Chapter Seven


Well... She seems, enthusiastic...

I noted absently as I looked at the young woman in front of me. She was an inch shorter then me, green, reminding me of Martian Manhunter, brown hair, freckles and she wore a white shirt with a giant "X" running across it, Blue cape... Ugh, blue skirt, high heels and gloves.

"... hi."

I said lamely, raising an eyebrow at the girl. Her aura was strong but... Unrefined, it was stronger then Martian Manhunter, but his was denser, if the two of them face each other, the older Martian could probably brake through with sheer experience, but she could probably overpower him if she knew what she was doing.

I need some countermeasures for Psychics, just my ability was not enough.

"I'm M'Gann, it's nice to meet you!"

She hesitantly offered her hand and I stared at it for a second before taking it with my paw and shaking it. An acquaintance, nice.

"My name is Luke."

It was Luka, but if you translated it in English, it would roughly be Luke, Like Giorgi to George... Now that I think about it, there weren't many names that translated into English, at least, not many I knew. Leo was just a nickname I gave my first Lucario, he was... Meh, his predecessor, Anubis, did not disappoint.

When I let go of her hand, we just stared at each other... Awkwardly.

Yeah, I was never good at meeting new people. The way I actually got to be friends with someone was making fun about something stupid on the internet, getting their names and them making fun of some more dumb shit until we were comfortable enough to make fun of each other, all in good fun, of course.

"What's your favorite color?"

… Huh? Oddly enough, it was red, the color of my eyes.

"Red, you?"

She smiled a bit brighter then before answering.


... Okay, this was getting awkward.

"So... You new here?"

I ask hesitantly, seriously, I need to work on my social skills. This was worse then before.

"Ah, yes, I'm new to earth, I mean, I came to earth not long ago, but I knew some shows that were sent to mars before I came..."

She trailed off at the end and blushed slightly, probably embarrassed about how she said a few more things then necessary. I didn't mind really, saved me from talking.

Before I could respond though, her eyes glowed for a moment before she sent me an apologetic look before speaking.

"Sorry, My uncle is calling for me."

Oh thank god, Awkwardness was almost choking me. Nodding, I watch her float away and now... I stood alone inside the hall of justice, awkwardly...

How many times did I mention how awkward the situation was?

Soon enough, someone walked out of the library, it was a red robot. with a blue cape... Why so many capes? I get that this whole superhero shtick is... like, legit... but seriously, what if someone grabs the cape?

Anyway, this robot's name was Red tornado, if I remember correctly, batman said that he volunteered to assist me for the week before the gathering took place.

Turning to it, him?, whatever. I walked over and stood in front of him.

"I don't believe we have officially met, my name is Red Tornado, it is a pleasure to meet you."

Yup, it was a he. I shook his hand as I thought about what I wanted. It wasn't an easy thing to request, but I needed to make sure.

"I-I want to visit my home country, I need to check something, if it's not too much of a bother."

I asked as I looked at the floor, fully expecting a denial.

"That should not be a problem, follow me."

My head shot up in time to see him turning around and heading back into the library and I followed him absently. I didn't expect agreement, let alone that quickly. But why were we going inside the library? Secret exit?

As we walked inside, Red Tornado stood in front of a book shelf with me right behind him. I watched with a raised eyebrow as the shelf moved up, revealing what seemed like a very complex wall behind it, along with a camera that moved down from the ceiling.

The green light emitted from the camera scanned Red Tornado, then me and I blinked. I didn't feel anything, so it must have been a surface scan.

[Recognized: Red Tornado: 16. Recognized: Leo: B07.]

Huh, I was already in the database? But the talk was only yesterday.

"Where do you wish to go?"

I didn't hesitate.


Red Tornado nodded and the wall opened up, light shining from the other side and just like that, I felt a pull on my body.

-Three hours later-

I stood on top of a building, looking down at the streets where kids were playing. It was nostalgic, I used to play here all the time.

It was 2010, I was six years old at the time, I don't remember much, but I think I was learning to ride a bike around this time. I had been to a few places since I arrived here, My old schools, my old university, my other school.

My ears flicked as I heard a voice of an excited child. Looking straight down, I noticed a boy with a small blue bike coming out of the apartment entrance. An aged man was following him, helping the kid take the bike down the stairs.

Yup, I was alive, alright. That was my grandfather, would notice that grumpy old man anywhere.

Chuckling slightly, I turned back, looking at tornado with a smile. I would say he was impassive, but honestly, he had a poker face as durable as steel... Heh, get it?

"Are you finished?"

I checked on my grandparents, my parents, some of my friends and even myself. I was satisfied, maybe next time, I would go to my village. My cousins, those little shit's were in another city three hours away, maybe next time, I can check on them.

"Yes, yes I am."