Our Second Meeting

Yoshito ultimately decided to arrange a dinner party with the both of us, Miyuki, and Eri. We're meeting up at a western-style restaurant called Rustic Eats, a restaurant that I used to frequently visit. That's where I met Miyuki for the first time, and the person who arranged the party was Yoshito, so other than minor changes so far, everything seems to be running the same as before.

"So this guy's Yasuhito." Yoshito patted me on the back..

"It's very nice to meet you, I'm Yasuhito Miyata." I bowed as I introduced myself.

Introducing myself for a second time feels kind of odd for some reason.

"It's nice to meet you too! I'm Miyuki Ayaka." She replied, smiling brightly at me.

That smile of hers brings back memories, good memories of course. I'm not sure if she was aware of it but it provided me with comfort, especially at times when I felt nervous.

I've never really been a "love at first sight type of guy," but I really did fall hard for that smile.

"And let me tell you, Miyuki, this guy was staring at you the entire time at lunch today." Yoshito suddenly spoke up.

"H-hey! You don't even know what you're talking about… you shouldn't listen to him, he's a bit crazy." I began to sweat a little.

I can't let Miyuki get any weird ideas.

"Really? Do you think we've met somewhere? I'm really sorry, I'm not sure if I remember you." Miyuki appeared a bit sympathetic.

Huh, she completely missed the point Yoshito was trying to get at, but now that I think about it, this cluelessness of hers has saved me a couple of times.

"Seems like we're facing a tough enemy here." Yoshito whispered to me, while eyeing Miyuki carefully.

I notice Eri isn't saying anything and look at her.

She's just sipping her orange juice, looking bored. Even if she isn't saying anything, her eyes say," Is there any point in this conversation?" Although I do admit that it's a pretty silly conversation.

And I'll admit it, I wasn't a big fan of Eri's attitude when we first met, but the more I got to know her, the more I ended up becoming used to it. One thing that always sticks with me is how shocked she appeared when she found out Miyuki and I started dating. She seemed lonely, since Miyuki and her would often hang out together, but she'd always laugh it off and say,"Well, since it's Yasuhito, I guess I'll allow it." It was much different when Miyuki and I told her about our engagement. She took me by the hand and said, with an emotional voice,"Take care of Miyuki."

On the outside, she seems very serious and difficult to impress when in reality, she's warm-hearted, even crying at the wedding, and cried quite a lot that the bride herself, Miyuki, had to comfort her.

Now everyone's attention is towards Eri, since she hasn't introduced herself yet.

"Umm… Miyuki.. I mean, Miss Ayaka, Who is this?" I gestured towards Eri.

"Hmm… fishy." Eri suddenly spoke, turning a suspicious gaze at me.

"Hey! You can't start saying things like that, Eri." Miyuki scolds Eri as if she's a child.

"That man just spoke familiarly to you." Eri pointed at me.

"Maybe you've been stalking her, meaning her suggestion of the both of you meeting before may not be wrong."

"No.. I never-"

"Maybe you came up with some scenario in your head where you already know Miyuki, that's why you spoke to her familiarly." Eri went on, looking directly at me, causing me to freeze up.

This is definitely hell.

Actually if I make myself seem like a creep, then Miyuki wouldn't want anything to do with me, making it the perfect opportunity for her to only want to hang out with Yoshito.

While I'm in my thought process, I notice Eri starting at me apologetically.

"Hey, I only meant that as a joke, but if you're that freaked out about it then I'll most definitely start suspecting you."

A joke?!

"You've always been like this, Eri! Your jokes never sound like jokes to other people, I'm used to them, but we just met Yasuhito and Yoshito so your jokes would only catch them off guard. I'm really sorry Eri said all of that." Miyuki apologized as if her child misbehaved.

"By the way, you don't have to call me Miss Ayaka, feel free to call me Miyuki."

"And this young lady is Eri Hironaka, we've been friends since high school." Miyuki pat Eri on the head.

Eri then bowed her head, her short hair getting in the way of her face.

Her cool eyes and sharp nose, and the clear severe lines of her facial features, are all just like I remembered. She is very pretty, I'll admit that, but her presence has always been unapproachable, and also breaking her usual atmosphere with an abrupt reply.

"Nice to meet you too." I slightly smiled without faltering.

With Miyuki's enthusiasm, she went on and told us some information about herself that I'm already aware of. I tried my best to look surprised.

I probably shouldn't bring up too much information about myself and let Yoshito do all the talking.

"So yeah, we're in Electronic Engineering, meaning we'll be in this campus starting this year."

"Ooo, I know this is random, but one time when I was on the verge of starving to death, Yasuhito made me some fried rice and brought it to me, it was like looking at the face of God, plus the rice was amazing!" You can notice Yoshito drooling a little while talking about that.

"Wow, really? You're a kind person, Yasuhito." Miyuki smiled at me.

"Ah.. i'm not actually.." I awkwardly rubbed my neck.

I can't let Yoshito take the chance to put up with my "good guy" appeal. I have to say something.

"You know, instead of being impressed, you should really learn how to cook, Miyuki." Eri appeared a bit annoyed.

"Thanks for mentioning that." Miyuki frowned.

"I'm just helping you out, if you don't learn now, what do you plan on doing in the future when you live on your own?"

"I'll be okay, I'll be sure to marry someone who's great at cooking." Miyuki stared in awe thinking about it.

Miyuki's cooking wasn't the greatest, but once she worked really hard to improve, she began making some amazing meals. We would actually take turns cooking.

"Awesome! If you want someone who can cook, then I have the perfect guy for you here." Yoshito wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"The only thing I know how to make is fried rice." I slowly took his arm off my shoulder.

"Ow.." Yoshito slightly kicked my shin.

"Ayato… fried rice…" Miyuki muttered to herself, rubbing her chin.

"Sorry, did you say something?" Yoshito asked, looking a bit confused.

"Huh? Oh no, sorry, I often take notes of things in my head." Miyuki pointed to her head.

She's had many habits, but I don't recall this being one of hers.

"She's a bit odd as you can tell." Eri chuckled.

"Hey!" Miyuki playfully punched her arm.

We all then laugh together.

Hours go by, both Miyuki and Eri get up to go use the restroom, and as soon as they're out of sight, Yoshito punches my arm hard.

"Ow! What the hell was that for?!" I rubbed my arm.

"What do you mean?! I set up this whole thing to give you the courage to speak to Miyuki since I thought that you'd be interested in her, but I'm the one doing all the talking!" Yoshito appeared a bit frustrated.

"You didn't have to do any of this, I'm not even interested in her."

"That's a lie, the moment you saw her you had this wild look on your face, the face of a man who laid his eyes on his potential soulmate or something."

He's not wrong about that, I did see my soulmate.

"Don't be an idiot, she just looks like someone that I know."

"Really? You're not hiding anything from me, are you?" Yoshito put his hand on my shoulder and looked directly into my eyes.

"Of course not, why would I anyway?" .

"Look, you always do so much for me, and I'd like to return the favor for once, basically, I'm in debt to you."

He's never expressed it often, but it's obvious that he's a very appreciative person. The future me learned that from his speech at my wedding.

All I've really helped him with is lending him notes for classes, buying him food, and letting him borrow money when he was in desperate need of it. Nothing major, but hearing his words of gratitude was nice.

"I'm not good with enthusiastic girls like her."

"Hmm.. I guess you're right, I was starting to think that she'd be wayyy too energetic for you. So… do you mind if I make a move on her?" Yoshito looked at me with puppy eyes.

Well, I have to say that it's fine, it's what I want, I want the both of them to get together, and this is the perfect opportunity to let it happen.

"Of course, I don't mind at all." I forced myself to smile.

The night continued with both Miyuki and Yoshito conversing, getting along perfectly fine, as if they'd known each other their entire lives.