A happy ending

Time has passed after the incident occurred and we all successfully graduated.

The church was located on a hill pretty close to the university, surrounded by grass. It looked so beautiful on the inside, decorated with many colors and big stained windows.

Miyuki walked down the aisle, looking much more calm compared to her usual crazy self. She looked lovely, like a princess, but this time, I was sitting from the seats instead of being up there waiting for her. Miyuki's parents weren't a fan of her getting married right after graduating, especially knowing Yoshito doesn't have a job. On the other hand, Yoshito's parents didn't mind it at all, they were actually very happy about it.

Eri and I also decided to visit them at Miyuki's hometown, two weeks before the wedding. Me being ready to apologize for the incident, and as soon as I saw them, the non stop apologizing began.

"I'm really sorry." I kept on bowing.

"It's okay, I should apologize as well." Yoshito let out a chuckle and bowed as well."

"You both sure are bruised up…pfft." Eri quickly placed her hand on her mouth to stop herself from laughing.

"They are, aren't they?" Miyuki looked at me and Yoshito.

The laughter started from Miyuki, to Eri, then Yoshito and I began laughing along with them. We instantly forgot the incident even happened.

Everything's okay now, Miyuki's father finished walking her down the aisle and passed her to Yoshito, both smiling at each other.

Many of Miyuki's friends from middle school through Middle School and University are here, with Eri sitting with them. I'm able to recognize a couple of them since I met them after I married Miyuki.

This time, Eri isn't crying just as she was when Miyuki and I got married, which surprised me a lot. She looked very content actually.

"In sickness and in health." The priest began to speak.

Miyuki was looking around, making it a bit obvious that she was trying not to laugh. Miyuki and Yoshito then began to exchange their vows and exchanged rings. Yoshito then lifted her veil and they both stared at each other. Everything was silent for a while, making everything feel as if it's going in slow motion. They got closer to each other, and kissed.

I was finally able to look at them enjoying being with one another without needing to look away. I have handed my first love to my best friend.

Tears began to roll down my eyes little by little, luckily nobody around seemed to mind.

When the ceremony ended, a friend of Miyuki's grabbed the newlyweds to take some photos outside of the church.

I began to slowly exit the church, intending to leave without saying anything to anyone.

"Yasuhito!" Eri yelled out from behind.

"The ceremony was amazing, they both looked so happy." I stopped to speak to her.

"Yeah..they did."

"Oh yeah!" I remembered something.

"I want to thank you for pretending to be my girlfriend, I know asking that was very selfish, but it luckily helped them out." I pointed towards Miyuki and Yoshito, who were having a blast taking photos.

"Yeah, I guess you're right…the relationship was just for the sake of helping them get together." Eri slowly looked down, smiling weakly.

"Thank you very much, all of this happened thanks to you." I grabbed Her by the hands.

In reality, I don't want this to end, maybe Eri had actually loved me all along. Who am I kidding, there's no way that'd be possible, she cares about Miyuki so much, I'm not surprised she was willing to keep on this act for this long.

I've seen many sides to Eri that I have never seen before, the girl who seemed gloomy and reserved was the girl I never truly knew.

The real Eri's thoughtful, caring, brilliant, the list could go on.

I haven't felt this way about someone in so long, am I in love? Seriously?

"Well..I'm glad I was able to help, I really enjoyed spending time with you." Eri spoke with a bright smile.

"I saw that you were leaving, I'll get out of your way now." She slowly began to let go of my hands.

"Wait!" I grabbed her hands again.

"Crap…I don't know how to say this…or if I even have any right to." I seemed lost.

"What's wrong?" She looked at me, confused.

"Ugh…okay, Eri, I know it's not fair of me to say this, and I may even seem a lot more selfish..but I was wondering if we could put an end to this fake relationship?"

"…" Now she looked at me, dumbfounded.

"Yeah..put an end to this and make this for real! Eri, I love you, you've been there for me in my darkest times and never left my side, you're thoughtful, caring, and brilliant, you're everything good a person can be." I gently squeezed her hands.

She continued to look at me, smiling brightly this time.

"You're such an idiot, of course!" She wrapped her arms around my neck, hugging me."

She let go and backed away a little.

"Now you have to wake up, please." She said, in a pained expression.

"I'm sorry?" I chuckled nervously.

"Please wake up, Yasuhito." Tears began to roll down her face.

"Eri! What's wrong?" I attempted to move, but was unsuccessful.

"Please." Eri continued.

What is going on?