Chapter Six

"... What are you doing here, again?"

I asked, annoyance filling my tone. I just got out of the X-ray checks and I didn't have much patience for anything after laying still for so long.

"I'm here to ask a few questions."

I rose an eyebrow at that. Questions? Oh, I was sure everyone had questions. But most importantly me. However, that didn't entitle him to anything.

"I thought Martian Manhunter would have told you, aren't you, like, the leader of that whole group of misfits?"

Batman didn't respond, he just stood there... Menacingly. I had half a mind to make a bone and slap him over the head, but the only thing stopping me were the two others in the room. Superman and a woman... If I was being honest, she dressed like a hooker.

Suddenly, her gentle stare turned into a glare, to which I rose an eyebrow at. A mind reader?... Bitch!... Yeah, not a mind reader, considering that I didn't get punched in the face.

But holy damn. The three of them had a lot of Aura. And it was dense. My eyes narrowed further as they remained there, unmoving, waiting for my response. Finally I sighed and looked outside the window where the sun was already rising.

"Do I even have a choice?"

With a sigh, I moved to my bed and sat down, motioning for the three of them to take a seat... Somewhere.

"Of course you have a choice, we just need some questions answered so we can help you."

Said superman, a confident smile on his face. I doubted that but, sure, why not. Stretching out my arms and back, getting a satisfied pop in response before looking at batman with a raised eyebrow I just waited for him to start.

"Where are you from?"

"Another dimension."

Superman blinked, the woman blinked, while batman just sat there, looking right through my soul. Well, nobody can say I didn't try.

"I am from a small country right below Russia. At the intersection of Europe and Asia..."

As I was about to say the name of my country, Batman cut me off.


Nodding, I relaxed further in my seat, trying to get comfortable. Man, these hospital beds were really stiff.

"You seem fluent in English, did you move here when you were young?"

I shook my head, if only, I would be right at home here, if I was honest.

"No, I had a knack for foreign Languages, but only got around to learning English, I was even studying medicine in English, it just came easy for me."

He nodded.

"What's the last thing you remember?"

Now wasn't that a loaded question.

"The last thing I remember was a barrel of a gun aimed at me."

It was true, that was the last thing I remembered. My sister crying, my mother trying to calm her down, and me standing in front of them as a Pistol was aimed at my chest... Honestly, if I didn't try to lunge at him to take the gun away, I would probably still be alive.

Uh... Woops?

"I... See. If you wish, I can arrange a meet with your immediate family-"


I cut him off, even if they existed here, they had another son. Hell, I doubted they existed at all. There was pity in Superman's eyes when I spared him a glance and I didn't bother to looked at the woman.

I didn't need the pity.

"...I see. It is to my knowledge that you have gained some abilities after your... Transformation."

I nodded in response and he continued.

"May I see them?"

I shrugged. Holding out my paws and placing them together. Slowly, I parted them as a blue cylinder formed between them. Finally, after a bit parting my hands enough, I gripped the ends and split the stick apart, the ends forming into two spheres, resembling the ends of a bone.

Batman leaned forward, and I suspected that he narrowed his eyes behind the mask as he inspected my aura construct.

"Is this all?"

This was going to take a while...

-An hour later, No POV-

As a door slid open and three figures walked out, the man in black was thinking. It wasn't long, however, before he spoke up.

"How was his hart beat?"

He asked, addressing no-one in particular as the three walked down the hall.

"Steady, didn't fluctuate even once, except for when you offered to arrange a meet up with his family..."

The man in blue, Superman, answered, looking down to the floor. He was sympathetic, despite what the young man they were questioning had though. He wasn't human either, and he found that out when he was young. But he wasn't human from the start, that boy was, however, and now his whole life had been flipped upside down.

"It is understandable, he doesn't know to face them after what happened to him."

The woman placated as she send a glance at Superman. She too felt for him, but there was nothing they could do now. That didn't make it right, however. Despite that, she continued, now looking at Batman with an unimpressed look.

"The abilities he gained due to the accident are noteworthy, but are you sure that inviting him to a team so soon after everything was wise?"

The caped crusader grunted, not offering an answer yet as he thought about his next course of action. Indeed, the ability to drain a persons stamina with a punch was noteworthy, but she didn't realize the threat it held.

If he was taught how to fight effectively, he could single handedly take down anyone from the league in a head on fight. The fact that he could enhance his precision enough to even see Flashes sidekick running at a snails pace was worrying, and that added with the "Drain Punch" as he called it, could make him an excellent combatant, a deadly Villain, and a great hero.

He couldn't let him go to wander off without supervision.

If his invitation was declined, then 24/7 supervision was the minimum countermeasure that would be present.

"The fact that he agreed to a deep mind search from Martian Manhunter shows that we can trust him, if he was dangerous, J'onn would have said something instead of keeping silent."

Superman pointed out, only to receive the same silent treatment.

He just deadpanned, sharing a glance with the woman accompanying them.