Do you accept me?



"Ugh... Damn, it hurts."

Aster said as he opened up his eyes. The first thing he noticed was that he was not at the warehouse.

"An unfamiliar ceiling. Is this the hospital?"

"Of course, it is, dumbass. I haven't practiced medicine enough to treat your injuries myself. You're lucky that it won't leave any aftereffects." From the side came a voice of a boy. Aster turned around to see the face of a really handsome boy, who is sure to break hearts in the near future. His silky black hair, his deep black eyes, and his perfect proportions looked like it was personally sculpted by god with extra effort.

"Havien? Why are you here? Did you save me?"

"Yeah, I did. You got your ass kidnapped and I had to travel halfway across the world to Mexico to bust a cartel and save yo ass. Seriously, what a hassle."

"T-Thank you?"

"That's the least you should say. Anyway, you gotta rest for a few days. And now this has happened, I assume the UN is gonna join the game now."

"The UN? But I had a deal with them..."


"You think they will give a shit about the deal now? Dude, you got kidnapped and tortured to get information about me. It is also suspected that they were connected to the terrorists."

"So... What's gonna happen now?"

"Well... I think they will order me to return to them, and they will terminate the contract they had with you. The terrorists are moving faster than expected, and the war to end it all will happen sooner than predicted."

"So you're gonna leave me now?" Aster asked while turning his head towards the other side. He did not want to show his face to Havien right now.




"Yeah... I'm leaving. After a few hours actually. I guess this is the last time we will be able to talk like this... It's actually better for me to stay away from you." Havien replied in a detached voice. Similar to Aster, he did not want to show his emotions to him.

"Better for me? Havien, what the fuck do you mean better for me?" Aster surprisingly replied in an aggrieved voice. Havien was caught off guard by his sudden change of tone,

"W-Well, you know how I'm a weapon created for the purpose of eliminating the terrorists, the thing is, if I stay with you, they're gonna target you and-"

"Havien. I don't give a fuck whether they target me or not. Tell me, do you want to leave?" Aster asked in a serious tone.

"You don't understand, it's not that simple-"


Aster cut off Havien who was once again trying to make excuses. He knew this was the moment. This was the moment that will decide whether he becomes a living weapon of the UN, or the person Aster was trying to make out of that soulless little boy he met at the office 5 years ago.

He knows that what he was doing was basically treason against the UN, but he does not regret it. It now all depends upon Havien's choice, whether he will be 'cleaned up' by the special forces or not.




"No. I don't wanna leave you." Havien replied back in a weak voice. He had made a decision in his heart. He had decided what kind of person he wanted to be.

This was the person, who taught him what being a human is like.

This was the person, who raised him.

This was the person, who became an emotional pillar for him.

This was the person, who cared for him and saw him as a child,

His own child,

"I want to be with you, dad..."

This was the person, who became the father of a monster like him.

"H-Havien... Damn kid, you're gonna make this old man cry."

Aster replied while holding back his tears. He himself was not aware of how hard his loneliness had hit him. He had no family, no wife, no kids, nothing. When he took in Havien, he tried to raise him as a human being.

But somewhere along the way, he raised him as his own son.

"...Man, this is embarrassing." Havien said as he made a helpless smile. Fortunately, nobody noticed that his ears were red.

"Haha... It somewhat is, but I'm happy. I never had a proper family, but I'll be more than glad to have a genius like you as my son." Aster said in a light voice, as if a weight has been finally released from his shoulders.

"Well, for me, I think I got the short end of the stick. You're just a lazy old fart who does nothing but play video games and watch anime." Havien said in a teasing voice.

"Shut it, kid. At least I can cook. I can't imagine how bad it is to be so bad at cooking that you need to survive on water."

"Ugh, as I said, my body can survive on water alone."

"How the fuck will you grow and get nutrients if you live on water. You live in a civilized society, instead of living in survival mode, live like a decent person."

"Yeah, yeah... whatever. So now back to the topic, what are we gonna do about the UN?"


"Well... I'm sorry to say this, but I don't know."

"I wasn't expecting a useless bum like you to do something about it. Relax, I have a plan."

"What is it, Mr. Genius?"

"So all I have to do-"

*brrrr* *brrrr*

"Right on time, lemme show you instead of telling you."




"Hello, is this subject 032 speaking?" A voice rang out from the phone.

"Nah, it ain't subject 032."

"Oh, then who is it?"




____________"It's Havien. Havien Crimsonwhite" _____________



(Volume 0 (Prologue): Havien Crimsonwhite, Complete)