Chapter 02

After running some tests, I was allowed to go home.

I walked to the lobby and discharged myself

When I stepped outside, the skyscrapers and enormous structures in front of me astounded me.

I also realized something.

The problem is, I'd forgotten Noir's house.

I took a stroll because I was starving.

When I looked at the balance in my account, I was confused to see so many zeros.

I noticed a restaurant close by and decided to go inside.

It seems like a restaurant fit for a king...

I was ready to place my order when I noticed Damien in the distance.

I made the decision to ignore them because he is with Lennox and his other two employees.

When I was eating, I couldn't help but stare at Damien.

I felt as though our eyes had met and I was startled.

I quickly ate my meal and left the restaurant afterward.

I didn't anticipate it to be this cold tonight. Even my breath was visible in the air.

It was very cold because I was only dressed in flimsy clothes.

I looked at the time and concluded it was too late to bother anyone.

I don't even want to approach Damien for help, especially since Lennox is present.

I won't be in danger as long as I keep a safe distance between Lennox and Damien since Lennox won't perceive me as a threat.

I tried calling hotels to make a reservation, but everyone is busy today because it's the weekend.

I sift through my contact list and am surprised to see that Noir only has two contacts.

Damien and Damien's Secretary

I instantly messaged Damien's secretary without thinking twice.

[Damien's Secretary]

:Hello, It is me Noir... Sorry to message you this late but... Where do I live?

He wasn't reading the message I sent him, though I do understand. It was already late, so he was probably asleep.

All I have to do is make it through the evening.

I decided to message Damien after putting my pride aside.

[Husband Damien]

: Hey... I'm sorry to message you this late but... Where do I live?

I sent the message and as soon as it was delivered, Damien and his colleagues left the restaurant.

They were surprised to see me standing outside the restaurant.

for the love of ducks! Now it appears that I am following him!!!

"H-hello sir," they greeted.

Damien gave me a somewhat irritated look, but I chose to smile instead.

"Good evening," I said as I bowed my head and gave them a greeting.

I shuddered when the sudden blow of cold air rushed by.

Damien was missing a coat, so I turned to look at Lennox.

He had Damien's coat on, as I had expected.

"What brought you here boss's wife?" A man asked.

Out of everyone he seemed clueless and friendly... He must be a newbie.

"H-hey Eshan, why are you being so rude to Mr. Delhaize?" The person interrupted.

"Ah, no! H-He's not rude at all. Pardon me... I wasn't used to talking to other people so it takes me some time to respond." I stammered.

"Although it's embarrassing...I lost my way home so I was going to book a hotel but every room is already booked so I was waiting for Damien to come out so I can ask for our address..." I continued.

"Wow... You're shivering a lot, sir." The man called Eshan remarked.

"Ah sorry, I did not expect the weather to be so cold because I was stuck in the hospital for the past few days... Pardon my feebleness," I replied with a smile.

"W-we're just about to go to Karaoke, how about joining us?" Lennox asked hesitantly.

It was written all over his face that he doesn't want me there so I shook my head.

"It's alright, I can book a taxi for myself," I replied with a smile.

"Damien... Just send me the address so I can go home." I said as I diverted my gaze to Damien.

Lennox looked relieved when I refused his offer but Eshan won't let me go.

"How could the boss's wife go home alone at this time?! It is very dangerous to go home alone! Please ride with us!" He insisted.

"Ah... Sorry... Actually, I'm quite claustrophobic... I don't want to inconvenience you so please don't insist anymore." I said.

"Then if you wait 5 minutes I can go to the company building and bring my car--"

Eshan couldn't finish speaking because the other employee covered his mouth.

"What are you doing Eshan? People might misunderstand you for making a move on a married man." She scolded.

She then turned to me and said, "Please don't take his word to heart... He is a bit stubborn."

"Eshan is right, I can't let my spouse go home alone at this time." Damien interrupted, looking at me emotionlessly.

"Oh, then can I inconvenience you to call your secretary or driver to fetch me?" I asked.

Damien paused and looked at his colleagues, "I'll pay for karaoke tonight, but I'll part with you from here. It's only right that I go home with my spouse." Damien said solemnly.

Lennox was shocked so he pretended to stumble, "N-now that I think about it, I also need to go home. I-I'll part ways from here as well." Lennox stammered.

"Oh then let's all go home and go to the karaoke next time! I'll send you and Leona home!" Eshan said excitedly.

"T-there's no need to, The boss's home is the same way as mine so I'll just go with the boss..." Lennox said, putting his hair behind his ear.

"Ah! We're going the same way so ride with us!" Eshan suggested

He turned to me and completely ignored what Eshan said, he then looked at me with pitiful eyes, "Is that okay with your Mr. Valerian?" He asked.

Lennox knew that Noir has an extreme inferiority complex to him because he is talented and favored by Damien.

If I was the original Noir, calling me Mr. Valerian would've driven me insanely crazy but I am not.

I looked at him and gave him the sweetest smile I could give, "In that case, I'll ride with Mr. Eshan and Ms. Leona." I replied.

Lennox was taken aback by my reply but he couldn't say anything back.

Leona and Eshan looked at him with a frown but he couldn't say anything.

"Don't be absurd, how could I let my spouse ride another man's car?" Damien said, looking at me with a frown.

Damien grabbed my wrist and looked at his colleagues, "Since we're all going the same way, I trust everyone would go home safely. I and my spouse would go first. I'll see you tomorrow." Damien said and pulled me to the car.