Dove Occupies Nestle

Guert stood blankly in a pitch-black dark space, the entire space was silent, and all the space that could be sensed before disappeared.

Could it be... Could it be that the world of comprehension has disappeared?

At this moment, a dot of light suddenly burst out in the dark space, and a picture of dots of light suddenly appeared in Guert's mind, just like the one that appeared when he and Yan Yiyi went to the Underworld, finally appeared in the space Sensing, of course, Guert couldn't let go of the opportunity, his figure flashed, and he flew away.

The darkness and light came together in the haze, and the fierce wind made it difficult for Guert to open his eyes. The blurred halo in front of his eyes finally brightened completely. When he opened his eyes, he saw a towering iron tower, an iron tower Surrounded by walls made of bluestone, they meander forward, neither enclosing nor going straight, just going forward crookedly.

Guert was shocked, this seemed to be a place he had never seen before, where is this?

He flew up, the sky was gloomy, and it was difficult to see the end with his eyesight. He only knew that he had reached a certain point in the distance, where the sky and the earth were connected, and there was no sign of life in the surrounding area. Guert I'm a little dumbfounded, what exactly is this place?

Looking up at the iron tower, this should be the most suspicious thing here. He jumped up, only to find that the iron tower was completely sealed without any gaps, and flew all the way up to the top of the tower, only to see a The small hole, Guert leaned into the small hole and looked in. As soon as he leaned in, he found a strong light coming out of it.

He staggered and almost fell, and then there was a sound of broken wind, he knew someone had appeared, and without any hesitation in his hand, he turned his palm and pressed it. To this day, he has already mastered the King Ming Root Mantra by heart , this palm is blessed with raging flames, and the scorching wind forces people to retreat as soon as they strike.

But the visitor didn't seem to be afraid of the raging flames, and a force of frost hit him, dissolving his blessing of raging flames invisible.

Guert was taken aback. This is the power blessed by King Ming. Back then, he relied on this power to resolve the invasion from the underworld. Who is this person, who can break the power of King Ming with just a stretch of his hand?

And the most elusive thing for him is that these two moves have not yet let him see the figure, and the person seems not in a hurry, deliberately waiting for him to make a move.

Guert stabilized his mind and used one move after another, using all the moves of King Ming's Root Mantra, the Fire Realm Mantra that he had used before, and the skills that he hadn't used much before, such as the one-word heart mantra, the crippled mantra. The spells, including the Ice Curse that had never been used before, were cast naturally.

The more he used it, the more proficient he became, but the more frightened he became. No matter how he changed his moves, that person seemed to be able to resolve them one by one. He suddenly felt that this person seemed to be deeper than himself in the root mantra of King Ming.

What was even more shocking was that after fighting so many moves, he could only see the faint figure of this person, who was vaguely familiar, but couldn't see the face clearly.

Judging by the surrounding conditions, it is very likely that this person came out of the iron tower.

There was a secret change in Guert's exercises. With both palms together, he cursed the left fire circle and the right ice spell, and greeted the man, and at the same time shouted : "Who are you? Where is this?"

The man didn't seem to notice anything wrong, he still waved his hand lightly. Guert was secretly delighted, he put more strength into his hands, circled his palms, and hit the man.

Suddenly, the palm gesture fell through! ,

And that person was also like a shadow, which disappeared after hitting it.

Guert was stunned, and looked around, but there was no trace at all. Could this person be so powerful? Or was everything just an illusion?

He pinched himself hard, not dreaming, but where is this? '

The iron tower just now was still standing there, the gap at the top seemed to have never appeared, it was a sealed iron tower, but at this moment, there was a strange noise in the air, he looked up, it seemed that a big hole had been broken in the sky, a huge The black vortex appeared, and the strong suction sucked him in.

Time and space swirled, and after a collision, Guert fell to the cold ground. He got up, looked at everything in front of him, and was surprised and happy in his heart. The scene is familiar yet unfamiliar. The former green hills and wilderness have long since turned into scorched earth, but the trajectory of the space can still be found.

Guert flew up, crossed the left sky, and came to the free sky.

He held his breath, and flew towards the three major cities of Ziyoutian, the three cities were still there, although they were a bit dilapidated.

He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and flew down, but was flustered again. The three cities were littered with corpses, and there was no living person. Chuanqing and Yi Qingke were left here in the bright stage, while Zhan Tian and Yong Lian were left in the dark stage. Si and others, Jiuyi has eight masters besides him, why are none of these people gone?

Could it be that the green poison man came here from the high-level area? Or did the people from the eighth heaven led by Wu Ling come here?

The doubt accompanied him to travel through the three cities, but in the end these three cities were still dead cities. Guert only felt a little suffocated. Could it be that no one else is still alive?

He flew into the sky, and was just about to fly towards the high-level area, when a light suddenly burst out on the ground, followed by an angry howl.

After the fierce battle with the shadow just now, Guert's reaction was more than several times improved, and the voiceless voice was played, and the man rushed down, and then a silver light sprinkled on the ground.

The stench came out, howled again and again, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the demon spirit that had just emerged from the ground was chopped off by Gurt as soon as it appeared.

Then there were countless "wow" sounds, Gurt looked down, and a dozen pairs of eyes in the underground cave were staring at him. Said: "Who are you? Are there any monsters here?"

Most of the three free days are cultivators, and their skills are not bad, but compared with these monsters and experts of Guert's level, they are really far behind. Hearing Guert's voice at this time, it seems When the big savior arrived, he rushed out excitedly. , obituary

Guert greeted them all, and was about to ask questions when suddenly there was a scream in the air. He looked up and saw a golden armored warrior riding a pegasus swooping down from top to bottom with a sharp blade in his hand. He wanted to sneak attack, but he didn't expect that Pegasus could not help but howl. ,

Now that Guert was on alert, how could the golden armored warrior succeed? Voiceless moved up a space, and the blow from the golden armored warrior with the force of the dive was easily parried.

Then Tianma let out a long neigh, Guert closed his palm and clapped again, the fiery red palm print was printed on the horse's head, the figure of the golden armored warrior was shaken violently, and the man had already been sent flying. Fell.

At this time, several murderous auras gushed out from the surroundings, coming from the left and the bottom respectively. The left side is a deserted street, while the bottom side is underground. They all sneaked over when Guert blocked the golden armored warrior just now. of.

Guert's thoughts were not finished, and the murderous intent had turned into a real killing move. One was to kill the soul, and the other was to break through the ground, but these two moves were obviously in vain. The two sneak attackers were not ordinary masters either, their minds were like mirrors, they immediately reacted, their swords were overwhelming, and they plundered into the air.

Guert really chose to fly into the sky, and he was really surprised by the quick reaction of the two people below. With a wave of Qingyin, silver light spilled out. With one cut, he swiped towards the attacker who was chasing him below.

The two men hurriedly blocked, and with two clear bang bangs, their weapons were completely severed.

Guert was also shocked. He didn't expect Qingyin to be so fierce. Qingyin took advantage of the situation and swiped again. The two screamed and fell downward.

Only then did Guert clearly see the faces of the two of them. It was Yu Jiaren and Ruili whom he had seen in the Underworld before. The faces of these two were pale, and it was obvious that they were seriously injured by the blow just now.

Guert knew now that this must be the Eight Heavenly Heaven tribe led by Wu Ling, and he couldn't help shouting: "Where is Wu Ling? Didn't she promise me that she would not join forces with the dark and demon factions?

Yu Jiaren let out a miserable cry. Said: "The river of the underworld has been destroyed, and we have no way out!" After speaking, he paused and rushed up again.

Guert frowned, his figure flashed, and he said, "Tell me where the witch spirit is? Where did the people here go?"

Ruili followed Yu Jiaren and rushed up. The two had taken advantage of the sneak attack just now. How could they be Guert's opponent in a direct confrontation? With a wave of Guert's voiceless voice, the cold air alone was enough to shake the two of them away.

Guert glanced at the group of people he rescued just now, except for a few who were cultivators, most of the others were actually people from the Eighth Heaven of the Underworld, but for some reason, none of them made a move.

Guert waved his voiceless voice, and was about to fall when a voice suddenly screamed: "Guert, don't bully people too much!"

Guert was stunned for a moment, and when he looked up, a person was flying towards him in the distance. It turned out to be the apprentice of the Banished Emperor—Jiang Shangliu. This person had been seen by Guert when he was in the lava core. It's not surprising that everyone followed.

He stopped and looked at Jiang Shangliu who was rushing towards him quickly, and said sneeringly: "What is deceiving people too much? This is the territory of our cultivation world. You have occupied our place, so why don't you tell me not to deceive others too much?"

Jiang Shangliu rushed over, looked around first, seemed relieved, and then said: "Guert, if you have any questions, you can come with me; the masters are fighting with your cultivation world."

Gurt asked strangely: "Where is it? Why didn't I sense it? What's wrong with the high-order area?"

Jiang Shangliu didn't answer him, but just shouted: "Follow me if you have the courage!" After speaking, he flew to come and go.

Guert looked around and knew why Yu Jiaren and others appeared. It seems that the reason why the three free cities can be preserved is because they are the temporary resting place of the Yachongtian tribe. If the guess is right, the underground should have It is full of people from the Yachongtian tribe.

After all, there are many weak ordinary people in Yachongtian. They must have thought that he had discovered them just now, so they had no choice but to attack.

Guert knew that everything at present had nothing to do with these innocent civilians, so he no longer hesitated, and followed the upper reaches of the river. Even though he knew it might be a conspiracy, he still had to go.

From Liberty Sky up is Shooting Moon Sky, which is a place where second-tier cultivators practice. It is sparsely populated, but it has clearly become the main battlefield of the two sides' battle at this time.

When Guert followed the upper reaches of the river to Sheyuetian, he felt that the sky was dark, and murderous aura was everywhere, from far and near, he was drinking or roaring, howling or scolding.

When Guert was looking around, Jiang Shangliu's figure had disappeared, and a bright light flashed in the air, and several screams came out, and a row of people in the air actually fell down.

Guert was about to follow up, when he suddenly saw a figure flying up on a Pegasus horse, with long light red hair and snow-white wings of the Pegasus horse, still very eye-catching in the dim sky.

Guert recognized at a glance that the figure was Yi Qingke, but he didn't know how she could ride a pegasus from the Underworld!

The battle in the air has already begun, and the figure of the person who is fighting Yi Qingke is so blurred that it is difficult to see clearly with Guert's eyesight. Cultivation is by no means simple, and the practitioners who can participate in this melee in Sheyuetian must have been selected.

Guert looked at Yi Qingke in the air and saw her staggering continuously. If she hadn't been relying on the Pegasus, she would have already followed in the footsteps of the previous cultivators. He didn't hesitate anymore, he jumped up, raised it in one breath, and shouted: "Qing can get out of the way!"

This sound was like a bell, and it exploded in the entire Sheyuetian. All the people in the fierce battle stopped unconsciously. Even Yi Qing forgot to dodge the opponent's ultimate move, and stood there in a daze, while The opponent also seemed to be frightened, and forgot the original change of move, and only knew to hit Yi Qingke.

Guert's figure accelerated, a dance of soft light blocked Yi Qingke's body, and the Fire World Curse was pushed out with both palms without hesitation.

The man let out a muffled grunt, and jumped back, and Guert also felt a familiar aura when the two sides collided, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Nuoer..."

The man was so shocked by Guert, and finally showed his pretty face in the mist. The slender figure and unparalleled beautiful face are Nuoer, who has had a relationship with Guert since the beginning of the world. The hot body that Guert was obsessed with back then is now tightly wrapped in a layer of black clothes with.

Nuo'er covered her face with frost, and said, "Why are you still alive?"

Guert was stunned, and then remembered that in the battle in the high-level area, Nuoer was the vanguard. He should have seen how he and the high-level people intercepted the Underworld Emperor and the Demon Emperor, but he couldn't think about it anymore , staring at Nuoer, hesitated to speak.

Nuo'er sneered and said, "Speechless? Don't you have a lot to say to me?"

In the dark sky, Nuoer's cold smile, Guert saw in his eyes, indescribably heartbroken, indescribably helpless, sighed softly, and said: "Nuoer, if I had a choice, I would rather you be the same as you were back then." Noel."

Nuo'er raised her head and took a deep breath, and said, "My memory has recovered, but I'd rather be the same Yuan Nuo who doesn't remember anything."

Guert was speechless. To Nuoer, he owed too much, but now even if he wanted to make up for it, it was difficult to do so, so he couldn't help saying: "Take me to see the Underworld Emperor and the Demon Emperor, I want you to withdraw immediately!" Walk!"

Nuo'er stared at Guert, undisguisedly and directly shot infinite killing intent, said: "Impossible. People in the cultivation world are fate, and so are people in the ghost world. We are homeless. Here is our home!"

By the end of her words, she had already paused every word, and a strange aura suddenly rose in everyone's heart.

Sure enough, a loud voice came from below Sheyuetian: "For the ghost, for the Yachongtian, for our tribe, brothers, kill!"

This sound rushed out, and the voices behind him rose and fell one after another, and the momentum of the Underworld Demon Realm suddenly increased.

Guert knew that as long as he defeated Nuoer at this time, the momentum just now would naturally disintegrate, but he... how could he attack Nuoer?

He never made a move in Ping Haitian before, so naturally he can't make a move now, for no reason, just because of Nuo'er who was deeply hurt by him. ,

Guert frowned and stared at Nuoer. Nuoer seemed to know his embarrassment, so he didn't make a move, just staring at each other. Yi Qingke from behind said: "Go and help others, she will be dealt with by me!"

Guert shook his head and said, "Tell me how is the high order?"

Yi Qing was stunned, and said, "I don't know, just now Yachongtian attacked us in Freedom, and Zhantian took Wu Ling and the three elders of Yachongtian away."

Guert was startled, and said, "Zhan Tian made a move?"

Yi Qingke nodded and said, "Yes, this person is really extraordinary..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Guert cut her off: "Where's Jiuyi? Where's Long Chengtian?"

Yi Qingke said: "It seems that they have also made a move, but I didn't see it. They should have gone to the high-level area by now!"

Guert was surprised for a while, he obviously couldn't feel any space induction from the high-level area just now, how could they still be in the high-level area?

Nuo'er suddenly said: "They will die there if they go there, and it is impossible to come back."

Gurt's eyes flashed coldly, and he said, "Where is that?"

Nuo'er remained silent, and then a murderous look flashed in her eyes, and she said, "Don't worry about it, let's go through my test first!" As she spoke, she raised her jade hand and struck with one move.

Guert suddenly had a strange feeling in his heart, looking at Nuoer in front of him, his body remained motionless. Nuo'er's palm gesture was quick, and she was in front of her in an instant, and Yi Qingke who was behind shouted, "Get out of the way." She rushed up after saying that.

Guert stopped Yi Qingke, and fixed his eyes on Nuoer who was rushing. A complicated light flashed in Nuoer's eyes, but he still patted Guert's palms without hesitation.

Only then did Guert's protective zhenqi work automatically, and the self-protection of the Tianjue Heart Sutra was activated. Guert fell back, while Nuo'er was slightly shocked, his eyes widened, seemingly inconceivable, but then there was another touch of determination, He raised both palms again and attacked again.

Yi Qing couldn't bear it any longer, and with a word in her mouth, Pegasus neighed towards the sky, her hooves flew up, and kicked at Nuo'er, while she herself flew in the air, trying to block Nuo'er's tricks before Guert.

Even though Guert had the Heavenly Jue Heart Sutra to protect his body, his blood was still churning. Knowing that Nuoer didn't hold back, Tianma's long hiss full of murderous intent came from his ear, his brows were furrowed, his hands clenched into fists, and he slapped across the sky. , Tianma's long hissing stopped abruptly, and Yi Qingke was also thrown backwards.

Nuo'er and Yi Qingke were both stunned, Yi Qingke bit her lower lip tightly, blood stains were scarlet, and asked, "You're crazy, what are you doing?"

Guert frowned and said, "Go and help others! I'll take care of things here!"

Yi Qing said angrily: "When is this? We are struggling here, hoping for help! But you are wasting time here for a woman!"

Guert said coldly: "Yi Qingke, didn't you understand what I said?"

Yi Qingke was stunned, seeing the coldness and powerful aura emanating from Guert's body, hesitated to speak, and finally stopped talking, turned around and rushed down, venting all her anger to others.