Chapter 16

Damien's POV

I carried Noir on my arms.

I was drenched with his blood.

All I could remember is that I was scared.

I was scared that I'll lose what I tried so hard to protect.

I was angry.

I was mad.

I felt powerless.

I watched as they barely kept Noir alive.

I held his hand throughout the treatment.

I can't even bear to be apart from him any longer.

I feel like I'll really die this time.

When we arrived at the hospital, the doctors stopped me from entering the operating room.

I felt helpless, I wanted to see him.

After 2 hours of waiting, the doctor finally came out.

"Congratulations sir, Although it is early... We had to perform an emergency C-section. Your spouse gave birth to a healthy baby boy." The doctor said with a smile.

"W-What about him? My spouse... Is he alright?" I asked worriedly.

"Your spouse hasn't woken up yet but we stabilized him. We're not sure when is he going to wake up but, we'll keep close eyes on him for now." The doctor replied.

I fell to my knees and covered my face.

I felt happy and relieved knowing that Noir would be fine.

Nothing could explain the sense of relief knowing that Noir is safe now.

Noir was moved into a private room. I went there and saw the nurse checking on Noir's Vital signs while Noir is sleeping.

"Excuse me, do you know where did they bring our child?" I asked.

The nurse turned to me and smiled, "You must be Mr.Noir's husband. The child is currently placed in an incubator. We have to watch him for a few days because he is born prematurely." The nurse explained then left.

I looked at Noir's sleeping face.

Even the way he sleeps and breathes is too beautiful.

I was too careless.

He told me how his own relatives could be cruel yet I was still careless.

Maybe it was because I was so sure that nothing would happen to him that's why it was easy for me to leave him alone.

Or maybe it was because I'm used to the way he doesn't rely on me that I forgot that he was constantly in danger.

I wanted to destroy them.

I want to destroy all who dared to hurt him but I feel powerless and I find myself doubting my abilities even if I was granted the power to do so.

I tried so hard to be neutral and please his relatives to keep away from their sight but... is that really not a choice?

If I keep lowering my head like this... I might not be able to protect either Noir or Dylan.

At times like this... Is holding Noir's hands and waiting for his brother to get revenge the only thing I can do?

I want to be someone who can protect him too.

Because... I'm not just anyone to him.

I'm his mate.

"Noir... Wake up soon. We should go home soon and live listlessly." I whispered, kissing his forehead.




A day had passed since Noir gave birth to our child.

The doctor allowed me to see Dylan so I went to the NICU where Dylan is currently confined.

I looked at the incubator where Dylan is sleeping.

He looked unreal.

He is so small. Just as big as my arms. I can't believe that Noir and I created this child in front of me.

I put my hand on the hole of the incubator and touched his cheeks.

"Dylan... I don't know how am I going to fulfill my role as a father and how you'll turn out when you grow up. But... I want you to know that you're the greatest gift Noir gave me. Thank you for being born."

After watching Dylan breathe for a few hours, I decided to go out of the NICU

I went back to the penthouse and prepared myself to work.

I picked up my car keys and hurriedly left the building.

I immediately went to Mr. and Mrs. Valerian's house to report to them because I'm sure they're worried sick about Noir.

It is my first time seeing the place where Noir grew up.

My heart can't help but flutter.

"Damien! How is Noir doing? Is he alright? Is my child alright?" Noir's mother exclaimed.

"Don't worry Mrs. Valerian. Noir would be alright. He just needs a little more rest but he will eventually wake up soon." I assured her.

When she calmed down Mr. Valerian came and I told them about everything that happened.

"It seems Jennifer can't be taught a lesson without properly experiencing it on her own. You must attend the shareholder meeting today Damien." Mr. Valerian said.

"Sir... Do you mean..."

He nodded and placed his right hand on my shoulder, "Stop addressing us too politely. I don't like the sound of Mister or Sir, Just call us mom and dad. I will be entrusting our precious son to you. You must not fail me." Father-in-law said.

"Yes, dad..."

"Sven will take over the main branch overseas. It will not take too long until he leaves. I will introduce you as the next president soon. You must not cower and show them you have the guts to sit on the president's seat to replace my most capable son." He advised.

"Yes, Dad... I won't disappoint you."




I spent the rest of the day studying the company's current situation and everything about the shareholders.

When the sun went down, I said my goodbyes to my in-laws and planned to leave.

But... As soon as I got out of the door, someone called out to me.


I looked where the voice came from and saw my brother-in-law sitting in the nearby garden.

"Sven..." I said.

"How is Noir doing?" He asked, not daring to face me.

"Wouldn't you know if you visit him personally?"

"I can't... I can't face him. I-- If I didn't go that day, he wouldn't have got hurt." He replied in a low tone of voice.

I sighed and sat on the chair in front of him.

"Please don't blame yourself for what happened. None of us would have wanted that to happen. If you want to blame someone. Blame those who wronged him." I replied.

"I will be leaving the country soon. I want to leave something to you before I go."

He took out an envelope and placed it on the table.

I opened it and looked at the contents.

I was shocked by the things I see and read inside the envelope.

"This... This is..."

"Right... Your father Mr. Delhaize worked together with Lennox' Father Mr. Friedrich under Aunt Jennifer's order. Their plan was to make Noir think you're in a relationship with Lennox. And as you know, You used to favor Lennox before because he is a capable worker. They thought that Noir hates Lennox so they planned to mentally damage Noir and order him to kill Lennox, then make it seem like the mentally ill Noir killed Lennox but they failed. Because they never thought that Noir would work together with Lennox and escape them."

"Why are you giving this to me? You could have just passed it on to the prosecutor." I asked.

"The last page... Your father is having an affair with Mr. Friedrich's niece. Apparently, your mother divorced him recently so they're planning to hold a wedding soon. I'm giving you this so you can make a decision yourself. How are you going to deal with this?" He asked.

"My mind hasn't changed one bit. I said I'm going to destroy those who dared to hurt my mate and I'm still planning on carrying out that plan." I replied.




After talking with Sven, I immediately went to the hospital to visit Noir.

He was still unconscious but watching him breathe reassures me that he will be fine so I just sat there for hours and watch him sleep.

I held his hands and my tears suddenly came rushing down my eyes.

"I'm sorry, because of my father you... You're here and we almost lost Dylan... I swear I'll make him pay. So... When you wake up, don't hate me too." I whispered.

I was indifferent at it first when I was talking to Sven but as soon as I saw Noir's face. I couldn't help but cry.

I didn't know that my father would commit a such monstrous act for money.

But... rather than that, I'm afraid of what would Noir think of me if he come to know that one of the monsters who tried to hurt him was my father.

I'm afraid that he would be afraid of me too.

I tried to live as perfectly as I could be...

So why... Why won't anything work for me?

Why do people have to ruin everything?




[3rd day After Noir's hospitalization]

I went to the Cafe Managed by Nine and Sasha.

After placing an order for blueberry cheesecake and frappe, I immediately went to the hospital to pick up Dylan.

Dylan would be out of incubation today so the doctors asked me to pick him up and bring him home.

I'm nervous but I'm excited to hold him in my arms as well.

"Mr.Delhaize, You're here. Baby Dylan is ready to go. Please sanitize and pick him up." The nurse advised.

After sanitizing, The nurse came back to me with Dylan.

She handed Dylan to me.

It was the first time I saw Dylan's eyes.

I was glad that he took after Noir's eye color and hair.

I brought Dylan to Noir and as soon as I put him next to Noir, Dylan started smiling.

I guess... It is true that babies could recognize their mother's heartbeat.

Looking at him smile so happy makes my heart warm.

Since Dylan cannot stay long in the hospital, I brought him to the penthouse.

Noir bought everything that Dylan needed and I took classes and learned about how to take care of babies so I feel that I can do this right.

I was holding Dylan while cooking dinner when someone suddenly rang the doorbell.

I wasn't expecting any packages or visitors so I looked at the security camera to see who is outside.

I opened the door and greeted my mother.

"I didn't expect you to be here. Please come in."

She paused to look at me and Dylan for a short while and decided to come inside.

I prepared the table and set the food on the table.

"Let me hold him." My mother said.

I handed Dylan to her so I could move around freely.

I served her dinner and sat next to her.

"Mom, bring Dylan here and eat," I suggested.

"It's ok. Hurry to eat and take him back." Mom said.

She started rocking Dylan to sleep so I hurriedly ate so she could eat too.

"He has Noir's eyes and hair but he looks just like you when you were a child." She said, looking at Dylan affectionately.

"I-Is that so..." I awkwardly replied.

"Hmm... I remember holding you into my arms just like this when you were a child. Your father often left so I would hold you even when I'm eating. Sometimes I would skip meals because you kept crying. I can't even hand you to the maids because you don't like others touching you. Looking back, Dylan is better than you because he doesn't give his parents a hard time." Mom chuckled.

This is the first time in 10 years I saw mom smiling.

I can't help but smile as well.

"Even when Noir was carrying him inside, I'm glad he didn't give Noir a hard time. Dylan is such a good child. I guess he took after Noir more than me." I replied, smiling at him and Dylan.

"Your dad and I... We separated when he removed you as the president of DN Group." Mom said.

"Seeing your reaction, I guess you already knew huh?" She continued.

I nodded and smiled at her, "Well, a certain someone showed me every dirt my father had." I awkwardly replied.

"Was it Sven?" Mom asked.

I stopped eating and looked at her in shock, "How did you know Sven?" I asked.

"More importantly, How did you think Sven got that dirt about your father? Your father is not stupid, he is not a careless man. But... I'm also smart, Of course, I would know everything about my husband."

"So... It was you who tipped them off?" I asked.

"You're finally getting smarter. This is why you should've learned from me instead of your father." She mocked.

"But... You know that DN Group would be affected when that happens. You care so much about DN Group because it's the only thing your father left in this world..."

"When your father and I married, I let him borrow 2 things... My surname and DN group. When I say borrow, It means I could take it back." She said.

"O-Of course..."

"So, What do you plan on doing?" Mom asked.

"What else? Father dug his own grave, It is only right for me to protect my spouse and child against threats. Even if he begs for forgiveness, I don't think I could forgive him."

"At times like this, I feel like you take after me more than your father," Mom said with a smile.