Chapter Four

Drain punch positively buzzed as I connected another punch at my test subject. So far, it was going well. My exhaustion was evaporating like a puddle on a hot summer day and I was feeling even better then when I woke up.

The beast turned, swinging it's giant hand at me, coming uncomfortably close as it did so. The Fighting type energy rushed to my eyes and I absently noted that I was using Detect as I ducked the blow.

Springing up from my crouch, I jumped up, a single, long bone of blue appearing in my hands as I preformed a summersault over the beast. As I was mid air and upside down, I extended my hands, clipping the Humanoids chin and as I descended, I used the bone and consequently it's neck as a leverage to land on it's back.

All in all, I was chocking it into unconsciousness. As it brought up it's hands to try and pull me off it's back, water came out of nowhere, encompassing it's hands and solidifying into ice. And considering how it lost it's center of balance, the feet were frozen as well. That was good.

As it continued to struggle to break out, the ice started cracking, it wouldn't hold out for long.

A red and yellow blur passed in front of us both and the sound of beeping reached my ears... Did... Did they just plant bombs on this thing? Before I could think of anything else, the said bombs detonated, though thankfully the blast was small enough to not knock me off my perching spot.

The ice finally cracked and as its fists came towards me, my aura responded in kind. Electricity gathered on my hand, and traveled across my bone construct. Though this action had it's own consequences, as I was effectively shocking myself too.

My muscles tensed, as electricity, my own electricity, traveled through my body. My eyes narrowed in concentration, the pain was not extraordinary, or so intense that I couldn't resist it, but it still hurt like hell. I kept up the attack and noticed that Pain was lessening. Using it was easy, came like breathing to me, but keeping it up for a while was challenging as it would seem.

"Hey! Get Back!"

As the shout reached my ear, I let my slipping hold on the electricity go and used the things back as a spring board to jump back, away from the thing.

I noted as I was jumping back that the boy wearing white overalls was jumping back in the opposite direction. Was he holding it in place while I shocked the thing? I had a body with typing that wasn't weak to electricity but the fact that he withstood the attack was impressive.

Before I could do anything else, the pillars that were holding the roof over our heads exploded, bringing the said roof down on all of us... Okay, whose great idea was this? Because that person needs therapy.

As I landed, I scowled at the rubble falling around me and power flew to my eyes again. Everything slowed down as I looked around. The tall kid with sword hilts was the closest, Robin was the next and then came the Flash lookalike who was running towards Robin. Finally the boy with white clothing was the furthest, but I didn't worry about him. If he withstood the beasts punches before I arrived, then he would survive.

... I should have chosen Protect as one of my moves... They could handle themselves, but they were still kids, I couldn't just leave them here. The white energy of Extreme Speed encompassed me as I dashed forward. This time, instead of the distance closing in an instant, I could actually see where I was going, even if it was a bit blurry.

Since Robin was being helped already, I dashed towards the tall boy. AS I came to a stop next to him, he looked a bit startled but didn't have the time to say anything as I Picked him up and threw him over my shoulder.


Me managed after my Detect wore off and everything returned to normal speed. The yellow speedster grabbed robin and started running towards the exit. The super powered boy jumped towards the beast again, landing a punch on it's jaw. White light flashed over me and my passenger as I leaned forward to dash, but it was too late.

The rubble fell and on instinct, My Aura construct appeared in my hand. I crouched low, stabbing the blue bone in the ground and held onto it, Brining the kid on my shoulder below me as I leaned over him.

I felt an impact and a drain on my aura as a giant rock descended on us, but was kept from crushing us thanks to my bone staff. In response I channeled more energy into our only lifeline as dust kicked up, obscuring my sight but that was not detrimental, I could still feel them. They were alive, thankfully.

As all the noise died down, I flared my aura, dispersing all the dust surrounding me and my... Captive? Passenger? Whatever.

"You okay?"

I asked, looking around. We were surrounded by rubble, the only thing preventing us from being crushed being the single bone staff I constructed as it held up a large piece of what I suspected was the roof.

"I am alright, thanks to you."

Even now, he was calm and I suspected that he didn't really need my help, but appreciated it anyway. Grunting I straightened, still crouching as I looked up at the giant piece of rubble above us.

Cocking my fist back, Fighting type energy erupted around it as I punched up, sending the rock flying and reviling stars above us... So it was night. Neat.

My attention was torn away by the sound of rubble moving, my muscles tensed, a flicker of Drain punch appearing on my right fist as I narrowed my eyes in the direction the sound came from. I didn't need to worry as Robin and the yellow speedster were revealed.


They high-fived, but winced right after. Huh, weird duo.

"I know that it's a bit late for introductions, but you can call me Aqualad. Thank you for helping us."

I glanced at the offered hand that the boy, Aqualad, extended and grasped it with my own... Oh shit, I needed a name! Damn!


Leo it is.