Havien's worth

"So, you're saying that you will be a one-man army against the terrorists instead of becoming a symbolic leader like our original intentions."

"Yes, that's right general."

In an extremely classy office, Havien was talking to a man in his military uniform which is extremely overdecorated. That man was Martin Alexander, the supreme general of the UN army, and one of the fervent supporters of Project: 'Hero', which was the name of the project which led to the creation of Havien.

"And why do you think I will agree to this ridiculous request, subject 032?" Martin asked as he raised his eyebrow. It seemed he was anticipating Havien's answer.

"Correction, sir. My name is Havien Crimsonwhite, not subject 032." Havien replied with a poker face.

"Crimsonwhite eh, looks like that old bastard Aster had a bigger influence on you than we expected." The general made a wry smile as he was lost in his thoughts.

"Huh? Do you know him?" Havien asked with surprise.

"Of course, I know him. We go way back. Why do you think I entrusted a top-secret asset like you to him without any ropes attached?"

"Oh, that makes sense." Havien said. He now finally uncovered the reason why someone as important as him was entrusted to a random stranger. Turns out, Aster had connections even though he was like that.

"Anyway, you still haven't answered my question."

"Well, I have enough technology and firepower to wipe out an entire military base alone. If I'm given enough preparation time, taking on entire armies isn't impossible."

"That's some ridiculous claims, Havien Crimsonwhite. What proof do you have?"

"Why don't you test me? Since I can't actually go out and randomly start challenging nations like a crazy bastard, it's better for you to arrange my test. You can do that, can't you, O Supreme General of the United Nations?" Havien said with a provoking smile.

Meanwhile, the general closed his eyes and crossed his hands.

'To think that robot-like child will have such an unpredictable personality to try to provoke me, of all people. Aster, you're still as eccentric as ever.'

After a few moments of silence, Martin opened his mouth.

"I will prepare a test for you. If you pass this test, I'll convince the other old fogies to let you do as you please, otherwise, you'll just have to accept your fate as a puppet."

"I accept, please tell me the test."

"You should hear things out before accepting... Anyway, have you heard of WarMen?"

"WarMen... Are you talking about those war robots that were designed before my creation to solve the problem of terrorists, but were scrapped due to high budget?"

"Yes, I'm talking about those. They are actually pretty good, they have many times the strength and durability of human soldiers, and they're pretty accurate and obedient since they are machines that do not make human errors.

Your test is to destroy 100 of them in a city landscape which I will create personally for the test. Your performance on the test will also matter a lot, so you have to show your A-Game."

"Making me fight those tin cans? You're underestimating me, general." Havien replied as he smirked.

"Well, we'll see about that. If you show your powers there, it will be enough to convince the old fogies."

"I have one question." Havien asked while raising his hand.


"Can I nuke 'em?"


"I said, can I nuke 'em?"

"No, I heard you the first time. What the fuck do you mean, NUKE them?"

"It means exactly what I said. Since I have to show my best, I think I should just destroy the whole city to get the point across."

"Havien... you... do you possess nukes?" The general asked while barely controlling the shock in his voice.

"I think it's heavily implied from our exchange that I DO possess nukes." Havien said in a sarcastic way.

"Oh... Ahem, well, I don't think that's a good idea. It will not only NOT show all your capabilities, but it will also invite more trouble than it's worth. Make sure that the information that you possess nukes remains a secret."

"I understand. Thank you, general. Now, I'll be taking my leave."

"Sure, give Aster my regards."

"Will do."

Havien made his way out of the office. Since the talks were successful, now all that is left is to give Aster the good news.

'I can call him and tell him now, but telling him face to face feels like a better idea.'




"Oi! Old bastard! The talks went well!" Havien shouted as he entered Aster's hospital room. Aster was still recovering from the torture that he went through, so he can't go anywhere anytime soon.

"Wow! That's great news! But why do you still call me an old bastard? Can't you call me dad?"

"I call you old bastard because you are an old bastard. Forget about me calling you dad ever again... That time was embarrassing as hell."

"Okay... Let's meet a middle ground. How about old man?"

"...'Kay, I can do that, old man."

"That's better, Havien, my son." Aster smiled, then he asked, immediately seeing Havien's disgusted face,

"So, what happened?"

"Oh... before I tell you that, do you know Martin Alexander?"

"Yeah, I know him. He's a hot-blooded guy who was always crazy about going to the military. The last time I heard, he got a high post in the UN military... Wait, don't tell me?!"

"The Supreme General told me to send you his regards." Havien smiled. It felt better to know that someone powerful had his and Aster's back.

"Oh... hahahahaha! What a twist! If that guy is calling the shots, then I can feel a bit relieved."

"Well, the test he gave me was to wipe out a unit of 100 heavily armed war robots stationed in a city."

"So you just need to bust some metallic ass? Should be easy for you, considering what I have seen you creating inside your room, or to better call it, your lab."

"Yeah... It's really easy. I was considering nuking the entire city, but the general advised against it."

Aster fell silent at this remark. He can tell from Havien's sincere tone, he wasn't joking.

"Havien. Don't do that. Please." Aster could only rebuke him in a serious tone, wondering just where did he go wrong in his moral education.