Chapter 15

Noir's POV

"Sven is the father of Lennox's child."

I wasn't surprised that my brother Sven is the father.

When I talked to Lennox about it, he didn't look traumatized. Instead, he looked at his belly sadly. As if he was filled with regret.

"Let's not tell him yet that Lennox is here. Let's wait until Lennox is ready and we're sure that Sven will no longer hurt him." Damien said.

I agreed with him.

My brother Sven is loyal to the family and he swore to protect me.

Lennox's family tried to ruin my life by pressuring my husband into marrying Lennox.

Even before we got married, they tried to drug Damien but I drank the drug instead of him.

If they meet now, my brother might hurt Lennox or unintentionally hurt Lennox.

I have to wait until Lennox is ready to meet with my brother and talk to him.

Right now, Lennox is not in his best condition to talk to my brother.

He is still scared that my brother would hurt him.

He needs time to think.

That's the only way they can talk.




Months have passed since then.

I'm in my 8th-month pregnancy.

Damien started working on my dad's company as well while I stay at home keeping Lennox accompanied.

Lennox kept his child. He's 14 weeks pregnant now.

He doesn't go out because of the people looking for him so the doctor is coming to check on him instead.

Damien had been busy with work so I was happy that Lennox is here to keep me accompanied.

My belly got a lot bigger, I can't move as fast as I used to but I'm still happy because Dylan is healthy.

Lennox moves around a lot and spends his time reading books about business and pregnancy.

As for my brother... He is still looking for Lennox.

It has only been recently since Lennox became completely fine. I don't know when should I bring up my brother.

I'm scared that if I bring him up, Lennox would return to being depressed again.

I don't want him to be sad when he's finally doing well again.

Sasha would come here from time to time to give us desserts from the cafe.

As for Damien... He has became too busy with the company and he finally secured his position as a shareholder.

He would go home but he is always tired so we rarely talk to each other.

"Noir... I know I didn't really speak about this but, I'm sorry... I'm sorry for what my family did to Damien and to you and-- Thank you, Thank you for taking me in and protecting me all this time." Lennox said, looking down.

My heart fluttered so I immediately hugged Lennox.

Lennox was surprised but we stayed Ike that for a few minutes.

We cried together and laughed.

"I know that you are innocent and you had no choice! So don't even apologize because you're not the one who did something wrong." I cried.

He cried loudly and hugged me again, "I'm really sorry!! Hngh"

After crying our eyes out for hours, Lennox got drowsy and decided to sleep in his room.

I opened my phone and noticed a message from Brother Nine.

[ Brother Nine ]

(20 minutes ago)

BN: come down, Sven is here looking for you.

: Is he still there?

BN: Yes, he looks so bad. He wants to talk.

: Let him come here.

A few minutes later, someone rang the doorbell.

I opened the door for Brother Sven.

I looked at him from head to toe.

What brother Nine said was an understatement.

He doesn't look just bad. He's in a total mess.

His eye bags are showing as if he didn't sleep for days and he got a lot thinner.

As soon as he saw me, he got on my knees and grasp my pants.

"I'm sorry Noir." He said.

Tears started falling from his eyes.

I quickly helped him up and made him sit on the sofa.

I shook my head and looked at the state he was in but I couldn't say anything.

"What are you sorry about?"

"I'm sorry... I can't do it." He cried.

"Do what?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I can't hurt Lennox anymore. I-I know I promised to protect you and get rid of everyone who hurt you but-- I can't hurt him. I'm sorry." He cried, covering his face with his hands.

"I... I've never wanted someone this much in my life. I've hurt him enough. I don't want him to suffer anymore. I'm sorry." He cried.

"Do you think that I would tell you where he is just because you're crying? How could you hurt someone you love?! Why didn't you ask me?! Do you think I would be happy if you hurt the person you care about for my sake?! DO YOU EXPECT ME TO THANK YOU?!" I exclaimed.

My brother started to tremble, he didn't dare to look at me.

"I'm not asking you to tell me where he is... I'm here to beg you not to hurt him anymore. I-I've hurt him enough. I-I did a lot of unforgivable sins. I know that he might hate me now, But... Please don't make him suffer anymore. He suffered a lot so please..." He stammered, he was trembling as he cried in desperation.

"I don't need you to tell me where he is so just... Please I'm begging you. Keep him safe. Keep him safe until I find him myself. I will do anything... I would give you anything you ask so... Don't take him away from me."

I gaze at him as he looked at me in desperation.

For the first time, I was certain about my brother Sven.

The tears he is shedding right now are true.

He isn't faking his feelings for Lennox.

The tears falling from his eyes are tears of desperation.

"Do you think that I'm a bad person?" I asked.

Brother Sven looked at me. He couldn't say anything back.

"Brother... I didn't wish for you to hurt the person dear to you. Even when we were children. I didn't wish for you to lose your smile to protect me."

" I don't care if they point a knife at me. I just wish that the 3 of us brothers are always smiling. "

"I loved the both of you. I didn't want you to hurt yourself in protecting me. That's part of the reason why I left!"

"There's no person in the world who would want to see his siblings suffering to protect him."

"All I wanted was the 3 of us to be happy. I hate seeing the 2 of you getting hurt in my stead. I'm grown up now. I don't require as much protection as I did before and... I have someone to protect me."

"I wish that you... You and Brother Nine would be happy." I cried.

"I'm sorry." Brother Sven said.

He left and locked the door on his way.

I heard a click and saw Lennox coming out of his room.

I wiped my tears. I looked at him but he looked down and avoided my gaze.

"It's not your fault. It has nothing to do with you." I said.

Lennox looked at me, crying again.

"If you want to talk to him... I'll call him back."

Lennox hugged me and caressed the back of my head, "It must be hard for you as well." He whispered.

I hugged him back and cried for an hour.

When I calmed down I decided to talk to Lennox.

"Lenny... I know that I might be overstepping my boundary here but... If you want to talk to my brother, I'll tell him to come back here." I suggested.

Lennox took a deep breath and smiled, "I think it's time to talk to him now Noir... I'm afraid that if I drag this on, it would be too late." He said.

I messaged brother Sven to tell him the news.

: Come back, Lennox wants to see you now.

He saw the message and after 30 minutes, the doorbell rang.

I opened the door without looking at the door camera because I know it would just be Brother Sven on the other side of the door but...

I didn't expect someone else to stand before me.

"I'm sorry. We're just doing our job." A masked man said before drugging me to sleep.




I woke up feeling heavy, my stomach hurts a little. It must be because Dylan knows he's in danger...

"You're finally awake! I've been trying to wake you up for 2 days now!" Lennox whispered.

I looked around me and realized where I am.

It is Aunt Jennifer's Villa in the west.

Our relatives joined hands and kidnapped me to traumatize me when I was a child too so I know exactly where this is.

"I heard them talking. They're gonna kill us tonight." Lennox said. his eyes lost hope.

"Calm down. Let's plan this accordingly. I'm familiar with this place." I said.

Lennox tried his hardest to calm down.

No matter what we do, the people outside won't be able to hear it because the wall is completely soundproof.

I worked with Lennox to push the large cabinet trying to close the door.

Making a rope out of the quilts and clothes I could find within the room.

Fortunately, there was plenty. So we didn't have to take off our clothes.

We used the rope to go down from the second floor without anyone noticing.

We ran to the warehouse nearby where I hid as a child.

I saw the old chest freezer I hid at when I escaped so I grabbed Lennox and ran there.

"Get in here. There are unnoticeable holes below so you can breathe. No matter what you hear. Don't make a noise." I said.

Lennox got in and I was about to close the freezer but he stopped me, "What about you?" He asked.

"I know this place well. I'll ask for help. So don't come out until help comes okay?" I said and closed the freezer door.

This is a deserted place so there are no people around to help us.

I ran to the nearest payphone.

Fortunately, there is still some spare change.

I put a quarter in the payphone and called Damien.

Three rings later, he responded.

[ Damien ]

D: Hello?

: Damien!

D: N-Noir is that you?

: Yes. I don't have much time. Listen to me carefully.

D: Where are you?

: Tell my brother that we're in the warehouse near Aunt Jennifer's Villa. Hiding inside the chest freezer. He would know exactly where it is.

D: We're here! Where are you?

: Did you find Lennox yet?


: I'm in the nearest pay--

My stomach suddenly hurt and I was twisting in pain. I noticed the blood on my pants and I panicked.

D: Noir? What happened? Are you there?

: Damien-- Blood... There is blood. *Sobs*


: I see them, Damien! They're coming.


: Damien... I can't move. Dylan is... Agh! I'm sorry... I love you.

The call ended and all I could see before closing my eyes are people running toward me.

I don't even know whether they are enemies or people who would help me.

The only thing on my mind that day was that I want to live.

I want to grow old with Damien.

I want Dylan to live.

I want the 3 of us to spend time together.

I want the 3 of us to be a happy family.

But now... That scene seems like a far dream.