Things we could do

Time has passed and Yasuhito has surprisingly begun to recover. His organs, which appeared to be beyond help, were miraculously recovering.

He still remains unconscious.

"Hey Yasuhito, the weather outside is nice, it's funny, it reminds of the rafting trip we went on. Do you remember? You had to drive us there because Yoshito wanted to sleep, you didn't even hesitate to take over."

"I'll be honest, I was a little annoyed that you weren't slightly upset, but that isn't in your nature. From that moment on, I began to respect you."

I've been constantly speaking to Yasuhito as if he was awake the entire time, it sort of became a routine.

I started to give myself some hope, thinking that it would be able to bring him back. I recently quit my job since I already have enough money saved up, and now I'll be able to put all of my time into taking care of him.

Miyuki came by frequently, it was obvious she was trying to plan her visits when I wasn't here, but that'll never work considering I'll always be here. I never even let her stay for long.

I won't let Yasuhito take Miyuki back.

Ever since we met, he would only gaze at Miyuki, he absolutely loved her. When I found out that they started dating after she was rejected by Yoshto, I was dejected, but I thought about how he was finally able to confess to her and that helped me out a bit.

I knew for a fact that Yasuhito would, no doubt, cherish my best friend.

But when I found out about their engagement, I was heartbroken. Years may have passed after we graduated from University, but I realized that I was still in love with him.

I told him to take care of her, but that did take a little effort to say. And on the day of their marriage, I was a mess, crying due to happiness and sadness, even Miyuki had to comfort me

She, of course, didn't have a clue about my feelings for Yasuhito, I never intended on letting her know.

But that's fine because I'll be here for him now, and when he wakes up, I won't let my chance slip away. I'll be the one to heal him.

I gently grabbed his hand and gazed at him.

"Yasuhito…could you look over here for a quick second?"

If I could go back in time, I would stop Yasuhito from falling in love with Miyuki. Especially seeing how things ended up for them, it made me realize that they weren't meant to be.

Three months have gone by and Yasuhito still hasn't woken up. The doctor told me that his body and majority of his organs are doing well, the only problem lies within the brain now.

The brain is an interesting organ, given that there's a possibility he'll suddenly wake up, but there's also a chance he'll neve wake up.

I decided to talk to Yasuhito about everything, what was he dreaming about? Were they happy dreams? I'm sure he'd do whatever it takes to help someone in those dreams, that's the type of person he is.

I caressed his warm cheek.

Spring has arrived and I sat on a chair next to Yasuhito, staring at his peaceful face, starting to worry that he may not come back.

A breeze brushed his bangs to the wide and I quickly fixed it, still gazing at his face as if he was dreaming about something very nice. It started to get a bit cold so I got up to close the window, and as soon as I looked outside there was so much pink outside. There was a small river near the hospital, and the cherry trees had fully blossomed.

It looked so beautiful, causing me to stare in awe.

If…no, when Yasuhito wakes up we'll go see the cherry blossoms together.

I started a list of things I've planned on doing with him and it keeps on expanding. We could go to a festival, I'll definitely make him wear a yukata. I could wear one as well, we'll enjoy our time together wandering around.

We could go to a fireworks show together, and he could bring something to eat with us since he's a great cook. Maybe I could surprise him with something special

But there's one thing I really want to do with him, and it's seeing the lights together, holding hands as we admire them. It'd make me very happy

My eyes began to tear up as I'm thinking about the things we could do together. I blame Yasuhito, I'll make sure to scold him when he wakes up.

I want him to wake up, there are so many things I want to do with him, so many things to talk to him about.

When I grabbed the handkerchief from my pocket, a glove fell. I never use gloves, but the ones that are special to me are the ones that Yasuhito gifted me.

I always have them with me, I could still remember the day he got them for me.

"Eri, I really want to get Miyuki a present for our one year anniversary, but I don't have a clue what to get her, could you please help me look for something?" Yasuhito asked, fidgeting.

I felt angry when he asked me that, it was like he was making fun of me. Of course it wasn't his fault, I gave them my blessing.

"Why don't you go by yourself?" I bluntly asked him.

"Please.. I'll buy you a gift as well." He clasped his hands together, begging.

"For me…?"

Those words from him convinced me to go along.

Pathetic, isn't it?

After shopping for a gift, he eventually found a perfume that Miyuki had talked about constantly and decided to buy that for her.

After that, I let him take his time to pick out a gift for me. It was the holiday season when we went shopping so it was naturally full.

It must've looked like we were on a date, and I began to feel nervous waking next to him having that thought.

Everytime he would pick out something I wasn't too fond of I would make a discontented face and he would immediately put it back. After an hour or so, he saw the gloves.

"Do you like these?" Yasuhito offered me fur, dark gray gloves.

I then understood how he saw me.

"Don't you think they look a little plain?" I laughed a little, hiding the pain I felt.

"You think so? I just felt like these would suit you well." He slowly started to put them back, but I quickly grabbed him to stop him.

"I take it back, I think they look really nice." I held a grip on his arm.

The plain gloves that could be found anywhere suddenly became beautiful and one of a kind.

"Here you go Eri, Merry Christmas." Yasuhito handed me the bag as soon as we left the store.

"Thank you very much! I promise I'll treasure them." I expressed my satisfaction, hugging the bag.

After I grabbed the glove from the ground, I admired the outside world, still thinking about the things we could do together.

Then I noticed a sudden movement and turned towards Yasuhito.

Did he just move?

I wiped my tears tears away and stared at him.

After what felt like forever, I noticed a slight twitch in his eye.

Yasuhito then groaned quietly.

"Yasuhito?!" I quickly moved towards the bed.

His eyes slowly opened.


He saw me and gave me a little smile, appearing a bit hazy.

"Yasuhito…" Tears began to roll down my face, nonstop.

He's back.

Yasuhito really did come back.

He just about opened his mouth, trying to say something, but air is the only thing that came out.

"Idiot…you finally woke up…do you know how long

I've been waiting?" I took Yasuhito's hand in mine, smiling at him as tears kept coming.

Welcome back, Yasuhito.