First Secret

"Is it true?" Archangel Michael asked in a low tone not daring to increase it in front of God. God on the other hand remained silent while watching one of his Archangels frustrated.

God sighed and snapped his fingers before a scroll appeared in front of the Archangel, "this is-"

"When I chose you four, I gave each part of you to humans, and what I gave to humans I gave to you." God's voice echoed in the bright white room, "I wanted you to feel what humans feel. This is why you and Archangel Uriel are the way you are, this is why you and Archangel Gabriel are the way you are"

"Everything has a reason. Nothing in this world, even here and in hell existed for nothing"

"I'm glad you understand that, Archangel Michael. As for the scroll in your hand. It has all the answers you need regarding the link between Archangel Uriel and the demon Hun."

"Forgive my rudeness, my God, but may I ask why you gave it to me?" God chuckled before he snapped his fingers sending Archangel Michael to the library, "figure it out yourself, Archangel Michael" his voice echoed.

"Figure it out myself huh? Ok, I have enough time until Archangel Raphael figures out a way to help her" he mumbled. After he made sure no one was around, he opened the scroll, his face turned pale and his body started trembling. The scroll wasn't written words, but a view of everything, like a record.

Archangel Michael's First and Second Wings entered the library after sensing an imbalance of divine energy while they were in the middle of eating. They weren't the only ones who sensed it, all Wings alongside Sister Oriana and Father Asher sensed it too but they couldn't move a finger because of the strength of the power. The only two who were able to move were his strongest two Wings. They walked in slowly searching for the source of energy until their feet led them to the elite section where students were forbidden from entering.

A few steps in and they finally found him, he was standing motionless in the middle of the hall, his eyes were glowing blue, and his divine energy was spreading around him.

"My lord!!?" They called for him but it was useless. They looked at each other before they started walking toward him, his eyes were teary before he finally gave in letting his tears flow down his cheeks.

"Father Asher? Are you ok? Why are you crying?"

"Huh?" Father Asher touched his cheeks and felt something wet. He stood from his seat and ran to the nursery to check on Sister Oriana. When he entered it, he found Archangel Uriel's First Wing and Saintess Jane taking care of Sister Oriana who suddenly lost consciousness after sensing Archangel Michael's divine energy.

"We sensed it too. It seems the Archangel figured out something dangerous" Saintess Jane commented after getting another bowl of cold water for the unconscious Sister.

"Based on the amount of energy seeping, it might be related to Archangel Uriel" Father Asher's shoulders drooped. If it's related to her, then Sister Oriana is connected in some way.

"Is there a chance for the Archangel and to-be Wing to have a connection?"

"If you mean something similar to what I have with my Archangel then no, it's impossible" First Wing pondered, "unless" she mumbled in horror.

"Unless what First Wing?" Saintess Jane and Father Asher asked her. They jolted when she stood from her seat and started taking off Sister Oriana's clothes.

"Wh- What are you doing?!?!" Father Asher hid his eyes and turned to face the other side, Saintess Jane watched the Wing carefully curious yet scared to know what she was doing and why.

"I knew it!" She whispered getting the other two attention. Father Asher turned to face them and saw Sister Oriana half naked, he gulped and stepped forward toward her bed but he halted when Saintess Jane asked, "What is this?!" He turned to look at the thing she meant and was shocked as the Saintess.

"This is a seal created between an Archangel and an Angel. It's created between the two for the sake of easy connection when the Archangel needs the Angel. Then there is this, a bond, but that one is created between a demon and a human. Sister Oriana didn't make any contact with demons so where did it come from?" Father Asher's face turned pale and cold sweat formed on his forehead, "was that why I sensed discomfort when I approached her location that day?" He mumbled getting the ladies' attention.

"What do you mean by that?" Saintess Jane asked feeling confused by everything being revealed in front of her.

"When she was kidnapped by the demons' vessels, I found one of them touching different parts of her body! Maybe he put something in her?!"

"Impossible. To create a bond, both parties need to agree to it, you can't force such a thing on anyone" The three sat in silence wondering what to do.

"Shouldn't we focus on a way to get rid of the bond? No, what's more important, why does Sister Oriana have a seal?!"

"Because he was an Angel before he lost his pureness because of a human" Archangel Michael entered the room following his lead, the two Wings, "Almighty Divine Archangel!? Welcome-" He stopped the three before he walked to the bed.

"Look at yourself, still causing us trouble" he mumbled before he put his hand on the bond, a bright light flashed from the mark before it faded. "I sealed it for now. I'm surprised it broke. For now, keep an eye on him and watch for any hints of the seal's break"

"The hints-?"

"What he had been going through ever since he set foot here."

"W- Wait! I- I want to ask about what you just said! Sister Oriana was an Angel?!" Father Asher flinched and looked at the Archangel before he turned to stare at Sister Oriana, "Yes. He WAS before he sinned"

"So this is why she has been a devoted Sister? Because she seeks forgiveness!!"

"God may forgive him, but I won't. He caused Archangel Uriel a lot of trouble and now she's bedridden because of him!" The room became cold and shivers went down their spines.