I am my own master

*knock* *knock* *knock*

"Enter" A gruff voice sounded out.

*Creak* *click*






"Father, you called for me?"

Inside a luxuriously decorated office, a girl with silver-white hair asked a man with similar hair color. The man was Tyler Silverdawn, the current head of the Silverdawn family. He had summoned his youngest daughter, Stella Silverdawn, for an important matter.

"We have received a commission from the United Nations." The man looked at his daughter and replied in a serious voice.

"Excuse me, THE United Nations?" Stella asked in shock.

"Yes, as shocking as it is... it is the same one as you're thinking."

"Then... This is a great opportunity to improve our relations. Having them as an ally is a great benefit. So, what is the mission?" Stella asked in an inquiring tone. If they really have received a commission from the UN and she is the one to hear about it first, then there is a high chance that her father is thinking of assigning this mission to her.

Seeing this, Tyler smiled and replied,

"Stella, you know how that terrorist organization is rampaging around a bit in these years?"

"Yes, because of them, our business in multiple countries has gone downhill. It affects our revenue, which in turn hinders the growth and development of our socio-political power." Stella replied in a matter-of-factly tone. She knows about this since she was assigned to their family business for some time.

"Exactly. They are harmful to us as well as the UN. They have finally decided to end it all by initiating a war on those terrorists. And they have commissioned us to lead the war by deploying a commander." Tyler said in a grave voice, signifying that this matter is a big deal.

"Huh? A commander to lead the whole war? Why are they giving such power to us?" Stella asked in a surprised tone.

"I'm not sure, but it seems like they are having some trouble because the one originally meant to lead them is deemed unfit for the role."

"But still, why us? Don't they have more manpower?" Stella further inquired.

"They cannot trust the capabilities of random nobodies and the ones who are famous enough to lead them can't do so because of political reasons. The power to command such an army should not belong to a person loyal to his country. The ones even higher are too busy to fully devote their time to the war." Tyler explained.

"So I'm selected, partly because I'm famous among those in high society and also because they are sure that I'm a neutral party since Silverdawns are no one's ally. I suspect that my capabilities to lead do not matter, they are trying to make me a puppet leader." Stella formed this hypothesis from the information provided.

"You're correct. I hope that you cooperate with them, even if it means you become a puppet leader. Still, learn about leading an army from our elders who are in the military. That's all." Tyler said as he started working on the paperwork lying on his table.

"Thank you for the opportunity, father." Stella said as she started walking out of the office, lost in her own thoughts.

"Oh, by the way..." Stella asked just before leaving,


"Who was supposed to lead the war originally?"

"Hmm... If I'm being honest with you, I don't know." Tyler replied after some thinking.

"Huh? How? Is it such a top secret that even we haven't figured it out?"

"Well... Yes. It is a top secret. There is zero information revealed about him. All I know is that he is related to the term 'subject 032' and he will contribute to the war without leading the soldiers. Since you will be the commander, you will get a chance to meet him." Tyler said as he frowned.

"Be careful around him. Since he was raised as an asset to lead a whole war and is not eliminated for going against his original purpose, means he's that special." He warned Stella.

"Don't worry father, who in the world is more special than me?" Stella said as she smiled.

"I know, but remember... the world is bigger than you think. You may leave now." Tyler said as he replied, once again engrossing himself in the paperwork.




"So, someone from the Silverdawn is taking my place?" Havien asked as he ate the chocolate he brought from the local store near the hospital. He was currently sitting in the office of the general, listening to music and snacking on some sweets.

"Havien... I think it's a bit rude to eat while talking to a senior." General replied as he held his face. Ever since Havien passed the test and the declarations of support were made, he lost all reservations in front of Martin and started acting like he owned the place.

"Well, is it? I didn't know. But this clinically insane child is craving something sweet, so, sorry 'bout that." Havien said as he conveniently ignored Martin's attempt to make him a bit more behaved. He had heard the meeting's recording, and he was pissed that people labeled him as a crazy bastard (Even though he actually is) and Martin made no attempt to salvage his reputation. He even indirectly agreed.

Martin knew this, so he couldn't say anything back. Finally, he started talking about the matter for which he called Havien.

"The one who will replace you is Stella Silverdawn. She's 12, the same age as you, and while you excel in weaponry, quantum mechanics, and semiconductors; she excels in the medical field and business and even politics a bit. You could also say that she is a genius equal to you-"

"Tsk tsk. Stop. That's where you're wrong. She may be an extraordinary genius, but she's no match for me. I am the greatest genius ever, there is no one my equal." Havien immediately corrected him and started tooting his own horn.

"Narcissistic brat..." Martin was getting a headache now. It pains him to accept that what Havien is saying might actually be true. Havien conveniently ignored that remark about his narcissism.

"Anyway, as I was saying, Stella Silverdawn is taking your place. She's well aware that there is a high chance that she will be used as a puppet leader, so treat her commands as if they come from the UN collective. Since we have given you your freedom, we expect you to follow our commands thoroughly. You are an asset crucial to the war." The general said in a stern tone. He needed to get this point across.

"I think you're misunderstanding something, general." Havien said in a cold and serious voice, completely opposite to the one he was using earlier. This is his way of saying that he's serious now.

"I have power that should be under no one's control. Do not, even for a fraction of a second, assume MY power as your own to command.

I am your ally, but not your belonging.

I will follow your suggestions if I deem them right, not blindly become your dog.

I am your greatest asset, but not your tool.

The powers I created and possess, are mine, and mine alone. I will use them as I see fit.

This was the lesson I learned from living with Aster, my father, for the last 5 years."

Havien got up and started walking towards the general. The atmosphere was heavy and suffocating.




"I am my own master, Supreme General Martin Alexander... Never forget that."