The present

Yasuhito has been unconscious for a couple of months now.

Yasuhito and the other driver were going over the speed limit, resulting in a side-on collision, his head took a heavy blow, including his body and organs. The doctor told me there's a possibility that he won't make it.

Miyuki only contacted me weeks after the incident happened, and when she called, she was hysterically crying. It was at a point that it was a bit difficult to make out what she was saying so I instantly went to the hospital. Upon arriving at the hospital, and his room, Miyuki and Yoshito were already outside of it, waiting.

I haven't seen them in a couple of years, but we did message each other from time to time. They both looked away uncomfortably as soon as they saw me.

"How is he?! Is he okay?!" I frantically asked.

"I'm..sorry." Miyuki began to break down crying as she explained what happened prior to the accident.

I was able to feel the anger get to me.

"Why..why did you have to lie to him?! Why tell him you and Yoshito got together?!" I looked at them with anger.


"Don't talk." I cut off Yoshito as he tried to speak.

"I wanted Yasuhito to live freely." Miyuki quietly said, ashamed to look back up.

"Live freely?" I asked in a shaky, but angry tone.

"He told me he was okay with not having children, and told me that children weren't the whole point of being married. I know having children was something he has always wanted, and I wasn't able to give him what he wanted, I instead made him make up a lie saying that it didn't matter." Miyuki appeared tired.

"Even if it was a lie, I'm sure he did it to reassure you. Didn't you stop to think that you matter much more to him?" I balled my fists up.

"It hurt seeing him try to be different and unhappy, I couldn't give him the happiness that I wanted for him, maybe it would've been better if he married someone else." Miyuki continued to look at the ground.

"If you really care about him, then why, of all things, did you tell him that you and Yoshito got together? Did you not realize how much it would affect him?!" I continued, not being able to stay calm.

"Yoshito, you let this happen, why didn't you do anything to stop her?" I immediately turned my attention towards Yoshito.

"Sorry…Miyuki appeared at my house a week after their divorce, she looked terrible, and begged me to help her find a way to make Yasuhito resent her." He looked away, uncomfortably.

"Yasuhito is your best friend, you could have declined." I returned.

"I know..this was the worst way to handle things, but Yasuhito would have never wanted to divorce her for a reason like that. If they stayed together, the marriage would have fallen apart sooner or later."

"You seriously couldn't have thought of a better idea?! Were you actually stupid enough to not know how Yasuhito would feel?!" I turned to Miyuki, then back to Yoshito.

"I did! She promised me that we would tell him the truth later on." He pointed at Miyuki.

"Tell him the truth later on?"

"Mhm, after a couple of months or maybe even a year, when they both moved on from this, we would tell him the truth and the both of them would be able to start over." Yoshito failed to continue looking at me, he continued to look at the ground in shame.

"And what exactly do you think would happen? Do you seriously think that he'd believe you right away?" I scratched my head in frustration.

"Well ther-"

"You know what…it doesn't matter, both of you, get out of here." I pointed down the hall where the exit is located.

"Eri.." Miyuki began to reach out to me.

"I'll stay here and look after Yasuhito, leave!" I shooed them away.

What happened could only be understood by them, I shouldn't butt into the issue.

And if I were to keep looking at them, who knows what I would've done.

Both of them eventually left and I entered the room Yasuhito was in. There he laid, stretched out on the bed, and as soon as I saw the condition he was in, all bandaged up, hooked onto many machines, I began to tear up.

"Yasuhito…" I gripped the side of the bed, sunk my head onto it and cried.

All I could hear in the room were the beeps of the machines that Yasuhito had been connected to. It made it sound like a timer, counting down the time he had left to live.

"Yasuhito, please wake up…"