An Invitation?

"Miyuki seems like one of a kind, she's really cute and doesn't have a fake persona." Yoshito said with mesmerized.

"That's true, and her personality seems amazing, so I think that she's perfect for you."

I know better than anyone that she has an amazing personality, like she's too good to be true. I could tell anyone that, but what's the point? I'd just make myself seem crazy.

"And the both of you really hit it off, messing around and constantly complimenting each other, it was like watching a newly wed couple, very wholesome." I expressed enthusiasm.

I'm definitely not enthusiastic about it, all I really left was helpless, seeing Yoshito and Miyuki getting along well and only being able to watch from a distance. Sure I talked to Eri for a bit but it felt too awkward.

Can't I just confess to Miyuki again? I could make it work this time, I won't make the same mistakes.

No, I already told myself that Miyuki and Yoshito deserve each other, they both deserve true joy. And as the saying goes,"If you love something, set it free," there is no wrong to that.

Love could allow others their own freedom.

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

"Huh, did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" Yoshito looked at me, confused.

"You didn't hear those beeping sounds?." I looked back at him, confused as well.

"It's getting late, you're probably sleepy and imagining things, we're almost at the complex, let's go." Yoshito walked ahead.

Hm, I could've sworn I heard a mechanical beeping sound.

If you were to go back in time, history itself would begin to distort. I once saw a movie a movie with a storyline like that and from a scientific standpoint it seems ridiculous to believe, but I really can't ignore the discomfort that I'm feeling. I've been staring to change minor changes, little by little at least, maybe as a result of the title changes, big changes could form underway. I should probably call my mom.

"If anything strange has occurred?" My mom asked, speaking nonchalantly as usual.

"Anything, like something catching on fire, a robbery, something like that."

"No, none of that has occurred recently, are you okay Yasuhito?"

"So nothing really changed huh."

"No, nothing changed. Well, your father…" She stopped mid sentence.

"Dad?! Is it a disease?! Did he get fired?! Injured?!"

"No! He started running recently, for his health of course. Surprising actually, a lazy man like that." She chucked as she said that.


"That's right, and you know how your father always starts these things to focus on the aesthetic angle. He's already begun buying shoes and activewear that's expensive, but who knows how long he'll stick to that. By the way, make sure to eat your vegetables, love you!" She hung up.

My dad taking up running? That's new, but not necessarily a bad thing. Things really are starting to change, but most importantly I have to focus on Miyuki and Yoshito.

Time to head to school now.

As I'm walking towards the lecture hall I bump into Eri, who's by herself.

"Hey, how's it going?" I waved at her.

"Ah, it's the emotionless one." She smirked.

Her remarks are as good as ever.

"Yeah, sorry I'm not the handsome and lively one."

"Handsome and lively? I don't recall meeting anyone like that, he's the idiot."

"And I'd say that you're the cool one."

"Well thank you very much, also, you sure do have a lot to say today, unlike yesterday." Her smirk disappeared.

"Ah, sorry about that, I was a bit tired and didn't really have the energy to speak." I rubbed my neck, feeling a bit awkward.

"By the way, where's Miyuki?"

"She doesn't have any lectures today, she's at work."

"Really? Maybe I should go visit her later, pancakes do sound good right now." I stared wide eyed, realizing I messed up.

Crap, why did I accidentally let that slip, now I have Eri staring at me like some detective who just saw through an inconsistency in someone's story.

"Pancakes? So you know where she works?"

"Well I uh- I- actually she mentioned that yesterday… you don't remember?" I began sweating like crazy.

"Be honest with me, you're not some stalker, right?" She kept eyeing me suspiciously.

"Huh- of course not! Hahaha.." I nervously laughed.

"Listen, I won't let anyone get away with making her cry, you got it?" She frowned.

"…I understand."

"We should probably head towards our class now, it's getting a bit late now, see ya!" I waved at her and walked away quickly."

I could still feel her eyes on me as I'm walking away. Man, she's just as overprotective towards Miyuki as ever, to the point that I used to think of Eri as some sort of love rival for Miyuki.

She won't let anyone get away with making her cry. If she were to learn that I'd end up making her cry in the future, she'd be absolutely disappointed in me. I wonder if Miyuki ever told Eri about the divorce since I wasn't able to, due to her getting a new number. After telling me to take care of Miyuki, it's no doubt that she would feel betrayed.

I should head towards the cafeteria after class is over.

"Yo Yasuhito! Wanna eat now?, I think we should go already." Yoshito tapped me lightly on the shoulder.

"Go where?" I looked at him curiously.

"The café Miyuki works at of course."

"Y- you know where that is?" I stuttered.

"Yeah, I texted her this morning about it and she ended up telling me." He showed me the conversation between them.

Jealous? No, I shouldn't even have a problem with that at all, they really have been getting along a lot quicker than they did in the past, well, the "first past." I'm redoing my life in an attempt to get Yoshito and Miyuki together, it's all for the better.

"I think I'll have to pass, you should go on your own."

"What?! Come onnn, I think it'll be fun, plus, we'll be able to see Miyuki in uniform." He expressed enthusiasm.

"I told you, I'm not interested." I backed away a little.

Locking away my true feelings is a lot more painful than I imagined. I'm just scared of that if I were to let my guard down, I'd get too close to her and end up falling for her all over again.

"If you say so… don't think I'm going then." He looked down, appearing a bit upset.

"And why the hell not? She invited you, you should go."

"But look…" he showed me his phone again, with a message saying.

"You should bring Yasuhito too! It'll be great"


She, once again, cracked open the gate that's around my heart.