three divisions of the world

Guert was puzzled.

At that time, half of the power of the fight with Hong Tianlai was interrupted, it must have been caused by this shadow, especially when casting the Fire Realm Curse, the power of the whole body was beating, and the power of the underworld in that shadow overshadowed him for a while. caused the present tragedy.

But once injured, how could it be gone?

Could it be offset by Hongtianlai's sky-shattering blade? But it's impossible to think about it. I've only heard of using poison to fight poison, but I haven't heard of such a thing. Moreover, the Skyshattering Blade is just a kind of Qi Qi, which is essentially the same as my own power. It should also be ineffective against this shadow. of.

Although I can't figure it out, it is a good thing after all, at least my suffering is not in vain.

Time passed by every minute and every second. Guert's meridian was repaired under Tianjuexin's treatment. At the same time, the shadow was eliminated, and the entire meridian was unimpeded. The fracture of the hand bone and the injury on the chest, the heart meridian of Tianjue did not stop Under the treatment, he got better quickly.

Another few days passed, these days he sat on the bed and adjusted his breath every day. Under the almost non-stop treatment of Tianjue Heart Sutra, his bones have healed and his injuries are slowly recovering.

The strange thing is that Yong Liansi didn't seem to come back. Of course, Guerte wouldn't worry about her encountering any danger, unless she met a master of Hong Tianlai's level. Others, even if Yong Liansi couldn't beat her, she could still escape. dropped.

Guert thought to himself: Did she go back to the dark steps? But think about it, since Yong Liansi can stay here with him for a whole month, she shouldn't just leave without saying anything.

He also explored nearby. This is a wooden house in a big forest. The front and back are about 100 kilometers long and wide. From the east, out of the forest is a grassland. There is no one. But standing on the edge of the forest and looking into the distance, the grassland seems endless. The grass is taller than a person, and when the wind blows, it makes a strange sound.

Finally, one day, Yong Liansi appeared, her face was extremely haggard, but she didn't seem to be injured at all.

Guert hurriedly asked her what happened, Yong Liansi shook his head and said, "This place doesn't seem to be a place we are familiar with."

Guert was stunned and said, "What do you mean? Didn't you find the exit?"

Yong Liansi said dejectedly: "Yes, I didn't find it. I have seen the four directions here before. The east is the grassland, the west is the desert, the north is the glacier, and the south is the mountains. Walked all the way, but found nothing."

Guert was stunned, and said, "Don't be discouraged, let's look for it together."

But he also knew in his heart that it must have taken a lot of blows to be able to toss a strong-willed person like Yong Liansi to such a depressed state, and recalling Yong Liansi's words just now, he couldn't help but said in amazement: "What did you just say? There are four completely different landforms in the four directions of southeast, north and west here?"

Yong Lian thought: "Yes, and the level of weather and creatures are all in line with that landform." Startled for a while, he looked around and said: "This forest is very strange, do you think it looks like a place? "

Guert was stunned, and then reacted, saying: "Wufengtian!"

Yong Lian thought: "Yes, not only are there no living things, there is not even the sound of normal wind blowing through the trees."

Guerte nodded and said: "Then we'll start here. The person who rescued us would definitely not deliberately make things difficult for us. If he wants to lock us up, it should be because this place is more secretive, so as long as he puts in a little effort, he should still be here." An exit can be found."

Yong Liansi hesitated to speak, but finally said: "Well, let's start from here, are you healed?"

Guert nodded excitedly and said, "Yes, and even the previous internal injuries are healed. Has someone treated me?"

Yong Lian thought: "Previous internal injuries? Isn't your Heavenly Jue Heart Sutra healing holy energy? How could it leave internal injuries? Could it be because of this that your Fire Realm Curse came about?"

Gu Erte nodded and said: "Yes, I have suffered internal injuries from the Nether Demon Realm, and that injury is very strange. Once it occurs, it will cut off all my vitality. This is how the Fire Realm Curse is cut off, otherwise Hong Tianlai will also be injured. It's not going to be that easy to win."

Yong Liansi said thoughtfully: "Could it be Hongtian?"

Guert was taken aback, and said, "What did you say?"

Yong Liansi said: "Before I fell into a coma, I heard Hong Tian say something." After a pause, he said: "So he really fell into the shadow of the shadow. "

Guert was startled, and then fell into a daze, saying: "Could it be that this injury was healed by Hongtian?"

Yong Lian thought: "If that's the case, then the place we are staying at now should be arranged by Hongtian. He trapped us here, is there any other arrangement?"

Guert shook his head and said: "I don't know, but I do feel that Hongtianlai doesn't have much hostility towards me, otherwise he wouldn't have let me go, and Fusu and Lu Zongsheng suddenly became Stupid, didn't come to trouble me again, maybe it was his tricks, but I don't understand, if he helped us, why did he kill the high-ranking again?"

Thinking of Zhi Ruoyan's death, it must have dealt a huge blow to the high-ranking Guangming, especially with Sister Rou's sad appearance, this feud has grown.

Yong Liansi continued: "Could it be that his purpose of catching up with me was not to kill you, but to save you? But what good does it do him?"

Guert only felt that his mind was in a mess, completely confused, and finally said: "I still have to ask Hong Tianlai about these, probably only he himself has the answer."

Yong Liansi looked at him and said, "Then we have to go out first!"

Guert stood up, walked outside, looked around, and said: "No matter how absurd this place is, it can't be the Underworld, right? It should be a part of the cultivation world. We can go find water. This should be the cultivation world." generic."

Yong Liansi followed him out, jokingly said: "This place is very big, unless you fall again, otherwise"

Guert ignored her teasing, pointed to the other end of the room, and said: "Use the house as the boundary, you look for that half, I look for this half, it's still the old rule, if you find something, make a long cry."

Yong Liansi nodded, and flew away, Guerte walked from this side, thinking about Yong Liansi's teasing just now, and thought to himself: Why don't you find a place where there is a roar, didn't you get yelled at Wufengtian back then? It won't fall down either. But it's strange here, why is there no sound at all?

He kept jumping back and forth on various tall trees, the purpose was to hear any movement nearby, but to his disappointment, he didn't hear any movement after walking like this. Only when he stepped out of the forest range, could he Hearing the howling wind on both sides and the cold air of the glacier in the distance, this is the northern exit of the forest.

Guert turned back again, and as soon as he stepped into the forest, all the surrounding sounds suddenly disappeared, as if someone covered his ears with a thick cloth, and the sound that was still clearly visible just now disappeared instantly. gone.

Guert felt strange, walked back and forth many times, and finally determined that it was not that there was no sound in the forest, but that they could not hear these sounds. This situation should be similar to Wufengtian.

If some force blocked the transmission of the voice, then the conversation between himself and Yong Liansi should also be blocked. What is going on?

As he was thinking, he swept along the edge of the forest towards the other end. He walked back and forth five or six times without finding anything. Just when he was about to give up, Yong Liansi came from afar. The roaring sound was not in the direction of the wooden house, but somewhere in the southwest of Guert. He hurriedly flew over, and in the process, he suddenly found a slight sound of wind coming from his ears.

He was about to stop and observe, when Yong Liansi's whistling sounded again in front of him. The whistling sound was short and rapid. Guert knew that Yong Liansi must have encountered something, so he flew away, only to see Yong Liansi staring blankly. Looking ahead, he rushed over, relieved to see that she was fine, and said, "Did you find it?"

Yong Liansi pointed forward in a daze, Gu Erte's eyes swept away, his body shook, and he was also dumbfounded.

In this primitive forest composed of towering ancient trees, there is actually a village, and what makes them two stupid is that the people in this village, which is only a dozen meters away in front of them, clearly move their mouths and speak, but listen There is no sound.

The two looked at each other, and both felt cold. Guert said, "Can they see us and hear us?"

Yong Liansi shook his head and said, "I can't seem to see it either, look."

In the village, a young man was turning his head to this side. Yong Liansi waved at him, but the man didn't seem to see anything. After looking at it for a while, he turned his head and started talking to the person next to him.

Guert's heart moved, and he suddenly remembered that when he first entered the real world, he passed the trial of the dark road, and the fish in the lake seemed to be the same.

This may be the intersection point of two spaces, but under special circumstances, people in this space can see there.

Yong Liansi suddenly seemed to have discovered something and exclaimed: "Look at that!"

Guert looked along her fingers, and saw that somewhere in the village, there seemed to be a stone tablet with strange and distorted words. It was not their common language, but it seemed to be

He could no longer hold back and shouted: "The Nether Demon Realm!"

The writing on these steles seems to have the same origin as the strange writing at the mouth of the desolate valley.

Yong Lian thought: "Let's go in and have a look."

Guert has already walked in. If this is really a space transfer point, then it should be the teleportation area, and he should be able to return to the position he came from.

When they walked into the village, even more strange things happened. These people were all phantoms.

In the beginning, Guert still avoided the people inside, until one time, he was accidentally hit by a child rushing towards him, only then did he realize that these people were just phantoms, not entities.

Although the two were relieved, they became more and more curious. They walked up to the stele and took a closer look. Sure enough, those words were the words of the underworld that they had seen before. Guert remembered the words he saw on the way to the dark realm. The village in the Underworld seems to be similar to this place.

Yong Liansi swept forward, the village is not big, about three or four streets, after Yong Liansi turned to a side road, he suddenly let out an exclamation.

Guert rushed there and was stunned. There was actually a big lake in the center of the village. The lake water was not as pure and clear as before, but instead was pitch black. The water moved gently and the bottom could not be seen.

The most surprising thing is that there are people walking in the middle of this lake, with various buildings.

Yong Liansi said: "It seems that the space is overlapping, this lake should be the space node, we can go out."

Guert looked around and said, "Where is this place? Could it be the Underworld?"

Yong Liansi stretched out her jade hand, grabbed Guerte, and said: "If we can go back, it means that this is still the cultivation world, if"

What follows is understandable without saying anything.

The two jumped into the lake at once. Although the lake water was like ink, it was still icy cold. Sure enough, the two found the place where the energy fluctuated. Yong Liansi successfully opened the light door. The two held tightly and rushed towards the door.

Huge suction, the circulation of the space, the two of them seemed to be jolting in the space for a while, Guert was bumped into a mess, and his breathing began to become short of breath, but he held on to Yong Liansi's hand tightly, and finally saw Bright, breathing recovered smoothly, and a whirring sound came from the ears of the two of them.

Guerte raised his voice, his figure stopped, and Yong Liansi did the same. The two hurriedly opened their eyes and looked around, seeing a familiar scene.

Guert laughed loudly and said: "Zuo Youtian, it's Zuo Youtian again!"

Yong Liansi also let out a long sigh of relief, and said, "I'm finally back, otherwise it would be really sad to be with you every day."

Guert was still holding Yong Liansi's little hand at this moment, shook it twice, and said, "What's wrong with me? I'm better than uh, let's forget it."

Yong Liansi knew that he wanted to say that he was better than Zhan Tian, but obviously with Guert's thick skin, he couldn't say such a thing, so he couldn't help laughing, and said: "You just need to know yourself."

The two breathed in the fresh air with great gulps, and the various small voices from their ears made them extremely excited.

Yong Liansi seemed to have thought of something, and said affectionately: "The moment from nothing to something is really wonderful."

Guert also felt the same feeling in his heart, these seemingly inconspicuous voices are also extremely precious at this time.

Suddenly Yong Liansi clapped his hands and said: "Okay, I should go back too, I don't know how long it has been, the Holy Master will worry about me."

Guert's heart moved, and he said, "Let's go to Liberty Sky first."

Yong Lian thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay!"

Guert stepped into Freedom with a nervous expression. When he saw the crowds at the gate of Freedom, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It seems that the Underworld has not invaded."

Yong Liansi pointed to something pasted at the gate of Freedom Sky, and said, "It seems to be a little different."

Guert walked over, trembling all over his body. It turned out that the post above was actually an announcement that Nine Arts and Dark Steps were stationed in Liberty Sky, the three cities of Liberty Sky at the same time, and Wantan State was still owned by Bright Tier, while Ping Tier Mansion was the territory of Dark Tier. , and the capital of desire is the territory of the Nine Arts.

This change, even Yong Liansi himself did not expect, said: "Let's go in and have a look."

While speaking, people have already rushed inside.

Guert also hurriedly followed. The high-ranking warrior standing at the door had disappeared. After entering the door, three small doors opened inside, namely the Wantan State, the Pingjie Mansion and the City of Desire.

There are guards in front of each door, so they don't interfere with each other.

As soon as these two people appeared, the guards of the three gates all yelled at the same time.


"Miss Yong!"

The crowd suddenly exploded with a bang.

Yong Liansi whispered to Guert: "I'll go and see the situation of the dark steps."

After finishing speaking, with a flash of figure, he entered the gate of Pingjie Mansion.

Guert couldn't help hesitating. He didn't expect that Liberty Sky had been divided into such a boundary. The power of the light class was greatly weakened, while the dark class and Jiuyi took the opportunity to grow.

Seeing the crowd coming towards this side, he didn't think about it anymore, his figure quickly flashed into the gate of the Guangming Step, and after a few ups and downs, the people disappeared into the crowd.

In the next few days, he got into the crowd, listened to various news, and finally knew what happened.

The vitality of the high-level Guangming District was seriously injured, Mu Mushi mysteriously disappeared, Zhi Ruoyan, Porter, and Hades died, Hoover, Meng Jingxue, and sister Rou were seriously injured, and countless other second-level warriors died.

As the new leader of the high-level district, Feng Qi returned to the high-level district, and the people of the Guangming class were panicked. Taking this opportunity, the dark class entered Free Sky, and Jiuyi followed.

Liberty Sky was divided into three at once, and the Guangming high-level area obviously has no ability to fight for it, so there is only acquiescence to this phenomenon.

The wanton state is obviously not as lively as before, and the flow of people is sparse. At the border crossing, there are many people queuing up hoping to enter the Pingjie mansion.

Guert never dreamed that there would be such a change. The high-level light was hit so hard that it was almost wiped out. However, in all the news, there was no mention of the casualties of the group of mysterious forces that attacked the high-level area.

In addition, the news is that with the heavy casualties of the Guangming high-level, the mysterious power of the tempered city of the Guangming level has been activated, and many new forces have appeared. Ping Haitian's family alliance has not lost any power in this storm, and the latest The most famous one who came out of the city of tempering was Yi Qingke, the successor of the Beast Department, and another master of the curse system, Chuan Qing.

In addition to Qin Luo, Xiao Yan and others who were already ranked first-class, the new force of the Guangming class should not be underestimated.

Similarly, many young masters appeared on the side of Dark Order and Nine Arts.

Freedom Sky has become a battlefield where the three major powers compete openly.

But Gurt slowly discovered that the hottest news recently was about himself.

According to the rumors, Guert appeared when mysterious forces invaded the high-level area, and disappeared after being seriously injured. However, in everyone's mind, Guert was already dead. The so-called disappearance was only because no body was found.

But the news that has been confirmed now is that Guert is still alive and has returned to Liberty Heaven, so he is the only survivor of the shocking battle of the Bright Senior in Miditian.

This not only pushes Guert's reputation to be the number one person in the Guangming class, but also makes the Dark class and Nine Arts respect him very much because of his particularly complicated background. Nine Arts even made Goult one of the leaders of Nine Arts and publicized it.

In the end, all the changes made Guert the first super master who surpassed the three major forces. He is also the only one in this new structure who can compete with the Lord of the Dark Order, Zhan Tian, and the leader of the Nine Arts Alliance, Long Tian. Multiply the characters juxtaposed.

Guert hid in the crowd in the form of Uncle Brand, and secretly smiled wryly. This change is too big. How could Hong Tianlai be so ruthless with himself, how could he be so difficult for senior Guangming? Mu Mushi disappeared, could it be that he was also injured by Hong Tianlai?

It seems that there is nothing new in the underworld. They must have ordered Hongtian to attack the high-ranking. Now that almost all the high-ranking members of the light are killed or injured, how could they give up this achievement to the dark-ranking and Nine arts?

Guert couldn't figure it out. He mingled with the crowd every day, inquired about various news, and found that these cultivators had excellent psychological adaptability, and gradually regarded the dark rank and the nine arts as the same power as the bright rank. Yes, every day I am excitedly talking about the competition I saw.

Looking at the performance of everyone, Guert sighed secretly in his heart: Dark Order and Nine Arts will never be satisfied with the current situation, and the Underworld has not been mobilized, so they must be making some preparations. Once they make a move, they will follow this surprise attack. Like the high-order area, it hits the mark with one hit.

He felt tired, and once again thought of leaving this chaotic pattern.

World on earth, world on earth, should I go find Yiyi?

At this moment, an excited voice shouted suddenly from a distance: "Come and see, come and see, Yi Qing has met Yong Cuitian from the dark rank."

Guert was stunned, and with the flow of people flocking to the front, he knew that there is an area in Wantanzhou, Pingjie Mansion, and Desire, which is used for three-party competition. The most lively of these three places is of course Wantanzhou. Yes, every day there are challenges from cultivators from the dark rank and the nine arts. Usually, there are some shrimp soldiers and crab generals fighting, but this time the one who fights is actually Yi Qingke, who can be listed as a top expert at the bright rank. Naturally, everyone is excited Woke up.

As the crowd continued to move forward, Guert walked forward without haste, and suddenly, a beautiful white figure in front of him appeared in his eyes.

His figure was startled, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, his figure flashed sharply, just as he approached, he heard a young man next to her say: "Yiyi, we can deliver the things, you don't have to come out by yourself."

Guert's heart trembled, people had already passed her and stopped them, and at this moment, the pretty woman next to the young man showed a calm smile on her face, and said: "The Volunteer Department has a deep relationship with us, their descendants, Why don't we see each other?"

He paused in the middle of the sentence, obviously because there was suddenly another person blocking the way, the young man angrily said: "Who are you?"

Guert had seen this young man in the Upper Realm, the last time he went to the wrong place, Guert's heart twitched, knowing that he had missed Yiyi, but this time he must not let it go.

He fixed his eyes on the beauty in white in front of him, and shouted: "Yiyi, it's me!"

Yan Yiyi has a plain face in white clothes, and her pretty face is more elegant and refined than before. The invisible and peaceful temperament all over her body is unforgettable for everyone. Her beautiful black and white eyes are clear. I saw her looking up and down at Guerte, Slightly confused, he said, "I'm Yan Yiyi, who are you?"