Chapter 17 [ The End ]

Damien's POV

[6 days After Noir's Hospitalization]

I sent the prosecutors the evidences we collected to detain those involved in Noir's recent kidnapping.

His Aunt Jennifer, my father and Mr. Friedrich are all involved in the crime.

Today, they will be prosecuted.

"Leave Dylan to us and focus on what you have to do," Father-in-law said, looking at me coldly.

"Thank you..."

I went to the car and tried to open the door when I realized that I forgot the keys.

I went back inside and was shocked by the scene I saw...

"Who's a good boy? uwu Of course, it's you!! goo-goo!!" my father-in-law said to Dylan.

He suddenly looked at the door and saw me.

His face turned red and he looked away from me.

I took the keys from the table and awkwardly left.

It was the sight of my father-in-law that I never imagined seeing.

Anyway, Today is an important day.

I have to be successful to avenge Noir and Dylan.

I went to DN Group and met with my father.

"Have you finally decided on following my orders now? If you had only made up your mind earlier I would have kept you as the heir. No matter how much you beg me, you won't receive a penny from me." Father said.

"You know... Mother told me something interesting."

"She said that when you married her, she let you borrow 2 things."

"One is her surname and the other is DN Group. When she said borrowed she meant she could take it back from you."

"What do you mean by that? I worked hard for DN Group! She doesn't have a right over anything! The shareholders won't take her side! DN Group belongs to me." Father scowled.

"By working hard... Do you mean letting another person raise me or was it making me work 15 years nonstop?" I asked.

"You're my own flesh and blood! I raised you using my money! You ought to repay me!" He exclaimed.

I slammed the documents on the table and looked at him coldly.

"I voluntarily left the company and left the mansion to live with my spouse. Why were you so greedy?"

"It doesn't take that much to be a decent human being. You could've at least been faithful to mom even if you don't love me but how could you do this?"

"How could you ruin my life for money?! You know how much I cared about Noir! What kind of monster are you?!" I exclaimed.

"The monster who only thinks the best for you! Damien, you cannot be weak like me. If you become weak just like me, Noir will trample you and you will never receive true recognition. No matter how hard you work everything you achieve will always belong to the Valerians! You should never be like me!" He shouted.

"Father... Even if he stabs me in the back, feeds me with poison, put a gun over my head, stabs my heart, or points a knife at my throat... I would never be like you. I won't be a coward who puts the person I love in danger. Even if he does all of those things. I would gladly accept it because to me... A life without Noir is meaningless. He's the one and the only one mate I have."

"You're a foolish child! Just like your mother! Both of you are foolish! Getting fooled by feelings such as love! Do you think it would matter if your life is on the line?!" He shouted.

Suddenly there was a loud bang and the door burst open.

" Don't put your foolish views on my son. From now on, you won't receive a single penny from my company. What's foolish is you. You're a sad man who doesn't have anything to lose. You're a sad person who would never find the meaning of life. " Mom shouted.

The police rushed through the door and started arresting dad.

"Let go of me! Don't you know who I am?!" He shouted.

"Mr. Perris Delhaize, you are under arrest for the attempted murder and kidnapping of Mr. Noir Claude Valerian. You are also under arrest for the crimes of The Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2001 or RA 9160 along with Republic Act No. 9710 or the Magna Carta of Women. Articles 333 and 334 Section 12 of the Revised Penal Code on adultery and concubinage. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you."

When the police left with my father, my mother ran to me and hugged me.

"Leave everything to me and find Noir... He must be looking for you." Mother said.

I looked at her but she just looked at me with a smile.

I picked up my car keys and rode my car to pick up Dylan and find him.





I slowly opened my eyes.

I remember passing out on the phone booth so I cautiously looked around me and realized I was alone in the hospital.

I realized that I don't feel Dylan's heartbeat anymore so I looked in my belly and realized that my bump is no longer there.

I was going to cry when the door suddenly opened.

I saw Damien standing before me with an infant in his arms.

As soon as Damien laid his eyes on me, his eyes started to swell in tears.

He walked towards me and put his forehead against mine.

"Good morning." He said as tears fall from his eyes.

"This... This is..."

"Dylan." He said, slowly showing me the child in his arms.

As soon as I touched the sleeping child in his arms, my heart fluttered.

I felt immeasurable happiness.

I can't help but shed tears.

I can't explain how much I love Damien and Dylan.

I held Dylan in my arms, he is as adorable as I thought he would be.

I was glad to see that he took after his father.

"Dylan was born premature so he had to stay in NICU for a few days but... He is born big and healthy so there wasn't a problem with him." Damien said, looking at me and Dylan.

I leaned closer to Damien and kissed his forehead, "Thank you for taking care of Dylan while I was sleeping." I said.

He sat on the hospital bed next to me and hugged both of me and Dylan. "Dylan is my son and you're my spouse. It is my responsibility to take care of both of you." He replied.

"Damien... I know this is a little too late but... I love you."

Damien giggled and brushed my nose with his nose, "I love you more."




A week after my recovery, I was allowed to come home.

Surprisingly, Although Damien is all alone, the house is clean and everything is well taken care of.

Even the things that Dylan needed are properly stored and sanitized.

I felt like our home became more lively as time passed.

"Welcome home," Damien said, standing in front of me and hugging me.

Dylan suddenly cried so he hurried and rocked Dylan.

I was so happy watching him gently take care of the small child in his arms.




After a week of accompanying me and Dylan at home.

Damien was required to attend work again.

Of course, everyone would not tolerate the people who tried to harm me and Lennox.

Apparently, Mr. Perris Delhaize, FZ Group, and Aunt Jennifer are the ones responsible for us.

Damien explained everything to me but I still can't wrap my head around it.

Damien went to work and I was left alone at home together with Dylan.

I did nothing but feed and change his diapers.

Once I put him to sleep, I put him in his crib.

I grabbed my laptop and worked next to Dylan.

I read the news and articles about FZ Group facing multiple lawsuits and filing for Bankruptcy. FZ Group is under fire for getting involved in my kidnapping and for attempting to murder their own heir.

DN Group is also facing the wrath of the Netizens for abandoning Damien and using his ideas after he was kicked out of his home but it didn't last long when his mother took over the company.

His mother helped in detaining his father Mr. Perris and Mr. Perris came back to being Perris Goulagh.

Apparently, Damien's parents divorced after Damien's father kicked him out of the family and now, Damien's mother is advocating against domestic violence after the divorce and is happily managing DN Group with the help of the shareholders who supported her late father.

Suddenly, Dylan started crying so I quickly closed the laptop and carried him to make him stop crying.

The doorbell suddenly rang so I checked the door camera and opened it.

"Lenny!" I exclaimed happily.

I let him inside and served him snacks while Dylan is in my arms.

"He must be Dylan...-- He's cute," Lennox said, looking at Dylan with a smile.

"What brought you here?" I asked.

"I'm leaving the country with your brother tomorrow," Lennox said with a smile.


"It would only be for a few years but I want to tell you... Thank you for everything-- And... I'll write you letters every week." Lennox said, holding back his tears.

I chuckled and pat his head, "I'll wait for your return." I said.

"And... I'm sorry. I'm sorry, because of my family you got hurt." Lennox said.

I held his hand and hugged him tight, "Thank you for not hating me even though I was mean to you because of jealousy."

He suddenly blushed and looked at me shyly, "I-I O-Of course It was a natural reaction. I approached your husband with u-ulterior motive after all..." He stammered

"Haha! It was all in the past~" I just chuckled.

"R-Right... Your brother..."

"What about my brother?" I asked.

"Well... He doesn't want to see you because he was afraid that he will change his mind if he sees you crying. Please try to understand him." Lennox explained.

I sighed and smiled at Lennox, "Make sure that when you go overseas, you'll teach him to grow up and remind him that I'm not a little child anymore." I teased.

"Hehe! you're right! he acts so much like a child when it comes to you." Lennox replied with a laugh.

"What about your child with him?..." I asked.

Lennox's eyes glowed and she looked at her belly happily, "W-we're not sure if we will be the best parents but... We're planning to raise Lucas with our best effort." He replied happily.

"So it's a boy huh... I hope he and Dylan would be good friends. Make sure to come back here." I said.

Lennox bid his goodbye and left.

Brother Sven didn't want to see me because he was scared that he will change his mind so I just tried to understand him.

Instead of saying goodbye to him, I sent him a voicemail instead.

[ Brother Sven ]

🔊 I will be waiting for your return, take care of Lennox for me, and live a happy life. I'll miss you. I love you, brother!




Time passed by quickly and the day is about to end. Damien came back from work early.

"I'm home," Damien said and kissed my lips.

He kissed Dylan's forehead and hugged us.

After dinner, we prepared ourselves and wore matching pajamas to sleep.

Lennox and my Brother Sven decided to live overseas for a few years.

Brother Nine and Sasha continued managing their cafe.

Damien and I take care of Dylan.

Damien took over Brother Sven's work and became the President of Valerian company but he still made time for me and Dylan.

My parents and Mother-in-law come to visit us from time to time to see Dylan.

My family adored Dylan so they have been showering him with gifts.

As promised, Lennox wrote me a letter every week.

Lennox changed his name to Francis and married my brother overseas. He is now Francis Valerian.

Damien and I changed our names from Delhaize to Valerian-Delhaize.

The Delhaize surname is the surname of his mother and late grandfather that took care of him as a child so he decided to keep it.

The people who tried to harm me and Lenny (Francis) were prosecuted. Mr. Perris was sentenced to life imprisonment with no chance of parole. He was also fined 500,000 thousand for all the charges he was facing. The same goes for my Aunt and Mr. Friedrich.

Everyone got the ending they deserved.

Everyone got their own little ending.

Although some of us ended up having bad endings... It is something that they ought to receive.