The Regressor and the Calamity

In the commander's personal lodgings, there was a girl on the study desk hurriedly scribbling on a notebook, as if fearing that she would forget the contents of her mind. Desperation and urgency could be seen in her eyes as she knew what the future had in store for her.

She is Stella Silverdawn, the commander of the Skyfall Crusade, the genius praised worldwide for her abilities at such an unbelievably young age. But now, she has another moniker that no one knows about, she is a regressor who returned three years back in time due to her death and knows about the world-ending calamity which all started the moment she returned.

'Havien Crimsonwhite, the prodigy, the genius, the monster. Nobody really knows the extent of his abilities, and that was one of the reasons the world was caught off guard when disaster struck. No matter what, I have to kill him this time before he creates any of those forbidden weapons which he used to cripple superpowers.' Stella thought as she looked down at her notebook in which there was a detailed timeline regarding the birth of Havien the Calamity.

'The initial aggressors were none other than our own side, the motives being greed and paranoia. When the war on terrorists was over, Havien planned to stage his own death to relieve the masses of their tension and break away cleanly from politics. Looking back, his plan was flawless and it should have been followed word for word, but the people meant to stage his death actually tried to kill him for real, even somehow disabling the communications between Havien and his antimatter bombs using some secret relic of our Silverdawn family.

Nobody else knows this, but the Silverdawn family was in possession of some supernatural means to disable the antimatter bombs by using the first one deployed as an example. The family also had the means to disable most of the weapons of Havien Crimsonwhite which made the UN confident in being able to subdue him. Alas, at the final moment, Havien pulled out a trump card and somehow escaped with his life from the pursuit of an army. He also told the last person who saw him that he is someone who holds grudges and will pay them back.

This scared the conspirators. If they don't capture Havien ASAP, then it will be hell for them. For that, they eventually captured and imprisoned Havien's foster father and threatened to execute him if he didn't surrender. Aster came to an extreme decision inside the prison cell as he did not want to see his son dying because of him.

This was the last straw, as Havien threw everything to abandon and attacked the UN as if he had nothing to lose. He used bizarre and vicious weapons and sought to destroy the UN. Over time, the damages caused by Havien and his powerful weapons became so massive that the world plunged into chaos. He was known for his massive firepower and invincible defenses. Bullets could not penetrate him, missiles could not get close to him, and he could somehow get out of the range of nukes before they could hit him. Some people were so shocked by his abilities that they made a religion out of him. Things only got worse and worse until at last, we killed each other in a final battle. It required almost all the relics of the Silverdawn family to match his might and gain the means of killing him.

Havien Crimsonwhite was a menace to society. He took down with him the UN, the Silverdawn family, more than half of the world's superpowers, and countless small countries. The price was too heavy to be worth it.'

Stella then set down her notebook and exited her room. She started walking towards her office to do some work and also to wait for Havien to tell her his plans to 'die'. She reached her office, sat down in her chair, and started doing some paperwork all the while waiting for the knocks on her door.

'I just need to act natural now. I cannot let Havien get suspicious of me.'

A few moments later,

*Knock knock*

"It's Havien Crimsonwhite."

"Come in."

'This is it.'

The door opened, and a young boy wearing a mask walked in. He was dressed in his battle attire for reasons unknown, perhaps he was wary of people around him due to the trial conference, attacking him while thinking for the greater good of the world.

"I've come in regard to the trial conference that occurred a few days ago and my future plans of solving the problem I caused." Havien said while looking at Stella.

"Mn. Go ahead, I also want this problem to be solved as soon as possible. I trust you have some methods of dealing with it if you caused it in the first place."

"Well, okay then, hear me out. But before that..." Havien gazed into the eyes of Stella for a few moments before saying,

"Who are you?"




Stella was shocked. For a few extremely short moments, her fingers stopped typing out the document she was working on, before quickly regaining her calm and asking,

"What do you mean?"

"No, it's just... how can I explain it... you give me a little different vibe than the Stella I've seen before. It's like my instincts telling me you are not the same person I used to know. Tell me, did something happen?"

Stella gazed at Havien for a few moments before Havien replied,

"Oh, it's fine if it's something personal. You don't need to tell me."

Stella gazed down at the document she was working on and sighed for a moment.

"No, it's nothing personal. Your actions on the day of the trial caused me an immense amount of stress and a few sleepless nights, which may have affected my whole outlook on this thing... That's probably why I may not seem as positive as before."

"Oh... So that's it, sorry about that. Now let me tell you my plan so you could have a nice sleep tonight." Havien said as he started reciting the whole plan he said at the meeting. Stella sat there and listened quietly.

"I believe your plan is the best solution we can work with. I will support you in this." Stella said after listening to the whole thing. Havien then bid her goodbye and Stella was alone in her office again.

*tak* She closed her laptop and clutched her head,

'HOW THE FUCK ARE HIS SENSES SO GOOD?! If I had not made a valid reason and brushed it off, he definitely would have been suspicious. The one thing I know is that Havien trusts his heaven-defying instincts more than his genius logical brain. That's what allowed him to survive last time. I need to be more careful and keep my cards close to me.'


Meanwhile, Havien was returning to his lodgings while thinking about his talk with Stella. However much it doesn't make sense, he felt that there was something really off about her. For some reason, he felt hostile intentions toward him from her. Maybe what he said in the trial made her consider him a dangerous person.

'Well, what can she do anyway? I'm too important right now. Let's think about eradicating the terrorists first now that I have forcefully obtained permission to literally vaporize their bases.

Ah, I pity the planet's ecosystem after what I'm about to do...'