Chapter Nine

"You know a lot about this place..."

Muttered black canary as we were walking through the streets. She was wearing jeans with a zipped up black jacket as she looked around.

I hummed, passing though the people as I observed the city I grew up in.

This was nice.

"I always loved this place, though I gained more appreciation for it after I turned 18 and actually red the history. It dates back to III century BC. We have a rich history of war and wine. The whole country used to be a lot bigger then it is now, but one thing hasn't changed."

I said as we finally reached our destination. A restaurant.

"We still have good food."

I opened the door for her as we walked inside. The interior was very cozy, reminding me of village houses from the pictures I saw in history books and all the tales that my grandfather told me.

Picking a table, we sat down and waited for a menu. I just closed my eyes and listened to the sound of people celebrating, drinking and eating while Canary looked around in wonder.

"I have never been to this country before, I'm quite interested in what it has to offer."

Oh, it had a lot to offer, alright.

A woman walked towards our table and placed the menu in front of both of us. Picking up my own, I look over to Canary and watch with satisfaction as she looked at the writing with a blank face before sending an annoyed glance at me.

"I can't read this."

I chuckled and pointed at which ones I wanted as the waiter leaned over to look at it and take notes.

"20 ხინკალი და ორი ჭიქა პივა."

I smirked at the woman sitting across from me, just to annoy her and closed the menu. The waiter, who was a woman in her thirties with blonde hair, wrote down the order.

"პივას ახლავე მოგიტანთ, ხინკალს ცოტახანი დააგვიანდება."

Nodding at that, I watched with amusement as Canary just pointed at the pictures that seemed like they would taste good and awkwardly gave her order.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?"

I smirked and didn't dignify that with an answer.

"So, what did you say when you ordered?"

I looked around for a moment, absently observing everything around me as I answered.

"I ordered 20 Xinkali and two beer, she said that the beer would be here in a minute but the food would be brought a little later."

She nodded and we waited in silence. The week of preparation was almost up and the progress I made was impressive, I was by no means a master combatant, but I was getting there. But most importantly, I got the hang of my illusion ability.

I absently looked down at my paw, that was not a human hand, but it was imperfect. I should have asked for the Transform move. While the illusion was working as it was supposed to, making me human in appearance, I was still a Lucario. A single hit would dispel it. It would be awkward if I ran into someone and tuned into a blue bipedal dog. And I could only keep this up for a few hours at most.

A few minutes later, when the food and beer arrived, I tried not to laugh as Canary tried using a fork to eat one of the Xinkali I ordered. My lips thinned and shoulders shook as I watched the spectacle that was the sight of a foreigner eating Georgian food.

Finally getting annoyed, she sent me a glare that could melt ice and I, as elegantly as possible, reached for one, picked it up with my hand and brought it to my mouth. Looking her straight in the eyes with an unimpressed gaze, I took a bite, careful not to spill any juice that was inside.

She groaned.


"That was nice."

I nodded at my own words as we stood on a roof, my appearance back to normal as I looked down at the streets with a fond look. Oh, I was coming back to this place frequently.

"So, you are going to patrol this place when you don't have missions?"

I straightened up and turned back. This was my country, absent of heroes, but that didn't mean that there was no crime. My family, from this dimension, was here, and this was where I would stay if needed.

Georgia would have a hero protecting it, but first, I need to get strong enough to be that hero.

It's funny, really. I studies in medicine, but I couldn't really see myself as anything in the future, maybe, just maybe, this hero thing would work out.

"Yes. I was born here, there is no other place I would rather be protecting."

Black canary looked at me with a blank face, before letting out a snort of amusement.

"Didn't know you could be so dramatic."

... All the confidence I build up shattered as my shoulders drooped and I crouched on the ground, drawing imaginary circles on the roof. That was so damn embarrassing!

"By the way, where did you get the money to pay for the food and the drinks?"

I sighed as I stood up and walked over to the edge of the roof that lead to an alleyway. Looking down, I saw the phone booth, that was actually not used in the country, that was actually a Zeta Tube.

"I told batman that I needed to buy some... "Essentials" and he just gave it to me. I'm pretty sure he is very annoyed right now. But hey, food is essential."

I said with a shrug as I jumped down, looking up and extending my arms to catch my teacher as she jumped after me. She could have landed into a roll, but the alleyway was too narrow.

She just ruffled my head as I put her down and walked towards the Zeta tube.

I just rolled my eyes and walked inside the booth. Today was a day well spent, if you asked me.

[Recognized: Luke: B07.]