Chapter One

[Alright! Congratulations! You were chosen to be reincarnated!]

Uh... what?

[I know you're overwhelmed! But not to worry! This will be quick! Since you already know the trope of being reincarnated into a another world, I shall skip that part. Now, lets spin the wheel and see what you get shall we?!]

I shall repeat in case you didn't get it. What? My eyes widened as I realized that I wasn't speaking. Looking down at myself, I glared at the blue outlines that replaced them. What the hell?! I was a ghost?!

[I know you're still processing this, but we need to hurry up, and yes, you are a ghost, you died, remember?]

This time, I glared at the white figure while figure that was leaning forward to get to eye level with me. at least, what accounted for it, since he... it? didn't have eyes, and I assumed that neither did I, considering that I don't have a mouth.

[Indeed, but let's just ignore that for now!-]

I rose a nonexistent eyebrow that the giant wheel that appeared behind the figure with numerous lines coming from the center and to the outline of the wheel. I think there are things written between the lines but they are too little to make anything out.

[-Let's spin...]

I looked around as I heard drums playing but there were none... This doesn't make any sense.


The figure grabbed the side of the said wheel and swung down. The speed at which the thing spun made me worried that it would be flung off the hinges, but surprisingly, it stayed on. There were many things happening that weren't supposed to, but that wasn't the point.

I was getting reincarnated? Where? Why me? I wasn't that special, I didn't even enjoy those reincarnation fictions.

The wheel slowly stopped and I narrowed my eyes. Nope, I still couldn't see anything.

The arrow that was pointing towards the inside of the wheel glowed, along with most of the wheel, leaving only the one section that was outlined.

The cone like shape morphed into a square and the writing grew in size, allowing me to read the text. It was "Lucario"... Was I going into the Pokémon world with a Lucario as my starter? Well, that was neat, I guess.

The figure chuckled loudly and skipped towards me, Skipped! What was that about?

[Now now, don't get too excited. You are not going to get a Lucario, you are going to Be, a Lucario! Isn't that exciting?!]

It threw it's arms in the air and wiggled them excitedly, as if he just spouted something really good.

If I had an expression, I was sure that I would have blanched. What the hell did that mean?!

[Hey, my man, don't worry, I can get you set up! Mega evolution! Four starting moves! Knowledge about learning every move a Lucario can learn! You will have to learn those by yourself though. And my final act of kindness, you can chose your ability and hidden ability too! Aren't I just great?]

... What the hell?!


After coming to terms with the situation I was in, no thanks to that ass-[Hey!]- that stood and stared at me as my mind raged with possibilities, I decided that there was nothing I could do about it, it did help that the figure I dubbed "Ass" nodded when I came to that conclusion.

With a sigh, I looked at the list of moves offered to me and rose an eyebrow. Now what moves to pick... Fuck it, I need to survive first, Drain punch, I don't know if a happy rock type would use a ground type move on me. Then... Detect it is. Well, those two basically guarantee my early survival, unless I get "Spawned" inside an active volcano. Bone rush shall be my third move and finally, to combat flying types, the only electric type I can use, Thunder punch.

[Oh, I imagine that would be quite, Shocking, for your opponents.]

I don't know how, but he manages to capitalize the the words he want's attention to be paid to... while speaking. Also, he confirmed that he was in fact genderless, but proffered to be referred to as a "He".

Rolling my eyes, I went on to my ability and hidden ability... Illusion. I was picking Illusion as my ability, I could hopefully blend in with the humans if I ever needed to, just in case. Now, what to do about the hidden ability? The buff is nice, but I doubt that any dark type strong enough to understand type advantage in the wild would go against a fighting type. And I wasn't planning on getting caught in a damn Pokeball.

Mirror Armor-

[Alright great! Now that you are done with the boring stuff, Let's spin the wheel, again, and see where you end up!]

Wait, I wasn't going to end up in the native regions of Lucario? Hmm, I would enjoy touring Kanto, that's for sure.

The wheel spun with another chuckle of the ass, and I watched silently, as it did, there were more things there then I expected, but maybe they were still unreleased regions that would later be added to the game. After all, all the regions that are showed in Pokémon might as well be just a small portion of the whole world.

If my feet weren't transparent, I would be tapping it right now. Slowly, I noticed the wheel slowing down and stopping, making me narrow my eyes. Maybe, there were large cities involved? Would I be dropped off around a certain city? That would be neat.

As it stopped, ass chuckled again before enlarging the writing.

What did he mean "Young Justice"? That's DC, I don't watch DC! I don't know what going to happen! Damn it, ass, what the hell?!

Before I cold protest, turn to stare angrily at ass or do anything, My consciousness faded and darkness overtook me. The last thing I saw was ass, his white figure standing there with his shoulders moving up and down and his chuckling echoing through my nonexistent ears.

Damn, he really was an ass.