Chapter Two

An explosion brought me out of my sleep. Or what I assumed to be sleep, it could have been just unconsciousness. My eyes shot open and I looked around. A cave, and... I was in water? Looking down, I see my hands... well paws and I narrow my eyes in annoyance. That wasn't important right now, I had a mask on my mouth with tubes connecting to it.

Those were the things I could see, but the things I could feel was an entirely different story. Aura, calm yet powerful was flowing inside my being, Outside this water I was encased in was no one, inside were three beings, right above my head.

It didn't matter, I wanted out, and I wanted out now.

My aura lashed out, flowing trough my body and exiting it aggressively. Whatever device I was encased in, burst open, allowing me to exit what I now knew was a test tube and leaving behind some... Gnomes? Hobbits? they were small, small enough to fit on a shoulder and had red eyes. Right now, they were crouching and their small red hors were glowing.

Was I an experiment? Bruh.

Rolling my eyes, I reach for my mask and rip it off, throwing it away in disgust. My tongue, longer then it previously was, dashed out of my mouth to lick what was equivalent of my lips... Was it a snout now?

Dismissing the thought, I look at my body that was covered in fur... Wet fur... It feels very uncomfortable, no wonder animals don't like baths. Shuddering, my aura burst out again, pushing out any trace of wetness on my fur and just stood there for a moment, taking it all in...

I didn't notice it before, but my head was throbbing, annoyingly. It was understandable, when I thought about it, when I thought about it, I just had information about elemental moves, how to use aura and how to operate my body effectively stuffed in my head.

Along with how to channel electric energy, ground normal and fighting, oh... and dark, cant forget about that, along with how to wield a Bo staff on a basic level. This was so annoying already.

Grunting slightly, I place my paw?... Hand, my hand on my head for a moment, massaging my temples, trying to alleviate the pain, even a little. It worked, but I suspected it only did so because I stopped thing about it.

With a sigh, I turn around and look at the metal doors that was supposed to be the exit of the cave. That might have been hard to break...

My aura sprung forward, reminding me that my headache wasn't gone by intensifying it again, and it transformed. I could see the white glow that my body emitted as I dashed forward, blinking at the giant silver wall that appeared in my vision. Did extreme speed not enhance my vision to keep up with the speed?

Weird. Now, in all honesty, I could have just walked over here normally, but... Why do that?

Thankfully, I don't feel any pain from using Extreme Speed so I won't have to train my body up just yet, because I would rather get out of this place, first.

Focusing back on the iron wall in front of me, I raised my eyebrow. This could very well be considered steel, right? Cocking back my fist and calling on the knowledge that was implanted in my head, that only worsened the headache, I watched as brown energy enveloped it before bursting into what seemed like fire but I knew better. It was fighting energy, encompassing my fist. I could feel the power contained in my hand right now, and just to think that I could only get stronger...

With a quick thrust, my fist slammed into the door, denting it considerably, Drain punch was effective, so I just needed to do it again a few more times. It would be nice if I actually was informed about where I was. For all I know, this place was what was keeping the body alive before I arrived to inhabit it, but the opposite could also be true.

While I was monologuing, I manage to create a small split in the metal door. Grinning slightly, both my fists burst with energy as I punched the both sides of the split, tearing a small hole in the metal door. Actually, never mind, I needed to train ASAP.

With a few more punches, the hole was big enough that I could freely get out into what I now knew as a hallway. Closing my eyes momentarily, I focused.

It was weird, feeling the world around me with just my aura. I could feel the four new appendages on the back of my head lifting, standing straight and helping me feel my surrounding area. Four Aura signatures rushing towards me, hallway, longer hallway, a turn, and... a door with a vertical hallway... An elevator.

My eyes snapped open, the four things on my head dropping back to the position they were before and I looked to the side, where the four signatures were coming from. Mentally calculating the distance, which may or may not be wrong, the normal type energy pulsed around me again and I dashed forward, bending my body forward to combat any air resistance.

My vision focused again and I could see the elevator ahead of me. I wanted to stop right in front of it, but I guess the targets out of my sight was still a bit too much. I frowned as I looked at my legs, I was starting to tire and muscles in my legs were taking the toll for managing quick burst of speed.

Looking back, I narrowed my eyes at the four faint signatures now rushing towards me gain. They turned around, so they noticed me. I guess Extreme speed isn't fast enough to just pass by someone without noticing... yet.

Running to the elevator, I pressed the button and waited... And waited.... And- A screech sounded- they were here. With a sigh, I turn around and stared at the sight in front of me...

In front of me stood four giant... monsters. They resembled genetically altered apes, they even had spiked armor on their shoulders and tusks coming out of the side of their jawline.

If this is what DC is like, I want a world switch.