spending time with the sully’s family. (Christmas chapter part 1)

This story is canon to the main story; it takes place 2 months after they arrive at the clan.


It was a chilly day on Pandora. Snow was falling on some parts of the planet.

Y/n had been working on his gifts for some friends of his. Walking out of his home he saw that the tree roots were decorated.

Looks like some of the Navi stayed up late to do this as they were not there the day before.

He could tell that it took some planning for this to happen. There was one person he knew who had the authority to do this.

He walked back inside and grabbed an item that had been covered by big leaves. He starts to head over to the root house that is across his home.

As he was making his way there he looked out to the ocean to his surprise the surrounding water had been frozen, which gave him an idea for later.

He walks to the door of the home knocking on it once he gets no response he tries again. Hearing nothing he try to open the door.

To his surprise, it opened, and walking inside he saw Tsireya sleeping at a wooden desk. Walking next to her.

She had wooden paper. It was what they used as a replacement for the paper next to her. Picking it up it had plans written on it.

Step one place flowers around the tree branches step two make sure the mango shoots. Are still in time to bloom.

He placed it down looking at her and he rubbed her head.

Y/n: you did such a great job on this.

He grabs her princess-style walks over to her bed and places her on it. Putting a blanket on her she seems at peace

He makes sure to place his present for her next to her bed.

He heads out leaving her behind making sure the door is closed.

Tsireya opened her eyes with a smile on her face while pretending to be asleep so that y/n would think she was tired from working from last night.

Sitting up she noticed a wrapped gift grabbing it and she looked it over noticing how small it was she opened the gift.

It was beads like lo'ak. Y/n noticed Her looking at the beads on his head.

She picks some up and works on her hair making sure they are secured to her hair.

The part of her hair that kept getting In the way was now secured inside some beads on the right side of her hair.

She was happy for the gift from him now she just had to make sure he stood in the spot so he would get his gift.




Y/n was in his home packing up the last of the gifts into his backpack. After finishing he headed back outside he noticed that the surrounding water had been frozen over.

He could hear a couple of small feet running towards him.

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Y/n: NO, NO, NO

They got louder as they got closer. He knew who could make those footsteps and what they could do at the speed that they were running at.

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But sadly they fell on deaf ears as he was about to turn at the footsteps he got his back shattered into small pieces.

Something small was slamming itself into his back making him fall face-first onto the ground

There was one thought going through his head" I want to die". The person was grabbing both of his arms and had their face close to his.

They were arching their bodies with their tail curving.

???: Y/N! IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!!!!

Y/n: I can see that tuk. Could you get off my back, please?

He could feel some blood sliding down his lip.

Tuk: what if I don't want to do that~

Y/n: if you don't then you won't get your present.

Tuk: present?!

She bolted up from his body like a lightning bolt. He was not sure how she was able to be innocent and not innocent at the same time

Now that he thinks about it, each girl has an interesting personality when they are feeling sexual.

Tuk is somewhat innocent. Kiri was at a different level; she was always wanting to do it. How he missed those younger days like back in the cave in the water and spiders would interrupt them.

Then you got Neytiri she has been slowly opening up at the start but she doing much better, especially when he had that Threesome with ******* and her.

Finally can't forget about Tsireya she has a more respectable side but she also has her moments where she is feisty

Lastly, there is also ***** especially after the death of ****** can't forget when she spied on him when he and Neytiri were doing it.

Still, he feels bad about ***** He saw him as a pretty solid guy; he even helped teach y/n different ways of fighting.

Now that he thinks about it he wonders what spider is up to now. Was he still alive or was he being kept as a prisoner?

*Somewhere on Pandora in RDA base*

Quaritch was walking down a hallway heading to prisoner cells. He looked down at his hand containing a small present box.

If General Ardmore finds out about this then she would be bitching to him about him not being his.

He knows that he is not his father, at least not anymore. But there is still a feeling of family in the name. A connection you can say at least.

Anyway, he did not want to fuck with that. Not on his holiday break anyways. She needed to get laid, he could tell.

He was the one that was not gonna do it. He just couldn't deal with that.

He opened the door and walked into the room. Making sure to close it behind him.

A person lay in the bed and he was looking at the roof. He loved a somewhat better life than the other prisoners.

He pulled a couple of strings for that.

Quaritch: make some room for me son.

Spider: still not your son.

He still complied with him and sat his back against the wall looking at him.

Quaritch: thanks now then happy holidays to you.

He walked over and sat on the bed next to spider.

Spider: Is it Christmas already? Kinda hard to tell because there is no window.

Quaritch: yeah… anyway hey look I got you something it not much but it was what I could get.

He handed the spider the small box from before. He looks at it for a couple of minutes before removing the top part.

Inside was a small pendant he lifted it with his hand dangling in front of him. It seemed to be able to open up.

He looked at Quaritch who was looking at him with a smile and pointing at the pendant.

He took the latch off and opened the pendant. A tear ran down his face. There was a picture inside of his mother. He looked back at Quaritch.

Spider: how did you….

Quaritch: get that photo? Well, I knew that I was not the best father so I thought hey why not get him a photo of his mother? Especially after reading the reports of what happened to her. I thought you would like something of her.

Spider: thank you….dad

Quaritch looked at him with a big smile on his face and he felt like a proud father.

Quaritch: if there is anything that you would like with it, especially Christmas Time, just let me know and I'll see what I can do. If it's for a reason anyway.

Spider: There was something I wanted to ask. Can you teach me how to fight just like you do?

Quaritch: Now why do you want to learn how to fight?

Spider: There is someone that I need to fight…. Well actually kill. He has made things worse with me and a girl.

Quaritch: ah the good old fighting for a girl. Of course, I can teach you I'll make sure you win. But remember that has to wait after I deal with Jake then you can be on your way

Quaritch: Now then come on do what I do.

He got up and walked into the middle of the room and got into a fighting position. Spider was surprised about this suddenly but he got up and did what he said.

Spider: like this?

Quaritch: no spread your leg more like this it would give you better balance

You could say they had a good father-and-son bonding time.

*back with tuk and y/n*

Y/n: you have to wait, you will get it later.

Tuk: aw.

Y/n: anyway where are Kiri and your brothers?

Tuk: oh yeah they wanted me to get you.

Y/n: oh alright lead the way then.

She did a little salute and ran off in that direction. Y/n walked close behind her. She led him to the beach side of the place.

The sand was covered by the snow. Kiri and lo'ak were crouching down and touching the snow. Neteyam was both looking at the messing with it. they have not had much experience with it but it is simple.

Kiri: noticed Tuk and y/n walking their way to them.

Kiri: y/n do you see all of this white stuff?

Y/n looked at her for a couple of seconds before he figured out what she was talking about.

Y/n: yeah the snow

Kiri: so that's what it called

Lo'ak: what do you do with it?

Y/n: well for one instant

He crouched down grabbed a handful of snow and shaped it into a ball. He quickly stands up and throws the snowball at lo'ak.

He quickly ducks down. It passed him heading to the person behind him.

Neteyam was still looking down at the snow when the snowball hit him in the face.

It slowly falls off his face till it lands on the ground. He just looks at y/n with an amused face.

He let out a sigh then he grinned and quickly grabbed a handful and made a snowball throwing it back at y/n hitting his chest

Y/n: ah fuck dude that cold

Especially since he doesn't wear shirts because well he avatar into the Navi lifestyle.

He then got hit behind with another snowball he turned and looked at the corporate it was no other than Tuk.

She had a smug smile on her face. Then a snowball hit her in her face. Kiri had a smile on her face as she did that.

Y/n: alright alright hold it if we are going to do this then let's do a proper snowball fight.

Tuk: Let's do it!

Lo'ak: how do you one?

Y/n: simply we each get five minutes to make a re own little defense area then we simply just throw it at each other.

Loak: oh

Kiri: sound like fun

Everyone seemed to agree. After some more talking Neteyam walked over to him as they were about to start.

They were having a conversation on the side two people watched from the roots as they were talking.

Jake watched as his kids were having fun his face softened a little with a smile showing up.

Neytiri was watching as well her stare was more toward the Navi male talking to her son.

She had an almost lustful stare at him. Still, she could not believe that she talked her into doing what they would do later for him.

Jake: it's nice to see them just being kids

Neytiri: it's good to see them having fun after all of this time.

They kept watch for a moment longer till Neytiri got a bit intense at her talking to her "husband"

neytiri: Jake I'll have to leave for the night once again Ronal will need me after what happened.

Jake: I understand he was a very respectful person and can't believe something like that happened on one of their hunting trips.

She gives him a peck on his cheeks before leaving to prepare for the night.

Y/n walked over to his snow wall to protect him from the snowball fire at him. he waited till they were all finished getting ready.

Once they were ready y/n started the countdown.

Y/n: alright then we go on three. One ... .two…..three!

Y/n got up from his spot and got ready to throw a snowball at Neteyam. Neteyam was ready to throw as well.

Tuk was peaking her over her little snow wall while Kiri was looking around the corner.

Then out of nowhere they both quickly switched their target to lo'ak.

The snowball hit him in his stomach then his head making him fall backwards.

Tuk and Kiri watch in surprise by this twist they both let out a chuckle

Till the two boys looked at the two girls and started making snowballs.

Y/n ran out of his cover with a handful of snowballs to take. She tried to hit him with her snowballs but they missed as he was running faster than they were going.

He slid on the ground getting past her snow wall. He throws a couple at her hitting her on the chests.

She stumbled backward and then looked at him just before pretending to die.

Loak watched, then shrugged his shoulders and played along, dying off to the side.

Y/n and Neteyam look to the only person left, Kiri she looks at the two with an afraid look.

Y/n got a snowball ready to throw at Kiri he went to throw it but to Neteyam's surprise, it hit him, and stumbled back a bit before falling.

Y/n caught him before he hit the ground.

Neteyam looked up at y/n grabbing snow he was making it look like he was coughing up blood aka snow.

He put his hand on y/n cheats.

Neteyam: Why y-* Cough* why.

Y/n: I'm sorry Neteyam you were the only person who could take me down.

Neteyam: Bu…t I trusted you

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Y/n: I know I wish I could say I'm sorry but I'm not.

Neteyam: I … just… want to be…a…..te…a…m…..

Y/n: I know Neteyam I know

He has fallen into the darkness. A tear was falling down his face as he looked at his friend.

Kiri was standing behind him as he was holding Neteyam's body. She had a look at what the heck was this.

She just throws a snowball at him hitting his back.

He falls face-first into the ground on top of Neteyam.

Kiri: You guys are so dumb.

Y/n props his head on his arm.

Y/n: but you love this dumb person

He has a grin on his face as she looks at him with a soft smile. He gets off of Neteyam and helps him up.

Loak was walking over to the group.

Loak: whoa can't believe you guys team up.

Neteyam: what can't handle the heat little brother?

Y/n: yeah loak just some fun.

Neteyam smacks loak on the back of the head.

Y/n was looking off to the side at the frozen water. He had an idea but he couldn't make them.

Maybe it will be possible with his new body. He starts to walk away from the group.

They were looking at him as he was walking over to the frozen water.

He looks at it for a couple of minutes before taking his step and nearly slips on his first step.

Well, at least he doesn't need to worry too much about falling through as he has gotten much better at breathing before falling into the water and swimming.

He takes around steps trying to balance his body. He then tries to slide on the ice.

It felt much easier than he thought it would. Could it be because his feet were bigger?

Anyway, he just slightly picks up his foot to give momentum sliding.

He spun around and he was quite far from the group. They were watching till loak ran passed them.

Neteyam: Wait loak!

He was going too fast as he ran onto the ice slipping and falling to his back he kept sliding till y/n grabbed him by his arm but his momentum kept him going.

Y/n made a choice and let go of him as he did not want to fall into the water. Loak on the other hand did not see it till it was too late he fell into the water.

His head pops up out of the water.

Loak: OH! shit this is cold as fuck!

Y/n: what did you expect? You ran onto the ice and now you are in ice-cold water.

Something soft hit his body. He looked behind himself to see Kiri and she hugged him on his waist.

Kiri: I hope you're ready for your present later~

Y/n: oh got me something interesting?

Kiri: You could say that~

Y/n: oh now you Peaked my interest

Kiri: that's for later. Let's have some fun on the ice.

She pulled him along, copying his movement.

They were sliding around on the ice y/n grabbed her by the hand and spun her around.

Loak was on the side trying to heat up after falling into the water.

Neteyam was watching the two smiling. He is happy for them especially now that they came out and said that they were dating.

There was his other sister she hadn't said anything but he knew his sisters the best.

There was also that time when he told y/n about how the male can have multiple partners but the girls can't. (that's how I made it work ok don't question this)

He knows something is definitely up with Tuk.

Now that he thought about it where was his sister at? He looked around not seeing her anywhere till he saw her looking into y/n bag.

Neteyam: Y/n your bag.

Y/n looked in the direction of where he had left his bag tuk was going through it.

Y/n: hey Tuk!

She looked at him then back down. He should have known to not leave it lying around with her.

He let go of Kiri and sled back to the beach and walked over to her.

Y/n: *sigh* What are you doing tuk hmm.

Tuk: uh nothing

Y/n: so you're not looking for your present hmmm


Y/n: fine move aside

She backed away from his bag. He walked over and crouched down grabbing a small gift.

He gave it to watch her as she opened it while everyone else walked over to see what it was.

Opening it there was a small necklace she put around her neck.

Y/n: what do you think Ronal taught me how to make this? It has the meaning of a brave person.

Tuk hugged him around his neck as he was crouching down to match her height

Tuk: thank you y/n I love it.

Y/n: alright who's next?

Loak: oh me!

Y/n: alright loak here you go.

He opened his presents and looked at them. It was a new accessory for his Ilu

Loak: thanks y/n he will like it

He then gave Neteyam his opening which was a knife it has his initials. on the bottom of both sides, it had an interesting design.

With wave textures on it as well.

Neteyam: this looks phenomenal y/n thank you for the gift. Wait I'll be right back with my gift to you

He ran off to get the gift. He then turns to Kiri and grabs something from his bag. It was a piece of wood with words on it.

Y/n: I was not fully sure what to give you. So you may not like this.

He gave her the wood paper thing. It reads anything you want on the card.

Y/n: so if there is anything you want me to do Kiri just give it to me and I'll make sure it gets done

She was not mad, she liked it because of the cute design it had on it but also because she knew that if she asked for anything he would make it for her.

Kiri: thank you y/n I'll make sure to keep it just in case. Plus you can give me something later.

Kiri: Meet me at your place for your gift y/n~

Now this was turning out to be interesting and he couldn't wait to see what it was

Tuk and Loak looked confused as they were not sure what she was talking about. Talk about innocence.

Neteyam made it back to the group and gave his gift to y/n looking at it.

He opened the leaf cover gift inside was a new bondage to put on his arm.

It had a fire design on it. Taking it out he put it on his upper arm fitting perfectly. He liked how It looked.

Y/n: thanks Neteyam this is one of the coolest gifts I got.

They went on to talk for a good while before he noticed it was getting pretty late there was one more place y/n had to go to.

He said his goodbye as he left for an area where Ilu could easily sleep on land if they wanted to.

He slashed the water a couple of times before a creature popped up from the water it was missing part of its tail

It got close to him and rubbed its hand on his face showing its affection

Y/n: calm down girl I got a little present for you come here show me your tail.

It did as he said turn around, laying its tail on him. He pulled his bag over and took out some stuff from it

He started to work on its tail after a while of working on it he was finished he had been working on making it a second tail so that it would have its tail back.

He stood up and had her go out for a swim. For a moment it was looking then took off into the water swimming around.

It was moving much faster and easier it was happy about the gift and looked at him with happy squeals.

He could feel the wind picking up close to him and he knew what it was the creature landed right behind him.

He turned around to see his Ikran looking at him and the Ilu he could feel the star it was giving off.

Y/n: hey come on girl I got you something as well. He pulled out its favorite food and gave it to her

It was happy about the food and even the head pats it was getting.

Things have calmed down since they first met which is nice but they still have their moments. It reminds him of two Navi girls he knows.

But after spending time with his two animals he said his goodbye and left to go home.

Word count 3923

Part two releasing later today hope you guys look forward to it.