Reappearance of the Sorcerer

Nuoer stared at Guert closely, and said, "Why?"

Guert knew that what Yi Qing said was right, he must not waste too much time here for Nuoer, without his own protective barrier, the green poison from the underworld would poison the three realms.

He stared at Nuoer and said, "I know the high-level area is over, tell me where they went?"

Nuo'er was stunned, her pretty face showed confusion, and said: "I don't know." After a pause, "But even if I knew, I wouldn't... let you go!"

Guert looked at her coldly and said, "Nuoer!"

Nuo'er's delicate body suddenly trembled, and she looked at Guert with a confused face.

Guert looked at her so confused, and knew that she was the Nuoer in front of her. Although she didn't know how many changes had happened in the middle, her true love for him had never changed. Just as she was about to speak, a voice suddenly said: "Nuoer, what are you doing..."

Nuo'er's body shook violently, and Guert's also shook. The voice was so familiar. Turning around, a vague figure in black slowly emerged, which was Ying Fengying!

The person who took Nuo'er away from him back then unexpectedly appeared here again. Could it be that the three elders of the Yachongtian that Yi Qingke mentioned just now were they?

Nuo'er trembled all over, and said, "Master!"

Ying Fengying was still covered with a black scarf, looked at Nuoer, then at Guert, a few strange expressions flashed in her clear eyes, and then said: "Guert, if you want to come, just follow me ."

Guert froze for a moment, but then nodded. Nuo'er said anxiously: "Master, you promised to let me kill this person!"

Ying Fengying glanced at Nuo'er with clear eyes that see through everything, and said, "If you're really interested, let's come together."

Nuo'er shook her head and said: "I won't go, I want to kill him with my own hands, don't use other people's hands."

Ying Fengying suddenly sighed, and said: "Guerte, your life is so lucky..."

Guert immediately realized that Nuoer insisted on staying here because he was obviously afraid that he would be involved in the big battle after passing, so he was extremely ruthless at this time, and he did not hesitate to hurt Guert to kill him. To stay, the meaning in Yingfengying's words is that she has seen through Nuoer's thoughts.

Nuo'er's face froze, and just about to defend, Ying Fengying said: "Nu'er, don't waste your energy, Guert is the protagonist of this battle, without him, the world of comprehension will be trampled by us all the way, he I have to go."

Nuo'er was stunned, two lines of clear tears rolled down from her bright eyes. A burst of guilt welled up in Guert's heart, and he said, "I'm sorry, Nuoer..."

Shadow Wind raised his hand, and there was a sound of breaking wind, and then he whistled softly: "Guert, follow this wind, you will be here soon."

Guert had already sensed the signpost, glanced at Nuoer, and without any hesitation, rushed past Nuoer and flew away quickly.

Nuo'er lowered her head powerlessly, and suddenly Ying Fengying's voice came from beside her ear: "Nu'er...he is not a man you can control, he has not discovered his true self..."

Nuo'er's expression was shocked, she raised her head, and looked at Shizun Yingfengying in disbelief.

Ying Fengying's clear eyes revealed a confusion that is rare to see in a hundred years. Looking at the direction where Guerte was going away, he said slowly: "I hope he can bring peace to us all..."

Guert's heart was churning, with mixed emotions. His guilt towards Nuoer would never be light, but at this time, he had more important things to do.

The figure flew forward quickly, the sky of Sheyuetian was dim, and he soon discovered that there was no space to respond above the Sheyuetian. Could it be said that this battle between the ghost and the cultivation world has already surpassed the sky of Condensation Sky? The space is all destroyed?

There must be some unexplainable mystery in this.

Following the guidance of Ying Fengying, Guert came to a deserted place. A moment ago, there were fierce battles and flames everywhere, but this moment was so quiet. Looking at the surrounding bamboo forests and green trees, everything seemed to be uninvaded by the Underworld. General before.

At this moment, a whirlwind rose all around, and there was a suction force between the sky and the earth. Then the surrounding environment suddenly changed, and a powerful force rushed towards him. He stepped back, and suddenly found that there were people standing around him.

His appearance didn't seem to attract everyone's attention, mainly because the current situation was too tense.

Guert scanned the front, it was Long Tiancheng, Fayol and others from Jiuyi, and on the other side stood Zhan Tian with dark steps and Yong Liansi with a pale face.

And among them was the Guangming high-ranking person that Guert had never found. The leader was Mu Mushi, Ye Fenghan stood next to him, and the high-ranking people stood behind him.

Any one of these people is a big shot in the realm of comprehension, but here at this time, they are a bit unspeakably depressed. Looking at the bloodstains on their bodies, one could tell that they had fought many battles, even Qiang Ru Mushi and Ye Fenghan were covered in blood.

Opposite them, of course, are the people of the Eight Heavens of the Underworld, and everyone's attention is almost focused on the two people who are fighting in the middle. One of them is Yusha, one of the three great immortal envoys in the cultivation world, and his father , it was Yu Lie, the leader of the Dark Order who repelled the invasion of the Underworld Demon Realm back then, and also the most direct enemy of the Underworld Demon Realm.

And his opponent is a middle-aged man in Tsing Yi. Guert has never seen it before, but he looks no worse than Yusha, and Yusha has a slight disadvantage in the scene.

Guert took a deep breath in his heart. As one of the three great immortal envoys in the cultivation world, Yusha is also the son of Yu Lie. His cultivation base should be the highest in the cultivation world. The nameless person is labeled like this, it seems that Yachongtian is also a hidden dragon and crouching tiger.

He glanced at the Underworld Emperor, Demon Emperor, Banished Emperor, and Jade Emperor standing on one side in the distance, and beside them stood a skinny old man and a middle-aged woman covered with a light veil. The dignified atmosphere around him seemed much more relaxed.

Guert wondered, where did the green poison man go? The big coffin didn't seem to appear either.

Looking back, although everyone in the comprehension world was injured, it seemed that there were no major casualties. This meant that the Green Poison Man should not disappear unless he died. Could it be that they were doing other things?

Guert searched back and forth with his eyes, but did not find any key figures who were not present.

At this moment, there was a sudden shout from Yu Sha in the field, the blood flashed, and everyone was in an uproar. Guert glanced away, and the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi, who was still relaxed just now, also had a dignified face, and various lights appeared alternately , Yu Sha was panting like a cow, finally Yu Sha took a few steps back, and fell to the ground, and the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi also froze, fixed there.

The next moment, Emperor Hades rushed out suddenly, and Hei Xuan Zhan slashed towards Yu Sha like lightning.

Yu Sha was already at a disadvantage in the fight with that person, and the loss was huge. How could he be able to resist the Emperor of the Underworld at this time?

There was a lot of shouting and cursing from the cultivation world, and Mu Mushi and Ye Fenghan also rushed in quickly, trying to block Hades, but Hades waited for a long time before seizing this opportunity. This blow implied the sound of wind and thunder, even if it was intact It took a lot of effort to block Yu Sha.


With a crisp sound, a figure in white appeared in front of Yusha, blocking it.

Everyone was in an uproar. Then a voice yelled violently: "Zhan Tian!"

The man in white is Zhan Tian. At this time, he is holding a short knife in his hand, which happened to block the Hei Xuan Zhan who was stabbing straight from the emperor of the underworld. The emperor's lower ribs were brushed away.

Miu Mushi and Ye Fenghan, who rushed in from behind, had also arrived, and they were angry at Hades Emperor's villainous behavior just now, and at this time also unceremoniously attacked Hades Emperor, this is the three masters in the cultivation world Attack Hades at the same time.

No matter how powerful Hades is, he is only on the same level as them. At this time, the three of them attacked together, and he obviously couldn't stop him, and retreated.

And the closest to him, the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi who was standing over there just now let out a deep drink, stepped on the ground, and a crack exploded from the ground, Zhan Tianshou bore the brunt of the brunt, but the right hand held The dagger also took advantage of the situation and raised it, avoiding Hei Xuanzhan and attacking the Underworld Emperor.

Mu Mushi swept his legs from the air, Ye Fenghan clenched his fists tightly, and there was a three-on-two confrontation in the air.

Underworld Emperor's broad shoulders trembled, he stepped back several steps, Hei Xuanzhan finally managed to resist Zhan Tian's dagger, Mu Mushi's leg and Ye Fenghan's fist punched in the air, as if they were all taken over by an invisible force Stop, the power was reduced by half, but the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi and the Underworld Emperor were still shocked, their faces were pale, and they almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

But Miu Mushi, Ye Fenghan, and Zhan Tian had extremely ugly expressions on their faces. The three top masters attacked at the same time.

I didn't expect the Underworld Emperor to change his moves so quickly, and the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi was still able to make moves after fighting Yu Shali. More importantly, there seemed to be a powerful and hidden force in the Underworld Demon Realm. Most of the power of Zhi and Ye Fenghan was borne by that power.

Hades narrowly escaped death, laughed twice, and said: "The four masters in the cultivation world are nothing more than that, it seems that it is only natural for us, the Eighth Heaven, to replace you, and the weak will prey on the strong."

Mu Muzhi snorted heavily, and said, "Who else is hiding? Don't you have the face to get out?"

Huang Gu looked around in surprise, and said, "Aside from you besieging us, are there other people here?"

The Emperor Banished also wandered over from behind, and said, "Okay, Brother Sun and Moon, it's meaningless to talk too much nonsense, we spent so much effort to freeze the entire high-level area, the purpose is to leave a place for our future. Go to the resting place, now that a safe space has been reserved, we don't have to be polite in other places!"

The Emperor of the Underworld laughed loudly and said: "It's very, very, brother, this time we are taking a breath of anger for our elders, haha!"

Everyone in the Underworld and the Demon Realm laughed loudly, except for the Jade Emperor who was still staring at the surroundings with cold eyes, everyone else looked relaxed, obviously thinking that the cultivation world was under their control.

Guert hid behind the crowd, and he was secretly shocked. He also felt the mysterious power that existed in the underworld. Hearing the conversation between the underworld emperor and the demon emperor, he felt a chill in his heart. He knew that the high-level area was not destroyed. However, they were sealed by some special method, no wonder they couldn't feel any spatial fluctuations.

Because the high-order area is relatively independent, if the lower bound cannot feel the high-order area, then the high-order area will disappear. Even if there is any major change in the lower bound, the high-order area will not be affected. This is what they call a safe space.

It can be seen from this that their methods of dealing with the lower realms are not ordinary. Anyway, as they said, they have left a safe space for themselves. The cleanest way is to destroy the entire lower realm of the cultivation world. '

Guert also somewhat understands why this space appeared. The original intention of the demon world is to seal the entire high-level area and transfer the battlefield to the lower world; and the high-level light and dark levels, including the nine arts, certainly cannot sit back and watch them destroy the comprehension world, thus creating such a space to move the entire battlefield here.

But judging from the strengths of both parties, it should be that the realm of comprehension is clearly superior. Guert has contacted the emperor of the underworld, the emperor of demons and the emperor in the realm of demons, while the realm of cultivation not only has two great immortal envoys, absurd knowledge, but also Zhan Tian. And Long Tiancheng of Jiuyi.

In the face of external forces, there should be no problem with the internal unity of the Bright Order, the Dark Order, and the Nine Arts. It's just that there is still a green poison man who has not appeared in the underworld, and a mysterious power hidden in the dark.

At this time, Yu Sha, who was sitting on the ground, finally stood up, staring at the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi, and said, "You are still alive..."

Everyone was shocked. They didn't know who this man in Tsing Yi was. The reason why they stared closely just now was because they wanted to know who the person who appeared suddenly and could push Yu Sha to such an extent was. Still at a disadvantage, and looking at the recovery speed of the man in green, one can know that this man is still above Yusha.

The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi smiled and said, "Really? You know me?"

Yu Sha looked hesitant, looked at the Demon Emperor and Jade Emperor behind him, and finally said tentatively: "You are Chi Moyan..."

Everyone was stunned, including the always cool Zhan Tian, who couldn't help opening his mouth in astonishment.

Chi Moyan said that in the first battle between the two sides, the leader of the underworld sect who led the underworld to enter the cultivation world was seriously injured and left, but he did not expect to be alive.

The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi said noncommittally: "It doesn't matter whether you are right or not, what should be over will be over." As he spoke, he glanced at everyone in the comprehension world, and said: "You are all high-ranking in the comprehension world who have the qualifications to ascend to immortals. The ups and downs of the cultivation world have nothing to do with you, so why sacrifice yourself for hundreds of years?"

In addition to Yusha, the oldest person here is Miu Mushi. He is also a cultivator who participated in the first battle between the underworld demon and the cultivation. He should be the most able to recognize people among all the people here.

At this moment, he stared at the human being and said, "Could it be that the world of immortals and gods will watch you destroy the world of comprehension and ignore it?"

The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi smiled lightly and said: "The upper realm can't control the affairs of the lower realm. If your loose immortals are really about to move, won't our earth immortals not move? It's not impossible for a real war to happen..."

The people here are all above high-level cultivation base, but almost everyone trembled when they heard this sentence, and they all knew the meaning of the man in Tsing Yi's words-the real battle will be a melee in the world of immortals and gods, If there is a war, it will not be the cultivation world that will be destroyed, but the entire space system will not be spared.

Guert, who was behind him, always felt that the man in Tsing Yi glanced at him intentionally or unintentionally, his heart tightened, and he thought to himself: If he is Chi Moyan, is it possible that Xuan Muye is still alive? Xuankong

Sunny is also alive?

Because he came too late, he didn't know the previous things, but judging from the situation, it seemed that the two sides had just started fighting.

The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi showed extraordinary demeanor at this time, and surrounded by everyone, he said in a calm manner: "So, everyone can live in peace, I guarantee the safety of your high-level cultivation and above, you just stay here Just fine."

Guert looked at the underworld emperor and the demon emperor beside him, hesitant to speak, and knew that the two of them should disagree with this decision, but he seemed a little afraid of this middle-aged man, and couldn't help but believe in the identity of this man.

There was an embarrassing silence on the side of the cultivation world. It is not impossible for the two sides to fight. After all, the cultivation world is destroyed, so Jiuyi, who has always remained neutral and represented by Long Tiancheng, will definitely make a move. No matter how much hidden strength, the cultivation world can at least remain undefeated.

Guert wondered in his heart, why under such circumstances, Mu Mushi and others are still so hesitant. Could it be that there are some tricks in the Underworld that I have not seen before?

At this moment, a cloud of green mist rose around him, and he came to his senses suddenly. The reason why Mu Mushi and others hesitated was because of the green poison. He was seriously injured and left the battlefield before. Disappearance probably made them suffer a lot, otherwise the high-level area would not have been invaded by them.

Mu Mushi didn't know that he was there yet, and Guert wondered whether he should go out. Suddenly, there was an explosion in the sky, and three rays of light shot out in succession, red, white, and goose yellow, and a cold voice came out: " The green poison lock has been broken, I see what you have to be proud of!"`

Everyone was shocked, a figure jumped out, with exquisite figure, good appearance, gray clothes and black hair, Guerte glanced at it, and a burst of familiarity welled up in his heart, this person was actually the woman who cleared the green poison in Pinghaitian .

There were two people standing beside her, helping him carry a large mirror, and after a closer look, they turned out to be Yejia Yekongzhan and Yekongxing, who had disappeared for a long time, descendants of the two oldest families in the cultivation world, who were actually helping this No one would believe the woman carrying the mirror! But now that everyone saw it with their own eyes, they couldn't help but believe it.

The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi frowned and looked at her, and said: "Who are you? What you are holding in your hand, is it the Sanyuan Soul Returning Mirror?"

The beauty in gray glanced at everyone, and Guert's heart skipped a beat, knowing that she had seen him, and she said noncommittally: "It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that your lock world has been destroyed."

Underworld Emperor stared at her and said, "Are you still alive?"

The beauty in gray giggled and said, "Although I've lived long enough, I still won't die at the hands of that damned artist."

The Underworld Emperor laughed wildly and said: "The practitioner is still there. The Three-Source Soul-Returning Mirror is just the Three-Source Soul-Returning Mirror after all. Every time it is used, it takes a long time to recover. I want to see how many times you can break it!"

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and the demon emperor behind him also rushed up. The two of them met their hands, and then shouted at the same time, and a tall green poison man appeared.

Guert knew from the conversation that they had fought against each other before, but he didn't expect that the woman in gray could break the confinement of the high-level area by herself.

At this time, the green poison man appeared again. Compared with the last time, his figure was taller and burlier, and the sticky liquid was on his body, which looked strange. A big head looked around, but it was covered by the green liquid, making it impossible to see clearly. Specific appearance. . '

As soon as he appeared, the surrounding green poison became more and more intense, and everyone hurriedly held their breath.

The demon emperor said: "Scholar, kill this woman."

The green poison artist waved his hand and rushed out, the green poison spread in all directions, turning everything that came close to it into dead grass.

With a flash of sword light in the air, Zhan Tian stopped him, and shouted: "I want to see what's so good about you!"

The Green Poison Man blocked his body, let out a roar, clapped his palms, and called towards Zhan Tian, but before his palms arrived, a green poisonous mist was already rushing towards Zhan Tian in the wind of his palms.

Zhan Tian didn't seem to respond to the green mist, he slashed at the green poison artist as fast as lightning.

The Green Poison Man seemed to have not encountered anyone who could hinder him for a long time. He was stunned for a while, before he could retract his arm, the blade slashed across his arm, and a large piece of green liquid slime fell off and stuck to the blade. Zhan Tian frowned, flicked his dagger, and took advantage of the situation to cut at the green poison artist.

The green poison man came to his senses now, hummed lowly, kicked his legs, and bounced like springs, but Zhan Tian's dagger slowed down, and the green slime rushed towards him along the blade, his speed Slow down sharply.

The green poison man suddenly sank in mid-air, and kicked his feet towards Zhan Tian. Zhan Tian's dagger was covered with green mucus, and his figure was also dragged, unable to move. He was about to be kicked, and Zhan Tian With a deep voice, Tian drew a cross in front of his chest with his left hand, and a black flame rose suddenly, covering the air.

The beautiful woman in the air said in a surprised voice: "Dark Bible!"

With a loud sound of "Peng", the green poisonous mist exploded in the air, and the green poison man rolled in the air and fell back to the ground. .

Zhan Tian was hit by the green poison that exploded in the air, and his whole body was covered by the green poison mist. Mu Mushi rushed over and said, "Zhan Tian be careful!"

Yong Liansi, who was standing on the side, also rushed up and shouted: "Holy Master!"

Guert looked at the back and was startled. Is Zhantian retreat just to comprehend the dark bible?

Just as he was thinking, suddenly three colors of light came down from the sky, and the green mist on Zhan Tian's body slowly faded away. The Sanyuan Soul Resurrection Mirror was really powerful, and it wiped out all the green poison in a blink of an eye. Even so, Zhan Tian was still a little passive, Looking solemnly at the gray-clothed beauty in the air, she saw that she was holding the mirror with both hands, and the light was shot from the mirror.

The green poison man let out a low growl, glanced at the gray-clothed beauty in the air, and rushed up.

The beauty in gray gave a long cry, turned the mirror, and the three-color light shone towards the green poison man, and the light fell on the green mist. The green poison man let out a scream, raised his hands to cover his face, and stood on the ground. The Emperor of the Underworld, the Demon Emperor and the others stood a little lower and flew up, obviously to stop the beauty in gray. This three-source soul-returning mirror seems to be the nemesis of the green poison man.

Miu Mushi and Ye Fenghan immediately greeted them. These are the top practitioners in the Immortal God Realm, and each of them is qualified to advance to the Immortal God Realm. fight!