meet but not know each other

Guert stayed there stupidly, and said, "Yiyi? You don't know me?"

Yan Yiyi looked at him, shook her head with a smile and said, "I'm sorry, I don't know you." After finishing speaking, she stepped aside and walked past him: "Sorry, we still have things to do."

Guert was completely dumbfounded, he turned his head to look at Yan Yiyi's retreating back, and the young man next to him turned his head and glared at Guert, but obviously because of Yan Yiyi's face, he didn't dare to attack.

Guert suddenly remembered that he was now in the shape of Uncle Brand, but... Yan Yiyi should be the most familiar with him, how could he not know that this is him?

The crowds on both sides were surging, and more and more people heard that there would be a fierce battle, so they rushed towards the battlefield in the wanton state.

Guert squeezed in the middle, walking forward with the flow of people, staring closely at Yan Yiyi in front of him, and suddenly remembered what his mother Xi Qingsi said: "If she doesn't want to forget you, she will Lose all her memories. If she is willing to forget you, her cultivation will greatly increase after this battle, and she will be completely promoted to the highest level of Forgetfulness Art, and she will no longer need to practice in the lower realm."

"Could it be... Could it be that she really forgot all her memories?"

Guert looked at the beautiful figure getting farther and farther away in the crowd, his eyes gradually blurred.

With a loud "boom", the duel began.

Guert was already at the rearmost position, and there were countless discussions in his ears, all about Yi Qingke and Yong Cuitian on the stage.

And he could only see Yan Yiyi standing in the crowd, squeezed a few times desperately, finally squeezed into the middle, standing not far from Yan Yiyi, it's a pity that Yan Yiyi didn't even have a look, a pair of beautiful autumn water Eyes fixed on Yi Qingke above.

Guert recalled their conversation just now, and knew that Yiyi seemed to be here for Yi Qingke, the successor of the Fushou Department, but in his impression, Yi Qingke had mentioned to him that Yiyi once gave them the unique Fushou Department One of the three major totems, the fanatical totem, Yiyi is coming again this time, is there anything else to give?

But it must be true that Yan Yiyi's branch of Wangxinjue has a close relationship with the Fushou clan.

At this time, a person next to him said: "This Yong Cuitian is so powerful, I don't know what is the relationship with that famous Yong Liansi?"

"You don't know yet, I heard that he is Yong Liansi's younger brother, he is very powerful!"

"Really? No wonder Yong Liansi hasn't shown up for a long time, so it's her younger brother."

"Yong Liansi is back again, I heard that he came back with Guert!"

"Just blow it up, aren't these two rivals? How can they be together?"


The following words describe the miraculous process of how they found out that the two had returned to Freedom.

Guert had already heard ear calluses in the past few days, so he stopped listening. His eyes swept across the stage slightly. Yi Qing with long light red hair was particularly eye-catching, and the person fighting her was A head of blue hair, rigid facial features, wearing a purple robe, extremely fast.

Although Yi Qingke's cultivation is not bad, she still has some disadvantages after a long time.

Guert sighed slightly in his heart: this comparison is not good for Qing, the strength of the Volunteer Beast Clan lies in the Volunteer Beasts, it is meaningless to fight like this, why would she want to compare this?

But after thinking about it, the nearest bright stage is really deserted, it's really hard for Qingke.

Turning around to look at Yan Yiyi again, she saw that she was still looking at Yi Qingke intently, as if she was very interested in her, while Yong Cuitian who was next to her didn't even take a second look.

Guert's heart moved, as long as the two meet, Yiqing will definitely know Yan Yiyi, but I don't know if such a meeting will evoke Yiyi's memory?

According to what mother Xi Qingsi said, I don't know if Yiyi has lost all her memories now, or only her own memories?

If it's the former, it means that Yiyi doesn't want to forget herself, as long as she seizes the opportunity, she should be able to reawaken her memory; if it's the latter, then...

Guert was shocked all of a sudden, and only then did he realize that there was a more important question - what result did he want?

This is the world of self-cultivation, not the world of human beings. Getting married and having children is definitely not the goal, and cuddling together forever is not in line with the original meaning of self-cultivation, so what exactly does he want...

Guert turned his head to look at Yan Yiyi unconsciously, and saw a faint smile on her bright face, neither sad nor excited, just an expression.

Suddenly, Yan Yiyi turned her head as if feeling something, and met Guert's eyes in the air. Amidst the crowds, the two looked at each other, and a strange feeling rose at the same time, as if everything around them had disappeared .

The astonishment in Yan Yiyi's beautiful eyes flashed past, and then she became calm, smiled politely, and then turned back again.

Guert's heart was full of bitterness, and all kinds of feelings came to her heart. If she could really wake up her memory, what would be the ending?

The more I think about her, the more she will be unable to forget, and the more painful it will be. If she and I are to completely give up all cultivation and find a place with beautiful mountains and rivers to live in seclusion, this is also an unrealistic choice.

Gurt sighed, turned and walked outside.

The street was crowded with people, he walked out in a slump, wandering casually, the memories in his mind kept coming up.

The human world, the underground plaza, the first meeting led me to a completely different path...

In the human world, in Lianyun Village, he was being chased and killed by the second-order while he was hiding in Tibet. Yiyi, who thought he had forgotten him, suddenly rescued him...

On Liberty Day, Wantan State, Long Street, which is the road where he is now, Yelong intercepted him halfway to duel with him, and Yan Yiyi's sudden appearance gave him infinite confidence...

Midietian, in the valley, Yiyi told her identity for the first time, and then went to the city of tempering together, and joined hands to fight against the master of the dark order, Zhantian...

In Liberty Day, City of Desire, in the courtyard, before the decisive battle with Yong Liansi, Yiyi wept blood and was seriously injured. In the end, she came back with a big victory, but Yiyi disappeared...

Guert walked in a chaotic manner, fragments of memory kept pouring out, and he seemed to want to let go, but he couldn't let go, until a person next to him suddenly shouted: "Guert!"

Although the martial arts competition over there attracted the attention of most people, there were still many people on the road. Gurt was startled, and turned his head unconsciously, only to see a person waving at him in the distance, suddenly Everyone turned their heads to him.

Guert is not afraid of being seen through his identity, but not many people know what he looks like.

He looked around and saw that it was a young man, staring at him curiously, his face was more surprised than the people on the side of the road, just looking at him, the young man had already walked over and said: "Are you Gould?"

Guert looked around in feigned surprise, as if confirming that the other party was talking to him, and said, "Are you talking to me?"

A few boring people on the side of the road also came over, and said with a sneer: "Young man, what kind of Guert is this old man!"

The young man said in surprise: "Isn't it? A sister over there told me."

Guert looked to both sides in astonishment, and saw that the nearby people were rushing to the competition field ahead, and among the scattered people here, they didn't see the elder sister that the young man was talking about.

At this moment, a cold air hit, and Gurt's body reacted a step earlier before he realized it. He twisted his waist and turned to one side of his body, narrowly avoiding the cold air.

At this time, he had time to look over his eyes, and saw the young man holding a short sword with a white light shining, stabbing towards him, and after being dodged by him, the stab turned into a sweeping sweep, Gurt's figure fell and turned to the side Rolling up, all the people who gathered around just now backed away in exclamation.

The young man seemed to have not expected such a close range sneak attack, and was actually dodged. Seeing Guert rolling away, he was startled for a moment, and then chased after him.

In Guert's impression, he never knew such an enemy. If it was a killer sent by other forces, it should not be any of the light class, dark class, or nine arts. The only possibility is the underworld, but this young man doesn't seem like People from the underworld who have been in contact with before .

Just as he was thinking, the young man had already chased him. At this time, Guert was ready, and of course it would not be so easy to deal with. With a snap of his fingers, he flicked towards the stabbing dagger. The young man exclaimed, the dagger trembled and almost missed it.

Guert took advantage of the situation and flashed out. He got behind the young man, clasped his neck with his palm, and said, "Who are you?"

The young man was so frightened that his whole body went limp, and he said, "No, no, I'm just trying."

Guert said coldly: "Try what?"

The young man stammered: "Yes, that sister said, if... If you are really Guerte, you can definitely escape..."

Gurt said disdainfully: "Clumsy lie, you go and call that person out to me, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

As he said that, the Heart Sutra of Tianjue had already entered his meridians, the young man felt a strange cold flow flowing in, his body stiffened, and he said, "Okay, okay, I'll call her out."

Guert didn't believe what he said, he kept urging the Heart Sutra of Heaven's Jue while he was talking, the Heart Sutra of Heaven's Jue can heal people, and of course he knows all the weaknesses in the body of a cultivator, so it's easy Can restrain people.

The young man was so frightened that his legs were weak, and he shouted loudly: "Sister, sister, come out quickly, don't come out again..."

Before he finished speaking, a person suddenly stood up not far away. Guert's eyes swept away, and he couldn't help being shocked. This person turned out to be the one he had seen last time. A completely different girl from the underworld!

Seeing her dodge over there, the person disappeared. After Guert knocked the young man unconscious, the person also dodged out behind him.

The woman seemed to be deliberately waiting for Guert to catch up, and stopped there after turning a street.

Guert followed behind to catch up, thinking to himself: Why is she still here? Could it be that he was looking for that young man just to test himself?

The two chased and fled, and soon came to the most remote corner. There was no one around. Guert shouted, "Stop, or I won't follow!"

The woman hesitated for a moment, but she stopped. Guert stopped a few meters behind her and said, "Who are you?"

The woman trembled slightly, but she didn't speak. Guert remembered that the woman suddenly turned around and gave him a slap last time, which made him get hit by that shadow, and said coldly: "What the hell are you?" People? Is there another ambush?"

The woman suddenly turned around and said, "I...I want to ask you something."

Guert looked at her in astonishment. Although he resembled Nuoer's figure, he still had that uncommon appearance. He said coldly, "Why should I answer you?"

The woman looked at him, her eyes seemed to have some emotional fluctuations, and she said: "You answered me, and I will help you untie the restriction of the shadow cable."

Guert was stunned, and was about to say that he had already untied it, but felt that something was wrong, so he couldn't help asking: "What's the problem?"

The woman turned her head away, intentionally avoiding Guert's gaze, and said, "Do you know a person named Shadow Wind Ying from the Underworld?"

Guert was startled, shook his head and said, "I don't know!"

The woman's breathing seemed to suddenly become rapid, she couldn't help turning her head over, and said, "I really don't know you?"

Guert watched her tall breasts rise and fall violently, recalling the memory of Nuoer in his heart, stared blankly, then shook his head and said: "I really don't know him."

When the woman saw his gaze, her eyes flashed coldly, she turned around and left without saying a word.

Guert didn't realize the rudeness just now, but he was a little dumbfounded. Isn't this woman herself from the Underworld? How could you ask yourself if you know Ying Feng Ying?

The woman suddenly stopped and said: "It seems that your shadow thread has been released?"

Guert was stunned, and nodded unconsciously, the woman's body was swept away, and she ran away without saying a word.

Guert only felt a little baffled, so he stopped chasing him, turned around and walked back, knowing that all the major forces probably knew his face very well, so there was nothing secret about it.

Guert walked back to the city, the decisive battle over there seemed to be over, people were dispersing in all directions, Guert mixed in expecting to see Yan Yiyi again, but also a little afraid to see her calm and calm expression.

But by coincidence, he happened to be at the corner, and when he turned around, he saw that there were a lot of people on this street, and then he found four people walking towards this side from the middle of the street .

The person in the middle is Yan Yiyi, on the left is the young man who accompanied her just now, and on the right of Yan Yiyi is Yi Qingke, and on the other side of Yi Qingke is Yong Cuitian who just competed with her.

These four people, two males and two females, are all dragons and phoenixes, and they immediately attracted the attention of the people around them.

Guert was frightened, and was about to turn around and go to another place, but found that there were people in front and behind, so he had to dodge and hide among the crowd on the side of the street.

He walked along the side of the street, but everyone followed the people in the middle, so when they got to the middle, they were blocked together, unable to pass this way, and unable to pass that way, Gurt was also stuck in the middle, I had no choice but to stand by and watch the four people walk by.

The expression on Yi Qingke's face was still astonished, as if she hadn't understood something yet, while Yan Yiyi had that calm smile on her face, and she said rightly: "Miss Qingke may have identified the wrong person, but I This time I came here specially to find Miss Qingke."

Yi Qing looked at Yan Yiyi at a loss, and was about to speak, when she suddenly looked past Yan Yiyi and saw Uncle Brand in the crowd, she couldn't help but let out an exclamation, and stopped in her tracks.

Guert was looking at Yan Yiyi, with complicated thoughts in his heart, but he suddenly met Yi Qingke, so he knew that Uncle Brand was the shape he used in Lianyun Village back then, and he was promoted from the human world just like him. Yi Qing, who was on the road, naturally had a clear memory, and at this moment, she recognized that this person was Guert.

The people around were also taken aback by Yi Qingke, and that Yong Cuitian was even more concerned and asked, "What happened?"

While talking, the three people beside them followed Yi Qingke's gaze.

Yan Yiyi and the young man first discovered the strange uncle who harassed them before, but Yong Cuitian didn't see anything strange after looking around.

Yi Qing couldn't help pointing at Guert, and said, "It's really you?" After a pause, she turned to look at Yan Yiyi, and said, "Her?"

Yi Qing pointed her finger, and everyone immediately knew why Yi Qing stopped. Hundreds of pairs of eyes all around looked at Uncle Brand.

Gurt smiled wryly in his heart, but he was already used to this kind of scene, so he pretended to be confused and said, "What did you say?"

Yi Qing was a little surprised to see that Yan Yiyi didn't know her at first, but she was even more surprised when she saw that Yan Yiyi, who should have known her, was still indifferent when Guert appeared at this time, she looked back and forth again, and said: "God Ah, what's going on?"

Guert made a gesture and said: "I'll go first, listen to everything she says..." After speaking, he flew up and was about to leave.

Yi Qingke hurriedly shouted: "Don't go, we are looking for you everywhere!"

Guert hesitated for a moment, and said, "I see, I will go there when I have time."

Everyone became curious now, who is this old man? The "we" that Yi Qingke mentioned should be referring to the Guangming class.

Suddenly there was an exclamation from below, saying: "Could it be that he is really Guert?"

As soon as the sound came out, there was a clatter all around, and all the eyes that were still lingering at the beauty of the jade just now gathered.

Guert didn't care about revealing his identity for a long time, he didn't admit it anyway, his heart moved, he took the opportunity to stare at Yan Yiyi, wanting to see if she was still as indifferent when she heard his name.

Surprise flashed in Yan Yiyi's eyes, Xiaozui murmured the name, and then found that Guerte was looking at her upright, a faint smile flashed by, and his clear eyes met her.

Guert's heart was shocked. Seeing Yiyi's clear eyes, he knew that she had no impression of him at all. He stopped talking now, his face was gloomy, and he was about to leave when suddenly a figure flashed up and shouted violently: "You're Gult?"

Guert raised his eyes, and saw that it was Yong Cuitian who had just dueled with Yi Qingke. It was rumored that he was Yong Liansi's younger brother, but he didn't look like him, and he didn't bother to ask about the specific relationship.

He said lazily, "I didn't say I was."

Yong Cuitian laughed loudly and said, "Yes, that's all. What are you afraid of? Do you have something to hide from others?"

Guert didn't bother to talk to him, flew up unsteadily, and said, "Okay, I'm leaving."

A sharp light flashed in Yong Zutian's eyes, and he said: "How dare you dare to be so arrogant in front of me!" As he spoke, he swung his palm horizontally and was about to stop Guert.

Guert's figure didn't move, and people had already passed by, and the barrier of Yong Xutian didn't stop, which made him feel extremely ashamed, especially when there were a bunch of people watching below, he couldn't help shouting angrily With a sound, he hit him behind the back.