Origin of powers

"This power... I think I figured it out." Havien mumbled as he floated in front of Stella, while he seemed lost trying to figure out the sensation in his hands.

'It's the fucking elixirs from which I was made of. From the lab reports, the elixirs which they used to make me were crimson and white in color. So that means, it was not humanity that created human life, but these elixirs which actually did it. In that case, Stella must be...' Havien thought as he looked at Stella deeply.

Stella had her guard up as she awaited Havien's attack. She knew things have gotten a lot worse ever since Havien awakened his own superpower.

Surprisingly, Havien said to her,

"Your power, it's the power of the elixir your ancestor consumed and has been passed down your lineage, before the elixir chose you and gave you powers surpassing that of your great ancestor. I'm right, aren't I?" Havien said to her haughtily.

Stella was shocked, she never expected that Havien would figure out the secret of Silverdawn's hegemony, but she kept a calm facade and replied.

"So what? That has nothing to do with the reason I want to kill you."

"Hah, you naive bitch, now that it's basically confirmed that you are extremely similar to me, do you think you're gonna live long?" Havien said before grandly gesturing with his hands.

"After all, monsters get hunted after their use is over. Your virtues and morality do not matter."

Stella went silent at this remark before she started laughing loudly. Havien was confused for a second before she clarified,

"I never knew that the greatest genius could be this dumb, let me ask you, who would dare to offend the Silverdawns just to get rid of a potential danger? No matter which country tries, if they are successful, the downfall of their country is guaranteed. That is the power Silverdawns gathered over the past 1000 years of history."

"As for you," Stella said as she pointed her twin swords at Havien,

"It will be all over once you're dead." She said as she conjured multiple lava bullets before firing at Havien.

Havien just smiled at the approaching lava bullets as they disintegrated as soon as they came in contact with his body.

"You can't kill me now, Stella. You lost the capability to do that a few seconds ago. Now, watch this."

Havien had realized that whatever comes in direct contact with him will get corrupted if he so wishes, so he went in for a good ol' punch in the face to seal the deal.

Stella had expected this and she reacted by condensing the water molecules present in the air into ice and blocking that attack. Havien did not give up as he infused his feet with the corruption 'element' and went for a counterattack kick. Stella responded by instinctively blocking with her sword until she realized in horror the grave error she made.

"Jackpot." Havien whispered menacingly as he tried to corrupt the sword.

However, to both their surprise, the sword remained intact.

'So it doesn't work against relics. Damn it.' Havien thought as he backed away, meanwhile, Stella had a better grasp on the situation.

"The twin swords are a relic made up of the elixir by my ancestor. That means that Havien cannot corrupt things made up of elixir, and with this logic, I'm also probably invincible from that freakish superpower." Stella thought as she made a plan in her mind utilizing this gap of information.

Havien was also planning his next moves with this newfound information, in his mind, he had to be careful of the relics as they had probably powered up after Stella's awakening. He just has to land a clean hit on her to finish her.

Stella rushed forward towards Havien with both her twin swords. Havien also adopted a battle-ready posture and got ready to counterattack.

The twin swords attacked Havien in a flurry, he was having a hard time getting a chance to hit Stella. It seemed as if her physical prowess had also increased after her awakening.

But, so did Havien's. After a tricky exchange, he somehow neutralized one of the twin swords. Havien charged his full power of corruption on his fist as he punched Stella.

The fist was approaching Stella, but, to Havien's surprise, she did not defend it with the sword in her other hand. She instead, took the full blow of Havien's corrupted punch.

A moment passed in silence. Havien expected her to 'disappear', but, much to his dismay, she smiled.

It was a damn beautiful smile, mesmerizing enough to kill. But to Havien, it was quite literally a killer smile. He watched with horror, as his chest was wide open, and a blade pierced through the heart.

"Ah... Damn it..." Havien said as he fell down on the ground, but he did not immediately die. He has a vitality comparable to a cockroach, it would take a few moments for him to die.

But he would die no matter what now.

Stella solemnly looked at Havien who was losing a lot of blood every second. Blood was flowing down from behind his mask as it dyed his neck red. His breathing was erratic and slow, there was no doubt that he only got a few minutes left.

"Ah... Fuck.... It hurts..." Havien mumbled in a low voice.

"Of course it hurts, that's the most painful part about dying. It hurts like a bitch." Stella said as she sat down beside Havien, after she had confirmed there was no threat from him now.

"You....." Havien muttered as looked towards Stella.

"What?" Stella replied pathetically.

"Fuck...you....." Havien muttered.

"Pft, you're dying and you still got time to swear me off." Stella replied in a happy mood, after all, her trauma is dead, and her revenge is complete.

"mask...remove.....my eyes.... hurt...." Havien mumbled while looking at Stella. He knew that he was dying, and he wanted to see the blue sky without the filter of his mask's analysis.

Stella complied, after all, while she may hate the guy, she was also secretly curious as to what he looked like. It is said that only Aster and the people of the lab have seen him maskless.

Stella carefully removed the mask as she saw Havien's face.

"Wow, you're damn handsome. I wonder why you hid it for so long." Stella exclaimed in surprise. Havien's face, which was already comparable to the hottest people on the planet, was now leagues above them, with his heterochromatic and beautiful eyes.

"To prevent..... bitches like you... from seeing....." Havien replied as he now gazed at the sky. It was a blue sky, with a bit of cloud and with overall pleasant weather. He smiled self-depreciatingly, it seemed as if the heavens are celebrating his death.

"Why... did you kill me?" Havien asked the one question. After all, this was one of the things which haunted him the most. A seemingly sound person turned mentally deranged and became hell-bent on killing him, even giving bullshit reasons from something like fantasy stories.

"Exactly the reason I told you before. I know it sounds unbelievable but it's the truth. Let me elaborate on the details..." Stella proceeded to tell in detail about the happenings of her past life. Havien quietly listened to it, and after some point believed her story to be the truth as it made a lot of sense.

Finally, Havien replied,

"So it was inevitable... but.... I still hate you, bitch..... fuck you....." Havien replied. If what she said was true, then even if she didn't attack Havien today, a fallout would have been inevitable due to the fear of the UN towards Havien.

This confrontation had to happen, one way or another. You could say it's fate, but there's no denying this fact.

'Ah..... I wanted to live more... I wanted people to accept me..... I never wished for a normal life, but I still wanted to live as a human, not a monster...Well, I guess this is where it ends....'

Havien turned to look at Stella, and said in a calm voice,

"My last wish..... Take care of Aster." Havien said as he looked towards Stella pleadingly. Even though it disgusted him to no end to beg his enemy, he couldn't let Aster suffer the consequences of the hate directed toward him.

"I swear that no harm will befall Sir Aster Crimsonwhite." Stella said in a solemn voice as she seriously intended to fulfill it. Aster was a good man who doesn't deserve the hate directed towards him. She will ask her family to protect him from that mess.

Right as she was about to walk away, she heard Havien say,

"I guess..... you can't fulfill it."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Look... up....."

As Stella turned her head towards the sky, she saw a black dot coming straight toward them. After staring for a few seconds, she screamed,


"HahahahaARGH*cough*cough*.... die with me... monster....." Havien said with a bright smile as he saw Stella going hysterical about why is she getting killed and screaming that she doesn't want to die so young again.

Havien had a truly happy face. The bitch who thought too highly of herself is gonna die a pathetic death at the hands of the only organization more powerful than the Silverdawns, the United Nations.

Havien closed his eyes as the nuke landed, vaporizing both Stella and Havien, along with the relics and all the stuff around a few kilometers in radius.




But as they thought everything was over, a cheerful voice was heard by both of them,

"Welcome to the Earth's Afterlife, Gaia Wielders!"