Chapter Ten

"I want files on my future teammates."

Batman stared at me with what I assumed to be interest, indicated only by the way his aura fluctuated.

"What's the reason?"

Straight to the point, huh?

"I don't know a thing about them, I don't know how they fight, how they react, how they behave. I don't like surprises and in a combat situation, surprises can be deadly."

Our stare-down continued for a few seconds before he nodded and turned around to start walking off.

"The files will be ready before you're meeting with the team. You can pick them up any time you want."

I stared at his retreating back for a moment before turning around and leaving myself.

Batman was dangerous. Very dangerous. I could overpower him, but I could never outsmart him. If it came to blows, I can't afford to give him preparation time.

My weakness is Fire, I needed a way to protect myself from fire.

Protect was a good way to negate any attack, maybe I could refine it enough to cover my entire body as a protective layer around my skin.

Letting out a thoughtful hum, I glanced at my surroundings... I just came out of the library.


Rain dance was another good option, but I still don't know how it's going to work.

Letting out a sigh, I walked over to a couch and sat down, my gaze found its way to the ceiling.

Ever since my, let's say displacement, everything has been hectic. Training, some patrols under supervision, more training. Hell, I don't even know what to do when I join the team. I wasn't a big fan of DC, so my knowledge is limited.

The things I know we're from what others told me, mostly.

I looked down at my hand and saw it for what it was. An illusion. With this body, I had little hope of living a normal life, so like my species before I hijacked this body, I have to adapt.

I doubt there is a normal life for this version of me in this world, but the least I could do was live.

Live my life so that when it flashed before my eyes again, I could say that it was a good run.

"I could feel you brooding from the entrance, what is it this time?"

Turning my head to the side, I deadpanned at my mentor, who was smirking at me.

"What do you want from me, woman? Our training session was over the last time I checked."

I retorted back, giving a raised eyebrow.

She just rolled her eyes at me and walked over, sitting down next to me with a heavy sigh.

"Just hanging around, I rarely get any free time, so be honored that I spend it with you."

Giving her the side eye, I let out a huff through my nose. Leaning back into the surprisingly comfy couch, I returned to my mass time: starting at nothing in particular.

Suddenly, a question popped into my head, a very strange one, but nonetheless interesting.

"Is it gay to breathe?"


That's what met me when I voiced my oh-so-elegant question. I could feel the blank stare that was directed at me from my right but I dutifully waited for an answer.

"Can you explain what led to this... Elequant question?"

Pursing my lips, I pondered for a moment. When nothing came to mind, I shrugged.

"It just popped up in my head."

The silence dominated the room once more as Canary was, in my opinion, pondering my high IQ question.

"Are you ready to meet you're teammates today?"

Ah, no answer so change the topic. I see the level of my intellect as superior.

"As far as I know, Today started six hours ago, I still have, what? Sine hours before we meet again?"

She just chuckled.

"You know, that sarcasm won't get you a girlfriend any time soon."

I blinked. Girlfriend? What is that? Can you eat it?

Looking over at her, I waited for those words to sink in. A few seconds later, she seems to realize what came out of her mouth, judging from the frown she wore while staring at the floor.

Getting a girlfriend was hard before I became a fucking Pokemon. With the assessments every two weeks, midterms, finals, and a shit load of homework.

The free time I had was for sleeping, eating, and going to the toilet.


Now I'm a dog. Who would be insane enough to date me?

"Well, my current count is eighteen years of being single, what's a few more?"

I shrugged nonchalantly. I know she didn't mean anything by it, and my situation was bazaar enough. Who could say that they were talking to a humanoid dog? Not many.

"What about you, Some mystery man you could be with instead of here with me?"

She just rose an eyebrow and shrugged.

"Green arrow."

Damn, that was easy. I gave her a look that said, "Are you serious?" and waited for her to elaborate. When she didn't I decided to speak up.

"Isn't he, like... Forty?"

She snorted, covering her mouth and looking away to hide her laughter. It failed, however, since I could see her shoulders shaking in mirth.

"How old do you think I am?"

I eyed her for a moment, knowing full well that it was a trap question.

Appraising her appearance, I gave my estimate.

"Twenty-one, twenty-five, at most."

She smirked, soaking up the compliment and finally shaking her head.

"No, but thanks for the compliment."

Rolling my eyes, I let the silence take over again and took out my phone.

Pressing YouTube, I searched for the latest memes and started watching a compilation.

After a few minutes of watching, a sense of disappointment came over me. These things sucked.

Where was "Bread" or "E"? Hell even Emona Lisa was absent!

Where are the Gen Z memes?

"Memes? Aren't you too old for those?"

I paused my scrolling and looked over to Dinah.

"Aren't you too old to be wearing something like that?"

I shamelessly ran my eyes over her hero suit, my eyes lingering on her... Assets.

I got a quick hit to the back of the head for that.

Jokes on her though, her hand was hurting.