The monster known as Havien

"The fuck?!" Those were the first words spoken by someone in the high senate council meeting.

This meeting's purpose was to discuss the future plans now that Havien has gone somewhat rogue. His wish for independence in the war has led to this urgent meeting being called and to discuss Havien's prospects and potential.

It was also in this meeting that Havien's test was livestreamed.

"General Alexander, I demand an explanation. What the hell have we just witnessed?!" Another council member spoke up.

Meanwhile, the general himself was flabbergasted. Cold sweat was forming on the back of his neck as he raced his mind to form an appropriate reply.

"W-well... Ahem... Well, I... I think it's cool." The general could only form these coherent and stupid words.


"N-no, what I mean is, this live stream has shown us the importance and power of Havien for this war." The general replied while stuttering and the councilmen did not let this chance go.

"I don't know about you general, but all I see is a clinically insane child holding dangerous amounts of power." A senator remarked.

"Yes, I agree. From his behavior, it is clear that this power is not under our control in any way. It is better to dispose of such threats." Another senator took this opportunity to say this point, which made all the other senators also chip in. They were anticipating what the general has to say about this.





"So what, this power is being directed towards our enemies, and don't forget who are the ones who created this power." The general replied in a strong tone, which made them all silent. The general took this opportunity and continued to speak.

"It's us. We are the ones who created that child. We are the ones who need his power. It's not him who is dependent upon us, but us who are dependent upon him. So, I recommend you guys get off your high horse and learn to be a little flexible.

The terrorist attacks are now at an all-time high, and we suspect that the military organization that is in control of them from the shadows now means business. We have already wasted a lot of time and budget on those tin cans that you just watched get obliterated, and now they're trying to take advantage of this.

We only have one weapon against them, and that weapon has surpassed all of our expectations. This is something to celebrate, but I'm hearing some idiots saying to dispose of him." The general now stood up and slammed his hand on the desk, startling all the people present in the room.

"I, the Supreme General of the United Nations, Martin Alexander, as the representative of the UN Peacekeepers, hereby declare that Havien Crimsonwhite will have the full support of our army, and any attempts to harm him will be taken as a declaration of war with the Peacekeepers. That's all."

The general now sat down and folded his arms, with his sharp eyes telling them that he was dead serious.

"Now that the general has declared such, we will now declare Havien Crimsonwhite as a VIP of the UN. Any objections?" The senator, who was sitting on the head chair opposite the general, said.

Nobody made a sound.

"A unanimous vote, then." The senator noted.

"I have an issue to raise, general." A senator, who was quiet the whole time, spoke.


"From what we have seen, Havien is definitely an asset to us, but we can't allow such an unstable person to lead our soldiers to war. Do you agree?"

"...Hmm, you have a point. Yes, I agree." The general surprisingly said.

"Then, I recommend we allow Havien to function as a one-man unit with no soldiers under his command. Surely his powers are enough to compensate for the lack of numbers."

The general nodded his head, telling him to continue.

"Instead, I recommend we request the services of the Silverdawn family to lead our soldiers." As soon as the word 'Silverdawn' came out of his mouth, the whole council, along with the head senator, looked towards him.

"The Silverdawns are competent and capable enough to be the leaders of this war, and requesting their services will improve the relations between us. It's a win-win situation." The senator finished with a confident smile, he hit the jackpot with this perfect solution.

"The Silverdawns, eh? I can't deny their capabilities, but the question is who will they send?" The general replied, to which the senator immediately answered back,

"Most probably, they will send the Silverdawn Princess. She is the same age as Havien, but she's equally amazing in fields different than him. It is suspected that she was born with an elixir too, although somewhat differently."

"Oh, I've heard a bit about her. But senator, aren't you just suggesting replacing one child with another?" The general replied in questioning, and a bit cold tone. He was suspecting some unscrupulous dealings going on behind his back.

"No general, please don't misunderstand." The senator replied in a calm tone, if he panicked here, then he wouldn't be qualified to sit here. "If the Silverdawn princess is judged to be incapable of leading the soldiers, then we can simply make her a puppet leader and give orders that we want.

I have met her in the past, and she is sensible enough to understand our reasons for making her a puppet, and I believe that she will be cooperative, unlike a certain trigger-happy child." The senator finished his speech.

The general crossed his fingers in front of his lips and rested his elbows on the table. He seemingly went into deep thought, weighing the pros and cons. After a minute, he spoke up,

"I agree to your idea. The Peacekeepers will send a formal request to the Silverdawns shortly." The general finally said. Hearing this, the head senator now tapped his hand on the table to gather everyone's attention.

"All the issues for which we had gathered today are now resolved. We will now adjourn the meeting. Also, General, this is not an official question... But... are those missiles nuclear?"

All the people who were getting up to leave stopped in their tracks. They all looked at the general now as they won't leave without an answer. Even though it was asked unofficially, this question became more important than official ones.

"Well... I enquired Havien about the same, and he replied they are not nuclear."

All the people let out a sigh of relief, but the general continued.

"Instead, they use the principles of anti-matter and mass-to-energy conversion laws, which are about a thousand times more powerful than nuclear."




The meeting continued for another 4 hours.