi smiled and said, "I knew you would come, so I have been waiting for a long time."

Guert said in amazement: "Wait for me? Is there nothing wrong with the dark steps?"

Ruoyi shook his head and said: "Everything is normal here, not to mention Brother Zhantian has come back, who dares to make a mistake!"

Guert let out a cry, and said, "Zhan Tian is back, that's great, take me to see him!"

Ruoyi looked him up and down, and said, "What are you in such a hurry for? Have you been to the Upper Realm? Have you met Sister Qingsi?"

Gurte nodded and said, "Yes, thank you."

Ruoyi was stunned, looked at him and said, "Could it be that Sister Qingsi recognizes you?"

Guert couldn't help but feel amused, and said, "Why do you recognize it? I am her son, what can't you recognize?"

Ruoyi said with a strange face: ", how is this possible?"

Guert smiled and said, "Why is this impossible? Don't you realize that I look almost exactly like her?"

Ruoyi nodded cautiously, and said: "That's why I'm even more surprised, Sister Qingsi, uh, Sister Qingsi...should not be able to have children."

Guert was stunned and said, "What? How do you know?"

Ruoyi groaned, and shouted, "That's why I'm curious, or...are you her younger brother?"

Guert couldn't help being confused for a while, and said: "No, she admitted that I am her son."

Ruoyi looked at Guert up and down with a puzzled face, and after a while, said coquettishly: "Forget it, forget it, don't think about it, it's so strange!"

Guert was also baffled by her, and said: "You are the one who is weird, right, take me to Zhan Tian."

The two walked while talking, gradually left the downtown area, and walked towards the dark steps they had been to last time.

With Ruoyi's guidance, they were treated respectfully and courteously along the way, but many people knew Guert, and when they saw Guert coming in, they secretly refreshed themselves, knowing that something might happen.

Dark steps hall.

This was originally the main hall of the Trappers' Guild, but it has been completely remodeled now.

When Guert stepped into the hall, he suddenly remembered the scene when he saw the sword of the dark steps for the first time here and met Lu Zongqi again. There was no one else inside, it was empty.

He followed Ruoyi into the room, only to hear a loud voice inside saying: "You did a good job, thank you for your hard work."

Yong Liansi's respectful voice sounded, "Holy Master, there is still something I need to ask for instructions."

In Zhan Tian's flat voice, he said, "Go ahead."

Yong Lian thought: "It's about Guert, he..."

Zhan Tian interrupted: "Since it's about him, let him speak for himself."

Guert, who had just entered the gate, knew that Zhan Tian had sensed him coming, so he couldn't help laughing and said: "The Holy Master is really powerful, so they have all been discovered." After speaking, he had already reached the center of the hall.

Yong Liansi looked back in astonishment, and saw Guert striding in with a strange hairstyle, his face radiant.

Zhan Tian glanced at him lightly, and said, "What do you want from me?"

Guert knew that what Yong Liansi helped him mention must be about his father Gu Yuanhong.

But now it is obvious that the matter of the ghost world is more important, said: "I came here specially for the ghost world."

Zhan Tian suddenly flashed a smile, and said, "Did the high order ask you to come?"

Guert smiled and shook his head, "No, I'm going to be the last one to find a high-ranking one."

Zhan Tian raised his eyebrows and said, "What do you want to do?"

Guert made a big circle with his hands and said, "Alliance, an alliance in the cultivation world that is strong enough to fight against the ghost world."

Zhan Tian showed no surprise, and said, "Really? Why?"

Guert said: "Hong Tianlai represents that the ghost world has already appeared, and the cultivation world may be doomed this time."

Zhan Tian smiled lightly and said: "Liansi has already told me about Hongtian's arrival, but I don't think it's serious. On the contrary, it shows that there is a serious shortage of power in the Underworld Demon Realm to enter the Realm of Comprehension Realm, otherwise how could it be possible?" Where are the high-ranking Guangming people from the fake hand Hongtian?" After a pause, he said, "If the Nether Demon Realm personally took action, do you think you can still survive to this day?"

Guert couldn't help but look at Zhan Tian, and said, "Just now, Free Sky was occupied by a demon spirit, you know that?"

Zhan Tiandao: "I know, but these are things of the Guangming class. I don't care what he does. Anyone who is willing to enter Qingritian can come in!"

Only then did Guert realize that he had been ignoring that the dark level and the bright level are two opposites, and he couldn't help frowning: "Don't you think that the grievances in the cultivation world should be put aside first?"

Zhan Tianjunwei's face remained calm, and he said: "This is beyond your control, you should still think about how to escape."

Guert snorted coldly with disdain, and said: "Of course I have no problem running for my life, and..." His heart suddenly moved, and he said: "This is not my business, do you think I am willing to run out? Be comfortable How nice it is to be in the upper world."

A strange light flashed in Zhan Tian's eyes, and he said, "Have you been to the Upper Realm?"