time to open some presents(Christmas chapter final part) lemons

But after spending time with his two animals he said his goodbye and left to go home.

As he was walking he was thinking about what Kiri could get for him.

Before he could go home he noticed a Navi girl standing close to the water looking around at it. He walked over next to her.

Y/n: what are you looking at?

tsireya: I'm just watching the water. Listening to the waves crashing with each other. What about you?

Y/n: I was just heading home when I saw how beautiful you were looking with the wind blowing through your hair and the night sky behind you.

tsireya face turns bright red she almost has a steaming look on her face. Then looked at him in his eyes.

She liked that part about him, his eyes always looked great no matter when she looked at them. It gave her reassurance.

She looked away and felt her face getting brighter.

tsireya: You have such beautiful ways with your words. It can get you into trouble, you know that.

He moves his arms around her waist to bring her closer to him. Her body was now pushed against his as she looked up at him.

Y/n: I like trouble.

She put her face into his chest, her face blushing crazy.

thinking that this was the right moment to tell him about the thing above them.

tsireya: you should look above you.

He took that as a surprise and looked up to see some kind of plant above them.

Y/n: what is that?

It looked like one of those plants that you can blow and the seeds would go flying but it was blue and small, glowing aura.

tsireya: it is a plant we call a bellsprig it doesn't do anything when it is like this but when they are big it does some interesting things from what I have been told

(Some may recognize this name from a new game recently)

tsireya: but for this time of the year people who stand under it have to….kiss

Y/n: you just happened to be standing under this when I came over hmm

tsireya: well what do you say?

Y/n: well as you said it only means that for this time of the year so must be a tradition.

She wrapped her arms around his neck as y/n wrapped his other hand around her waist.

He brought his face close to her, feeling their lips connected. Her lips felt soft and warm in a good way.

They both had their eyes closed as they were still in that embrace.

Y/n was the first to pull away and instead of doing what he would normally do getting some tongue action, he decided to be more reserved for the holiday.

She was breathing slightly harder. For someone who can hold their breath underwater for a long time, it is not so easy with a kiss especially since she is still not sure how to.

She stood on her tippy toes to reach his ear.

tsireya: thank you for the gift and I look forward to next time~

Now that she said something he noticed that she was wearing the beads on her hair. It looked quite good on her.

Y/n: you still look great. I need to get going. How about I take you on a date sometime?

tsireya: I'm looking forward to it y/n especially now that it's my turn to have one.

He gives her one more kiss on the forehead before leaving her.

After walking back to his home he felt that something was off as he stood there.

His hand slowly moved to the node. Before he could however it opened and he was pulled into his home.

He felt someone take off his bag and throw him to his bed.

He heard the door to his home being locked. Looking up at the person who threw him to his bed it was a beautiful thing to see.

If only he could pay to get this into an actual photo that he could show(If I had the money I would have liked to commission a drawing for this)

Two female Navi stood before him. Especially wearing some interesting outfits. Well, it was less of an outfit.

Kiri: Are you liking your present so far?

Y/n: It's phenomenal

Before him standing in front of him were Kiri and Neytiri. Neytiri was standing next to Kiri. She had one hand crossed her body grabbing her other arm.

He could tell that she was nervous about this. Now as for what they were wearing.

They both were not wearing anything besides some kind of leaves they wrapped around their breast and covered the lower area of their body.

Almost like they were presents that were wrapped up and to add to it on both of their necks was a green bow.

(Image Inserted here)

(Basically like this but instead of red it is green and it only covers their pussy and breast. finally a small bow on their necks)

Neytiri couldn't believe that Kiri convinced her to wear something like this. Kiri looked at her waiting for her to say something.

Neytiri: wh…which presents do you want to open first?

He gets out of bed and walks around the two girls.

Y/n: hmm what should I go for first, a more mature woman or a more naive woman?

He slid his finger up Kiri's waist. Then got a handful of Neytiri ass.

Y/n: which one to open first

He walked past them taking off his outfit. Sitting down on his bed he looked at the two with his members ready for some action.

Y/n: how about I start with half-opening both of them? maybe it would help me decide which one to fully open.

He grabs the wrapping on Kiri's breast and the other on Neytiri wrapping around hers.

He pulls them by showing their breasts out in the open.

They both caught his drift and both went on their knees as they both looked at his dick they pushed their breasts against each other with his dick in the middle of them.

Kiri was licking the tip and Neytiri was licking the shaft. Their saliva falling onto their breast helps them push their breast up and down.

Neytiri was not sure how to feel about this as this was the first time she was doing something like this with her daughter

But all sense left when she started to think more about how forbidden this was making her wet. Kiri on the other hand was getting all into it.

Then out of nowhere she brought her face close to Neytiri and pushed her lips against her pushing her tongue through their saliva mixing as their tongues mixed around.

Y/n was quite surprised by the way she was being the dominant one between the two. But it was quite an arousal scene

Kiri moved her head away leaving a saliva trail between the two Neytiri was breathing quite hard with her tongue out almost like she wanted more.

Neytiri was feeling good as she and Kiri's breasts were rubbing against each other.

Neytiri looks at y/n dick then grabs it taking it into her mouth. Kiri smirks and moves to the lower part of her body.

She licks Neytiri's tit before she starts sucking her breast.

Causing her to moan. Both girls were starting to get pretty wet and both just wanted him to put it into them

They try their best to make him finish so that he can move on to the next part.

They were not far off as y/n was getting close he put his hand on Neytiri's head he pushed her deeper to take his member she went faster.

When he finally cum into her mouth she gulps some of it down but keeps some in her mouth.

Pulling his dick out he could see in her mouth some of the remains. She pulled Kiri close and pushed her mouth onto hers she willingly opened her mouth.

Neytiri pushes the remaining cum from her mouth into Kiri. It was being gushed between the two till finally, Kiri gulped it down with it being mixed with her mom's saliva.

After a couple of minutes, he stood up with his dick blocking each of them from seeing the other eyes.

Y/n: alright now then who to go first…. He looks at the bed and then back to the two women

Y/n: both of you on the bed. I want you both to stick your ass up.

They complied with his request to get on his bed. They stuck their ass in the air for him still covered with the wrapping but they were covered in liquid.

Y/n: Now then who wants to go first?

Kiri: I want it.

She waved her ass around in the air showing that she wanted it in her.

Neytiri: I should go first. Kiri's mother always knows best.

Neytiri had one of the best thighs and asses that he has seen.

Breast however goes to someone else.

He looks at Neytiri grabbing the last piece of wrapping and pulling it away.

Kiri was glaring at her mom for trying to take the moment that she wanted.

That was one of the things he liked about Kiri; she would show that she didn't like it when someone tried to take her man from her.

Her lower body was now out in the open for anyone to see. He placed a firm hold on her ass as he lined up his members then inserted it into her.

Feeling it slide in easily with how wet she was he started to pull it a bit then push it back into her rotation.

For someone her age, she still felt really good to put his dick into.

Of course, having kids affected her looks and how loose she would be but she still felt great.

Not wanting to leave Kiri with nothing he ripped off her wrapped body and revealed her lower body. He simply just fingered her.

She was soaking wet his fingers just made her wetter and wanting to put his dick in her.

She wiggled her ass more to show off to him. they were both gripping his bed sheets as they went on.

Kiri looked at Neytiri who noticed her looking and she moved her hand close to her. She grabbed it as they continued to get fucked.

Their moans filled the air. Their tails were flickering around as they knew how excited their bodies were at this.

Y/n: can't forget your daughter now can we Neytiri?

She looked back at him as he slowly pulled his dick out of her.

He left Neytiri there unsatisfied. He had a beautiful idea of how to end it but he wanted to give some attention to Kiri.

Scooting over a bit he then plunged his dick into Kiri's pussy and she was soaked. Neytiri looked at them both till y/n waved for her to come over to him.

She crawled over to him till she was right next to her daughter that was getting fucked right next to her. He pulled her in to bring his face close to her as she did the same.

Their lips colliding with one another he wrapped his arm around her waist. To keep her close to him.

He moves faster smacking into Kiri's ass making her moan.

He could tell that she was starting to get close and he pulled out of her and she looked back at him.

Kiri: why*huffing* did you* huffing* stop?

Y/n: I just wanted This to look beautiful. Come over Neytiri

Neytiri: yes Y/n

Doing what she was told she laid down on the bed he called Kiri over and sat on her.

She sat on her lowered body and pushed herself down as she could with her thighs on top of Neytiri's thighs.

Leaving their ass in full view with their pussy smacked onto each kiri, love juice was leaking down onto Neytiri's pussy.

He gets straight to it and slams his dick back inside of Neytiri.

She never thought in her lifetime she would be doing something like that, especially with her daughter.

Kiri was looking down at her and started to nibble on her neck just below the bow tie.

The pleasure was something else; it was like her body was on fire.

To add to that they were not even connected by their queue which would be such an exciting thing to do.

He took his dick out of her and then put it back into Kiri. She let out a loud yip-like sound.

His dick was covered with both of their love juice that was also being put into their body's every time he took it out and switched between the two.

Neytiri did not want Kiri to be left with nothing so she grabbed her queue.

The small tentacles were stretched out and wanted to grab something.

She brought it to her mouth and started to lick the inside where the tentacles were.

They were grabbing at her tongue not wanting to let go of her.

Kiri was feeling so much pleasure she thought she was about to pass out. Being fucked and getting sucked from her queue was a lot for her.

Y/n smacked both of their asses, making them cry out from the pleasure. You know the saying like mother like daughter.

Y/n was getting close, continuing to go in and out of one girl to the other.

He started to move faster and slam harder. The girls were moaning as they continued their work on each other

He takes one final push into Neytiri cumming you in her then quickly takes it out and slams into Kiri.

After a couple of minutes, he took his dick out of her. He looked at the fine work that he had done.

Cream pie both of them his cum leaking out of Kiri falling onto Neytiri's pussy with her also leaking it out of her.

Kiri had fallen on top of Neytiri. She was hugging her body when Neytiri returned the hug.

Nothing like seeing two girls having been creamed pie hugging each other after. They both were panting from the climax.

Y/n lays down on the bed looking up at the ceiling he feels two hands on his chest. Looking down he sees Kiri on his left and Neytiri on his right.

They had their arms lying on his chests. looking like they were falling asleep laying their head also on his chest.

He liked this view not only that they were still wearing the green bows on their neck. It gave the feeling that he had control/ownership it felt like they belonged to him fully.

He wishes things could stay like this but who knows what the future could hold for. All he could do I just keep everyone he cared for safe from anything dangerous.

He lets out a sigh and drops his arms around the two girls giving them comfort. Their body heat felt nice, especially on this cold night.

He closed his eyes heading to sleep.

Word count 2631

That conclude the Christmas special I hope you guys had a great read of this story.

To everyone out there have a merry Christmas and if you don't celebrate just have a great holidays

I will be on a small break just till next month to enjoy my Christmas break. See you all next year have a fun time