Chapter Five

"Start Talking."

You know, when the concept of batman was first introduced to me, I thought about the lengths this man went to, not because he did something amazing, because I didn't read the comics so I had no idea what kind of man he was, but to forsake his own dignity to wear... a bat suit...

But I got to admit, he looked kind of cool and intimidating as he stood there with his black armor and cloak, along with his mask that had earie white eyes... I wasn't a big fan of the pointed ears though.

I will just ignore the fact that I have pointed ears too.

I stood in place next to Aqualad as my eyes roamed around the rubble. Why? Well, We were currently surrounded, probably this worlds equivalent of avengers stood on the surrounding rubble, looking at us... No, looking down on us. I could feel it in their gazes, and thanks to Aura, that feeling was enhanced. I couldn't distinguish it quite yet, but their aura gave off the feeling of... Superiority. They were sure that they were stronger then them, stronger then me.

"What about that?"

My attention was grabbed by Batman, only to see him pointing at me. My eye twitched in annoyance. That?

"Well, fuck you too, you asshole."

I said with a growl, getting a gasp from the three kids next to me. The man man who was wearing blue overalls with his red underwear outside his onesie raised his eyebrows in surprise and Batman just stared at me.

"Dude! That's batman! Show some respect!"

The yellow speedster leaned over and foe-whispered to me while raising a hand to cover his mouth, as if to not let the others overhear. I sent him an annoyed glare in response which he shrunk back from.

"Respect is earned, not provided on a sliver platter. And I'm not "That", I am... Was, a human too."

My voice trailed off as I frowned, looking down at my hand... My paw. I guess... I thought it was all a dream at the start, because who would believe if someone told you that you were being sent to another world? Then, I was too concerned with getting myself out of my captivity and fighting to let it sink in that... I'm not human anymore.

My paw shook as I closed my eyes took a shuddering breath and slowly exhaled. It was fine, I would deal with that later, when I was alone, not when surrounded by a group of people I didn't know.

Opening my eyes, I looked at two men in front of me, One seemed impassive, most of his expression hidden by his mask while Superman looked at me with... Understanding?

I snarled, my teeth bearing, as I looked at the man in the bat suit.

"My apologies, may I know, who you are, then?"

Taking another breath to calm down, I grumbled a little. What now? Tell them everything? That's dumb, people just mutated things, making them look exactly identical, they were probably clones. If they could make clones, what's to say that they can't read minds? Why couldn't this be marvel?... I would probably fanboy over tony stark...

"You can call me Leo... And I was human before, well, I wasn't, not sure when exactly it happened."

I looked down to the ground, frown etched on my face. My story would be hard to believe, no doubt, but that would mean that I was planning on telling anyone about myself. Which I wasn't.

"I assume that "Leo" isn't your real name?"

I clicked my tongue, preceptive isn't he?

"I assume that "Batman" Isn't your real name, either."

I shot back with a raised eyebrow but he still remained impassive. Instead of him, Superman stepped forward, putting his hands up as if to placate me, only getting an unimpressed glance from me in response.

I just sighed, as he started talking, it was going to take a while.


I opened my eyes as I felt the foreign presence leave my mind. Sitting up, I cracked my neck and turned to looked at the green humanoid who was wearing a blue cape with black overalls with a giant red "X" running across his torso. Oh, and he was green, can't forget that part.

From what I learned, this was Martian manhunter, I don't know what inspired the name, other then the fact that he was apparently from Mars, but I couldn't say much.

"What's the situation?"

Was my first question. I agreed to a mind search to reassure the "Justice League" and to check if I had any mental triggers. My paranoia turned out to be proven right, when he nodded his head in affirmative.

"You seem to have a set of words that trigger certain actions, I removed those that would cause you to sleep, forget certain events, and follow commands blindly while believing that it was your intention from the start-"

There will be a "But" here.

"However-", Eh, close enough."- Unfortunately, I couldn't remove a single command."

I grunted. As expected, I had to worry about psychics, but my ability should negate that since I am now, fully here... Mind control can be considered a status effect, right? Because it could be considered "Hypnosis" and that gave the opponent a status effect in games.

"What is it?"

The green man looked at me for a moment before looking at the doctor that was with us for a moment and extended a hand.

"May I borrow a pen and some paper?"

The doctor looked up and nodded hastily, Flipping a few pages before taking out a clear piece of paper and handing it to the Martian Manhunter, along with a pen. Thankfully, I didn't need to tell him not to say it out loud.

A few second of writing late, he handed me the paper and I looked at it with a raised eyebrow, my eyes narrowing at the two words written on it.

The words "Mega Evolve" were unassumingly occupying the otherwise blank paper.