Trial Conference

"The trial of Havien Crimsonwhite will now begin." A man standing on a podium announced.

Havien was right now standing in a very large courtroom. There were a lot of important people bearing witness to this trial, such as the Supreme General, the commander of the Skyfall crusade, the head of the Sanctum laboratory, the lead senator of the council, the head of WHO, the world bank president, and many other people including...

The former head of WHO, Aster Crimsonwhite.

'This motherfucker never told me he was a bigshot too.' Havien thought while glaring at Aster, who tried to feign ignorance and turned his head away.

The trial was regarding Havien's use of weapons of mass destruction, a particularly dangerous one at that. This event was so big that the media from around the world gathered and the trial was being broadcasted live, with over half of the world tuning in. If Havien's existence was only known among a few higher-ups, now the whole world knows about him.

The person in question was dressed in his battle gear, with his mask and wings and stuff instead of a formal suit. It was an indirect way of saying that this is his official uniform, a war unit. The person in charge of Havien's trial walked over and stood in front of him and started his questioning.

"Havien Crimsonwhite, you have deployed a weapon of mass murder at North Mexico, is that correct?"


"Are you aware that you have broken the Non-Nuclear pact made 50 years ago?"


The lawyer smiled and turned his head towards the judge, who was a neutral party hired by the UN.

"Your honor, defendant Havien Crimsonwhite has confessed to all his crimes, and I request you to announce your sentence." The lawyer said.

Havien's lawyer stayed silent and did not say anything. It was at this point that Havien realized that this was all just a farce to please the public and the people in power had already decided to punish him. It was pretty obvious seeing the bitter look the general and Aster had.

'Looks like I have to take the matter into my own hands.'

Havien raised his hand and said,

"May I say something?"

The lawyer responded immediately,

"Only your lawyer has the right to speak here according to the rules of the trial, please consult him if you have any queries."

"Tsk, it's fucking obvious you don't want me to speak, but I will do so anyway." Havien responded in an annoyed tone, which shocked the whole party assembled here, because this is all being broadcasted to the world.

"I do not care whatever sentence you give me, because you guys know damn well I ain't gonna follow it."

"I advise you to take your statement back, such words are worthy of a death sentence." The lawyer responded in a grave tone.

"Oh yeah? Who will kill me? Or rather, who CAN kill me?" Havien responded in an amused tone.

"We will be forced to use firearms against you." The lawyer responded, his tone becoming more flabbergasted as this is going beyond his expectation. Who the fuck denies a public court judgment?

"HAHAHA, firearms? You might as well send the whole army against me and I'll still survive. Don't forget, there is a reason why I am called a one-man unit. I can cause extremely heavy damages, possibly wipe out the whole army before dying. Plus the whole world is aware that I have nukes. You don't want more crimson suns on the land, right?" Havien responded in an exaggerated and mocking tone as if trying to send a message. The people in the trial realized that he is doing this to make his impression on the public.

"I'm pretty sure that you guys don't want to be enemies with me, so why don't we just drop this whole farce of a trial?" Havien finally concluded.

"You are being unfair, Havien Crimsonwhite. How can we let your atrocities go unpunished? The public will not be able to rest easy knowing that someone dangerous like you can do anything without any consequences." The lawyer made his counter-argument, also involving the public.

"So what?"

"Excuse me?"

"I said, so what?"

"...Huh? I said the whole fucking world will hate you!" The lawyer had finally lost it. This trial has gone beyond his expertise.

Havien, seeing this, released a deep sigh and turned his head towards the camera.

"Let me tell you this, about how you should treat me. First of all, I have nukes.

I can use those nukes anywhere, anytime. I have sole control over a shit ton of nukes. You should be aware of what I am implying...

Second, I will play a crucial role in eliminating all the terrorists who are rampaging recently. My role is equal to, or possibly bigger than the commander herself.

Third, I am willing to share a few of my technological advancements with the world, think of it as compensation.

That is all, I hope you have a good day. I'm leaving."

Havien said as he turned around, and started walking to the exit. Just as he turned around though, he heard the sound of a chair being pulled, so he looked back.

He saw Stella Silverdawn also walking towards the exit while saying,

"Now that this useless and completely ineffective trial is over, I have several other things to alter in my initial plan due to Havien's bombing, so I will be taking my leave." She said without looking back. Havien smiled and addressed the whole council,

"See? At least someone is smart enough. I hope you all have a great day and don't bother me with these performances from now on." He said as he pointed his gun at the roof, and shot a charged shot at it. It created a large hole just big enough for Havien to fly through it,

And that's exactly what he did, to give some extra dramatic effect to himself.