First Mission!




"...What do you mean I can't nuke them?"

"Havien, please, there will be important members of the organization that we can extract intel from. We can't interrogate them if they're vaporized..."

It was another usual day for general Martin in trying to persuade Havien against such destructive practices. As soon as Havien declared that he will wipe out North Mexico, Martin has been trying to convince Havien to use normal amounts of force and not cause a nuclear winter.

"Then, should I go personally capture the interrogation targets, then nuke them?"

"Well... you can do that..."

"Okay! See ya!"

"BUTTTT" Martin grabbed Havien's arm while he was trying to run away after only hearing what he wanted.

"It will be a last resort. We don't want to cause damage to the environment. I recommend you use other safer technologies for mass destruction."

"So, if not nukes, then can I use a big version of those anti-matter pencils I showed?" Havien asked innocently a not-so-innocent question.


"Geez, old geezer, don't shout. I got it. I'll capture the important targets, and use SAFE explosives to blow up the base. Happy?"

"Yes. Thank you. I'll engrave this favor in my heart."

"Aww... you're being too much~"

"I was being sarcastic, brat."



[Havien's POV]

Okay. I somehow got permission to blow up the base to ashes. Does that old geezer think I only have after-effects leaving explosives? I'll just crumble that base using other methods... If my mood is good.

But first, I'll need to capture one guy from the base. Luckily, the UN possessed DNA records of him, so all I have to do is record the data and store it in my mask. The AI will do the searching for me.

Let's gear up and take off.

'AI, equip assassin class armament.'

'All the equipment has been adjusted to specialize in assassination.'


'AI, activate vertical thrusters.'


Here we go. The smoke lifted me off to a decent altitude. I unfurled my wings and concentrated to levitate in the air.

Oh, I forgot to mention. The reason why I can use my wings without consulting the AI is because they are directly connected to the neural link of my mask. I can use my wings like I'm using my extra limbs. It makes it extremely convenient to fly and allows me to have a faster reaction time in comparison to AI.

'AI, designate the inputted data as the enemy location. Mark a location 5 km away from the enemy in a secure area.'

'Commands received. The location chosen will be marked in blue and the enemy location will be marked red.'

In my eyes, a map showing me the direction I need to fly to arrive at the safe location was shown in my right-hand corner. I positioned myself to the least air resistance and flew at full speed toward North Mexico.


It did not take a long time to arrive. From my location, I can see the base clearly. I have also confirmed that they cannot see me here. It's really the perfect location. I now started my plan, which is basically the same one as the test city.

I deployed my spy drones.

After a few minutes, I got a notification from my AI that the territory has been mapped out, and the location of the person I have to capture was acquired.

What was the name of the person I needed to capture? Uhh... It doesn't matter, they're gonna die anyway, whether in my hands or the special agents' hands.

Anyway, it's time to sneak in.

I see a truck heading toward the base. I just saw it earlier get checked at the outer perimeter, so it's safe to assume that they will not check again. Let's get inside that.

I jumped from my safe spot and made my way toward the truck which was now parked at a temporary stop. The people manning the truck were nowhere near, so I used my nanobots to hack the lock, (Nanobots are my miscellaneous nano-sized critters used in hacking computer systems) open the hatchet, and get inside. The nanobots relocked the lock, so I'm safely inside without anyone noticing.

Mission: Infiltration, successful.

Now all I need is to be carried away, and kill the person who is going to unload the stuff in this truck when the time comes. After that, I can hide inside, and make my way toward the target while making minimum contact with the hostile forces.

What a perfect plan. I'm really a genius.

I sat inside the truck as I felt it moving. Finally, after a long bumpy ride, I arrived at the depot station...


Why are there more people gathering? The number of red dots on the minimap is increasing...

Isn't this supposed to just be the depot station where they unload supplies? Are the supplies this time that important?

I hurriedly checked the other boxes in the truck. One of them had a nuclear symbol on it.




Fuck... it's uranium.

Okay... plan B. An assassination is considered successful if there are no witnesses.

Stealth has become optional at this point in time. Let's get ready.

I quickly loaded my dual pistols and activated automatic mode. This should be enough to wipe them out.

I can hear the footsteps coming closer. I have already positioned myself to shoot as soon as he opens the compartment. I don't have to fear getting shot because I'm bulletproof.

'AI, equip frontal combat equipment.'

'All the equipment has been adjusted to specialize in frontal combat.'

*Click* *Creak*

The door opens. The first thing that greets me is the ugly face of this terrorist.

"Hasta la vista, baby."


I unloaded my shots at him. Poor guy, he did not even have the time to react before being shredded by me. The other terrorists were caught off guard for a moment, but they regained their senses pretty quickly and started shooting me. It seems they are trained, rather than being a ragtag bunch.

I quickly dashed out of the truck, making my way toward the target. I did not bother killing everyone, just those who stood in my way. If the target escapes... Damn, I don't even want to think about the consequences. My first mission will be deemed a failure.

I ran at superspeeds, nearing 70 km/h. I did not even bother with avoiding the path with terrorists now, I only took the shortest route to reach my destination, even if it meant using my momentum to break through walls. It only took me a few moments to reach the target. He looked different than the picture provided by the UN, but the DNA match was 99.99%. It looks like he changed his face after it got leaked to the UN.

He was horrified. I mean, if a weird masked guy was gunning for you at the speed of cars, who wouldn't be? I did not care one bit about his comfort and grabbed his head and started heading towards an open area.

He was being dragged along like a doll. I was worried that he would die because of a spine dislocation so I hurried up. After a few more moments, I reached the roof, with an open sky above. I did not waste time and took off.

While leaving, I did not forget to show a middle finger to the terrorists inside the base, hoping that somebody would see it.

Well, things did not go exactly according to plan, but the results were perfect. All I need to do now is vaporize this place.

I went about a hundred kilometers away from the base. I had already knocked out the target because he was struggling too much, and now I had a peaceful journey.

It also seemed like there were no missiles after me because I have this guy in my hand. Looks like this guy is really important to them.

Finally, after that clusterfuck of an infiltration mission, I have the target in my hands and free reign to blow the fuck out of this base.

If it's not obvious enough by now, the ones who kidnapped Aster belonged to this base. I need to set an example to not harm the ones I care about.

Sorry general Martin, but I'm a bit pissed off now after remembering that these fuckers are the ones who tortured Aster. I'll give you the blueprints of one of my inventions as compensation.

'AI, activate Anti-Matter artillery.'

'Anti-matter artillery activated.'

'Set the target to the enemy's location'

'Target set to North Mexico S.K.Y. base.'


'Please provide keywords for extra security. The artillery will automatically deactivate if keywords are not provided within 60 seconds.'

Oh right, I added that.

"Burn the earth, Crimson Fall."










Half of the world saw a blinding flash from North America. The power of an Anti-Matter missile, which is a thousand times more powerful than a nuke, was shown to the world. The only person who is in sole control of this nightmare-inducing power, is none other than Havien Crimsonwhite.

This day would be remembered as the day of 'Crimson Sun' because the color of light that the world saw, was ironically deep crimson.




Meanwhile, Havien, who just wrote history, was enjoying his explosive art wearing sunglasses from god knows where he got them from.

'Wow... that's neat. I really am a genius to choose a name like Crimson Fall. Burn the earth, Crimson Fall. Damn... I'm getting goosebumps from my own finisher move. I should brag to Aster about it.'