This is my power

[Havien's POV]

Okay... Let's see.

The tracking is successful due to them being absolute morons to use a normal disposable phone, they should have taken more precautions.

All that is left is to go there and send some bitches to the afterlife.

As for the equipment, man, I have all the equipment I need and more. The things I have created during these 5 years are enough to make me a one-man unit. This stuff, which is created by meteorium (The mysterious meteorite which showed esoteric properties) and my expertise, is enough to put sci-fi movies to shame.

First off, I have wings.

No joke. Proper, working, damn cool wings.

They look like the angel wings you see in fantasy and stuff, but completely black. Something like the wings of a fallen angel or some shit. That's fucking neat.

I don't know about you but these black wings are a 12-year-old's wet dream. I have combined nanotechnology with electromagnetic levitation fueled by nuclear power and other complex stuff you won't understand, to achieve free flight at maximum speeds of Mach 2 (Fighter plane top speed). In simple words, I can pop up anywhere around the world at the speed of fighter planes.

Means of transport acquired.

Next up I have my defensive gear.

These consist of mainly 3 things. Armor, shield, and boots.

Let's talk about armor. This full-body armor is some next-level shit. I have tested it and this baby can survive powerful missiles at point zero, being bulletproof is the least of its concerns. Plus, it being flexible gives me a lot of mobility. About weight... well, it might be very heavy for others, but my superhuman strength can handle it.

Next up is a shield. To be honest, I don't particularly need this. I have my armor to protect me, so it isn't useful for me. But, this is one of the few things I created which can be used by people other than me. It is an extremely strong electromagnetic forcefield that can easily repel bullets. Its size is enough to fully cover a person from the front. The downside is that it has a sensitive core, so if the core of the shield is damaged due to careless handling, it ain't gonna work when you need it the most.

As for the last defensive equipment. I have my cool-ass boots. These don't do much, except walk on water and walls and help me take off to the skies... hehe, I'm that awesome. Plus they look cool AF.

As for weapons... If I start talking about those, it will take hours. Long story short, they are nuclear-powered with energy-based ammunition which will last a long ass time without running out. They are multiple times more powerful, silent, and cool-looking than regular guns.

I also added some custom explosives for extra boom.

Surveillance equipment is basic shit. I've got them covered too.

Plus, all these things are connected to my mask, which in turn is connected to my brain.

Combine it with my superhuman strength and reflexes, and you have a modern-day Batman, but cooler, because I'm great.

Okay... I have rambled on far enough... Let's go back to the rescue operation.




In a silent port where there is not a soul around, you can see rough-looking men standing around a particular warehouse. They are armed with Aks and M4s and many other rifles. Inside the warehouse, you can see a man tied up in a chair. The man looked to be in his late 40s and was heavily injured all over. Sitting down on another chair was another man, who looked like a mafia boss, and on both sides were people holding ARs, guarding the man.

"Aster Crimsonwhite. It has been long enough. Why don't just tell us? What is subject 032?"

Aster looked up at the man, making eye contact. Then he mustered up all the strength he could, and spit on the man's face.

The man looked calmly at Aster,


and punched his face.

"Looks like the torture wasn't enough. Marcos, go for another round."

"Yes, sir."

Soon after, horrifying screams erupted once again from the warehouse.


15 minutes later, the man came back and sat in the exact same position as before, and asked,

"Now you feel like telling me? What is subject 032?"

"Oh, that? That's me."

Suddenly, a voice of a prepubescent boy rang out in the warehouse.

"WHO'S THERE?!!" The man screamed, and at the same time, his bodyguards went into position.

"What? I just told you, subject 032."

Immediately after that, the lights went off. There was total darkness, and panic ensued. There was nobody who could see a thing, well, maybe except one.

*bam* *bam*

In the next moment, two flashes emerged for a tiny moment and the sound of men falling to the ground was heard.

"What? Marcos? Henry?"

"They're dead."

Now, the lights came on again, and in the center of the warehouse was a person of short stature, no, judging by the voice, a boy was standing.

He was clothed fully in a black, sci-fi-like suit, dual wielding two weird-looking, high-tech, black pistols. On his back were black wings, which were folded at the moment.

And he wore a mask. A deeply unsettling mask. The boy looked so out of this world that it seemed as if he has come from a sci-fi superhero movie. But the reality is no movie. He is real, and he has come to kill.

"Wow, I think I fucking told you to keep him unharmed, but what is this? Looks like you had your fun." Havien said as he walked towards Aster, who was still tied up, and somehow unconscious. He was holding onto his consciousness by sheer fucking will earlier, and the moment he saw Havien, he passed out due to shock and surprise.

"So you're subject 032, my men are gonna make their way here, so it's better if you throw your arms-"

"Silence. I did not allow you to speak." Havien declared in a cold and powerful tone, which actually made the leader shut up.

"Your men are dead. No survivors. At least I killed them instantly and maybe painlessly. But you...

You're gonna suffer."

Havien said as he walked towards the boss. The boss tried to back away while reaching out to his waist, but not being able to find his Deagle. Havien had already disarmed him during the darkness, so upon realizing that he is helpless, his face contorted with despair.

Havien did not stop as he took out a Syringe filled with a gray substance. It was a neurotoxin that stimulates the nerves giving the victim the worst pain imaginable and beyond.

Soon after, screams echoed in the soulless port. Screams way louder than the ones earlier.