The plan of 'death'

A while later, the trial which had gathered almost all the authorities in the world was now turned into an emergency assembly. The people in power knew that they had to do something right this instant to prevent the worst mass panic the world had ever seen. All of what Havien said now made him look even worse than a certain German dictator, and they cursed in their minds at Havien for being so misunderstandable.

The trial started and lasted for 4 hours straight without any breaks. After a long discussion, some under the public eye and some secretly in private using communicators, the lead senator half-assedly concluded the matter, causing the situation to hang by a thread and buying some more time for the UN.

Finally, after a few days, Havien was invited to a private meeting organized by the top echelon.

"Havien, you have now made the whole world your enemy. How will you fix this?" The lead senator asked after everyone was settled.

"Well, the answer is extremely simple, I will die." Havien said it in a nonchalant tone.

All the people present were shocked. From what they knew about Havien, he did not look like someone who is self-sacrificial and would harm his personal interests for the greater good of the world. Had they misunderstood him?

"On the surface, at least. However, I will fake my death and go into hiding." Havien replied a moment later. This answer caused the meeting to fall into a momentary silence as they tried to comprehend the reasons behind this decision.

"Why would you do something that troublesome? Although I can very roughly guess your intentions, I still want to hear them from your mouth." The senator broke the silence as Havien became the center of focus.

"That's fine, I guess. There are multiple reasons why I did what I did. First of all, it's to intimate those terrorists. Those guys don't really fear a competent or powerful person, instead, their biggest nightmare is a crazy lunatic who acts like he has nothing to lose. For example, in a battle, if the opposing side's commander is a genius like Stella Silverdawn, they will be wary and try to bring out their best tactics to achieve victory.

But, if it's me, the first thought in their minds will be 'Fuck this shit, I'm out.' They don't want to mess with an unpredictable lunatic who can nuke them whenever he feels like it.

The second point, after we finish this war, my position is going to get very messy. I probably don't need to elaborate on how I will be treated like radioactive waste by the politicians when peaceful times have come. Thus, my 'death' will ease both the citizens and the politicians alike.

And finally, the third point. My death after the war can lure out the remnants of the terrorists which is unavoidable. They are way too deeply hidden to be wiped out by a crusade, and if left alone, they will grow back like fungi. My death will make them a bit more irrational, and well, that's all I need to clean them up." Havien finished his long prepared speech which caused the politicians to be shocked. Never did they think that the wild and straightforward Havien had planned this far.

"Havien, this is certainly a good idea. But I fail to understand, what do you gain out of this? I know you're no saint, and we will also be more at ease if we know." The senator replied.

"Well, I don't think you'll be able to understand my reasons, but since you asked, I'll tell you." Havien paused for a moment before speaking.

"This world is boring."

"What?" The senator asked in a dumbfounded tone. This guy is living a life grander than Hollywood movies, yet he still has the face to say that?

"I'll say it again, this world is boring. I have done almost everything that interests me in the world. I've pioneered fields of technology, I've invented the things that I wanted to create, and I have made enough contributions to be mentioned in the history books for generations to come. There isn't anything that interests me anymore. As such, I decided that I will spend the rest of my life in retirement, idling by and trying to find something that may interest me a little." Havien said as if he was reciting his woes.

"Is-Is that it?" The senator asked in disbelief.

"Yes? That's it."

"You mean to say that you're announcing your death because there isn't anything worthwhile to do after the war?"


"Haaa~" The senator made a long sigh as he cupped his face in his hands, before announcing that the meeting his concluded. As he sat there in his office, he recalled the farce of a trial that started this whole mess. As he thought deeper, he couldn't help but call Havien from a protected phone,

"The meeting was over just an hour ago, what is it?" The annoyed sound of Havien came out of the receiver's end.

"I just wanted to ask you, did you plan all this from the moment you decided to use a nuke?"

"Well, technically, it's not a nuke but an antimatter bomb, but whatever, as for your question, no, I just nuked it on impulse. I came up with this plan after finding out that this is a fake trial."

"Wow... you really are a monstrous genius to come up with that on the spot and improvise. And what about Stella Silverdawn? it looked like she was aware of your plan and left the farce trial."

"Hmm... To be honest, I don't know what's the deal with her. I did not actually tell her anything, she just left on her own. Maybe she had a bad day?"




Meanwhile, at the residence of the commander, a girl was laying on the bed with her hands clutching her head,

"Haa... to think I would regress back 3 years in time to the 'trial of shame', I have to stop that monster before he matures... Havien the calamity... I will not let you destroy the world."