'God' and Gaia Wielders

"Welcome to the Earth's Afterlife, Gaia Wielders!" A cheerful voice sounded out inside the pitch-black darkness both Havien and Stella were in.

"I'm... alive?" The confused voice of Stella rang out in the darkness.

"Me too," Havien replied to Stella, who was equally confused about the current situation. As common sense would dictate it, they should've been dead, yet they were still able to talk to each other.

"Oh, I guess I should do this to make you feel comfy." The cheerful voice sounded before a snap of fingers was heard.

Havien and Stella opened their eyes to find an aesthetic office room with a table and 3 chairs, two on one side and a big one on the other side. On the big chair was a completely normal-looking boy, around 10 years of age, wearing a suit and drinking coffee.

"Once again, I welcome you, Gaia Wielders, to the Afterlife of Earth. You two just died to a nuke back on Earth, so now you are here, in front of me."

"Who are you?" Stella asked as she looked at the boy with wariness.

"I am the god of this Earth, a more appropriate title will be an interdimensional manager assigned to take care of the affairs of this Earth dimension. Right now I understand you are thoroughly confused, so I'm willing to answer your questions patiently."

"Well then, I'll exercise that privilege. Why are we here? What is 'Gaia Wielders' and why do you call us that? What do you mean by 'interdimensional manager'?" Havien thought carefully before asking these questions. He knew by now that he had died and this is the afterlife. Furthermore, he knew that there was something special about both Stella and him by the words of the 'god'.

"Easy now, I'll answer them all. First off, I'll tell you about the multiverse and the infinite dimensions.

The Earth you know is one of the infinite worlds present throughout the multiverse. In reality, there is an uncountable number of worlds present throughout the multiverse. Each of them exists in a different dimension, and in almost all cases, they don't interact with each other.

You can understand this by an example. Take the multiverse as the literature of your planet. There is an uncountable number of different worlds with different stories in different novels. The stories in those novels are almost all cases not interacting with the stories of different novels by different authors. They are independent and complete by themselves, but they can still be labeled under the term 'literature'.

Similarly, there are independent and completely different worlds present throughout the multiverse. They can be a fantasy of swords and magic, sci-fi in a cyberpunk world, martial arts and cultivation of Eastern fantasy, systems and dungeons of web novels, and a lot more.

Now, onto my title. I am an interdimensional manager, one of the very few rare existences who can interact with different dimensions and have the power to play 'god'. I know that this description will make you more wary of me, but that is who I am. Usually, I don't interfere with the world's affairs, but sometimes in special circumstances, it becomes necessary.

In reality, I have never interfered with your world in the past before now. After all, this Earth is a VERY low-tier dimension that does not even have an original form of power or power systems. In high-tier dimensions such as the cultivation worlds or the fantasy magic worlds, they have their own original source of power called 'mana' or 'qi' while your Earth has none. That's why I am capable of exerting my authority. In those high-tier worlds, it is completely impossible for a manager to interfere in the affairs of the world. They just make sure their world does not face an external threat.

Now, that's enough about me, it's time to move on to you guys, the Gaia Wielders.

I'll be honest, even I'm not that knowledgeable on this subject. First of all, there are mysterious objects called Gaia in the multiverse, and the wielders of the very same object are called Gaia Wielders. Gaia's are known to exist from the beginning of existence, and there are multiple Gaias present throughout the multiverse, but no one knows how many. Gaias choose their wielders and grant them special abilities, which are unique and special throughout even the different worlds. Gaia wielders, on the other hand, are also special existences who have been chosen by a Gaia and who can use their abilities. Their level of power isn't consistent, sometimes they live and die as normal people, or sometimes they grow powerful enough to affect the whole multiverse. On a side note, they are also existences that can interact with different worlds.

You guys are the same Gaia wielders, and lucky for you, I know a little bit about your Gaias.

Let's start with Stella Silverdawn, your Gaia is a top-tier Gaia among other Gaias called the Affinity Gaia. This Gaia is a supremely powerful one that can give a person extremely high affinity towards every single type of law or energy to ever exist. The reason why you were able to control the world at your will was because the Gaia gave you affinity towards the laws of the Earth and also because it is a very low-tier dimension not requiring that much power to control in the first place.

Throughout the records, there is never a single existence who has completely awakened this Gaia, but there was one person who awakened your Gaia partially. That person was your ancestor, who wanted to live and die as a human, so he came to this Earth and somehow found the method to pass down the Gaia in an unawakened form. You can't understand how unbelievable that is. He even created those things you call 'relics' which have a trace of that Gaia.

You are the first person ever to completely awaken that Gaia.

Now, Havien Crimsonwhite. You are an existence that even baffles me, the first reason for that being you possessing TWO Gaias. It has never even been thought possible for someone to possess not one, but two Gaias. Moreover, the origins of those Gaias are a mystery even to me. They just sneaked in my dimension, in the form of an asteroid without me knowing. Also, one of the Gaias you possess is called the Abyssal Gaia.

Not much is known about the Abyssal Gaia, because there is no one who has ever earned the acceptance of this Gaia, even partially, and it has only been forcefully used once by a person using a special method after which his existence was erased as a backlash. However, it is known to have fearsome powers of Chaos and corruption.

Your second Gaia, on the other hand, is very well known. It is called the Potential Gaia, which raises your potential in everything. Ironically, despite it being known the most, it is one of the weakest Gaias in comparison as it does not have its own special power. It has had countless users throughout time, and the general ability common in all is that it increases the talent and potential of a person in whatever powers he possesses. It is like a degraded version of Affinity Gaia, while Affinity Gaia gives affinity in all energy and laws present throughout the multiverse, Potential Gaia only increases the potential you already possess. This Gaia can become either trash or a treasure depending upon the one using it. It all depends on you to utilize it.

Now, that's it about Gaias. Finally, about why I have brought you here, the reason is actually simple. It's because your existence is way too high level to remain on that Earth.

Originally, there was supposed to be no superpower on the planet you guys lived in, but Stella's ancestor created those relics and was already pushing the limits. But then you came, Stella. You used those relics to their full potential and even utilized a high-level power such as a Gaia to reverse time and trigger your regression. After that, you completely awakened your Gaia and stimulated Havien to awaken his own. Both of your levels of existence had surpassed the limits of this world, and you guys would have died and regressed back in time, just to fight again.

This fight would have gone on for a long time until eventually the whole dimension would have destabilized and imploded. That's why, instead of triggering your regression, I brought you here, fully conscious in the Afterlife a.k.a, my domain."

Both Stella and Havien were completely silent, slowly digesting this information dump. The multiverse, the Gaias, and special powers were a lot to take in. Eventually, after a few minutes of sorting their thoughts, they coincidentally spoke together,

"What now?"

The god, who was drinking some tea, smiled at their question.

"Aha, the question I was waiting for. Now, just as you have read in countless fantasy books, I will transfer you to a different world. Furthermore, I will also let you choose which type of world you want to reincarnate in. Whether it be a magic world, cultivation world, or any other type of world. Take your time and choose."

"I have a personal question before I choose." Havien asked the god after contemplating for a bit.

"Ask away."

"What will happen to Earth now? More importantly, how's Aster Crimsonwhite doing?"

"Oh? Do you mean the future of your world? That's easy, now that you guys are gone, I can see what will happen."

The god closed his eyes for a few seconds, Stella's attention was also caught by this question and she too was anticipating the answer.

"Hmm... You guys don't need to worry that much. The world will be at peace and you guys will be remembered in honor. Aster Crimsonwhite started a campaign against the UN after they killed you to demand justice and bring out the truth of the whole matter. The story of your innocence reached the public and caused a worldwide protest for which the UN had to apologize and many leaders had to resign and serve time. After the campaign was successful, Aster opened an orphanage in your name and lived the rest of his days in peace.

The Silverdawns also had to face heavy repercussions as they were also in on this plan.

As for the terrorists, the UN was enough to handle the leftovers so you don't need to worry."

Havien breathed a sigh of relief, he was happy that Aster was able to find peace after his death and also lived his life in peace. He did not care about his honor and fame that much but he was still happy to find out that people began respecting him after his death.

On the other hand, Stella was also happy that she managed to save the world from the terrible future she experienced. She felt that she had succeeded in the arduous mission she gave her life for.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. I think you should both discuss which world you want to go to because I can only transfer you both to a single world."

At this statement, both Havien's and Stella's mind was blown as they shouted at the same time,


Being in the same world was the last thing they wanted,

"Hey god, how the fuck do you think I'll be able to tolerate the existence of a bitch like her in my world?"

"Same here. You expect me to live my days knowing a psychotic bastard like him exists somewhere in my world?"

"OI bitch! I don't wanna hear an emotionally unstable fucker like you calling me psychotic."

"Yeah? Well, tough luck psycho 'cause you don't even have emotions."

"fuck you"

"no, fuck YOU."

"Oh, you wanna throw hands again?"

"Bring it, psycho boy. I beat your ass once and I can do it again."

"OKAY, CALM DOWN. Geez, stop fighting. That's why I hate kids. Even though I can't put you into different worlds, I can put you into one big enough so you may never meet again. You can just forget about the other person's existence. What do you think?"

"Well... if I can never meet this bitch again, it's fine with me."

"Same here. This way is better for both of us."

"Okay then, tell me which world you want to go to."

Both Havien and Stella replied at the same time.

"A world of swords and magic."

"Oh? I'm curious. May I ask why?"

"Well, I have already studied enough physics and science for a lifetime, so no sci-fi world and magic just sounds like a cool and a new topic for me to study. Furthermore, if the cultivation worlds are similar to what I have read in stories, the people there are less than human scum. I don't want to live there." Replied Havien.

"Similar reason here. The cultivation world is filled with scum and in a sci-fi world Havien will sooner or later rule the world. A fantasy world sounds relaxing and fun." Stella also gave her reason. She did not say the other reason that she would have an absolute advantage with her Gaia in a fantasy world.

"Well then, close your eyes and relax, you will be reborn soon." The god said as he snapped his fingers.

Darkness enveloped both of them, and they were soon reborn.