The Inevitable Fallout

Months have passed by.

Havien has followed his plan faithfully and struck terror in the hearts of both the terrorists and his own allies. Nobody wants to touch this impulsive, trigger-happy lunatic who will blow up people without feeling the slightest bit of remorse.

Everything was going perfectly. Havien would also indulge in creating new weapons for which he has plenty of test subjects to test on, and Stella would lead the rest of the army to clean up after Havien. A twisted but efficient cycle. It didn't take long for 80% of the main force of the terrorists to be wiped out.

However, this was only from the external point of view. Who knew what undercurrents were brewing? The first and the most obvious one was that there seemed some sort of friction between Havien Crimsonwhite and Stella Silverdawn. True, they did not get along very well earlier, but they at least cooperated nicely. Nowadays, it seems that they do not talk to each other unless it was extremely critical or necessary.

Aster bugged Havien about this while he was playing some video games during his free time.

"Why are you so cold towards that lad these days? Is it your puberty hitting and making you feel special ways towards her?" Aster teased Havien while making a knowing smile.

"Eww, Disgusting. Never make that face again. And no, it's definitely not because of that. How do I say this... She kinda makes me feel uncomfortable around her. Something like triggering my danger sense. I feel like I should be wary of her and stay away from her. I don't really know how to explain it. Just think of it as my sixth sense screaming at me saying 'This bitch is bad news.'" Havien gave a lengthy explanation while sometimes stuttering in his own words.

Havien himself was very confused as to why does he feel this way. On one part, his logical brain is saying that he's being an ass by avoiding her, while his instincts are screaming to stay away from her.

This conflict has now just led Havien to maintain an awkward distance from her.

Meanwhile, Stella was also not faring well. She knew about Havien's heaven-defying instincts and she can obviously notice that those same instincts have led to Havien maintaining a distance from her. She knew that if she forcibly closed the distance, it would only worsen the situation and feed Havien's suspicions. At this level, his instincts can literally be called a quasi-superpower.

'I have to maintain this distance at least until the war ends. I absolutely cannot let Havien survive during his staging of death. He will be at his most vulnerable at that time as he has to put on a convincing performance. If he somehow catches a hint on how I'm going to kill him... There will be no second chances. I will be the one to die when the time comes.

I also cannot allow Havien to successfully implement his fake death plan. It all sounds nice and dandy, but from what I have seen, he is a mentally deranged person who is a psychopathic thrill seeker. I have seen him take countless human lives, many innocent ones, with zero guilt. If he lives outside the radar of the UN, who knows what cataclysmic experiments he will conduct in a secret lab due to his boredom.'

She sighed as she lay down on the bed, hoping that those traumatizing nightmares about the days of calamity and Havien's terror will not wake her up in the middle of the night. She had to kill him. She absolutely had to kill him. For her sake, for the world's sake.




The day has finally come.

The conspiracies in the background have borne fruit.

The Silverdawn family has also joined in on this, and this time they have invested more heavily due to Stella's urgings and her saying that she would personally participate.

This naturally shocked both the Silverdawn and the conspirators. What they thought was a children's fight due to hormones running wild was actually a cold-blooded hatred to death. But they did not reject her, because she was Stella Silverdawn, the genius of the Silverdawn family.

She was born with an abnormal level of intelligence which allowed her to learn things very quickly. It was to the level where it was hard to believe that it was even humanly possible. As she was part of the Silverdawn family, she was trained in their esoteric secret arts which had allowed her physique and martial ability to be superhuman as well. This was something that had shocked even the Silverdawns themselves. After all, there was no one ever born in their family before who could actually train their secret arts at all. The only reason they didn't throw it away was because it was an ancient relic that came from their ancestors.

So, coupled with the supernatural relics of her family and her own experience with killing him last time, she was all ready to go.


Meanwhile, Havien was also raring to go. The raid this time was different from the rest. He cannot depend on his weapons a lot this time.

Since the day of Havien's announcement, he had portrayed himself as invincible with his weapons, so if the UN managed to 'kill' him at his peak state, it is bound to cause suspicions. So, the very reasonable excuse prepared is that it was somehow leaked that Havien's weapons were undergoing maintenance and will be down for 3 hours.

So, this time, he had to rely on the martial prowess which has been drilled into him ever since he was literally born.

Many people may forget, but Havien's origins are a secret lab inside which almost no one knows what goes on. There are all kinds of experiments going on there, some humane and some crossing the line slightly, but not completely mad doctor style.

Such 'unbound' researchers, had to make a person 'strong' without harming his long-term health using drugs, so you could imagine that Havien was trained extensively in various environments and his limits were pushed again and again. Havien was born with a monstrous physique and brains, so he went through that training and even went above and beyond, shocking the researchers.

It may seem that Havien and Stella are extremely similar, but that is not the case. Stella grew up in the house of Silverdawn, all the while making her name famous throughout the world. Naturally, she grew up interacting with a lot of types of people. Meanwhile, Havien was locked up in a lab with pretty much anti-social researchers, and he devoted most of his time to study and research. His first proper human interaction was literally with Aster, his now foster father back when he was 7 years old.

In short words, Stella is an all-rounded genius, whether it be in science, arts, literature, etc. She learned quickly and excelled at it, she was also good at interacting with people and had high social skills. Meanwhile, Havien developed to be a monster in the field of maths and science. He was unmatched in his pure logical brainpower and his intelligence surpassed supercomputers. But, this came at a price as he was pretty much bad at everything else. He did not have social skills, he was not that good at the things he wasn't good at already. But he can learn, just that he has never even tried to.

In really short words, Stella has both EQ and IQ, while Havien purely has IQ, but surpasses Stella.

And there will be a showdown between these geniuses.