Chapter Eight

I ducked as air shifted above my head, my ears down as close to my head as possible. A second later, I jumped from my crouching position avoiding a leg sweep that followed.

A second later, a foot impacted my chest, kicking me back. Using the momentum, I preformed a backflip, landing on the floor and looking at the woman who has been handing my ass to me for the past thirty minutes.

She was blonde, wearing a dark blue jacket that was bordering on black, with a black undershirt that showed off a generous amount of her cleavage, and was wearing gray leggings... She was wearing a leotard with a jacket over it.

This was black canary, AKA my instructor in this "Apprenticeship". She was teaching me ropes of fighting and if I was being honest, I didn't remember shit, but I could do it...

"You seem to be progressing well for whole two days of practice."

She remarked with a smirk, lowering her long leg and placing a hand on her hip, leaning her weight on one side. I just rolled my eyes, my fighting type might play a big part in absorbing all the information about fighting. I just didn't understand the theory behind it, the only thing I knew was that it worked.

"I'm hungry, You have some good Shawarma here?"

I muttered, cracking my neck as narrowed my eyes at her, she smirked and got into a fighting position, making me sigh internally. I was really hungry.

"Why do you say it like you will go to drastic measures to get one if we don't have it?"

Oh, because I totally would, I wasn't below going on a rampage if I couldn't get Shawarma. Haven't eaten one in ages.

She dashed forward, throwing a punch towards my face as I leaned to the side and forward, avoiding a the hit and my hand shot forward, trying to grab the back of her jacket. Unfortunately for me, she wasn't dumb. Following up with her swing, she pivoted on her feet, getting just out of my reach and following up with an elbow that was coming right at my face.

Snarling, I transitioned my failed grapple attempt into a roll, utilizing my overextended attack as a leverage to avoid the attack. Stupid hot women with shit tom of fighting experience.

Placing my paws of the floor, I jumped up, gaining more distance from my opponent and turned back to see her rushing towards me. Her fist came forward, and the combination of not eating for three days, irritation that I didn't get Shawarma, and my whole predicament, made me wait for the punch to connect.

When it did, I didn't even feel it.

My red eyes bored into hers as she backed off, shaking her hand and wincing.

"That felt like I just punched a metal wall."

She muttered. I was a steel type, of course it would feel like that. It didn't mean that what I did was beneficial to me, I needed to learn, not just brute force my way through the fight. But irritation was getting the best of me, I wasn't perfect.

Usually, I wouldn't be this angry because I didn't have anything to eat, and I could deal with a lot more irritation then thing, speaking from experience, but turns out, a Lucario can go for a while without eating but when hunger rears it's ugly head, it was hard to not eat more.

Fun fact, I didn't need to go for number two anymore, food got dissolved fully, leaving no waste and providing me with way more energy to spend then normal. The fact that I'm hungry means that there was nothing to supply the tank but I could still go for a few more days, probably. Didn't test it yet.

"I'm hungry."

I said again, turning to walk off towards the exit of the training room. I could hear a sigh from behind me, followed by footsteps.

"You seem more irritated then past two days, did something happen?"

I felt the urge to groan, just because I was a teen, didn't mean that something has to happen for me to be groggy.

"My body works differently, I only did X-rays, but it doesn't take a genius to figure things out. I don't leave behind any waste when I eat, the food is dissolved completely, meaning I can go for days without food, but when I get hungry, that means my body is working on the Protein that is stored inside without anything to resupply it with, I can probably go on a few more days, but I'd rather not."

I explained off handedly, sure, what I said may or may not have been accurate, but I wasn't in the mood to give a biologically accurate explanation right now.

"That seems handy, and you don't need to go to the bathroom anymore."

She remarked absently and I sent her an incredulous look. Was that the only thing she got from that? I basically said that if I eat enough food, I could go for a few weeks, months if I wasn't exerting myself. That's not handy, this would have been a lifesaver in the University!

Now if I was fighting crime for hours on end, this would be critical.

"Don't look at me like that, eating turns into one of the pleasant activities when you are in the hero business."
