Chapter 03

The ride with Damien was extremely awkward, I thought I was going to vomit.

When we were about to enter his mansion, I was going to thank him but he spoke sooner than me.

"Aren't you getting tired of this?" He said in cold tone of voice.


He looked at me with a cold and indifferent gaze.

That gaze pierces through me as if I'm someone below him.

"Seriously? Do you really have to follow me everywhere? Aren't you getting tired?" He continued.

I felt my body turn cold as I looked at his domineering eyes.

He walked closer to me without averting his gaze, "Wasn't one night enough for you? Didn't you tell me last time that one night with you would be enough to keep you away from me? Why do you keep acting like a bug buzzing everywhere you weren't supposed to be?"

I took a step back every time he gets closer to me but he still managed to grab my collar.

"What should I do to keep you away from me? Don't you have any self-respect?! Why do you keep making a scene when I compromised with you?" He growled.

I felt butterflies in my stomach as I look into his eyes.

The butterflies I felt weren't butterflies of love.

It's my defense mechanism telling me to run away.

I pushed him away from me with all my strength but I could only push him away from me a few steps.

"It was all a coincidence." I reasoned.

He started walking closer to me again, cornering me to the wall,

"Coincidence? How many times did you think you have made that excuse?" He growled, looking me directly in the eye to showcase his dominance.

I gaze directly into his eyes, I cannot think of any excuse since he won't believe the truth anyway.

Why do I have to suffer with this insufferable man?

I'm not in love with him.

I'm not Noir.

"The divorce paper, I'll sign the divorce paper so stay away from me," I exclaimed.




Last night, I was lucky that Damien calmed down.

I thought I was going to die...

His gaze is really scary.

I have to get away from him as fast as possible.

The sooner the better.

Just as I was thinking about a divorce,

Damien's secretary knocked on the door with the divorce paper in his hand.

"Good morning sir, Mr. Delhaize wanted me to deliver this to you." He said and handed me the divorce letter.

I read the content and was satisfied because they have a prenuptial agreement.

I was going to sign but The secretary's presence is distracting.

"D-do you need it immediately?" I asked.

"Yes." He replied flatly.

I was going to make him leave but he suddenly spoke, "And... I apologize for not seeing your message last night." He added.

"It's understandable. I figured you might be asleep" I said.

"And... Do you mind coming back for this later?"

"Oh... Okay, I'll come back in the afternoon sir." He replied.

I immediately signed the divorce paper and packed up the rest of Noir's stuff.

I left everything I didn't need and left the divorce letter on the nightstand.

I bumped into Damien's Secretary on my way outside so I had no choice but to converse with him.

"Where are you going sir?" He asked, looking at me with a puzzled expression.

"Ah... Mr. Secretary..."

"Please just call me Lester."

"W-well Lester... Since we're getting a divorce, I think it's only normal to leave now since we have nothing to do with each other." I replied.

"H-how about waiting for sir Damien to come back? H-he could drive you wherever you might be going." He suggested nervously.

"I believe I have the ability to book my own taxi." I said with a smile.

He was speechless because what I said was right.

"Well then, Au revoir."

I was going to book a taxi when Lester stopped me.

"Then, please let me drive you there." He insisted.

I saw no harm in him driving me to my new place so I decided to agree.

"Well... If it's not too much trouble." I said and hopped in his car.

I went to the building owned by Noir's Brother Nine.

Nine gave Noir the penthouse as a wedding congratulatory present but Noir never went to see the penthouse.

Noir is still useful somehow.

I watched Lester leave before I talked to the front desk.

"Hello," I greeted.

"Hello sir, Good morning. How may I help you?"

"I lost my key, will you give me the master key of my room?" I asked.

"Of course sir, please tell me your room number and scan your identification card here please." She said.

I scanned my id into the scanner and told my room, "I don't remember but I believe it is the unoccupied penthouse." I replied with a smile.

The receptionist looked at her screen and then looked at me, "Welcome to Empire Hotel Young Master Noir, I hope you enjoy your stay." She said with a smile.

"Also... Can I get my brother's number?"




I got Nine's number and secured my room.

Soon enough, I'll have nothing to worry about.

Come to think of it...

Noir doesn't have anything to worry about.

He's just stupidly blinded by love that he chose to ruin his own life for a man who can't love him back.

Luckily I'm not as stupid as him.

I went to my new house and I was astonished by the sight.

I could see the sea on the left window and the busy city on the right.

I was also amazed by all the furniture and high-tech things inside the penthouse.

It was spacious and perfect for me!

Peace at last!!!

A week passed and the peaceful bliss I felt was never-ending.

I enjoyed the remaining day free of worries and decided to practice baking since it was my dream to manage a cafe, but I was too busy working in the company that I'd completely forgotten about it.

I practiced baking and made some eclairs.

I store the leftovers in the fridge and then checked the time.

It is 6 pm already so I decided to call my brother using the phone number that the Receptionist provided.

The call rang 3 times before someone answered it.


[N] : Hello?

: Brother?

[N] : ... Noir?

: Yes, This is Noir.

[N] : Where are you right now?!

: I'm here in the penthouse you gifted me.

*Beep beep beep*

The call suddenly ended so I tried calling him again but he won't answer the call.

In the end, I gave up reaching out to him.